《Seukine》5. The Arrangement I
Firynei slowly opened her eyes. She was on a soft bed under a chunky fur cover. The first thing she did was check her cap. It was still secure on her head and she felt relieved. Her back was bandage tight, but the pain was bearable. It was a first for her to experience a pain reliever. Asila didn't waste medicine on slaves unless the illness was life-threatening.
"Ah, the audacious one is awake."
The voice startled her, and she sat up. A terrible mistake as she flinched in pain and froze. She was afraid to move back into a resting position. She was stuck somewhere between sitting up and lying down.
"Rest. You are not going to be killed."
Slowly lying back down she tried to relax. She was alive which was a good thing, but also gave her conflicting feelings. Firynei had spent her entire life at the mercy of others. She had long ago grown tired of it.
Even though she had just reached the marriageable age and she had her entire life ahead of her, she was enticed by the sweet release of death. Nothing good ever happened for her and she was exhausted with life only living for her mother.
Taking a slow deep breath she forced herself to sit up despite the pain.
"So you are a stubborn one," the man said turning away from his desk to look at her. Honey-colored eyes stared blankly at her waiting for a response.
"Danu Ro is foolish, forgive her," she said lowering her head. She was wary of the tall man now walking over to her. The laughter that escaped him only made her retreat.
"Danu Ro, I have news for you." The man began as he grabbed her by her upper arms and pushed her back to the bed gently.
"First, I am your doctor. You may call me Physician Sa or 'ion Seulnine. Second, you are to be careful after such a beating. It took me several hours to stop the bleeding, do not give me more work. Third, you are now Fanu Re. You may not refer to yourself as anything below that. You have climbed up to such a notable position be thankful," 'ion said pushing the girl under the warm covers.
"Dan- Fanu… Fanu Fi?" Firynei tested the new status title. She didn't like it. Yet, she was spared because of it, so she would learn to live with it.
"Fi? What is your name?" He asked taking a seat. Firynei thought he was closely related to the Master of Seukine as they shared similar features. Dark hair and pale skin, though 'ion was more intimidating. He seemed to bolster a calm and relaxed demeanor.
She noticed his sleeves were rolled back to his forearms. Seeing the strength and muscles in his arms was odd to Firynei. All the physicians Asila had were weak and scrawny.
"This one is known as Firynei," she said confused on if she should get up and greet him formally. He had to be someone important to the family. If she showed disrespect after being shown mercy she would lack in gratitude.
"Firynei? A foreign name," The man said sitting down and leaning back in the chair. "No wonder Mir 'fea has decided to keep you."
Firynei assumed that Mir 'fea was the Master of Seukine's affectionate name. Proving that the doctor before her was a relative.
A passing thought came to her, that the Master of Seukine was now her master. She was no longer of Asila.
"Is she awake?" The young man from earlier entered the infirmary.
"Rini Pueya you are just in time. The timid Fanu is awake. Probably very sore but that will fade with time." The doctor stood up, "I will take my leave. Tell Mir 'fea his taste in women is good. You see to it that he takes care of this Fanu. It is good to see him finding interest in women again."
Pueya scoffed at the request before fixing his expression. His cold black eyes turned to her. She sat up despite her pain, got down on the floor and onto her knees. She then lowered her head to the floor.
"This F-fanu apologizes--" "Am I the master?" He said irritated.
Firynei shook her head unsure what to do. The man was angry at her but didn't want her to apologize.
"Master has explained," he turned his glare elsewhere. "I think you are simple and stupid to be used in such a way but you are innocent. Let us start over. You must get up. You must not bow to Rini. My status is below yours now."
He watched her reaction as he said that. Yet, she had no reaction. Firynei knew that there was a difference in her status now, but she was unsure how she should react because she was unsure how she felt. She did not see herself above anyone no matter what title she was given. In her eyes, she would always be a slave.
Pueya helped her back to the bed, and she remained quiet afraid she might anger him.
"I am Pueya. You may call me Rini Re or Rini Pue. What is your name?"
"Firynei," she spoke softly. No one of a higher rank had ever asked her name. It was odd to say it twice already.
"What an odd name. Are you from Vahnaine?"
She nodded placing her hands into her lap. He had touched her without shunning her. It was a surreal moment. She couldn't help but stare at his hands.
He was young but his hands indicated he used them a lot. There were no visible calluses, but they were the hands of a hard worker. They were clean with a few scars.
He caught her looking at him. She felt embarrassed, so she hung her head. He glanced at his own hands for a second then back at her.
"You are still in impure slave, but that will change soon enough. I will not take offense. I will purify my hand before we meet with our master.
She nodded, and he took a seat in a chair next to her bed. "You have been asleep since yesterday. Your former Master is pestering our Master to see you, though I'm sure the reason is less than noble."
"Must I see him?" Firynei whispered. Ghain 'dea was frightening when enraged. She had ruined his plan and found herself now a part of Seukine. Surely she wouldn't escape his wrath.
"Yes, he still has that right but you must meet our Master first. Come I will have a Sha Sevi assist you into your garments." The Rini said getting up to assist the small girl.
Traveling from the physician to her new master’s courtyard made Firynei realize how big Seukine was. The master’s courtyard had gates that were guarded. It was nothing like Asila. Very few courtyards in Asila had small gates and the ones that did, didn’t have such a luxurious design.
Even their uniforms for the Danus were different. While Asila uniforms were made of thin cotton, canvas and burlap for lower rank Danus, Seukine’s Danu’s had more prestige. The uniform she wore was the best fabric she ever had against her skin. The full dress was made of soft lightweight cotton that was silky. The robe over her full dress was not complete silk but more than half of it was made of silk. Unlike Asila, Seukine had the tradition of half dresses which was the practice of high ranked nobles.
Even the attendants wore half dresses over their robes as they were servants of a noble family. Danu’s were truly of a different cut in Seukine. Even her shoes fit with a good amount of cushion. She felt odd wearing such expensive clothes.
“Fanu Fi,” Pueya’s voice broke her train of thought, “You must not dawdle.”
Firynei nodded jerkily and hurried her pace behind the young man. An uneasy feeling was building in the bottom of her stomach as she stepped into the office. She could hear the trickling of water from a fountain within the room. The soft scent of Jasmine and a touch of cinnamon hung in the air. It was a calming scent but Firynei felt no relief. Hearing the double doors close behind her caused her to flinch, and she looked up at Pueya. The Rini glance at her before guiding her to the master’s workspace.
The man was in the motion of putting down a teacup gently. Pueya hurried to his side and stood on his left. Before anything could begin Firynei went to her knees, “Master of Seukine your benevolence and mercy for this one is a debt that one can never repay. Please forgive this one for only having words of gratitude. Thank you, I am undeserving of such kindness. I am undeserving of the life you have given me. Thank you for showing my mother mercy in saving my life.”
She lowered her body to the floor and placed her face on the ground. A display of complete humility and vulnerability. A sincere bow of this nature was rarely ever seen. Even Danus found it to be degrading.
“Rise.” Pueya said. She did as she was told and slowly rose. Her body throbbed and her back still felt raw but she knew what she owed the man before her. Getting to her feet she lowered herself one more time. She kept her head low as a sign of respect.
“Master states, You have been spared from death not out of mercy but innocence.”
Firynei didn’t really understand what was meant by the statement. She was guilty of touching him, but Pueya continued, “You committed a mistake out of fear not with malicious intent. That is why you are spared for innocence rather than mercy.”
She could only be grateful that the Master of Seukine was indeed very intelligent. Seeing through the plot would not have been easy, especially if one was enraged by the crime committed against them. She would have been dead if not for the man before her. “Thank you, Master.”
She dropped into a third bow not knowing how else to express her gratitude.
“Master now wishes to know what happened before you came into the Seria garden?” Pueya questioned her.
Firynei hesitated to answer. She had been instilled with the laws of Asila for years. Speaking of matters between the master, wives, even servants was prohibited. Even though she had been sold to Seukine she still hesitated to speak. Her loyalty was based in fear.
“Speak Fanu.” Pueya said forcefully. His black eyes becoming piercing the longer he stared.
“I-I…” she began but trailed off, eventually giving up. Pueya turned his attention to their master then nodded.
“You belong to Seukine. Your loyalty to Asila has been made void. You belong to Mir ‘fea, as a Fanu you must obey Mir ‘fea’s commands.”
Firynei looked up to the man in red. His elegant demeanor never changing. He was sitting stiffly with a passive look on his face. He exuded grace without speaking. Just his posture was a testament to his rank. Though his eyes were closed, she felt that he was staring at her even without sight. She felt he could see into the working of a person’s mind. He was doing something of that nature as they spoke.
Let alone his words may have come from Pueya but the way they were spoken were as if they came directly from the master rather than the Rini. So she gave in not wanting to cause trouble to her new master and because Asila was no longer her home. Her loyalties had to be broken down and forge again but for Seukine.
“Dan… Fanu Fi was attacked on the bridge of the guest courtyard, Chisiona. This one ended in the master’s garden from blindly running.” She explained quietly with her hand clasped in front of her. Her palms were becoming sweaty the longer she stood there, before another question could be asked, she spoke again, “This Fanu had no intentions of meeting master. I…this one only wanted to escape.”
“The jewel of your status, how was it changed.”
She didn’t think she would have to explain since the master had figured it out already. She assumed he wanted to hear the truth from her. She wondered if it was a test. Would she lie for her former master? The former laws of Asila lingered in the back of her mind. Death would typically be the outcome for one with a loose tongue.
“Maste--General Lashir changed my status jewel. He ordered this Fanu to stay at his side. Fanu Fi… I did not want to deceive your attendants.” She felt like a traitor to her home estate even though she was treated poorly. It was where she grew up, but she was thrown away.
“You must not hold love for your home estate any longer. Asila has traded you away to retain their dignity, your loyalty was betrayed, and you were left in Seukine’s hands. Lashir’s does not value your life or your mother’s. So it is time for you to leave that person behind.”
Firynei nodded as the word only confirmed what she already knew. It was not a harsh truth or knowledge she didn't understand. It was a fact she had to accept. She was a slave that was used and thrown away. Her loyalty would remain misplaced if she continued to hold on to Asila. Yet, she knew nothing else… she knew nothing better.
Tightening her grip on the edges of her half dress she took a silent deep breath. Pueya motioned for her to sit. She did so, thankful that she didn’t have to remain standing since her back was aching at a stronger intensity. As she sat down, she was surprised that the Master's head turned in her direction. It felt odd, like he was looking at her, though it was impossible.
She quickly turned her attention elsewhere, so as not to be rude. She took in the regal appearance of the office. It was filled with many plants and flowers but they were neatly arranged on a long medium shelf with many compartments to store different flowers.
Even the leather of the chair was soft that she absentmindedly squeezed the seat of the chair. The padding was soft and broad. She had never been on something that made her want to curl up and sleep.
“Master wishes to know your name.” Pueya’s voice broke through her drifting thoughts.
“F-fanu Fi’s given name is Firynei,” she said staring down at the uniform she wore again. The pink half-dress suddenly grabbed her attention with it white flower motif.. She pulled at the silk fabric as nervousness settled on her.
“All of your name Fanu.” Pueya clarified with annoyance.
Firynei didn’t speak right away, which drew a stare from Pueya and fed his annoyance. “Master wants to know why you hesitate?”
“Fanu Fi’s mother made her vow. I- Firynei can not reveal her surname, else I will break a Moon Oath to mother. I can not break the oath or she will disown me. I could not bear it as she is all I have left of my family,” she pleaded with her master.
“It is more than this Fanu could ever bear. If master must seek the answer then please do what master must. I will accept any punishment but I will not speak my family name or rank.” She forced the words from her lips knowing that refusing to answer a question would mean a strong punishment.
She knew she would be beaten for her disobedience. It was so simple to answer but Firynei value her mother more than her own health and happiness. The Master of Seukine would surely take offense but there was nothing she could do to placate his oncoming anger. She dipped her head low as it was all she could do.
Pueya looked held back from speaking his own words and his annoyance seemed to fade away to pity. “Master spares you this time. But there will be a time when you must let go of your oath as it is inappropriate. Master will be your husband and you his Fanu. Your loyalty must remain his above all else. You owe him your loyalty for your life.”
“Now let us meet with the General. The arrangement for your marriage must be done right away.” Pueya said moving behind the master and moving him back from the desk.
Firynei got to her feet slowly and looked back at the comfy chair. She felt bad knowing that the lovely chair would be burned because she sat in it, but she couldn’t refuse to sit. Once she was standing, she bowed and dutifully followed behind them the correct amount of paces.
Athough her status title changed she was still technically a Danu until after the purification. Still the Rini didn’t look at her like the others did. He didn’t look at her like she was disgusting anymore. It was strange, but a nice feeling to not feel like a walking plague.
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