《Red Moon (Arcana of the Crimson Era – Book 1)》4 – Cost of Mutiny
Elizabeth watched as the men brought out Katsuma’s body from the dungeons. His face was covered by a white sheet now as they loaded him onto a cart. She sat down on a boulder in the middle of the Keep and massaged her temples. Nothing. After all that trouble…Nothing! Her eyes roamed around and rested on the camp they set up in the Forest behind the Keep.
Jenny was bandaging Leo’s arm while Mizaki used a Healing Moon on Ray. They were all sitting on a mat, talking. Ray gesticulated with his hands while Leo kept nodding. I wonder if those two can help us.
Elizabeth thought back to everything that led to this. It all began a few months ago. She had officially taken on her role as Leader of the Raven Clan. Shortly afterward, many people started disappearing from the villages of her Clan. Their dead bodies were later found in other areas in the region. It was similar to an incident that occurred many years ago during her father’s reign.
Adam Raven ultimately caught the criminals responsible at the cost of his own life. Elizabeth found out from reading her father’s journal that the criminals were ex-employees from Lord Cerberus’s Keep and that her father strongly believed Cerberus was involved. When she talked with Uncle Freedo, the Second-in-Command at the time, she learned that Cerberus had been a prime suspect. Since they didn’t find any proof, there was nothing that could be done. Then one day her friends, Saya and Katsuma, who were working in one of the outer villages disappeared. They were near Cerberus’s Keep when it happened.
Since Cerberus was the Emperor’s son, she needed a warrant from the Emperor to search Cerberus’s premises. Elizabeth knew if she waited for the warrant, not only would Cerberus have enough time to destroy any evidence, but her friends’ lives might also be in danger. She decided to take a wild gamble and raid Cerberus’s Keep with the hope of saving them and capturing some of Cerberus’s men.
Elizabeth believed presenting them before the Council of the Four Royals would grant her and her clan justice. Now, she realized how idiotic the plan was. Not only did both Saya and Katsuma die, but many Raven citizens were still missing, and there was no trace of them being brought to this Keep. Even now, Elizabeth didn’t know if Cerberus was involved in any of this.
She listened to the murmur of dissent around her and knew what most of her troops were thinking. She forced them to come, and now not only was there no reward to show for their efforts but also their very existence was in danger. Uncle Freedo was right.
All in all, this was a fool’s errand.
She heard footsteps approaching.
“Elizabeth,” murmured a familiar voice.
She groaned inwardly and tilted up her face.
Uncle Freedo was frowning. “So, what have you got to say for yourself?”
“What? What do you want me to say?” Elizabeth retorted.
Freedo flattened his lips. “Once again, you let your hot bloodedness get the better of you. And we now have only one choice left.”
“Oh? And what is that?”
“This is my proposition.”
As she listened to Freedo, Elizabeth’s eyes widened. “The hell’s wrong with you?” she roared as many of the soldiers glanced at her. “I don’t care what you say. I’m not going to kill these guys. They’re witnesses and our only chance to explain to Emperor Deidirious why we raided his son’s property without permission.”
Jenny rushed over. “What’s the matter? Why are you shouting?”
Elizabeth waved her hand to Uncle Freedo. “He wants us to kill off those two, and burn this whole place down. He says we can blame everything on the Deep Forest Clan without having to come forward.”
“What? That’s ludicrous. The Deep Forest has nothing to do with this. And besides, we have evidence. Those two saw Saya and Katsuma being bound. We have Katsuma’s body as well. After this, whether Cerberus is guilty or not. He won’t be able to move a finger anymore.”
Uncle Freedo snorted. “Evidence? Do you honestly believe his majesty will have the patience to listen to us after he finds out what we did? We just attacked his son’s property. His son’s property! Cerberus might be the ruling monarch’s bastard son, but he is still his son. And the only evidence we can show to justify this raid is the word of two people whom we just met. Tell me, do you even know who they are, Elizabeth? They could be guards themselves and have run into those dungeons when they heard you.”
“Their names are Leo and Ray. And it’s not possible for them to be guards. Those chains on Ray’s arms weren’t there for show, and the seal on his prison was a very high-level spell. No one could possibly make all that up in the few seconds they ‘heard us,’ dear Uncle!”
Freedo’s voice rose. “Oh really? Then tell me, what else do you know about them?”
Jenny chipped in. “They are from the Ragnovin Islands. They told me while I was treating them.”
Freedo spread his hands. “Oh great Leviathan. Ragnovin Islands? So we’re letting the fate of our entire clan rest on the testimony of some Fishers from a peasant territory? Don’t you know about the stories? No one from the main continent goes there anymore. Do you know why? Because they are nothing but a cutthroat band of criminals and rapists. They kill their friends over the slightest provocation and rape their wives and children. And you want to bring these two before His Highness to explain his son’s involvement? Well, good luck with that.”
Elizabeth was getting tired from this argument. The faces of the nearby soldiers started to mimic Uncle Freedo.
Freedo continued, “We raided this place under the surmise that the people who disappeared from our region were here. Unfortunately, other than Katsuma, we did not find anyone else. They fed Saya’s remains to the animals. And as for Katsuma’s body, it’s Cerberus’s word against ours. They could say we planted the body after killing everyone.” Freedo pointed his finger at Elizabeth. “And here is the next problem. Even if we made Cerberus admit his people killed those two. The guard said Saya and Katsuma were trespassing on Cerberus’s land. They committed a felony. It is known throughout the Kingdom that the Emperor has a weakness for women, so he won’t mind that they raped and killed Saya. As far as he would see it, these guards had every right to kill them.”
Elizabeth unsheathed the blade she took earlier from Gonazamius. “They had every right? EVERY RIGHT? How dare you say that! Would you even talk like that if it was Mizaki, your own daughter, who got captured?”
Freedo took a step back.
Jenny grabbed Elizabeth’s arm. “Cool it, Lizzie.” Jenny tilted her head toward the soldiers. Everybody was watching them. Their expressions were not favorable.
There was a smug look on Freedo’s face. Elizabeth gritted her teeth. Dammit, he knew I would do that. He played me.
A pin-drop silence followed, broken only by the sounds of the horses neighing and stamping their feet. Elizabeth sighed. “Fine, have it your way. I won’t raise this with the Empire. However, we won’t kill the two prisoners. We’ll take them back with us to Raven City along with Katsuma’s body.”
Freedo shook his head. “No, all evidence of our involvement needs to be erased. This includes Katsuma’s body. This is not a negotiation!”
“I don’t care.” Elizabeth eyes flashed. “I will not have their blood on my hands and we should give Katsuma’s body to his family. He deserves a proper burial.” She lifted her blade for everyone to see. “And anyone who has a problem with that can step forward.”
Freedo stuck his chest out. “Come now, Elizabeth, are you really going to stand against all of us to protect those two?”
“Lizzie, I don’t like this. They’ve got strange looks in their eyes. Should I bring Messadorma?” Jenny asked.
Elizabeth understood what Jenny meant. Dammit, are all of them on Uncle Freedo’s side? When did he do this?
“Father!” Mizaki ran over and stood between Elizabeth and Freedo. “What are you saying? Kill them? Two innocent people who had the misfortune to come here. They were captured because they tried to save our friends, and you want to kill them as thanks?”
Freedo began, “Mizaki, don’t you...”
She didn’t let him speak. “I agree with Elizabeth. We’ll take them back with us to Raven City and hand over Katsuma’s body to his family. They will keep the secret for our Clan.”
Freedo glared at his daughter. After a few tense moments, he grunted. “Fine, have it your way.”
Elizabeth relaxed the grip on her blade.
He crossed his arms. “But as of this moment, I’m taking over the reins of this group, Elizabeth.”
Elizabeth agreed, and he stormed away.
Jenny stared at Elizabeth. “Wait, what? He can’t do that!”
Elizabeth put a hand on Jenny’s shoulders. “It’s fine. I was wondering when he would ask that.” She observed Uncle Freedo’s retreating back. “Let him do what he wants.”
Jenny clasped the handle on her sword tightly. “It’s not fair. You are the Leader.”
“Did you see their faces? They are angry with me for leading them here. And his tactics to antagonize them against me have worked. Right now, even though I hate to admit it, it is better for the stability of our group if he leads. Otherwise, I might have a riot on my watch.”
“Did he plan this?” Jenny whispered.
Elizabeth shook her head. “No idea, but if this is the cost to avoid mutiny, then so be it.” Elizabeth noticed Mizaki was troubled by her words. “Sorry Mizaki, he is your father. I shouldn’t have said that.”
Mizaki’s eyes dropped. “No, it’s alright. I’m sorry for his behavior.”
Elizabeth smiled. “Can you bring me some water?”
Mizaki bowed and returned to the camp.
Jenny shook her head. “How does he think we can blame the Deep Forest for all of this?”
“He’s right.”
In response to Jenny’s incredulous expression, Elizabeth added, “About this raid. I don’t mean about killing those two and blaming the Forest. We thought we could find everyone. But we only found Katsuma, and he’s...” She didn’t finish her sentence.
Jenny kicked away the dirt on the ground. She pointed to Leo and Ray. “So, should I tell those two the news, or will you?”
Elizabeth rubbed her eyes. “I will. Have you explained everything else to them?”
“Yes, I more or less told them what they needed to know, including the fact that we were from the Raven Clan.”
“That’s fine. I already identified myself to Ray.”
“I can’t believe we’re doing this. You’re the one who told Leo that he was free now.” Jenny’s tone was sharp.
Elizabeth understood Jenny’s anger. She didn’t want to do this to those two either. They had been prisoners for months. Now, they were going to be prisoners again.
Mizaki arrived with the water.
Elizabeth thanked her. “Sorry for the trouble, Mizaki.”
Mizaki smiled. “It’s okay.” She sauntered back to check on Ray and Leo.
Elizabeth was drinking her water when Uncle Freedo came over and told Jenny, “We’re finished with the premises. Can you tell Messadorma to burn the place down?”
Jenny bowed and left but raised an eyebrow at Elizabeth.
Elizabeth sighed. “Are you sure about this? What if the Deep Forest finds out?”
“It doesn’t matter,” Freedo explained. “By the time they realize what has happened, it’ll be too late. They’re closer to this Keep than we are. Their position with the Empire has always been shaky. Your father once told me this. Anger and fear are two sides of the same coin. Both opposite reactions, but they can cloud your better judgment. And make you believe things which you would normally question. The anger at his property being destroyed will make Cerberus search for the perpetrator. We just need to deflect him in the right direction.”
Elizabeth clenched her fists. “This is disgusting. How can we behave like this?”
“This is what you get for impulsively starting this raid. Now, I have to clean up your mess. Otherwise, all of us are dead,” Freedo snapped back as he marched away to give out more orders.
Elizabeth bit her upper lip and closed her eyes for a few seconds. “Guess I better get this over with.” She walked past the horses and carts. The soldiers saluted her yet their eyes told another story. Elizabeth’s strides became faster. “I’m never going to hear the end of this.” She slowed down when she heard voices and identified a familiar frame standing next to a fire.
Mizaki pleaded. “Please don’t move around, Mr. Shimomori. I’ve healed you but you still need to rest.”
“I’m fine. More importantly, you people are going to torch the place, aren’t you?” Ray asked.
Mizaki shook her head. “I’m sorry, I don’t know.”
Elizabeth answered him, “Yes, we are, actually. We need to make sure nothing leads back to my town.”
Ray narrowed his eyes. “You don’t mean?”
She nodded. “The two of you will have to come with me.”
Hearing her words, Leo’s eyes darted to Elizabeth. “But Elizabeth, you told me…” His mouth opened wide. In the darkness of the cell, when her warmth comforted him, he had thought she was a kind person but didn’t bother to take a close look. Now seeing Elizabeth Raven clearly for the first time, Leo Aquarius murmured, “A Goddess.”
The wind was fierce as it came from his left, bringing a shower of leaves around them like the season of autumn. He closed his eyes for a second as a light shone brilliantly, blinding him from atop a horizon. The next day had come, and Leo felt like time had stopped. He was gazing at the most beautiful woman he had ever laid eyes on. Her long golden hair burned like it was on fire and her blue eyes glittered like pearls.
Seeing her, Leo was reminded of the stories he had read as a child with his mother where the author depicted some women as eternal beauties and Goddesses. Leo always thought it was just writers being wishy-washy, but he realized now they were probably describing someone like this woman in front of him. On her right shoulder and the left top of her breastplate, he glimpsed a picture of a bird chasing the sun and the moon.
Is it an eagle? No, the shape of its beak is different…a crow? Probably their clan symbol. It makes sense, Jenny did say they were from the Raven Clan, thought Leo.
Elizabeth knelt near Leo. “Are you alright now, Leo?” She touched his left cheek and scrutinized his face.
Oh my god, why didn’t I notice before? And I was in this beautiful woman’s arms? I acted like such a chi—”
A strange hissing echoed in his ear. What the…
An image flashed into Leo’s mind. He heard the screams of the Raven girl as the guards hurt her. Then, the old man’s cries. Once again, he was back in that cell.
Jorje pulled Raki back. “Stop it. I told you, he’s the Lord’s prize.”
Leo covered his nose as blood dripped from his nostrils. His eyelids were swollen and there was a cut on his cheek.
Raki smirked at Leo. “If the Lord doesn’t come back, you’re next you little cunt.”
I’m next? Leo cowered in his cell as he kept hearing the screams. I’m next? He’s coming for me. Raki’s vision kept mouthing, “You’re next.”
No, leave me alone.
“Leo.” A voice was calling his name. “Leo, Leo, LEO!” He saw Ray’s worried expression. Someone was shaking him. The hissing faded away. Elizabeth had an arm around him and was patting his face.
Leo blinked. “Ray? Elizabeth?”
“What’s the matter with you? Scaring me like that?” Ray screamed at him.
Elizabeth shushed Ray. “Leo, you started convulsing. And you’re cold now. Mizaki, hurry.”
Leo witnessed Mizaki rummaging through one of the nearby carts and taking out a medical kit. She ran back to them and placed it next to Leo on the ground.
“Show me your right hand,” Mizaki murmured. Opening the kit, she unwrapped a new syringe and let it absorb the contents of a vial in the kit. “This might sting.” She rubbed his upper arm near the shoulder with a lotion and injected the syringe.
Slowly, Leo’s trembling stopped. Mizaki wiped a sweat off her brow.
“What was wrong with him?” Elizabeth asked.
Mizaki rose. “Well…”
Leo grasped Elizabeth’s hands. “I’m safe, right? He’s dead, right? You’re not going to give me back, right?” He saw Elizabeth’s eyes widening and let go of her hand. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have–”
She hugged him. “No, it’s okay. He’s dead. I promised you, right?” She rubbed his back. “I promise you’re safe. I won’t give you to him…or anyone.”
Ray patted Leo’s head. “After seeing this, do you still plan to hold us? There’s no telling what will happen to him.”
Elizabeth laid Leo against a rock and took his hand. “Mr. Shimomori, your friend isn’t well. He needs to rest. Please come with us. I promise we won’t treat you badly.”
Ray shook his head. “No, not happening. We didn’t do anything wrong.”
Elizabeth sighed. “Please, I don’t want to do this. But…”–she tentatively patted Leo’s face–“he’s still…fighting. And I want to help him.”
“Because you couldn’t help your friends?” Ray retorted.
“Ray,” Leo exclaimed sitting up. There was a silence in the conversation as the horses stomped their hooves.
Ray bowed. “I’m sorry. That was unkind.”
Leo squeezed Elizabeth’s hand. “I’m sorry as well.”
Elizabeth’s lips turned up. “It’s okay.”
Leo heard footsteps from afar. He noticed everyone looking over his head and wondered who it was. The footsteps stopped near him. Glancing over his right shoulder, he saw a bearded old man’s face against the fire.
“What’s this, Elizabeth? Why are you holding his hand? He should be tied up.” The old man’s eyes went to Ray. “Both of them.”
Ray pursed his lips. “Excuse me?”
Freedo kicked away a pile of new clothes next to Leo. “And take these garments away. Its much too good for these vermin.”
Elizabeth stood up. “Uncle Freedo, take it easy. You too, Mr. Shimomori.”
“Calm down? Why are you talking to this Ragnovin peasant like an equal? They should be grateful we haven’t killed them,” said Freedo.
Ray snarled. “I dare you to say that again.”
Leo gaped at both of them, fearing they were going to start something. His heart was beating faster. Why does this have to happen right after we get out? He squeezed his chest. His eyes widened when a man’s crying reached his ears from the direction of the Keep. His lips trembled. “Who’s tha–”
He stopped talking when he saw Freedo’s smile.
“Looks like Messadorma has started on that guard who killed Katsuma,” Freedo murmured.
Leo recognized the voice behind the screams. He jumped to his feet. “Elizabeth, you told me he’s dead. You promised me.”
Elizabeth held up her hands. “Leo, calm down. He’s dead, I mean he’s going to die. You’re safe. He can’t hurt you anymore. Trust me.”
Freedo frowned. “Elizabeth, stop begging this low-life. I told you to tie them up.”
Ray moved like the wind and rammed Freedo in the chest. As Ray stood up, his body was cloaked in a white Aura.
Mizaki gasped. “He can use Aura Magic?”
Freedo clutched his chest. “No wonder that hurt so much. Mizaki, call Messadorma and Jenny over here now.”
Ray spat on Freedo’s face. “I warned you, asshole.” He shouted to Leo, “Run.”
Leo lunged forward when Elizabeth grabbed his hand. “No Leo, don’t run. Please don’t make this any worse. I can protect you.”
“Leo,” Ray screamed again. “Move it.”
Freedo cursed. “Elizabeth, what’re you doing? Get them.” He rolled his right palm into a fist and punched Ray under the jaw. Freedo’s eyes widened as his fist passed through Ray’s body.
Seeing Ray’s mirage disappear, Leo’s eyes darted from Elizabeth to Ray, then back to Elizabeth. “I’m sorry.” He shook her off and ran.
“Leo, no!” Elizabeth’s voice carried across the camp.
“I’m sorry, but I can’t,” Leo whimpered. Raki’s grinning face kept popping up in Leo’s mind. You’re next, haha, you’re next, you’re next, you’re next. The voice kept echoing in his head. Tears fell down Leo’s eyes as he stumbled and ran forward. “No, no, stop. Leave me alone. I didn’t do anything. Leave me alone,” he cried.
Mizaki yelled from behind. “Ray’s over there to the northwest. He’s running into the woods.”
Oh, he’s going back to the boat?
Leo saw a lake in front of him and slowed down but then Raki’s voice came back again. You’re next you little cunt.
Leo grabbed his throat. “I can’t…breathe…someone…hel–”
You’re next you little cunt. The lake was getting closer. “This lake…dammit. Why now of all times?” He jumped into the water.
A darkness cluttered his vision.
“Relax, I’ve got him.”
Who is that?
“Is he dead?” asked another voice.
“No, just unconscious. He tried to escape by jumping into the lake and swimming to the other side.”
“The lake? But wasn’t that on the opposite side of where you were, Messadorma? How did you catch up to him that fast?”
“Actually, I didn’t. When I got to the lake, genius over here was drowning in it.”
He opened his eyes. The voices were still there but now some hazy images came to his line of sight.
“Huh? That’s not possible. He’s from the Ragnovin Islands. They are Fisher Hellbrids. How could he not know how to swim? Unless…”
Leo groaned. “Ow, where am I? Why am I so wet?” His jaw dropped. A giant woman was standing over him. Who’s that?
Elizabeth’s eyes were watery. “Leo, thank goodness you’re okay.”
“Were you crying?” he asked in a low voice.
She wiped away the tears. “I wasn’t crying.”
Freedo sneered from behind her. “Let’s kill him and get it over with.”
Elizabeth swirled around. “Don’t you dare touch this boy.” She pointed her blade at Freedo.
Freedo’s jaw dropped. “Are you crazy, child? Drop that weapon this instant. They hurt me.”
Elizabeth snarled. “Ray hurt you, not him. And that too because you kept threatening them.”
Freedo stepped back. “You’re no longer in charge here, Elizabeth. Besides you could have stopped them. You deliberately let him escape, didn’t you traitor? Restrain her.”
The soldiers circled Elizabeth.
Jenny Zeored in between them with her sword drawn. “Gona!” she called out. Ten soldiers Zeored to Elizabeth and Leo surrounding them like a barrier.
Leo blinked. “So fast. What’s going on?” He sat up.
“It’s alright, they’re my Personal Guard. You’re safe,” Elizabeth whispered. “That person in the front with the gun is Gonazamius.”
Gonazamius aimed his gun at Freedo’s forehead. “How dare you, how dare all of you! Showing your claws against the very person you swore to protect. Have you no shame?”
The soldiers halted their movements. Freedo pushed aside those blocking his path and trod over to Gonazamius. “Get out of my way. That’s an order.”
“I serve only my Clan Leader, Elizabeth Raven. Your order means nothing to me, Lord Freedo,” Gonazamius replied without blinking.
That’s gutsy, Leo thought.
“You…you…” Freedo slapped one of the nearby soldiers. “What are all of you standing around for? Apprehend both the peasant and Elizabeth.”
Gonazamius fired a shot in to the air. “I’m warning you. Stop and turn back if you don’t want to be tried for treason.”
“Treason? We didn’t do anything wrong. It’s Lady Elizabeth’s fault,” said one of the soldiers. “This raid was a big mistake. Master Freedo is right. We need to kill that guy and cover our tracks.”
Leo saw Elizabeth narrowing her eyes. “Master Freedo? Oh, so that’s how it is. They’re your former students?”
“What if they are?” Freedo punched his student’s arm. “Stop arguing with them and get that guy.”
“Are you sure you want to do that, Uncle Freedo?” The giant woman strode past the soldiers and stood in front of Freedo.
Freedo’s chest heaved up and down. “Messadorma, what are you doing? Don’t tell me you’re siding with Elizabeth?”
Messadorma smiled. “I didn’t save him from drowning just to see you butcher him. You have a choice, Uncle Freedo. Either leave him with Elizabeth or challenge the three strongest fighters in the region to combat.”
Jenny nodded.
Freedo pulled out his sword. “Well then, if that’s what you want, then so be it.” Leo’s lips trembled and he backed away, but a shadow appeared in front of him.
“I’m here, nothing will happen to you,” Elizabeth murmured staring at Freedo. “I won’t allow anyone to hurt you.”
Leo’s eyes widened. “Elizabeth.”
“I know. You’re scared. You don’t know who to trust and want to run away as fast as you can. But Leo,” she held out her right hand to him, “I’m on your side. Believe me when I say that. As long as I breathe, not a single one of them will touch you.”
Leo hesitated, then clasped her palm. Why? Why is she going so far, for someone like me, a stranger?
Freedo moved forward with the soldiers behind.
“Father, please stop this,” Mizaki screamed.
Elizabeth’s lips parted. “Mizaki?”
Leo glimpsed Mizaki racing past the soldiers to block Freedo’s path.
Mizaki spread her arms. “We came here to rescue Saya and Katsuma. But we were too late because of you and your bureaucratic friends.”
Freedo grimaced.
“Instead we found this man and his friend. So what if they want to leave? What is wrong with that? Freedom is a choice that all must have. Isn’t that what Uncle Adam always said?”
Freedo scoffed. “But if Lord Cerberus finds them, then he will know we attacked his domain.”
“Then take Leo as a prisoner. There’s no reason to kill him. Besides, if we keep him with us, then Ray won’t try to leak out the information that we were here,” Mizaki pleaded.
Freedo’s hands dropped to his sides. “I can’t believe this.”
“Father, please. Think of Konan, do you want her to see you fight with her beloved aunts?”
Uncle Freedo spat on the ground. “My own daughter.” He glared at Elizabeth then at Leo.
Leo gulped. Freedo raised his right hand and the soldiers stepped back.
As the last stars of the night disappeared, Leo laid back on the ground. Cold sweat perspired from his face. I never thought I would see another dawn again.
Freedo turned on his heels. “Out of respect for your father, I will let him live. But you will face the consequences for this botched up mission when we get back home, Elizabeth.”
“Do what you want.”
“Oh believe me, I intend to. Tie him up, I don’t want that rat to escape or do anything.”
Ah, that’s better than dying. But Leo noticed that Elizabeth was frowning.
“Come on uncle, look at him. He probably couldn’t hurt a lamb even if he tried.”
“Oh Elizabeth, it is that naivety which makes the council of the city think twice whenever you mention some ideas to them.”
Elizabeth gritted her teeth. “I’m not tying him up. He did nothing wrong.”
Freedo growled. “Now look here–”
Leo held out his hands. “It’s okay. You can tie me up.”
“What?” Elizabeth shook her head. “No, Leo. You don’t need to–”
“It’s fine.” Leo lowered his voice. “I trust you, Elizabeth. I’m scared but I trust you. You’ll stay near me, won’t you?”
“Yes, but…”
“Then it’s fine. I’m okay with this.”
Elizabeth’s eyes dropped. “I’m sorry.”
A flock of birds flew over the white clouds. Leo saw a soldier running toward them from the Keep. A huge explosion echoed in the air, and the birds dispersed in different directions. The Keep lay in burning flames. Leo flinched and tried to control his shaking body.
Mizaki knelt and rubbed something on his right arm. “It’s alright, it’s alright.”
I’m calm all of a sudden. “A potion?”
Mizaki smiled and rose to her feet.
From behind he heard Freedo. “Well, let’s head out. That’s one good fire. Probably half the country-side can see it.”
There was a flurry of activity going on around Leo. Messadorma came forward and tied his hands. “Whoa,” he yelped as she lifted him up and walked over to a cart nearby. A little girl wearing a pink rabbit’s hoodie was staring at him from within the cart. She was probably no more than two years old. Why is a kid here? Is she lost?
Mizaki strode over to pick up the child. “Konan, why aren’t you asleep, young lady?” The child giggled and kissed Mizaki’s face. Messadorma dropped him off onto the cart and loosened the rope on his wrists.
Konan grinned at this.
Leo shrugged. “Ya, I guess this must seem comical seeing a grown man being carried like that.”
She burst out laughing.
Freedo shouted, “Alright, let’s get out of here and return home.”
Everyone shuffled into formation and rode out, leaving the giant burning cremation of bodies behind.
A warm light touched Leo’s closed eyes. So nice. A smooth surface grazed against his left cheek. Someone ran their fingers through his hair. Who is that?
“No, I don’t understand, Jenny,” said Elizabeth. “Why can’t I get too close to him?”
“Lizzie, I get it. You’re worried about him but…”–Jenny sighed–“if Uncle Freedo sees Leo resting his head on your lap, he’s going to get angry.”
Elizabeth’s lap? My head is on Elizabeth’s lap?
Leo peeked up with one eye. The sun had risen to the top of the world. Mizaki was sitting on the left corner of the cart, cradling Konan in her arms. To the right, Jenny was riding her horse alongside the vehicle.
Messadorma’s voice reached his ears from somewhere behind. “Jenny’s right. I don’t really mind you playing protective big sister to this guy, however, Uncle Freedo might misunderstand your intentions.”
Leo closed his eyes when he saw Konan glancing in his direction. Misunderstand?
“Would you two listen to yourselves?” Elizabeth lifted his hands. “Look, do you see those marks? He was tortured. Tortured! Just like Katsuma before he was killed.”
A silence descended on the conversation.
“I can decide for myself if I’m being overfamiliar with him. Perhaps I wouldn’t be like this if we found them alive. But…”–Elizabeth took a breather–“we’ll never know that. The reality is he’s alive and they’re dead. Saya and Katsuma would want me to do everything I can to help him. Uncle Freedo can misunderstand all he wants if that’s the case.” She placed his hands gently back down. “Mizaki, will he be alright?”
“I can’t tell you that, Lizzie,” Mizaki replied. “He was tortured, like you say. Although his physical injuries aren’t life-threatening, it’ll take a long time for the mental scars to heal. The panic attacks, like what we witnessed earlier, might come out without warning. I had to inject a shwarigaiko directly into his bloodstreams to calm him down. It’s usually enough to just rub it on the outside skin.”
“Is it safe for other people to be around him?” Messadorma inquired.
A small pain entered Leo’s chest. Safe? Am I dangerous now?
“Of course. He isn’t a threat to anyone else. I’m happy that he’s still communicating with us and not withdrawn into himself. The memories might hinder his life, moving forward. Having Ray with him would have been great but thankfully Leo’s accepted Elizabeth.”
“What do you mean?” It was Jenny’s voice.
Leo peeped again to observe Mizaki patting Konan. “It’s like, he sees her as his savior, his protector. Like how Konan would come to me first if she was scared of anything.”
“So like a Guardian-Ward relationship?” Messadorma laughed. “I’m sorry, that wasn’t appropriate.”
“It’s nothing to laugh at, Messadorma.” Mizaki frowned. “Trust is a serious hurdle for victims of abuse. We don’t know the extent of his trauma. Imagine yourself trapped in a dead sea, your only lifeline, the rope that is pulling you forward, is one person.” She pointed at Elizabeth. “What do you think will happen when that one person disappears?”
“I won’t,” Elizabeth answered.
Mizaki nodded. “I know you won’t. The rest of us also need to become familiar with him. I’m not saying all of you have to but I hope you will. It will help him…and Elizabeth so that she won’t have to constantly monitor him.”
Messadorma groaned. “For how long?”
“I can’t say. But with the right counseling and medication, I’m sure he’ll be alright.”
I can’t believe these strangers are that worried about me.
Jenny apologized to Elizabeth. “You’re right, Lizzie. Katsuma and Saya would want us to do everything we can for him. I’ll help with his recuperation.”
“I’m on vacation once we reach home but I’ll help look after him until then,” Messadorma chimed in. “Elizabeth, I see some activity in the front.”
“You’re right. I better go see what’s happening,” Elizabeth responded.
“I can go. It might be awkward for you, right?” Jenny kicked her horse gently.
She started moving forward when Elizabeth called out to her. “No, wait. I’ll go, I’m not going to let the soldiers see me cowering.” Leo closed his eyes again as Elizabeth shifted his head onto the cart. Her footsteps echoed away until he heard a horse galloping off.
“She’ll care for him until he’s better.” Messadorma sighed. “I just hope he recovers fast.”
Jenny assented with her.
Leo squinted to the right to see Jenny gazing up at the sky. They’re worried I might cause more trouble for Elizabeth. Leo took a deep breath. You need to pull yourself together, Leo. What would Ray say? The cart halted. Voices rose from the very front of the group.
“Priestess Mizaki, the terrain is a lot rougher. Should I move the crates by hand?” asked the cart driver.
Mizaki put him at ease. “Don’t worry, the glass items in them are fastened tightly. They won’t break. You can move forward.”
“Very well, Priestess.”
The cart started moving again along the uneven grounds. Leo yawned and pretended to just wake up from the rough movements. The group was nearing a tunnel at the bottom of some mountains surrounded by sturdy trees. Echoes of sounds came down from above. But he could hardly see anything as the entire area around the mountain’s peak was shrouded by a mist.
“Curious?” queried Messadorma who was riding alongside the cart now.
He noticed a bottle in her hand.
She saw his gaze. “It’s just something I take for the road. I’m Messadorma Raven.”
He bowed. “Leo Aquarius.”
She tilted her head. “I think everybody in this group knows who you are, Leo.”
Yes, I know what you mean. He noticed the hostile stares from those in the front lines.
He tried to calm the churning in his stomach and turned his attention to Messadorma. “You’re not a regular Hellbrid, are you?”
She smiled. “No, I’m a Tai Rasse like you. I belong to one of the Amazon Hellbrid Tribes of the Western Dark Continent.” She covered her mouth. “Although calling peasants like you Tai Rasse is an insult to all the other Tai Rasse.”
“Messadorma,” Mizaki exclaimed. “What did we just talk about?”
“What? This is a totally unrelated topic.”
Mizaki rolled her eyes.
Leo frowned. “What do you mean?” A great wind came from the south and the mountains began to make sounds again. “What’s that?”
“The Dragon King,” Messadorma answered.
“Really?” His eyes shot up. “I heard Dragons nest on top of mountains. But a Dragon King?” Another gust hit them from the side and even the ancient trees trembled. Leo stood up. His legs were shaking. “No way!”
Messadorma took a sip from the bottle. “Yes, I can understand your shock.”
Leo gulped. On top of the mountain, he discerned wings greater than any ship, and a face so fierce it brought shivers down his spine even though the face was made of stone. The wind continued and he heard the sounds clearly from within the statue.
Leo collapsed to his knees. “A dragon’s statue? What is this place?” He was still shaking.
Messadorma patted his back gently. “The Path of Kings.”
“The Path of Kings?” repeated Leo.
Messadorma’s lips parted. “You don’t know?”
Leo shook his head. “I never studied at school. So I’m unfamiliar with our history.”
She observed the giant stone dragon. “Oh? Well, I’m still surprised. A long time ago, the Evil Sea-Queen, Nyetjen the Cursed, rose from the seas with her army of serpents to take over the Empire. She wanted to sink the entire Deidirious Continent to the bottom of the ocean. But…”–Messadorma’s eyes lighted up as they turned toward him–“her march was stopped in front of this mountain. The Dragon King, Grigajin, descended from the heavens with Emperor Deidirious on his back. The skies quaked as Grigajin breathed down fires of chaos on Nyetjen’s forces. Together the Emperor and the Dragon King defeated Nyetjen after an incredible battle.”
“Whoa,” Leo muttered.
Messadorma inspected the bottle’s side. “That was a long time ago. Today that great battle is only mentioned in the history books. This entire path including that tunnel had to be reconstructed since the aftermath of the battle left it unusable for decades. That statue is a memorial to King Grigajin and a reminder to our sea-dwelling cousins. ‘Rise again, but only if you have the courage to walk through the Path of Kings.’”
Leo pursed his lips. “Wait…Nyetjen?”
“I see you realized it. But then, even an uneducated person would know of her, I guess. After all, she was your ancestor.”
“How could I not? When I was a kid, the other children back home abused me because of her.”
Messadorma nodded. “I see. I can imagine that happening. After her defeat, she was forced to marry a peasant Fisher Hellbrid as punishment for her treason. And sentenced to live in what is today called, ‘The Ragnovin Islands.’ What’s more…”
Leo gritted his teeth. “The Emperor stripped Nyetjen of the ability to swim and cast a curse on all her descendants so they too would suffer the same fate.”
Messadorma drank the remaining wine. “Yes, all those from Ragnovin who cannot swim are considered her kin. Normally, they would go undetected here in the mainlands. Unfortunately, you weren’t so lucky. Now you understand why Uncle Freedo wanted you dead? It wasn’t just because of what your friend did. You are the descendant of Nyetjen, one of the Emperor’s enemies.”
“I don’t understand. That was a long time ago.”
“Yes, it was. Doesn’t mean your standing in the Empire has improved. I suspect not a lot of people from your home come here?”
“Not really.”
Messadorma continued, “Even though the Tai Rasse are supposed to be special, you Fisher descendants of Nyetjen are considered the lowest of the low. I have heard rumors that many get sold off the black market.”
Leo gulped. Then he felt a tug on his pants and looked down. Konan was climbing onto his lap. After three failed attempts, she reached the summit and grinned. He grinned back, gently pinching her cheeks.
Messadorma exhaled loudly.
Leo raised an eyebrow. “Are you alright?”
“Aren’t you kind. Yes, I’m fine. Just a bit tired.” She took a few deep breaths, “Well, in any case. You need not worry. Just stay on the cart and only talk with the guards assigned to it. They’re Elizabeth’s Personal Guards.”
“Yes, she menti–”
Leo yelped as he experienced a sharp pinch on his cheeks. Konan giggled.
Messadorma wagged a finger at Konan. “Be careful, she’s cute but can be a bossy little devil.”
Konan’s eyes sparkled and Leo knew trouble was coming.
“Why is a toddler with you? I can’t believe you brought her to such a dangerous place,” Leo mumbled as Konan pinched his nose this time.
Mizaki frowned from the other side of the cart. “Konan, come here. Don’t do that.” But the child seemed more interested in stretching Leo’s face.
“We didn’t bring her. She got on one of the carts without anyone realizing,” replied Messadorma.
Leo pulled down Konan’s hands. “What?”
Mizaki slouched. “It’s my fault.”
Messadorma shook her head. “No, it’s not. You put her to sleep and left home. I blame Uncle Freedo and Aunt Sofia. She should have watched Konan more carefully. And him! Why didn’t he move the carts out of your home earlier? He just had to wait until nightfall.”
Mizaki rubbed her forehead. “I wish he had done that.”
Leo yelled, “Ahhhhh!” Konan was back to pinching his cheeks.
Seeing his pained expression, Konan laughed and hugged him mumbling something.
Oh no, is this what mother called the power of a child’s hug? He thought. His irritation vanished and he hugged her back.
Mizaki and Messadorma smiled. Leo was playing with Konan when he caught sight of Jenny falling back to their cart.
Mizaki rested her hand on the cart’s side. “So, how’s it going, Jenny? Have they decided?”
“They are arguing again,” Jenny explained. Elizabeth wants to take the long route by the river on the right, which comes up after we get out of this tunnel, but Uncle Freedo seems to think we should take the short route on the left straight through the woods so that no traveler will see us.”
“Oh dear, I hope he listens to her. After all, the woods are their territory,” said Mizaki.
Leo narrowed his eyes. Their territory?
Messadorma mused over this. “Well, I don’t mind if we take the short route. I hope we meet some of them.”
Jenny grimaced. “Are you sure you want that? Uncle Adam went to a lot of trouble to pass the Treaty of Terabelta. You really want to be the person who starts a dispute again?”
Messadorma unholstered a knife from her armguard and licked its edge. “Oh, I didn’t say I wanted to be the reason, but none of those weaklings at the Keep were enough to satisfy me. I have always wondered how strong those people who don’t have magic powers are.” And having said that, she rode to where Elizabeth and Freedo were.
Mizaki shuddered. “Sometimes I wonder about her. Whether she is right in the head and all.”
Jenny patted Mizaki’s back. “I don’t think you need to worry, Mizaki. You are her dear eldest sister; even if technically you are a cousin.”
Leo stopped playing with Konan for a second. So they’re family. Don’t look anything like each other though.
Mizaki dropped her eyes to the passing ground. “Being a dear sister to someone doesn’t always guarantee that they don’t want to kill you, Jenny. Sometimes love is an even bigger motivator than hate when it comes to taking blood.”
Jenny’s eyes widened. “I, well, I-I really don’t know what to say to that.”
Mizaki rubbed her eyes. “Sorry, don’t mind me. Just tired, I guess. Forget I said that.”
Jenny didn’t respond.
Leo rolled his eyes at Konan. And here I thought, your mother was the normal one.
Konan giggled like she understood him.
He glimpsed Elizabeth’s golden hair coming toward them through the crowd of soldiers. He was about to smile at her when he noticed her expression. Oh, she looks angry.
Her lips curled up faintly when she saw Leo. She stopped as she neared their cart. “Jenny, I need to talk with you.”
She is angry. Leo moved closer to them. Konan yawned and rested against his chest.
Jenny tilted her ear toward Elizabeth. “Yes Lizzie, what is it?”
Elizabeth exasperated. “Uncle Freedo’s hell-bent on taking the short route. I tried to reason with him but it’s not working.”
Jenny’s jaw dropped. “So, not only does he want to blame the Deep Forest for what happened at the Keep but he also wants to use their territory to reach home safely. What does he plan to tell them if they catch us?”
Elizabeth’s fists clenched tightly around her horse’s ropes. “That’s the thing. He says there’s a path through the Forest which he and Father used when they were young. Apparently, the Deep Foresters don’t venture that far out so it’s safe.”
Jenny raised an eyebrow. “Oh? A miracle path just magically appears now? Why didn’t he tell us about it before?”
Elizabeth shook her head. “Says it’s top secret and he’s only using it now to clean up ‘my mess,’ as he calls it. Unfortunately, he’s got the soldiers convinced that it’s the best option. And also, there’s something else.”
They lowered their voices rendering Leo unable to hear any further. Lot of secrecy. I wonder what’s going on. Konan wasn’t bothering him anymore. Looking down, he saw the child sleeping in his arms. “Not a care in the world, eh?”
Elizabeth’s voice carried across to his ears. “Right now, all I care about is the safety of my loved ones.” Her hands still clenched tightly around the rope.
Jenny massaged her temples. “I understand how you feel. But we can’t abandon the group now. Mizaki is Uncle Freedo’s daughter like you said. She won’t leave him. She loves him, a lot, and even if she agrees, he might make it seem like you are taking her away by force.”
Elizabeth nodded. “You’re right. Konan is here. It might get violent.”
Leo gulped. Violent? I thought the fight was over.
Jenny showed her left fist to Elizabeth. “Let’s protect them both and get through safely for now.”
Elizabeth punched the fist. “I wish Messadorma was as supportive as you. But no luck there. She was eager to go through the Deep Forest.”
“Oh? Well, that was to be expected. She wanted a good fight. Now, she may well get it.”
They reached the exit and were greeted by a bright pathway of sunshine. The scenery was incredible, everywhere was green. On the right, a river ran downstream connecting with many lakes and ponds. On the left, several paths led upwards to hill tops, meeting with the blue skies. Leo sighed as a cool breeze hit him. The wind changed direction as they moved forward. Leo noticed the sea in the distance. If only I could swim.
Uncle Freedo announced from the front of the herd, “Alright everyone, we have decided it would be easier to go through the Deep Forest if we want to make it back to the city before sundown. There are many routes into the forest from here as you can see, but let’s take the short one after the next clearing.”
One of the members of the herd spoke. “But isn’t the Deep Forest ‘their’ territory. We’re not supposed to go there, right?”
Uncle Freedo shouted back, “It may be ‘their’ territory, but it’s a part of Deidirious, so that means we are free to use it if need be. And you need not worry, I know a safe route which even the Deep Foresters aren’t even aware of.”
“Actually, we are not free according to the agreement my father signed with the Deep Forest Clan sixteen years ago, an agreement to which Uncle Freedo was a witness,” Elizabeth whispered to Jenny and Leo.
“Leave him be, Lizzie. We can only hope the Deep Foresters would show us some courtesy and let us pass if they find us. Besides,” Jenny pointed Elizabeth to the faces of the people in the group, “it’s obvious we are going inside.”
Elizabeth gritted her teeth. “Yes, you’re right. I should’ve seen this beforehand. It’s my mistake for letting him take charge. Most of the soldiers were people who trained under Uncle Freedo. Look at their expressions.”
Leo didn’t understand what she meant until he saw their faces. Even for a novice, the adulation in the eyes of the soldiers was unmistakable.
“Elizabeth, will we be alright?” Leo asked.
Elizabeth blinked. “Ah, yes, it’ll be alright. I’m here!”
She smiled but he noticed the worry lines across her face. She’s trying to sound calm for me. I’m just making her more nervous. What’s wrong with you, Leo? Come on!
Jenny said something to Elizabeth which he couldn’t hear. Then Jenny steered her horse into the woods on the left.
Messadorma was returning to the back of the group. Leo noticed her squinting at Jenny’s back. Elizabeth stared at the Amazon coldly. Leo witnessed them talking for a few minutes and then Messadorma too disappeared through the woods.
Where are all of them going? Ray, I hope you find me soon. Like while I’m still alive.
The cart turned a corner. So that’s it? Leo thought.
Two soldiers cut through the wild bushes to reveal the path as they entered the Deep Forest.
- In Serial36 Chapters
Retiring as an Incompetent Queen
What happens when you transmigrate into a transmigration story? Another story unfolds. Once upon a time, there was a Queen. A Queen of a land that contained magic beneath the earth, a land where fantastical creatures used to live and roam. A Queen of a land established by four Heroes, may they rest in peace. A Queen who came from another world, far, far beyond the horizon. The Queen who was not Good, nor Evil, for she thought dwindling on the lines that separated them foolish. Good did not exist, nor did Evil. There were only lines for each individual person, lines that they would not cross. But the Queen did what she had to do, and she didn't look down on others who did the same. She hadn't wanted to become a Queen, at first. After being plunged into a world she knew nothing yet everything about, she ran away and tried to escape from her fate. Running, running. Always running, never stopping. Some like to think fate is inescapable, that it decides our life and the choices we make. They are half right. Fate you cannot run away from. But the path you take is up to you to forge. The Queen ran away from Fate's clutches, until she ran into two others of her world. A Hero who had stolen his Title, and a Creator who wielded his Brush like a sword. They laughed together, they cried together, and they conquered together. The Queen had never accepted her Fate, nor did she ever believed in it. In the end, she hadn't changed. But even in the end, after she returned home, she never forgot. What it had taken to be a Queen. This is the story of Novarra Kiye Ultra. ----
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Wanted: Dead or Alive
John 'J.J. Cool' Jennings is a reformed criminal aiming to isolate himself within the state of Sloan in the rugged Western Halfland. Growing up within the notorious street gang known as The Sharks, he innately possesses the skill set for becoming a fearful ice Agist, or magic user. His dismissive attitude often runs him into trouble in this Wild West inspired fantasy web-series. With his talking horse named Poni as company, Jennings will need to overcome a dark past to create a bright future for himself, now made more difficult, with the added stress of maturation. [[ Season 2 returning soon ]] Visit Koijoi Ent. website for further information or to contact directly.
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Broken Core (A Progression LitRPG)
The world has been shattered, shifted, and rebuilt with the passing of each era. Long dynasties, continental empires, heroes among heroes, felled by the Champions of the Beyond to usher change. An era dominated by true monsters, an era where power is absolute, an era where humanity is at its edge from the apex predators of the period. Monsters unlike anything that the world has seen, machines of precision; merciless with endless ambitions — Dungeons. Once again, a new Champion is selected by the now fading power of the Beyond. Leah. A just formed Dungeon with fragmented memories of a different life and world, a Dungeon with the memories of a human of a different realm. She must learn the harsh reality of what this new world is while trying to stay alive, and more importantly, find out what she is.
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Jack Dawson's Sister
This is a story about Titanic but instead of Rose telling the story,it is Jack Dawson's little Sister. I do not own Titanic. I love the story of Titanic,not the sinking or the death. I admire the love. No hate. I do not own anything,just my character. Enjoy! 😁 I do not own the photography or the videos in here.
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How did she get there? No one knew. She just suddenly appeared.Y/n couldn't even think of a logical explanation for her to get lost from her time period or suddenly hopped to some ancient universe. But she's here. Trying her best to fit in for a world where demons are the ones plaguing the world and not Ghouls.All she could do is painstakingly take on a role she doesn't really want in order to hide her identity from everyone else. Meeting a Demon slayer and travelling with them and having encounters with some people who just doesn't wish to leave her alone just like in her old world.
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Slow Poison
[A SWEET MAFIA ROMANCE]Nicole thought that her life would be easy now after she left behind all the memories of an awful night, which led to an unexpected tribulation in her life. She moved into a new city trying to forget the inexplicable incident that happened with her. Little did she know that she can never escape from it because the devil will always find her. No matter how hard she tries to get away from him.He was meant to be her medicine but he turned out to be a Slow Poison. -------------------------------------I hear his hoarse voice bringing me back from the daze as he growls in between the kisses. "You have no idea how dangerous it can be..." He says with his lips going down to the area just above my breast, he sucks in desperately, squeezing my ass gently, making me whimper in bliss. I clutch to his shirt, trying to hold my body from collapsing."Careful...You are messing with the devil, Cole." He doesn't let me breathe for a minute as he starts attacking me with his open-mouthed kisses all the way back. Rapture succumbs me as I feel his lips again on my neck, traveling higher. I breathe heavily, unable to maintain my composure while being acquainted with this unfamiliar sensation. His lips reach my ear as he gently nibbles my earlobe."You know why people call me the devil?" His breath fanning over my ear. "It's not because I am a sinner."His harsh breath comes out in pants, showing me how equally he is affected as he continues. "It's because I am capable of making innocent people commit sins."WARNING: Contains strong language, sexual descriptions and scenes which might be uncomfortable for some readers such as depiction of illegal occupations, drug dealing, use of weapons, blood and killing. Read at your own risk.Also, I have no claim over the pictures used in the story. They are taken from internet.
8 285