《Red Moon (Arcana of the Crimson Era – Book 1)》8 – White Knight
Elizabeth focused her gaze on the Knight as he lifted her up and walked away from the bloodied corpses surrounding her. He rested her against a tree. Then, she saw it, the crest at the center of his armored chest. It was the picture of a white wolf in a blizzard.
That symbol.
“Are you alright?” he asked her.
“She should be. She is Elizabeth Raven, the Berserker’s Blade. She won’t die from such simple wounds,” said another voice.
Elizabeth turned her head toward the direction of the voice and saw another Knight without a helmet. He swept away the blonde hair covering his face to reveal a pair of blue eyes she knew all too well.
Messon Ruxemborg grinned. “So great to meet you again my dear.”
Elizabeth groaned. “Oh great. It’s you. Of all the people in the world to rescue me, it had to be you.”
Messon pouted. “Now, now my dear, is that any way to talk to your boyfriend?”
“Must we get caught on the technicalities?”
Elizabeth exploded. “Oh, shut that mouth of yours before I do it for you…ouch.”
She was trying to get up as she spoke these words but fell down again, unable to stand the pain in her legs.
Messon laughed. “Wobbly legs, hmmm. I heard you’ve been busy with the boys at your hometown since we parted. Glad you learned something from our time together.”
The Knight walked in between them. “Okay, Messon you had your fun with her. Now, help the men give treatment to the injured.”
“Alright kiddo, whatever you say. Later Berserker.”
Elizabeth glared at him.
The Knight stared at Messon’s retreating figure, then said to Elizabeth, “Sorry about that.”
“No need to apologize. I dated him.”
“Yes, guess you are right. But I’m surprised that the bad blood between you hasn’t ended even after eight years.”
Elizabeth narrowed her eyes. “How do you know about that?”
The Knight removed his helmet and placed it on the ground. “He’s my cousin and you were like a big sister to me, so I should know. Been a while, Lizzie. I hope you haven’t forgotten my face?”
Elizabeth blinked. “Nicholas? Nicholas Iseboryn? Why are you here?”
Nicholas smiled. “Unfortunately, I can’t disclose that one part. But we arrived here last night and set up camp over there.”
He indicated a direction Elizabeth recognized. “Over there? So you’re the ones Jenny saw doing practice drills.”
“Jenny?” His eyes fluttered. “Where is she?”
“Over there.” Elizabeth tilted her head to Jenny and Gonazamius. “Do you have any healers with you? They need treatment fast.”
He took a step toward Jenny. “Yes, I’ll call them over.” He waved at a few people wearing the healer’s uniform. They stopped treating the Raven soldiers and rushed over to him. He pointed to Jenny and Gonazamius. “Take care of them.”
“Yes, sir,” one of them responded. Both healers ran to the two unconscious Ravens and began examining them.
“Are they alright, Lizzie?”
“I don’t know.” Elizabeth inspected the battlefield. “How are the rest of my people?”
Nicholas bit his upper lip. “Don’t worry about that now. Just stay put and let the medics look at you.”
Elizabeth’s eyes widened. “No.”
He moved to her and took her hand. “I’m sorry. Most of them are still alive. Only a few were–”
His eyes roamed over to the lifeless bodies next to the unconscious Gonazamius six feet away.
Elizabeth clenched her fists. “No, no.” Her voice broke.
A third healer reached them. “Captain, shall I…?”
Nicholas nodded and stood up. “Elizabeth, I’m going to check on Jenny and Gona. Stay calm and let the healer do his job. Okay? You’re the Raven Leader. You must not lose yourself here.”
Elizabeth sniffed and bobbed her head up and down.
Nicholas glided past the bodies and jumped over the fallen trees toward Gonazamius. Elizabeth saw him talking with the healer. The healer shook his head multiple times.
Elizabeth silently prayed. Oh, please Great Sapphires, let Gona and Jenny be alright. Please, don’t take them today.
Nicholas walked around Gonazamius to Jenny who was even further away. He knelt down and touched her hand. The healer’s face was indecipherable as he talked with Nicholas.
Elizabeth gritted her teeth. What are they saying?
Nicholas shouted to Elizabeth, “She’s alright, just knocked out.” Then he patted Jenny’s face.
Jenny stirred, eyelids fluttering. Nicholas smiled. Her lips parted. She shook her head several times, then stared at his face again. Nicholas helped her up and pointed to Elizabeth.
“Lizzie, are you alright?” Jenny asked.
Elizabeth raised her hand. “I’m alright. It’s just…” She started crying.
Nicholas tentatively carried Jenny over to Elizabeth. The two Ravens hugged each other tightly.
Elizabeth whimpered, “Oh Jenny, that’s twice today now. You definitely have the devil’s luck.”
Jenny tightened her hug. “I know. I’ll pray to the Great Sapphires for sparing me.”
“I will too. If anything had happened to you as well…I don’t know what I…”–Elizabeth broke down in sobs–“I’m sorry that I didn’t stop her.”
“It’s okay, Lizzie. It’s okay. I’m just glad you’re alive.”
Nicholas lifted his helmet from the ground. “I am sorry to ask this now. But what happened here?”
Jenny shook her head. “I don’t know where to begin, Nicholas. One moment we were riding home, the next we were ambushed by them.” She waved her hand to the dead bodies of the Deep Foresters.
Elizabeth froze, her mouth dropping open.
Jenny grabbed her hand. “Elizabeth, what’s the matter?
“The Earth magic user,” Elizabeth murmured. “The others, where are they?”
Jenny’s eyes widened. “Oh no.” She twisted around and immediately groaned.
“Easy there, you’re still injured, Jenny.” Nicholas caught her in his arms.
“N-no, I have to–” She fainted against him.
Elizabeth gasped. One of the medics checked Jenny’s pulse. “She’s unconscious again. Probably a concussion. Let me examine her, just to be safe.”
Nicholas turned to Elizabeth. “What’s going on?”
“There was another girl just like the one who attacked us. No, she’s more dangerous. Her name is Mia. She can use Earth magic,” replied Elizabeth.
“But that’s not possible. The people of the Deep Forest are those who have renounced their demon blood. They shouldn’t be capable of using any form of magic.”
“Yes, that’s precisely what I thought. Some of our party is missing.” She pointed to the distant wall Mia created. “That stone wall over there is what she used to divide our group. At least, I hope they’re on that side and not...” Her eyes scanned the battlefield. “Nicholas, can you take me there?”
“I don’t think that’s wise.”
“But I have to check if they’re there.”
“I’ll go and ask myself. Your people know what they look like, right?”
Elizabeth snapped her fingers. “Ask if they saw Priestess Mizaki, her two-year old daughter, Konan, and the Ragnovin, Leo Aquarius.”
Nicholas lurched forward. “A child? Don’t you know how dangerous this forest is? And what are you people doing out here?”
Elizabeth shook her head. “Nicholas, I promise I will tell you everything. But please hurry now.”
Nicholas sighed. “Okay.” He ran off to the battlefield.
Elizabeth touched her necklace and prayed silently.
“My Lady Elizabeth.”
Elizabeth turned to the direction of the voice. “Gona!”
Gonazamius pushed aside the medic supporting him up and strode over to her. “My Lady Elizabeth, I’m so glad you’re safe.”
Elizabeth stretched out her hand. “Thank the stars you are alright.” They hugged each other.
Gonazamius sat down next to her. “What’s wrong with Lady Jenny?”
“She’s alright, just unconscious…Nicholas saved us.”
“Really? Did Lady Jenny see him?” Gonazamius queried.
“She saw him before she passed out.”
“I see.”
Elizabeth leaned against Gonazamius’s shoulder. “How did things come to this, Gona? How could I have let this happen?”
“It’s not your fault, Lizzie,” he whispered.
She smiled. “You haven’t called me that in a long time.”
“That’s not true, is it?”
“Yes, you started the ‘My Lady’ routine after Messon came along.”
“It wasn’t because of that. I call Lady Jenny and Lady Messadorma by the same title.”
“Once again, after Messon came along. He’s here you know.”
“Oh no.”
“Yes, Nicholas’s deputy I think.” Elizabeth told Gonazamius what she feared.
“You mean, they’re all on the other side of the wall?”
Elizabeth nodded. “I hope they’re safe.”
“I’m sure they are. Don’t worry. Okay, chin up. Lord Nicholas is back. Oh shit,” Gonazamius grunted, “along with Messon.”
Elizabeth straightened herself and lifted her head, to see Nicholas sprinting back to her with Messon close behind.
Nicholas knelt beside her. “Lizzie, one of your Personal Guards, a Fabian Raven, said he saw Mizaki, Konan and Leo on the other side of the wall as it went up.”
Elizabeth covered her mouth. “That means, they’re alone with that Mia.”
Messon viewed the wall. “To create that wall, this Mia is very powerful. They might even be a high-ranking member of the Deep Forest. What should we do, Nicholas? Call Lord Iseboryn?”
“No, there’s no reason to worry Lord Iseboryn over this. I can manage it,” Nicholas responded.
“Okay, but he would want to know about it,” said Messon.
Nicholas’s eyes flared up and Messon stopped talking.
“I said I will handle it, and I will,” Nicholas snapped. He shifted his attention to the medic. “Get someone else to help you and carry Lady Jenny and Lady Elizabeth away.”
Elizabeth held up her hand. “Wait, you can’t tell them to take me away. You need me to help you identify who is who, otherwise you’ll end up bringing a spy back.”
Nicholas wagged a finger at her. “I’m not going to take you.”
“Why not?”
“Look at you. One push and you would fall over just like Jenny. No, I need someone who can still stand without any problems.”
“I can do it,” said Gonazamius.
Messon touched his chin. “You look familiar. Where have I seen your face?” He slapped his forehead. “Oh yeah, you’re that guy who was always with Elizabeth. How are you doing? Still haven’t gotten up the courage to tell her that you love her and your whole world revolves around her?”
Gonazamius’s nostrils flared up and he moved toward Messon.
Nicholas intervened and pushed Messon back. “That’s enough.”
Messon slapped away Nicholas’s hand. “Whatever! I don’t take orders from a brat like you.”
Elizabeth was just thinking of getting up and cracking the head of this arrogant bastard when she heard a smack. Messon flew along the air and fell down ten feet away. Elizabeth’s mouth dropped and Gonazamius’s eyes almost came out of his sockets. They both stared at the source of Messon’s departure.
Nicholas Iseboryn’s right palm was closed into a fist. Messon coughed and spat some blood.
Nicholas locked eyes with Messon. “If I hear one more comment come out of your mouth other than sir, I will smash it straight off your face. Do I make myself clear, Messon?”
Messon replied with a shaking voice, “Sir,” and nodded his head vigorously. A small smile appeared on Elizabeth’s tear-stained face.
“Now, everybody, stand back,” Nicholas shouted.
He ran up to the wall, stopping a few feet away from it. Mumbling something to himself, he put a small shiny object on the wall. Then, he walked back a few steps.
Is that a Moonstone? It looks different for some reason. Elizabeth sensed the surge of magical power flowing around it. Before her very eyes, the Moon turned into a white sphere of energy.
Nicholas faced her and covered his ears so she did the same. Suddenly, an explosion rocked the wall.
Elizabeth shivered as a cold wind hit her face. The wall completely disintegrated into ice shards. As expected of the Iseboryn. Even their weapons have powerful ice magic embedded in them.
Nicholas beckoned Gonazamius. “Alright, let’s go.”
Elizabeth saw something as they were going and shouted, “Wait!” Elizabeth hobbled over to the wall.
Nicholas held up his hand. “What are you doing? Go back.”
“No, look.”
Their heads turned to what she was pointing at. It was Mizaki, her sister, lying on the ground next to what looked like a burial hole. There was nobody else there.
Thirty Minutes Earlier.
Leo bit down hard on his lips as he extracted Mia’s shurikens from his ankles. Come on, Leo. Stop crying. Ray isn’t here. Elizabeth isn’t here. You need to be strong. He wiped his watery eyes and observed Mizaki fighting Mia. You need to help her. She could have run away.
Multiple kunai rained down from the skies. Mizaki raised her hands and murmured something. Grey lights emitted from her palms and merged into a circular magic shield. However, she still suffered great damage as some of the kunai exploded after hitting her shield.
Leo’s eyes nearly bulged out. Exploding weapons? She can’t go on for much longer. He saw a tree’s branch moving behind her. “Look out!”
Mizaki could only shield her head as the branch whacked her.
Mia sighed. “Be careful priestess, I have you surrounded. Just as I said earlier, you were dead the moment you came into this Forest.”
Mizaki clutched her head and tried to stand up. “It’s not over yet.”
“Don’t you dare underestimate a Priestess of the Twelve Shrines.” Mizaki lifted her hands in the air.
Mia crouched and her eyes darted around. “Whatever you’re up to, it won–” A dark circle descended around them.
“Can you hear me?” said a voice.
“Who’s that?” Leo asked.
“It’s me, Mizaki. Don’t be loud.”
His mouth opened and his eyes slipped to the woman standing in front of Mia. Mizaki didn’t so much as glance at him.
“How are you talking to me?” he whispered.
“This barrier is a projection of my thoughts. I can transmit them to anyone I want within it. We don’t have much time. I’ve stalled her for a few minutes,” Mizaki replied.
He gazed at Mia who wasn’t moving. He whistled. How?
“No time. She’ll break out any second. Listen to me carefully.”
Minutes later, an ear-shattering sound broke out of the barrier as it crumbled to pieces. Mizaki collapsed, out of breath.
Mia stomped over to Mizaki and caught her by the neck. “Too bad you couldn’t escape in time.” She slammed Mizaki down on the ground. “Say your prayers, priestess.”
Mizaki coughed. “Like I said, it’s not over.”
“It’s useless, your paralysis spells wo–” Mia screamed grabbing her head.
“It worked, incredible,” Leo remarked.
Mizaki took in a few sharp breaths and shifted her eyes to Konan.
Konan’s lips were trembling. The tears wailed up in the child’s eyes as she stammered, “M...Mum...mummy come. Com…come...let’s…go…”
A heaviness entered Leo’s heart when he heard her.
Mizaki covered her nose as blood dripped out. “It’s okay, baby. We are just playing a little game. Run and don’t look back. Mummy will come and find you. It’s like hide and seek. Alright?”
Konan’s eyes roamed from Mizaki to Leo. He smiled and nodded. Konan’s lips were still trembling but she ran away.
Leo noticed Mia staring at the child. “Mizaki, she’s up.”
Mizaki whirled around. “How? I transferred everything to you.”
Mia caressed her forehead. “Yes, that did hurt. A lot!”
“Wait.” Mizaki narrowed her eyes. “You…That didn’t hurt at all, did it? You…you wanted her to escape.”
Mia lifted herself off the ground. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” She advanced toward Mizaki.
“I think you do. I think you realize something’s not right here.”
“Yes, something isn’t right. You came into this Forest and started attacking my people.”
“I swear to you, we didn’t attack first. They initiated it.”
Mizaki fingered the medallion on her neck. “No, they did.”
“Why? What purpose did it serve?”
“I have no idea. However, I swear it on my honor as a Priestess of the Twelves Shrines.”
Mia stopped walking and stared at the ground for the longest time. Leo held his breath. She shook her head. “I’m sorry. My orders were to kill you at the slightest sign of provocation. And this…”–she spread her hands–“is more than a provocation. It’s a declaration of war.”
Mizaki let go of her medallion. “No.” She lied back on the ground. “At least, spare my daughter. She’s innocent.”
Leo saw Mia’s shoulders dropping.
“Very well, I won’t harm her. But I will track her down and take her out of the Forest. It’s not safe to travel alone, even for an adult.,” Mia answered.
Mizaki’s eyes fluttered. “So…she…she wouldn’t…wouldn’t have…escaped.” She stopped talking.
“No,” Leo wailed.
Mia placed her hand on the earth. The ground growled, then it cracked apart in a square pattern. She took out a dart and injected Mizaki with it.
“What is that?”
“Don’t try to move.” Mia glanced at him. “My shurikens had poison in them. It will spread faster if there is movement. Just sit there. This is a sleep inducer. She won’t feel any pain anymore. I will give you the same one. So don’t think of trying anything. I’m stronger than you.”
“How can you be so cruel?” he barked.
“I’m not cruel. This is actually very kind. Considering what your lot did. It’s easy for me to slash her throat and end it.”
“But you won’t because you’re a coward. You’d rather not live with that.”
Mia sighed. “I don’t need to explain myself to you. If you hate what’s happening, then get up and stop me.”
Leo quelled his rising anger. I need to be calm. I need to wait as planned. She doesn’t know.
“Thought so. Just stay there and accept your fate.” Mia scooped up Mizaki and trudged to the hole. “Believe me when I say, it gives me no joy to take a child’s mother from her.” A shuriken hit her on the left shoulder. She gasped and dropped Mizaki.
Leo pounced on Mia from behind.
She winced as he grabbed her bleeding shoulder. “How are you standing up? I hit you in the ankles. You can’t stand up. It’s impossible.”
Leo’s face was flushed but he didn’t respond.
Her eyes cleared up. “The priestess, it was her, wasn’t it?” She pushed Leo away and shot out a hand toward Mizaki.
“Get away from her.” Leo snarled as he jumped on Mia again.
Mia slapped him across the face. “And after I decided to show you mercy.”
She jabbed him in the chest sending a shock wave to his body. Leo let go of her for a second. In that gap, she drew out her katana and thrust it into him. The blade came out through his back.
“There! It’s over,” she exclaimed.
“I don’t think so.”
Mia’s eyes widened.
He circled his arms around her waist. “I got you now.” He banged his head against her forehead. They fell down together.
She grabbed her head. “Aargh!”
Looks like it’s finally working, Mizaki, he thought.
Mia yanked him down. They were inches away from each other. Her hot breath hit his face as her crazed eyes stared at him. “What did she do to me? Why are you still alive?”
He tried to push her hand away but it didn’t budge an inch.
“Tell me what she did?” she demanded.
“Something only a mother would do,” he responded in a raspy voice.
She cursed and threw him away with one hand.
Leo inhaled sharply as the air returned to his lungs. His vision was blurred for a few seconds so he only heard someone scrambling to their feet. He knew what was coming and grabbed the sword lodged in his chest. I hope this works.
He stilled himself for what he was going to do and pulled out the sword from his body. Something swishy moved about inside him. Oh, that can’t be good. He turned around in the nick of time and blocked Mia as she brought Mizaki’s dagger down on his head.
The impact caused the weapons to jump out of their hands. Mia tried to grab one of the blades, but Leo caught her hands and another power struggle ensued.
“How are you standing up? I’m stronger than you,” she yelled trying to push him down.
“I won’t let you win.”
Leo pushed her back. “You thought you broke her barrier, didn’t you?”
“Her barrier?” Her eyes went up and a gasp escaped her lips.
Leo head-butted her. “There was a larger barrier which surrounded us. You didn’t even notice the dimmer sunlight. All because she trapped you in an illusion beforehand.”
Mia’s voice shook. “The sunlight? No…Don’t tell me…This barrier…is restricting me.” She regarded Mizaki. Blood was coming out of the priestess’s nose and mouth. “That’s not from my poison. She did it herself? Why…Why did she go so far?”
“Why? To protect her child, you stupid woman. Do you see what your actions are causing? Come to your senses and stop this.”
Mia snapped, “Get off your high horse. I was going to spare the child. Besides you guys started this!”
“Like I believe you,” he shouted. His legs wobbled. It’s happening just like Mizaki said. I should have expected it. Only the feeling was transferred. I’m still injured. His eyes wandered to Mizaki. She might not spare the child. Come on, Leo. Just a little more. Hold out at least until the barrier disappears.
Mia planted her right leg behind his ankle and swept it using her foot. He didn’t let go, so she fell down on top of him.
He saw something glimmering around her neck and grabbed it. Black Pearls scattered on to the soil. Mia’s eyes flared up and she shrieked. They continued to struggle and rolled away to the right.
Mia kept on saying in a shrill voice, “Let go of me you freak. Damn it, you should be dead by now. What the hell is wrong with you?”
Leo held on to her hands because he knew the moment he let go, she would kill him. As they rolled away, he heard the sound of running water.
Her eyes widened. “Stop this! It’s the river running into the swamplands. Let go befo–”
The earth gave way and cold water hit his face. No, if I sink…The curse travelled across his body immobilizing his organs one-by-one. Fight, Leo. Fi-
Out of the corner of his eyes, he saw Mia floating away until darkness descended.
Nicholas stood by as he watched the healer examining Mizaki.
The healer shook his head. “This doesn’t look good. I don’t know what happened but regular healing won’t work. We need to get her to a proper facility.”
“But where? My home is a long way from here,” said Elizabeth
The healer smiled. “That’s okay. Our camp is nearby, we can treat her there.”
Nicholas nodded. “My men will take you. Rest easy, Elizabeth.”
Elizabeth grasped Nicholas’s hands. “Tha-thank you.” Her voice broke a little.
Nicholas beckoned Messon over. “Get the stretchers and carry the injured back to camp. Take all our soldiers with you except for my Personal Guards. I will find the missing ones.”
“Yes sir,” replied Messon. The healers gingerly placed Jenny and Mizaki on stretchers before taking them away.
Before leaving Elizabeth whispered to Nicholas, “Please find them, Nicholas.”
“I will. You go and rest. Let the healers treat you.” He watched as she was carried away on a stretcher. “I never thought I would see the day Elizabeth Raven cry.”
“She cries,” Gonazamius muttered. “You’ve just never been around to see it, Nicholas.”
“I’m sorry. We both swore to protect her.”
“It’s okay. I swore many other things as well. We were foolish children at the time. You have your own responsibilities. That’s how life is.”
Nicholas sighed. “Life, eh?” He scrutinized the destroyed trees as his Personal Guards stood at ease. “Scour the area. If you notice any of the enemy, fire warning shots against them. Do not engage.”
“Warning shots, sir? But didn’t they kill many of these people?” asked Damien Radcliff.
Nicholas shook his head. “I think we’ve seen enough bloodshed for tonight. Besides, something seems off.”
“What do you mean?” Gonazamius inquired.
“I can’t say anything right now. Let’s just concentrate on finding the two who are missing.”
“Very well, but it’s not two. It’s three.”
“Three? Who is the third one?”
“Jenny and Elizabeth’s cousin, Messadorma Raven. You remember her, right? She was taken prisoner by the Deep Forest.”
“Messadorma?” Nicholas rested his knuckles on his hips. “Oh no, nothing we can do about her. And who is this Earth magic-user, this Mia? Can you describe her?”
“Blue hair, blue eyes, she was the same build as Elizabeth. Clothing was a similar pattern to that red-head’s, but the color was blue.”
Nicholas frowned. “Blue, eh? And she is a Hellbrid, not one of the other species?”
“Definitely looked like a Hellbrid to me.”
A blue-haired kunoichi who can control the earth? I’ve never heard of her before. And there was nothing about her in the report father gave me.
“What about the others, the man and Mizaki’s daughter?”
“The man, Leo, was wearing torn peasant clothes. He’s a ghastly sight. Severely malnourished and bruised everywhere. Black hair, brown eyes. Konan was wearing a pink rabbit’s hoodie. Cherry-colored hair and brown eyes just like Mizaki,” Gonazamius answered back.
Aloud to his men, Nicholas said, “You heard the man! If you find Konan and Leo anywhere near here, bring them back to camp, and if you spot Mia, do not even think of trying to fight her. Send out a flare, and get away if she tries to come after you.”
“Sir, yes sir,” the soldiers all responded in unison. They scrambled into the forest in different directions with Nicholas and Gonazamius following behind.
How is it possible that Father sent me here to check up on the inhabitants of this forest the exact day this battle happens? It can’t be a coincidence. But…he got the order for this mission from up top. Nicholas grunted. This might be over my head.
He put away any further thoughts that came to mind and began searching for the two who were missing, while keeping a wary eye out for the blue-haired Ninja who could manipulate the earth itself.
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Inverse System
Abandoned by their mother and orphaned by their renowned father's mysterious death at a young age, Rein and Leona Alister lived alone in a small village happy with nothing but each other's company.
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40 years ago, our world believed that magic was merely fiction, and nothing more. But that all changed when it was revealed that magic truly does exist to the public. To that end, a place was created, a place where magic can be studied and taught. And that place is Takamagahara Island, the home of Kurokami Tatsurou, a young man who just wants to live his days in peace. That is until he has a fateful encounter one day, an encounter that would change not only his life but the entire world... Hello there, Shionokami here! This story was heavily inspired by various anime and light novels, I have watched/read along the years! The story is a (true) harem with romance and action, that will be balanced with cute and funny moments between the characters being the norm and action packed fights also taking place!
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This is a collection of my fanfiction stories. Fandoms, summaries, tags etc are listed in the author notes for each chapter, and the first chapter is a table of contents for all uploaded/scheduled chapters. Uploaded: [Thunderbirds], [Avatar; The Last Airbender], [Mass Effect] Scheduled: [Star Wars]
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Catch A Cold
Kelty has a secret that the people of her town mustn't know. Especially her grandfather. If word gets out, it could mean trouble. On the other hand it might just be their only hope.A seasonal cellphone novel, short chapters of prose designed to be read in small bites on your device. Just for the holiday season.This story is an Advent writing challenge. I'll be writing at least a chapter every day. Happy holidays!Note: apologies for the frequent ads. If you double tap the home button and swipe away the window and open Wattpad again, it takes about 4 seconds instead of 30. Ads are dumb. Happy reading. ;-)
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