《Crown of Despair》[Arc 1] Chapter One: Odd Encounters


Chapter One

Amynta Barbosa surveyed the interior of the train cart she rode in. The seats were plush and red as blood, golden pieces of metal separating them from each other. Sunlight bled into the cart through its multiple windows. Most of the passengers were asleep; Amynta always found that sleep eluded her. Ever since the night she lost her parents, she hadn’t been able to get a wink of proper sleep. It was why she was prescribed the Wine of Nipia. Shamans believed that it could alleviate most ailments.

It hadn’t worked for her, which she knew was going to happen. Sighing, she spared a glance at the sheet of paper spread across her legs. It contained information about the training corps. Supposedly they were in the process of renovating the premises. Amynta deemed it pointless to focus on such trivial things.

The train shuddered and came to a stop. Peering out the window, she saw a series of buildings, along with massive steps that descended into a street wide enough to fit crowds and a small carriage, led by a horse with a golden mane. Amynta narrowed her eyes slightly as she stepped through the train cart’s door. Marina liked horses. If only coin wasn’t so hard to come by. I would love to buy a horse for Marina, even though she is hardly old enough to ride one by herself. I hate spending money. Amalija and Marina need all the supervision they can get. Every bit of coin I earn must go to Mama Joi.

Said thoughts fought for dominance in her head. Amynta stepped off the train and released a sigh beneath her breath. So good to be in fresh air again. Making sure her bag was properly secured, she cut around the civilians, descending the steps. Mama Joi requested I bring the money before seeking out the Crow. Must that woman be so….careful? I wouldn’t dream of scurrying off without paying her for her services.


Amynta passed buildings fashioned from wood and stone that towered over her. Sweet aromas wafted from the openings of numerous shops. Children skipped around her, dressed in black and white clothing. They, along with those older than them, wore a grey cap marked with a slash of crimson. Amynta knew what those represented. The Holy King’s reach extends even here. Torinashi is rather close to the walls, but even so… Shaking her head to push away thoughts of Asonia’s king, she cut down a narrow alley, where she found a teenage boy pounding the face of an elderly man. The old man slammed into the piss-stained cobblestones, groaning in protest.

Amynta balled her fist.

“Leave him be,” she said.

The boy whipped his body around with wide eyes. Amynta sized him up quickly. The rostai his body admitted was relatively high for someone of his age. Perhaps he’s been prone to steal his way through life. Individuals who are fond of stealing are rather….devious in their way of living. No wonder his rostai is this large.

“Oi,” he said. “A girl? How about you kneel for me after you spread those pretty little legs of yours? I’ll—”

Amynta slammed her fist into his gut. She swept his feet out from under him, gripped his hand with only a fraction of her strength, and narrowed her eyes slightly. The boy cursed before she squeezed harder, causing his cursing to wither into mere whimpering. She released the pressure just slightly, a small smile playing on her lips.

“Looks like you are the one who’s kneeling,” she said. “I would watch the way you speak, especially to girls. Although, I rather doubt you’ll be obtaining ‘what’s between their legs’ anytime soon. With a face like that and an attitude as equally as repulsive, you’ll end up all by yourself.”


“Let go!”

She risked a glance towards the mouth of the alley, ears twitching. Gia, wisps of energy, curled inward like a ribcage along the brick walls. A slight tremor passed through the cobblestones, right as a brown liawolf paced down the alley. It sniffed the boy’s pants; Amynta’s smile broadened.

“As you say,” she said, releasing the boy into the path of the liawolf.

Turning away from them, she regarded the old man. The boy’s screams rattled her eardrums. She extended a hand to help him to his feet. Hmm. He’s likely broken his hip… The chime of a bell cleaving the air made her eyes widen. Oh, no. I’m late… Crap. Amynta’s blood ran cold. The old man smiled slightly. His skin, formerly as wrinkled as a prune, became smooth and pale. Grey hair collapsed into black strands. He released her hand, currents of violet light flowing around him.

The Crow.

“Wonderful,” the Crow said. “You intervened, just as I figured you would. Excellent work, Amynta! I was wondering, though. What could you be doing here? The training corps are...that way.”

“I have to give someone a payment.”

“Oh? Oh, right. Amalija and Marina are in a woman’s care. How could I forget? I actually spoke with Joi. A capricious woman…. I don’t understand how people cope with her sudden shifts in behavior. It would wear me thin rather quickly.”

“I’m late, sir. I don’t have time to—”

The Crow’s eyes gleamed. “Don’t worry about the payment. I took care of it. Your train was delayed, correct? I foresaw all this and decided to aid you! My help, however, is not without a cost.”

“I am not sure I understand. Is there...another case of Voidroamers that requires my attention?”

“You catch on quickly. Yes. This time, though, we’ve noticed an abnormally high number of abductions. All the targets are female. We think it’s the work of a Voidroamer. An elf, to be precise. From what we know, it’s after a crown. The Crown of Despair. I’ve already considered a squad for you. No need to return the long way. I don’t understand how humans can possibly enjoy walking… Such a primitive means of transportation. Anyway. Step into the portal.”

Amynta hadn’t noticed that the Crow formed a portal to begin with. A swirl of darkness bled from his body as his eyes gleamed. Amynta’s heart pounded fiercely in her chest. The Crown of Despair… Father wanted me to find it. An elf is after it? I cannot let that vile creature acquire it. Breaking the family curse is my goal. I want Amalija and Marina to live long lives… I will not stop until I give them the means to do so.

Throat bobbing, she stepped into the portal and let its cold embrace snatch her up.

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