《Sands of Elstirr (Dropped)》Chapter 4 - Dungeons of Dao


The door to his cell closed with a loud metallic thud. Built solid, guess he wouldnt be getting out that way, he looked around.

In the corner there was a drop pit, the use all to clear, a matress so thin it might not even have been there and that was it, the entirety of the cell. Could have at least hired an interior designer.

He sat down, his back to the wall and nursed the bruise forming on the bac of his head, there were several occasions were we winced in pain from poking it to roughly. And then he saw that across from him was another identicle cell, and in it sat a small goblin. Its back was to him but he could still that it had see pale blue skin. Good, not one of his.

Harak cleared his throat, if was going to be here for a while then he might aswell have company. The goblin turned around with a start and Harak saw her face for the first time, at least he thought it might well have been a very feminine looking male, you never knew with goblins.

She had bright round gold eyes, they darted around the room but mostly stayed on him, studying. She also wore a large hooked nose big even by goblin standards and bore the clear signs of having been broken more than once.

"Evening, lovely day isnt it, sky is the perfect shade of stone." She squeaked that being the most apt word considering how high pitched the goblins voice was.

"Yes, it is but doing away with the pleasentries I would like to know just where the fuck I am?"

"Well friend thought that would be obvious guess orks are as stupid as they say. We my good friend..." She said lengthening the last few syllables of the world friend, waiting for a response.



"We Harak, are currently residents of the city of Dao's fighting pit quaters, welcome to the best bead and breakfast you will ever have, allthough i wouldn't recomend the bed, flea bitten to all hell, and they dont actually serve breakfast one meal a day and that spot is occupied by dinner. But apart from that it's great here, no complaints." The goblin said dryly.

Harak grunted in response, he was done dealing with goblins, right now all he wanted to do was wallow in self pity. But the gods never smiled on Harak and now was no different

"My names Feerana, nice to meet you Harak."

He looked up at her, her arm was outstretched through the bars as if offering a handshake, they both knew the cages were to far apart for that, she was starting to get on his nerves with false gestures and false cheer.

"Oh and speaking of fights here they come now."

This got Harak'sattention he could see the torchlight begin to flood through the dank tunnel. Then two men in boiled leathers strutted into the room one holding the keys and the other a torch, both were armed with swords, guess we wouldnt be getting out that way.

"Oi, ya retches, ya know the drill back of the cell hands behind ya head." He spoke with a clearly Leoreon, he was lightly muscled and had a few scraps of beard covering his chin and neck.

The other, larger one said nothing but stepped forward and unlocked the cages, Harak's face was against the wall and we could smell the mold made by years of poor lighting and damp conditions. His hands were then grasped ruffly and thrust behind his back, he could feel them being bound when a round fat and stubbled face pushed up next to his and spoke.


"Hey there greenskin, heard this is your first fight."

Harak grunted, barely fighting back the urge to headbutt this man, he could smell his breath and he smelt like a brewery, it was aweful.

"We've never had an ork fight before, the city is in an uproar, biggest crowd we've had in years, even heard the Lord Justicar might be attending wouldn't that be a sight, but anyway. Hope you dont dissapoint." And with that Harak was pushed out a his cell through the tunnel and into a small room with mismatching pieces of armour and weapons. The other man came up nextpushing along a bemused Feerana, then they cut his binds and left the laughing to each other. Harak rubbed his now chaffed wrists before looking over the equipment in front of him.

There were helmets, greeves, pauldrons, gauntlets and chest pieces of all different sizes and after much trial and error he found a helmet, chest piece and pair of gauntlets that fit him.

"You seem to catch on quick." Stated Feerana as Harak looked over a comically oversized war axe. "Thought i would have to explain to you that this is used to get us battle ready before the fight."

It seemed obvious to Harak, men kidnap you, men lead you to room full of weapons, men get you to fight for money, simple.

He finally decided on an arming sword and heather sheild when Feerana spoke again.

"Looks like we'll be fighting as a pair." He grunted again he was busy preparing for the fight, he could feel the sand in between his toes and could smell the air heavy with sweat, stale blood and the assorted spices of the spectaters. The ork blood burned in his veins, a fight was coming and he was ready.

"You know if we want to work as an effective team you're going to have to do more than gru..." She was cut off to the doors the the arena swinging open and Harak charged into the blinding light.

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