《Super Sekken (An Action Shonen Story)》Vol. 12, Ch. 27: A Tango With The Devil
Moments of silence would pass. The two friends Manaka and Miyuki stared anxiously at Stronzo. From the sudden stone cold face, neither could tell exactly if he wasn't being serious. There was no telling how he would act, and the fact that he was far stronger than either of them, there was a great deal of hesitation in the air. Who would draw the first blood? Who was to throw the first punch? Stronzo stood loosely while tucking in his spotless tie, then examining his dress coat. With a small puff of his cigarette, the room would once more be filled with the toxic smoke. His hands then gently moved in front of him, fists balling in preparation. "Well, I'm waiting..."
Her violet eyes would blink once, and then twice. She couldn't exactly gather why he was being so casual about this. Miyuki could feel her energy was back due to the amount of time she was knocked out. If her energy was back, what made him act so careless? Perhaps he was just being arrogant... There was only one way she could find out, anyways. She would be the first to take his offer, then concentrating her Ki. With a soft glow taking form, she then made a swift charge after him. This wasn't only to test her theory, but also to buy some time for Manaka. Manaka could assist her with her ability, but not fight physically when she had yet to break out of the ropes, even if it shouldn't take much time considering how quickly Miyuki broke out of it. But there was no telling how quick and unpredictable Stronzo could be.
In reaction to Miyuki's charging, Stronzo would take another small puff from his cigarette. The smoke would have been blown all over Miyuki. In the short moment her vision was blinded, his hand was at the ready to catch her fist. The first punch was thrown, and both were only getting started in showing what they had in store for their opponent.
With Stronzo catching the her fist comfortably, as opposed to a tight grip, she would pull her fist back before trying again with a right-hook utilizing a little more of her power. Her eyes would widen with shock however, to find that same hand catching her attack without fail! While his defensive hand combated Miyuki's harmless blows, Stronzo's other hand would be holding his cigarette, which he would continue to take occasional puffs from while Miyuki continued to attempt swift and sharp blows towards his face. No matter how many punches she threw, his hand was there to catch them! After a few rounds of Miyuki's angered flailing, he would sigh with soured boredom. He grabbed one of her punches, then applying a little more power behind his strength. With this sudden reveal of more of his power, Sekken would be rudely surprised when she found her ground quickly slipping beneath his own strength. Before she knew it, her hand would be gripped tightly, then raised high into the air. Her feet began to steadily lift off of the tile ground, before flung across it, and then rolling straight into one of the supporting columns.
And to think he would have ended the battle there, but Stronzo was quick to find out that he wouldn't be given a chance to breathe in between fights. From behind, Omo would come in and sheepishly attempt to push him forward with both hands. "H-HUh?!" She would exclaim with sudden surprise. She stared at her hands, which were suddenly frozen in place just centimetres from contact. With her staring confusedly at her hands, she wouldn't see the movements of her attacker, who spun around and threw a lightning-quick elbow for her nose. The sudden pain in her face made her beat red. She could taste the blood dripping from her nose, of which struck chills down her back, and made her entire body shudder in fear. Her nose... it was broken! All she could do was stagger backwards in shock, her hands covering her nose in disbelief.
"Careful, you're gonna dirty my nice coat... never mind, I think I got some blood on it." He would sarcastically remark, then looking down at his dress coat, specifically the elbow he attacked with. With a single hand, he would rub the elbow, then looking at the traces of blood that came of of it. "Aw, what the hell. I can buy thirty more of these by tomorrow and still have enough for a nice dinner." Stronzo chuckled, then proceeding to undo the buttons on his coat. Once the buttons were undone, he threw it to the side. "I will make you understand, princess! You are destined to be a part of our future!"
It was hard to keep her head straight when it was in so much pain. Her hands cupped over her face while trying to hold back her strong urges to sob in front of her enemy. All she could do was shake her head, her fight against her emotions coming to a total loss as streams of tears escape her eyes and roll down her cheek. Despite the pain she was feeling however, something in her heart told her to speak up. Someone so cold... someone so evil. Who would wish death upon another person? Especially her own friends... There was no standing for it, and she knew that in her heart. Ever since the day she met Megami, she always had the strength to confront people about their evil... but this, why was she so scared to? Regardless if she was scared or not, her heart took over her mouth, and forcing her to yell out: "A future where people are alienated and tortured for their ideals is not one I wish to be a part of! It's jerks like you that make people like Megami miserable!"
Followed by her yelling, Omo was then to concentrate her this feeling into fighting for Megami... and Miyuki. Though she was in no-way knowledgeable of how to fight, some unknown force inspired her to at least try, and prove that she wasn't done just yet. Even just another two-handed push with all of her strength, who knows, it could make a difference... or maybe it won't. After all, she was facing Stronzo, one of the most experienced Ki wielders in this district, not to mention someone that was capable of martial art skills that put the likes of Erin Seijo to shame, had he ever decided to join the Martial Arts Club. Stronzo chose not to, out of respect for the rule of not using Ki around him. He often gloated about his superior martial arts skills, and was one to always criticize Seijo's moves to his fellow colleagues while they watched him fight.
With a rush of power, Omo dashed towards Stronzo to give another two-handed push. She utilized a lot more of her power and some added confidence in her strides. Meanwhile, Stronzo's face remained one of stone. He gauged his focus on her movements. Though her power was surely impressive, he had already dealt with her enough times to know exactly where her fighting skills were at. A mere push? Was that it? He would once more sigh with disappointment. As to not kill the fun, he allowed her to come closer to try and land the push... and then at the right moment, the moment she threw her hands out, Omo would suddenly be met with swift fist thrown into her abdomen. It wasn't like she saw him move, either! He just... was far to quick for her eyes to pick up! How was that even possible? She was using as much of her power as she could, but she still couldn't see him move!
"You're a mere contadina challenging un cavaliere, you lack the skill." He would mutter before pushing his fist further into her gut. "You shouldn't be one to cry about pain... remember, you are immortal!" Meanwhile, Omo inhaled sharply through her teeth. At this rate, she was beginning to see doubles of Stronzo. With how far his fist was pressed, she wasn't sure if she could feel her legs or not... it all felt loose... everything from the back down felt like it no longer existed. Suddenly a cough would escape from her lips, blood suddenly spewing out and splattering onto Stronzo's dress shirt. This was it... she was going to die here. Was what she felt earlier just false hope? What she felt then amounted to nothing now... because now all she felt was numb.
"HYAAAAH!" He would suddenly hear from the side. From behind, Miyuki came charging in. Her body had a substantially greater glow to it. Sekken had no choice but to utilize her full power, or else she would be too late. With the amount of power she held, it was like she was light on air! Utilizing this feeling, she leapt up with a knee aimed for the back of Stronzo's head while he seemed distracted. He was at the perfect spot for an attack! There was no doubt about that.
When she thought the set up was unmistakably perfect, she was in for a rude finding when her knee would instead of hitting Stronzo, connect with her friend's face instead. The sheer momentum of the attack sent both Omo and Miyuki into the side of a wall. There was no mistaking the sudden shock of having her own knee pressed against the face of her friend... but that was what she was exactly preparing for. There was no doubt the momentum she carried was bound to sandwich Omo, thus instantly killing her. This was when phase two of her plan came into play: giving Stronzo false hope.
Just moments from making contact with the wall, Sekken's eyes would close as she goes into a deep concentration. Her knee that was pressed against Omo's face would, in a blink of an eye, be removed. Miyuki's hands then gripped firmly onto Omo's shoulders, before flinging her entire body upwards into a hand-stand motion. Her feet then lined up against the side of the wall, and using her hands to push Omo away from the wall. At last, Miyuki then used her leg strength to launch off of the wall and charging full speed towards the sinister Stronzo. He was considerably surprised too, and wouldn't notice Miyuki charging a fist right for him until it was a little too late. Both Stronzo and Miyuki would have been tackled into the ground, then trading blow for blow in a sudden savage brawl across the floor.
Blinking once, blinking twice, and even three times, Manaka still seemed to not quite understand what had happened. One moment she was about to be sandwiched into the wall, and the next she's standing firmly in place. Her eyes anxiously darted across the floor, desperately trying to keep up with what was going on between Miyuki and Stronzo, of which seemed to be doing a mix of wrestling, brawling, and outright savage means of attacking the other. She never saw anything like this, it made her heart leap out of her chest. There was no cap to her amount of surprise... and increasing sense of hopelessness. There were so many thoughts running through her mind that she wasn't sure if she could keep herself straight. She was already going numb, though slowly regaining her feeling of her legs just enough to move to a crawl. The problem wasn't her pain though, but the fact that Miyuki seemed so much more... powerful than she remembered. ("Miyuki... you're a lot stronger than I remembered you to be. How did you manage to learn Ki so quickly? You seem so much more confident too... you are somehow handling him pretty well... and here I am, useless. You were always someone so strong in your ways... though you're not like the rest... you wanted to be so insignificant, but look at you now, trying to save our school from someone so hurtful. I never thought you knew how to care, but I was very wrong... you do care. You were just scared of being yourself, so you hid from it until when it was needed the most.") Manaka thought. She was horrified that this first year was taking on someone so big and scary as Stronzo, yet was also in awe that it was the person she had least expected. The worst part of this situation was that Manaka had no clue what she was supposed to do. ("But Stronzo's far stronger than Billy, and I narrowly escaped him with my life. How do you hope to uphold against someone so monstrous like him? It's only a matter of time before you exhaust yourself... and I don't want to be standing here useless while you do. But... how do I fight? I might just only get in your way...maybe I am just a road block..." )
In the midst of the tackling, Miyuki would find hand caught once more by Stronzo, then proceeded to be pulled behind her head and locked in between Stronzo's legs. "Questa è la fine!"
"AAAAAH! MY ARM!" Miyuki cried while trying to throw her own fit of elbows. Her frantic attempt at an escape didn't seem to mean much to Stronzo, as he would use it against her via grabbing her other arm and locking it too.
"Tell me Slippy, are you left handed, or right handed?" Stronzo would question. Her screams of pain were toned out by his sinister laughter as he pulled harder on her arms. "Actually, I'll save you from answering that question! Because in a second, you'll be neither!" Dread washed over Miyuki as she felt both of her arms cry out in steaming agony that coursed through her whole body. She could squirm all she wanted, but the quicker she moved, the quicker her arms would be dislocated. Sekken sharply cursed under her breath, giving no more fight. She saved Omo, but now she had to place all of her hope into Omo to return the favor.
Miyuki would feel her body suddenly feel a crushing weight against her body. She couldn't believe it... the strain on her arm was no more! The weight didn't only stop her, it stopped Stronzo too! But how... wait, that's it! After some short puzzling, it made sense to her why. Anything making contact with the weighted person will get weighted too! Stronzo would find himself charged from behind by Omo. He couldn't believe it either. He knew exactly how her ability worked and how she thought, or thought he did, but this was surely a surprise. From earlier, she should have known that attacking him while frozen would be useless! She'd break her hand and shatter like glass the moment her fist made contact with him! Yet she seemed so determined... so willing. For once, he had no idea how to react to this... whether he should be laughing, or being concerned.
Omo pursued Stronzo up until she reached a mere foot from his backside. Her foot was reared into a soccer kick as she applied an overwhelming amount of power behind the foot. The room trembled in the very wake of the kick the moment it was thrown. The floor beneath them fractured, and the intense winds challenged the nearby support column's sturdiness. The kick gave Stronzo a sudden scare as he would feel the applied weight instantly lifted off of him just a fraction of a second before the mighty kick tore into his shoulder.
The man would stand up, grabbing a hold of his shoulder and clenching his teeth in seething pain. With a small groan in pain, he would relocate his shoulder, then dusting off his now torn dress shirt. "How... I thought by the nature of your ability, I am completely invincible. You should have broken your foot!"
While he angrily yelled, Manaka had toned out his shock to kneel by Miyuki. With a small smile, she lent her friend a hand, then proceeding to pull her onto her feet. Sekken gazed at her for a moment in a sudden awe... was this the same friend she knew a moment ago? Did she just do damage to Stronzo? No matter what way she looked at it, this was indeed the Manaka Omo she knew. With a small nod in approval, she took Manaka's hand, and was pulled straight to her feet. Whatever had happened, she knew it had to have surely stirred Stronzo. To play into that theory, Miyuki was quick to taunt: "You're a smart man, figure it out for yourself! Looooseeeeer!", then sticking her tongue out. After that short tease, she jumped into a fighting pose along with Manaka, then declaring in a confident smirk: "The only thing we'll tell you is that you're in for a treat, Stronzo! You better have all hands-on-deck, because Omo and Miyuki are the heavy-weight champions that will sink your boat once and for all!"
Stronzo meanwhile was laughing at the cocky declaration. He took his cigarette out of his mouth, crushing it with a single hand, then chucking it to the side. What a long night this was, and he was just starting to think about ending it. He began to collect his thoughts, then calm himself down. He was sure to not let this one-time attack slip up again. Since Miyuki and Manaka had gotten into their own fighting stances, he would respond in kind. If these two weren't going to back down, he had to reason to as well, thus was intending on taking it serious from this point forward. "Mama mia, I think I cringed a little."
Miyuki looked over at Manaka, saying quietly: "I'm glad you're still kicking, I dunno what I would have done if you weren't."
Manaka's cheeks would turn a shade red, only to see Miyuki's doing just the same, who would quickly try to end the subject out of her embarrassment."Yeaaaah, maybe I should have saved the wholesome until later, my bad" Sekken lightly chuckled before closing her eyes briefly, concentrating her Ki in unison with Omo, both of whom were attempting to tap into their full power. There was no other choice but to go full-force from this point onward, because both knew that they wouldn't get lucky again like Omo did a moment ago.
"Here we come!" The two shouted together, then without further delay, commenced their violent onslaught on the menace Stronzo. While Miyuki used her superior speed and more battle-ready skill to attack Stronzo head-on, Manaka would assist her by attacking in his blind spots with heavy attacks. With their coordinated tactic, they began to push Stronzo into using a little more of his overwhelming power. Though, them pushing Stronzo was only effective to a certain point. At that point, their plan would become increasingly difficult as he adapted and parried attacks from both with lesser and lesser difficulty. It was only a matter of time until both needed to change their plan, or else face the infinitely intensifying wrath he had in store for them.
"Hey Manaka, wanna take the front?"
"M-Me?! I-I can't fight very well-"
"Here you go!" Miyuki would say while dodging one of Stronzo's punches, then quickly stepping away from Stronzo. Manaka would hesitantly try and handle some of Stronzo's attacks alone. There was no time for her to think before attacks overwhelmingly hailed from his vastly superior speed and power, of which started to slowly chip away at Omo's form and force her to fall. Right as she fell, Miyuki would hold a dozen floor tiles in her hand, of which would have been forcefully thrown like deadly flying shurikens that silently sliced through the air.
To her surprise, one of Stronzo's hands would thrust outwards, stopping the first tile right where it was mid-flight. That very tile would suddenly get pulled straight into his palm, before violently blasting away and crashing into the other tiles thrown before Miyuki could blink. The impacts left a fine cloud of dust in the air that blinded the sights of both.
"Fine, play it your way! If you want to use weapons..." Stronzo scoffed before aiming his hand outwards. Miyuki's chair would be ripped off of its bolts, said chair flying straight into his hand. He would grab it by one of its legs, tearing it off and giving it a few short swings to test it out. Pleased with the weapon of choice, he would then hold it like a dagger. "Let us fight for real." Without the need of closing his eyes, Stronzo's power jumped to its maximum. Unlike Miyuki and Manaka when they use their power, there were no tremors nor shakes nor quakes... which was cause for even further concern for the two friends.
"H-holy shit!"
Miyuki's head then jerked to the side, gazing in shock at Manaka. She did not just say what she thought she said... she swore! A small laugh escaped her lips, knowing now that she's not the only one with a foul mouth! Both could tell through the intensity in the air that his power was almost crushing. Considering it was enough to scare Manaka into swearing, that was a feat to behold in her eyes. This was what she was facing? Her death. That was what she was facing. There was no escaping it either, so she could only get back into her stance and try her best to prepare for this delusional mess of a powerhouse that was awaiting both of them. "Manaka, let's use everything we got! Let's both take him from the front!"
"O-okay!" Manaka would nervously respond, then walking next to Miyuki. Simultaneously, both charged at Stronzo from the front. Their rapid hailstorm of attacks were casually blocked and parried by the full-power Stronzo, though neither seemed to want to quit attacking. In a single side-arm from their opponent, he would send Miyuki tumbling backwards and Manaka flat on her back. Miyuki, however, was the first to recover, jumping straight to her feet and rushing to get Omo back to her feet by lending her a hand.
"We're not done yet!" she would confidently boast to her friend, though was surprised by the sudden gaze of concern from Omo.
"M-Miyuki... A-are you sure you're okay?"
"Honestly, too many things hurt for me to describe. I actually dunno how I keep getting back up to my feet. Whether it be me being stubborn, or I just really happen to be a masochist for some reason, I just keep going by some driving force." Miyuki says with a reassuring smile. Omo's initial look of concern would be swept into a small smile. Not even Miyuki knew how she kept moving... she just did. Then if she kept moving, she would too.. Stronzo was wrong. As long as his 'Goddess' lives, she may be 'immortal'. But, as long as Miyuki lives, she feels immortal. Her hand would clasp with Miyuki's, then pulling herself back up.
"HYAAAAAAHH!!!" Miyuki mightily yells while speeding off towards Stronzo. She throws a full-force knee for his chest, which would be caught, before Miyuki getting tossed across the room once more. The teen would land on the side of a pillar, then kicking off of it and rocketing back towards him at full force to repeat the process again.
"Freeze!" Manaka yelled, the man becoming immobilized before he could stop Miyuki this time. When Sekken was about to make contact, she then said: "Release!" , the weight being removed, and Stronzo taking a punch square in the nose. The attack seemed to not do too much damage, but it still surprised him.
"Not bad. I actually felt that." Stronzo would chuckle before rubbing his nose. "Now it's my turn to attack you." Miyuki's eyes widened with surprise when she felt her body suddenly be stuck in place. The air in her body would be sucked right out, then Miyuki getting pulled straight towards his hand. Without the ability to fight back, Her neck would end up in his grasp, leaving her defenseless in his tight grip. "Arriveiderci, Miyuki" He'd remark with a sly smirk, then tightening his grip even harder in an attempt to snap the neck that felt oh-so-fragile in his hand.
"GGGHAAA–"She couldn't breathe. She couldn't move. Her hands would try move upwards to try and helplessly claw at his face, but they couldn't even leave her side. There was no way this could have been the end. How was she supposed to fight against such a power? Her chest tightened, her neck slowly closing in on itself, and the lights were due to fade in her eyes within moments. With no ability to save herself, her arms and head then hung limp to her side, her body giving out to Stronzo's chokehold without a fight to be given.
("No...") Omo stared with shock. It was all over so fast that her eyes could barely trace the movements that took place. The only thing she saw was her friend's neck suddenly in her enemy's grasp, and then her body falling stiff. "Miyuki... please move... please..." she quietly pleaded. One moment... two moments... and there was nothing to be seen. Not a finger to twitch, not a leg to be thrown...
"Finito~" Stronzo sighed with satisfaction, his hand at last leaving her neck. The motionless body collapsed onto the ground with a single thud that filled the room, before leaving it devoid of sound. A sinister cackle would bellow from him, then turning to face the only one that remained: "Now do you understand, princess? Your knight in shining white... sports attire.... can't save you from fate. You can't change what you are, no matter what lies your 'friends' spew to you. You are fated to be protected by my hands and live as my Queen"
"Y-You– YOU!--" Manaka would stutter, gripping her head in a sudden panic. Her eyes began to tear up, seeing her friend lay motionless on the ground. She couldn't get over it. The image. It's imprinted, and it keeps replaying over and over and over... the problem she feared the most had taken manifest, and now here she is left with the sight of the only soul to save her from this life-long torment of loneliness. "H-HOW DARE YOU!" Manaka screamed with sudden rage. Her body began to tremble. She couldn't stop the shaking in her hands, nor the twitching in her eyes. ("Miyuki! I- I couldn't– How foolish of me, I wasn't there for you! I should have stopped him, but I didn't know what to do! N-now you're dead... and it's all because of me!") Manaka then clenched her fists, letting out an explosive scream of fury. "REEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUUUUGH!!!!!!!"
This mighty scream was followed by intense quakes that knocked the once menacing Stronzo off of his balance, whose expression was wiped clean of the smug face he wore a moment ago. The room was shaking so much that he couldn't think straight, and his eyes were so blinded by the light emitted that he couldn't see what was happening. The screams of anguish and despair filled his ears and droned out anything else to be heard. Once the light settled, what was revealed was a tense... monstrous energy that shook fear even into the likes of him. What was he looking at... no... it couldn't be...
"If this necklace gets into the wrong hands, then you can kiss this family good-bye!"
The Boss wasn't kidding... they have just awoken a monster. Their predictions, how could he have been so foolish as to take less credit for it than he should have?! Sweat rolled down his face, and his own body began to shudder with boundless amounts of anxiety. With every step, the floor quaked. With every breath, the air got tighter. A single gaze struck Stronzo cold. Underneath this savage monster was a cold declaration:
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