《Path Of The Cultured Uncultured One》Chapter 13


After the maid of higher beings left, both Mig and Yang were left speechless and shocked.

Yang: What...just happened?

Mig: I-I don't know... she was terrifying.

Yang: I think I will go out for some fresh air.

Mig: I think I will do that too.

Both of them went outside, but they were shocked once again, for the snow in a large circle around their area had vanished.

Yang: What the...

A thin crack in space appeared right next to Yang, which was only visible from its front. A black hand emerged from the stated crack and grabbed Yang's head then Yang was pulled into the crack. As he was pulled in, he found himself falling in darkness, and soon he landed on the floor of some sort of room of a giant building. He "softened" his fall with his head and stayed on the ground.

Yang: Hello again, ground... I "missed" you so much.

After making that sarcastic statement, Yang stood up, dusted himself and looked around. He was in a colossal throneroom filled with statues and pillars. There were four types of statues around the room. One type was naked; it had no armour or weapons. They were faceless statues of different sizes; they stood near the nearest two pillars as if they were soldiers. There were a total of sixteen of them.

Another type was the ones with armour and weapon. They used spears and short swords but no shield. They formed a line on the two sides of the room. Their number was twelve.

As for the following type, they were giants standing next to the throne. They were at least four times higher than Yang; they had no armour and used giant hammers. This group had only two members. As for the last one, that one was the monarch himself, sitting on his throne. This one had a sculptured face with a long and dense moustache. The ruler had two blades next to his throne and was no armour on him. The monarch also had a sad expression and seemed to be looking at his swords.

Yang: What is this place? If it is a dungeon... does that mean I have to beat the boss to win or something like that? Does that mean I have to defeat the ruler?


Yang stepped forward, and at the exact moment, all members of the armourless, weaponless group turned their heads towards Yang.

Yang: Oh fffuuuck!!

The statues started marching towards Yang, so he decided to rush to the nearest and try breaking its head. Yang punched its head, but it didn't break.

Yang: I didn't put enough strength into it, damn!

Yang wanted to pull his fist back, but the statue grabbed his fist and, with ha swift swung; the statue almost smashed Yang into the floor, but Yang landed on his legs and repeated the statue's move, and it broke into pieces on the floor, except for its hand.

Yang broke off the hand from his wrist then rolled away because another two of his opponents wanted to deliver an attack. Yang stood up right after the roll and used the arm of the destroyed statue as a blunt weapon, shattering it and the nearest soldier's head.

Yang: I can't take them lightly; they are extreme... how strong will the monarch be??!!

Yang delivered a devastating blow to the next statue's head, destroying it and tearing off the skin of his left fist. His hand was bleeding, and he had no other choice but to follow his instinct and grab his injured hand. What an unfortunate action. Another statue used this opportunity and punched Yang in the stomach.

Yang slid back and coughed blood, and kneeled down. The previous attacker marched over to him and wanted to punch him again, but Yang jumped up and uppercut him with his injured hand, sending its head flying upwards.


Yang didn't have much time to rest, for the soldiers surrounded him, and they prepared to eliminate him. Yang destroyed another one with his injured hand, but he had to duck down because numerous fists were sent at him. But he was soon kicked away with strength so great that he hit the wall.

He didn't hesitate and launched himself from the wall and used his momentum the destroy three statues. He was still using his previously injured hand, so it had no skin, only flesh. His battered robe was drenched in blood, but he was focused on surviving.

The last eight punched him almost at the same time, so Yang was blown backwards again. He coughed blood again but dashed back at his opponents. He took them down, but in the process, he used his left hand and at the end, his blue bones were visible clearly.


Yang: Hah... It seems my bones are truly blue. Hahaha... now that the warm-up round is over, here comes the second round.

All of the second group's members pointed their weapons at Yang, and they started marching towards him, but they were much faster than the previous ones.

Yang searched for a spear wielder and attacked it. The soldier took three of Yang's punches head-on, but thanks to its armour, its head barely cracked, but he couldn't deliver another punch for the spearman trusted its spear forward, forcing Yang to lean back. The soldier brought its spear down, cutting Yang's shoulder, but he grabbed it, and with both of his legs, he kicked its head. This attack managed to crack the head further but wasn't strong enough to break it.

Yang twisted the spear with all of his strength and used his own head to deliver the final blow to the stone statue. He suffered a brush on his forehead, which started bleeding, but at least he acquired a weapon.

A sword wielder was already very close and swung at Yang moments after he defeated his opponent. Yang managed to evade a fatal blow, but his ching was cut, and part of his hair. The statue went for another swing, but Yang unleashed a barrage of swift thrusts with his spear.

Yang: This level is much more convenient because I have weapons that I have learned to use.

The attacked solder soon got destroyed, and Yang grabbed its sword. Then he looked at one of the giants and grabbed the spear with his left hand.

Yang: It seems I will have to try to use what I learned!

Yang's injured arm gained a blueish aura that soon covered the whole spear; then, he threw it at the head of the nearest giant. The spear worked, for it had pierced its head. The large body crumbled, but Yang couldn't rest because the last giant swung his weapon at him.

Yang couldn't dodge because of the size of the armament; thus, he was slammed to the wall at the end of the throne room. He made a significant dent in the wall, and he fell head down. He, slowly, but he stood up. His left arm was utterly devastated, but his bones didn't even have a single crack. And the most unusual thing was that his bones still moved.

He put his sword into his left hand and cleaned his face; while he was doing that, the same blue aura appeared, but this time around his whole body and sword. His legs were shaking, but still, he dashed forward. The armoured guards wanted to stop him, yet he was able to slice two of them with a single cut.

The giant statue unleashed another powerful attack, but Yang jumped up and crushed some of its own allies. After landing on the weapon, Yang rushed up on the weapon and trusted his sword deep into the head of the statue. It had almost no effect, so he pulled out and tried slashing it. The blade barely made a scratch on the body of the giant, but he kept on swinging faster and faster.

Yang was so focused on attacking that he was barely able to dodge an incoming attack because a spear was thrown at him by a spearman. He managed to evade it, but the top of his head was injured; thus, it started to bleed, making it difficult for him to see properly, and the spear stuck inside the giant's head.

Yang had to get off of the giant's shoulder because it was about to squash him, so he kicked the spear as hard as he could, propelling himself away. The head was damaged severely by this attack but wasn't broken. Also, the statues below the giant threw their weapons at Yang. Thus he was forced to block them, but his speed wasn't enough, and he was injured many times, but he managed to grab a spear which he then threw back at the giant, destroying it entirely at last. The giant crumbled and fell onto the remaining statues.

Yang: Finally!

Yang landed on the ground, and he pointed his sword at the last statue, the monarch, who had a sinister smile.

Yang: And now it's finally your turn... your majesty!

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