《Diary of a reincarnate in a cultivation world》Chapter 12 -The punishment


Charter 12- punishment

I was baffled by what the sect master said, I looked at Bo Hua she has a mocking smile on her face. I looked at the sect master and said “I don’t understand how did I cheat in the tournament “ . But before sect master Bo Hua said “don’t try to act like you don’t know Tian the cloth type artefacts you used to block my kick is an immortal grade and as the rule states you are not allowed to have artefact of more than two levels higher than your level, so there fore you cheated. “

I was about to say that I did not use it, she hitting me in the balls was the reason she lost , but before I could my grandfather voice reached my ear,” there is no use tying to defend your self Tian, it seems that grand elder Bo Ming and the other elders have forced the sect master to make a decision, before even I got here and you have to give up your spot on the seat to the special realm, and give something in return for the broken sword, and the punishment they could give you will not be very harsh, you would have to do some form of service for the sect as punishment.” it was a sound transmission only I could here.

I looked at my grandfather he had a dejected look, I thought for a moment. And looked at sect master and I said “guilty as charged “ , the sect master looked at me like as I had said the wrong , the elders had the same look , they probably thought that I would not accept this and would try to defend myself any normal person would. But take the fact that a immortal grand elder is gunning for me I saw no reason to fight a loosing battle, at least like this I could save some of my dignity.


Seeing my accepting nature, Bo Hua was Stunned too.

“As you are guilty of cheating you will be disqualified from entering the special realm, and you destroyed the sword of disciple Bo Hua in a spar which was in the core formation grade so you will give something of equal value, and for your crimes you will be sent to one of the vassal sect of your choosing , and work as a representative in that city for one year. “ said the sect master

He did not say when I have to go, and as a representative I do not have to do much work, and because I could chose where I can go , I can choose a place with people that are loyal to my grandfather, not bad I could work with that. “This disciple accept his punishment “ I said and bowed to sec master, then I looked at my grandfather and Bo Ming who for the whole event had an expressionless face, and then I looked at Bi Hua and took out a necklace with a red ruby stone embedded in it and said “ this was specially prepared for entering the special realm , it could keep you safe from natural energy, seeing that I don’t have a use for it and it is of core formation grade, this will be enough “, I did not wait for her answer as I threw the necklace at her. Then I took the jade slip containing the information and threw that at her too, and walked away from the hall.

No I am not a looser who accept that he is defeated at the first hit he gets and gives up, and no ,I am not someone who will fight a powerful enemy by clashing head on hero style . No, I am the kind of guy who plans a fucking heist in a cultivation world.

Sure I could use this chance to be the defeated good guy who works hard and takes revenge the right way, but who got time for that, I will just steel the lotus and the problem will be solved.


Now ,according to the jade slip the realm will open in one month, I just have to plan and execute an elaborate this sect suitable to spend your one year punishment “

In the great sea west of the jade sword sect, on of the island near the special realm . In mystic sky sect , Song Zhong , was sitting in his chair of the sect master and thinking about old times when there sect was without a doubt, the rulers of these land, any practitioners who would dare make trouble here would be killed without mercy. Now they had less than ten people, they were on their last leg, he a nascent soul cultivator was his sects last hope, they were now more like a mercenary group , they did mission and anything that payed well, now he was getting old he did not think he could do continue like this. His apprentice came running holding a envelope, he said it came for them from the mainland and ithe envelope looked expensive so he bought here as quickly as possible.

Song Zhong opened the envelope , it contained three things a ring, a round medallion with a blue spot in it’s centre

and a letter, he checked the ring it contained a thousand spirit stones and a spell book for a formation, seeing the spiritual stone he gasped he could buy a a good core formation level weapon and his sects strength will skyrocket.

He read the letter, it stated that if he did as he was told he would get double the amount he just got as the final payment, all he had to do place two transportation formation, one was in deep under ocean place was not specified it only said at your discretion but the second one was in a specific location near the island that had the special realm and to make sure that he did he was told, and as proof he would sent the medallion through the teleportation formation, the letter at last contained “ glory only belong to those who take risk”

It was obvious that he was helping someone trying to steal the treasure from the special realm, why else would you need to place a transportation formation near the special realm as it was about to open, even if he went to other sects to warn them, he would not get anything even if he got it , not closer to a storage ring thousand spiritual stone and a two thousands more if that even came even if not , it was enough, so he decided to take the” risk”

Flaming saber sect, one of the grade two vassal sects of jade sword sect ,guest hosing area, inside a place. Tian had a medallion with green spot at it’s centre in his hand which was glowing, Tian looked at it with a smile, and put it away as a elder came in front of his room and said “Young master, do you find this sect suitable to spend your one year long punishment “.

The medallion Tian sent was a kind of tracker, if it reached it’s other half of the medallion that Tian placed in the safe location that the formation was supposed to teleport to, then Tian would know using the medallion in his hands. The medallion with green spot was a device used to travel using any teleportation formation with enough power to a specific teleportation formation where it’s other half’s are placed .

Tian came out of his room and said” I really like this sect but I would like to check a few grade three sects as well before making a decision “.

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