《Path Of The Cultured Uncultured One》Chapter 26


Löké stood up and faced Tirips. She was much shorter than him, so she needed to look up to stare into his eyes. Tirips was covered in blue, and Löké was surrounded by a purple aura. And as the two stared at each other, the ground around them cracked.

Tirips: So it means this one is the true Yang...

Löké: It seems so...

Tirips: But I was told you would come once he finished his contract.

Löké: And I was told you would come once he had already reached Body Reinvigoration 5.

Tirips: What could the higher-ups be up to? Mixing things up to such an extent...

Löké: What's up with Yang? He seems to be unconscious.

Tirips: He took a large dose of magical beast blood through his injuries.

Löké: But that wouldn't have this kind of effect.

Tirips: Yes, but that dose was amplified by a Brown Eyed Bear's lightning.

Löké: Wow, he is kite lucky, not many would survive that, and the benefits would be great at his current level.

Tirips: Now that you have seen him, you may go; he still needs to do many things.

Löké: You just took the words out of my mouth.

Tirips used his tail to slap Löké as hard as he could, instantly sending her flying. She demolished dozens of trees before she finally reached the ground. She had a tiny red stain on her face where she was hit, but nothing serious. She was about to dash back, but she noticed Tirips, who was flying towards her at a high velocity and collided with her, but Löké completely nullified Tirips' force and smashed him onto the ground.

Tirips hit Löké away using his tail and used his wings to thrust himself up in order to stand up. Once he was standing, he dashed after Löké, who just started running back at him. The two punched the other, but Löké's fist phased through Tirips' body, while Tirips' hand collided with Löké. Löké was about to fall, but Tirips grabbed her leg with his tail and spun her around.


Löké grabbed Tirips tail while being spun around, and she pulled her right fist back. The muscles on her right arm bulged, and her fist gained a purple aura, then she punched Tirips. Tirips was about to step back, but someone grabbed both of their heads and smashed them into one another.

???: Stop playing like children!

Tirips: Who the... oh it's you... Maid.

Tirips and Löké tried to look at the person who held them together, but their heads were pushed together with a strength which they couldn't overcome.

Löké: What...

Before she could have finished her sentence, their heads were smashed into the ground and then pulled out and let go. So they turned around, and the person who stopped them was the woman who Yang met before Tirips' dungeon opened. This time the woman had red sunglasses with blue lenses, and she also had a towel on her shoulder.

Löké: So, why did you come here?

Maid: I don't think you are permitted to fight. But I could arrange a meeting, but I don't think you would be welcomed there, for your lack of strength and low status.

Löké: No... No need, thank you!

Maid: You know what your job is, don't screw it up! Otherwise, I don't think you will have a pleasant time.

Tirips: But why...

The maid vanished and didn't listen to what Tirips wanted to say, so the two of them were left with many questions.

Löké: It is great that we are the ones who are supposed to teach and enlighten Yang, but not even we know what is going on.

Tirips: I agree.

Löké: Let's take him to my place and go with my task.

Tirips: No, we can not! We must finish mine first. Even his quest says he needs "Contract" first!

Löké: Let's go back to him, and then let's decide!

Tirips: Alright...

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