《Path Of The Cultured Uncultured One》Chapter 15


Yang wanted to turn around, but Tirips punched him on the head, sending him flying. Yang was blasted through all of the pillars and crashed into the wall. The next thing he noticed was that Tirips grabbed his leg and threw him across the other line of pillars, completely destroying them.

Tirips: I thought you were stronger; it seems I was lied to,

Tirips walked to Yang, who was on the ground and vomiting blood. Tirips stopped next to him and raised his tail to deliver a fatal blow to Yang's head, but his tail was blocked by one of Yang's swords, then he unleashed a swift trust with his other blade aimed at Tirips' neck. Tirips wanted to block the trust, but instead, he cut the blade of the swords with his fingers.

Tirips: See? I told you.

Yang rolled forward and wanted to use his other sword, but he realised that it was not him who stopped Tirips tail, but Tirips himself because that sword was almost cut into two as well.

Yang: Now I understand. You are a true beast beyond comprehension.

Yang regained his blue aura around him and rushed at Tirips, who stood still without moving. Once Yang got close enough, he thrust his tail at him; but it was caught by Yang, who then wanted to throw him, but he wasn't strong enough. So alternatively, Tirips spun his tail around, dragging Yang along with it, then sending him into the devastated pillar.

Yang stood up and inspected his hands, for they had two very deep cuts. However, grabbing the sharp tail of Tirips proved to be a dangerous idea.

Yang: It seems to survive; one must suffer quite a bit. I didn't want to use this because it was more like a suicide than a helpful thing.


Yang's veins swollen up, and the blue aura around him got thicker and shined stronger.

Yang: I will defeat you no matter what; I have to go back to my family! Even if I have to suffer, I will do it!!

Tirips: I doN't quite get what you are talking about, but I want to get it done as fast as possible, so less talk and more action!

Tirips kicked off, and Yang followed him. The two unleashed a powerful punch at one another, and they didn't block the incoming one; they focused on delivering their own attack.

After the attack, Yang was blasted backwards, but Tirips slid back slightly. The moment he was able to stop himself, Yang rushed back at Tirips and repeated his previous attack, which ended in him being blasted away.

He repeated this tactic over and over again, but the more he was hit, the less effect Tirips punches had on him, until one time. After being blasted back, a sudden wind erupted from him, and with newer strength, kicked off.

Tirips: He just made a breakthrough in the middle of a fight... He is not bad.

That breakthrough made a big difference. Yang was no longer blasted away after every impact, but it meant that he was under a constant barrage of punches coming from Tirips.

Tirips: Fascinating!

The moment he said that, he changed the way he was attacking; instead of punching, he started using his sharp fingers and started slicing Yang. Yang was cut over and over again on his chest, stomach, face, hands and shoulders.

Tirips noticed that he couldn't cut his bones for some reason, used his tail and trusted it through Yang's stomach and kicked him away. The pierced Yang vomited blood once again, and once he looked up at Tipris, his eyes started to bleed, along with his nose.


Yang stood up but instantly fell and kneeled down. He was shaking and tried to push his body up but to no avail. The more he struggled, the more he started shaking, but he managed to stand up. He couldn't see anything, but he had to defeat Tirips; that was his ultimate goal.

Yang: I will not give up; even if my body breaks, I will go forward! I must survive and win!

Yang started stumbling forward, slowly, falling almost many times. Tirips walked up to him and wanted to end his life, but Yang delivered a devastating punch to his mouth, which sent him sliding back; he carved the ground as he slid and was shocked.

Tirips: What just happened? How could he have this much strength in him? A few minutes ago, I couldn't even feel his punches, but now, I actually felt this one.

Tirips looked back at Yang, who was about to fall, but instead, he kicked off and delivered an even more powerful punch, but this time Tirips blocked it and returned a kick.

Yang slid back, stayed standing, but once he wanted to take a step forward, he fell.

Yang: It seems this is as long as I can g... NO, I can not let this beast stop me! I must go back! I couldn't finish what I had promised!

Yang extended his arm at the last moment, and he pushed himself back up. He was barely breathing but kept on going. Tirips started noticing something strange the moment Yang managed t stop himself from falling. The thing he noticed was Yang's glow. Yang's skeleton started growing with such luminosity that it was visible through his skin.

Yang dashed forward with a blast that damaged the ground and punched the chest of Tirips, sending him flying straight into the wall on the other side of the room. The wall was demolished with a loud crash, and a smaller room was located beyond the ruined wall.

Yang: D-did...I...beat..him?

Tirips: What a magnificent display of physical strength and willpower. Worthy... to be called "Master of spirit".

Tirips appeared in front of Yang and blocked a punch coming from Yang.

Tirips: Let's end this fight, shall we?

Tirips' body turned into some kind of liquid and wrapped around Yang, and started entering his body through his nose, mouth and injuries.

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