《Seukine》13. The Thorny Rose


Seria Garden was not very close to Ienia’s courtyard though it was one of his favored gardens of the nine within Seukine. Only second to his garden in his courtyard. The spring flowers were in full bloom, Ienia judged by the scent of the wind. Memories of the garden sprung up in his mind.

The garden was circular with many swats of manicure land that was used to plant perennial flowers on. In the center of that circle were the annual flowers that bloomed every year. They were known as the Snow Star Lilies. A rare breed found only in cold mountainous regions of Nivalia.

Normally such flowers would not be able to grow in the warmer climate of Vahnaine, but Ienia had found a way to grow them. He would imbue the flowers with a bit of his Kren to sustain the flower through harsher weather and ice crystals lined the dirt to give the flowers the perfect climate.

If he had to speak with Ghain’dea again he would rather do it in the comfort of his favored garden. As it was relaxing and allowed him to keep a restraint over himself. He felt the man enter his range of awareness as he had before. The grimy feeling that crawled around in his mind marked the general’s presence.

Master, General Lashir has arrived,” Pueya announced barely holding the disgust from his voice. The heavy footsteps that tread across the white paved road had a distinct jingle with them. Ghain’dea’s military boots. They were specially made years ago. Ienia remembered laughing at the man’s fashion sense. The golden buckles clinked as the man neared the pavilion.

“Estate Master Seulnine, greetings from Asila. It is good that we can meet again under such favorable circumstances. The event joining our families shall be a joyous event,” Ghain’dea said playfully. He had a voice that leaned toward the lighter side but could deepen it if he wanted to.

“Master has already begun preparation for the events of this week. He would like to discuss with you, great general, the dowry and the setting for the wedding,” Pueya explained with impeccable manners.

“Of course, It is why I have taken it upon myself to arrive so punctually. As a former resident of Asila, she must be given a respectable debut. As she is former nobility. Yet, I know Estate Master’s thoughts on such a matter. As Asila would want a grand debut, instead of one performed at night. Will our Fanu Fi even see sunlight on her wedding day?”

“Impossible,” Pueya said suddenly.

“Fanu Fi was nobility. Should her return to a respectable position be hampered by the Law of Concubines?”

“Master states that Fanu Fi’s former station is important but an insult to the Mune of Seukine will not be tolerated,” he explained. “Even if she was nobility and the first Fanu of Seukine, her splendor and dignity cannot step on the women of Seukine. Doing so would mar the reputation of not only our estate but Asila as well.”

“That is true but how will her noble family gain back any dignity if she is not acknowledged?” Ghain’dea asked. “Will she be hidden away? Her noble family name forever buried in the mud. How cruel Mir’fea, to refuse that pitiful girl a respectable wedding.”

The change in Pueya was evident as Ienia heard his stance change. He squeezed the younger man’s hand as a warning. The man responded by relaxing. “Master, states that once more General Lashir does not understand the intricacy of being an Estate Master. As such I shall explain. You are correct that Fanu Fi debut and wedding are deserving of grandeur. Yet, as an Estate Master, the master must take into account those within Seukine, especially the harem. Fanu Fi is nobility but still just a fanu. As a true Estate Master, one must always act in the interest of the Estate first and foremost. You should learn to value Asila in the same way.”


“Ah, I will take your words to heart.” He responded before changing the subject. “Asila will send over proper Fanu attire.”

“That is unnecessary. Seukine will provide a wardrobe for the master’s Fanu. As will it provide the material for her to debut. General Lashir, Asila will only need to provide the agreed upon dowry.”

“So very prepared, are you not Seulnine?” The annoyance was clear to Ienia even though the man tried to cover it up.

“Please use proper titles for the master as you are of a lower class. It will become a bad example for those around you,” Pueya chided the man.

“My manners just seem to be lacking today, my apologies,” Ghain’dea bit out. Pueya hummed low in acknowledgment of the general.

“The dowry will arrive on the day of the debut as it will be a perfect present for Fanu Fi. My handpicked servant for her, Ae Sevi Lami, has been taught by none other than my Mune’s Sa ranked servant. She will surely be much help to our Fanu Fi,” The playfulness in Ghain’dea voice returned. As if he was telling a joke that only he understood.

Ienia figured the servant from Asila would cause many issues, but turning down the gift of a servant would only look bad for Seukine. Ienia hesitated to relay a message to Pueya as he debated a course of action.

“Are you worried?” the general said sly. “I delivered you a wondrous gift and you hesitate to accept it. Have I not already given you the girl? She must look at least passable since her purification. She’s probably even on her way to becoming a delicate and beautiful flower now—but some flowers are poisonous, right?”

“Then she will be executed in the city square for all to see how low Asila has fallen. Then Honorable Quia Lashir, you will be executed in that square as well.” Ienia spoke a threat through Pueya.

Ghain’dea remained quiet for several seconds before bursting into laughter, “I jest, Estate Master.”

“Master does not find humor in your idle threats,” The Rini stepped forward with purpose but Ienia called him back. “Let us end this meeting, General Lashir. You should rest after such a long journey.”

“Of course,” the man agreed.

Pueya sent the man off and Ienia waited for the man’s presence to leave him. A sigh escaped him as Pueya returned.

“He is far too bold, making outright threats is too much even for a Quia General. Does he not know you are an Estate Master and he is honorary,” Pueya made a fuss.

Ienia chuckled soundlessly. Ghain’dea really was being too antagonistic toward him. It was to the point that the man forgot he could very well punish him for being insulting. Still, that would be seen as beneath him. He could not act retaliatory or he would be seen as a child by his peers who already thought less of him. Anything that he did to defend himself would end up that way.

Holding his hand out, Pueya took it, *Search the Fanu’s room. We must be prepared for his attack.*

“Yes, master.”

Wrel moved quickly on her way to the textile storeroom. She had less than two days to create Firynei’s debut attire and four days for a wedding dress. Doing it alone would be a feat in itself, but she could not trust any of the women servants. Their loyalty was to the Mune and harem. She also had to finish before the servants from the harem arrived at the Danu quarters. There was so much to do and so little time. She never thought she would be navigating the wars of the inner court again, but she had an innocent girl to look after. Firynei needed to at least win Ienia admiration if she was to survive as a Fanu.


“Pristine Sa?” the baritone of the estate doctor caught her off guard, but she remained graceful. She looked back behind herself as the man walked closer to her. His high ponytail swayed back and forth behind him.

“Physician Sa ‘ion,” she said, taking in his more relaxed appearance. He looked boyish outside of his physician's attire.

“How is Fanu Fi?”

“She had progressed well since her cleansing. Her scars have healed well enough that only small white scars remain. You have extraordinary talent,” she complimented him as she started to walk again.

“It was the least I could do for Mir’fea,” he began walking with her. She figured she would not evade him that quickly.

“So what do you seek by speaking to me? You obviously have a purpose,” she asked outright. She had no time to waste with the man.

“Motive? Should I not ask you that? Mari’nei must have sent you for some reason other than your relation to the Fanu.” Wrel was surprised by his perceptiveness. His handsome face did not hide a lack of intelligence.

“Mari’nei is kindhearted but not naïve. She would not let me come here if she thought I would hurt her sister Estate,” Wrel explained.

“Who are you really? You speak far too intelligently and move far too gracefully to simply be a Pristine Servant. Let alone Pueya tell me you are rude and even when you are respectful you have a way of still being rude,” The man leaned closer to her and she remained passive, not even attempting to move away.

“Kii’ion,” she spoke his affectionate name warningly. He was taken aback by her use of his name. She turned to look at him. Her stormy eyes bored into his hazel ones. “I am here for Gi’rea. My identity is not your concern. Mari’nei said you would help me. Will you?”

“Will you harm Seukine?”

Wrel laughed, “Why would I harm Seukine or Mir’fea. He was not responsible for these events leading to my family’s pain. He did not cause this insult. He is but a victim.”

“Then your goal—”

“Our families are close, bonded by the promise of becoming one. I do not mind Mir’fea but his harem will mind me. I only wish to provide comfort to my Firya and her Gi’rea. Her last remaining child. As long as I can accomplish this then nothing terrible will befall Seukine.” Wrel said with a gentle smile even though there lay a threat in her words.

“Fanu Fi has been in the hands of Asila for many years. Will she be happy here? Will she be loyal to Mir’fea? Her being led here is very obviously a scheme by that boy to hurt Mir’fea.”

“Black Hyacinth,” she said with no preamble.

“What about it?”

“You know how to make an antidote?” she asked as she reached the fabric storeroom.

“Yes, I am familiar with that poison. It is slow-acting in a lower dose and causes seizures and painful death in higher doses. Why should I make an antidote.” She stood silent for several seconds and he called her “Pristine Wrel?”

“Because my Firya’s child has been beaten and broken. She has crawled on the ground with no one at her side. She has taken care of her sick mother and forced into an oath so she would not commit suicide at an early age. She has had no one but her dear mother through all of this and that bastard Ghain’dea would do anything to force her obedience. I fear that gentle Gi’rea will make the poorest choice. It is better to prepare for the oncoming mistake rather than be caught off guard.” She opened the door to the storeroom that was filled with dust.

Wrel knew there was nothing good in the room. It had not been open in years and most of the fabrics were probably outdated or eaten by moths. The Estate Master was probably unaware that some places were not taken care of as well as he thought.

“Why not talk with her and save her from this then?” the physician asked.

“My family has never been weak of mind, letting others lead one around like an ass. Gi’rea has to stand on her own and make proper choices even when it hurts. She must walk her own path and if she chooses wrong then I will leave her to her fate. No one will ruin our family name not even our own. I can only guide her as much as I can. She will live or die by her own hand.” Wrel closed the door to the fabric storeroom. She would send word to Mari’nei asking for help with the attire.

“You are quite scary,” Kii’ion said as they casually walked back to the Danu quarters.

“Will you help me?” she ignored his words.

“Yes, our families are bound together. I do not have much of a choice,” he replied and she turned on her heels and looked up at him.

“Auinki, you may call me Auinki when we are alone. You will be my assistant.” Her genuine smile was creepy. Stretched just a bit too far to be gentle or elegant.

Kii’ion realized how their families were bound together when he pondered over the name she gave him. “And here I thought she was speaking of Keulnine. She meant a bind much deeper than a simple sister Estate.”

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