《Avalon》14. Postgame Nausea


“AHHHHHHHH!” screamed Sydney. “What do I do what do I do what do I do!”

Val swallowed, glancing out over the foggy expanse of the Lake. The sword was definitely in there somewhere, right? There was no way he had made such a bad decision this early in the match, right?

You weren’t born to be a king. Try as he might, Val couldn’t prevent himself from hearing her voice in his head. The girl who had ruined his life...

“Val!” said DJ.

Try as he might, Val could not move. If he made the call to go west, they would be giving up a free path to the sword. But if Excalibur was actually in the Ruins, then their opponents would be the one’s getting the free path…

“What’s happening, Blaze?” DJ shouted.

Realizing that he still had Blaze muted, Val reached a hand up and unmuted Blaze.

“- all here!” Blaze was shouting. “They already got Sydney! I can’t hold them off for long!”

“Coming!” shouted DJ. Giving Val a backwards glance, DJ sprinted westward, followed closely by the ever-silent Willow.

Why am I playing this game? Val asked himself, staring down at the ground. I already tried to go pro once. If I couldn’t do it back then, there’s no way I could do it now.

“They got me,” said Blaze. “It’s over.”

Val stood unmoving as the screen flashed dark with “Defeat” displayed in white text. Slowly, he reached up and removed his headset, setting it on the ground. Behind him, he heard the murmur of the crowd and the heat of their gaze. His stomach lurched and he doubled over, trying his best not to vomit.

“Team One takes the first game!” Elle shouted over the microphone. “Five minute break between games!”


Val staggered over to the door of his booth and threw it open, suddenly feeling very claustrophobic inside the small glass room. Upon making it out of the booth, Val was met with a furious Blaze.

“Why didn’t you listen to the call, buddy?” Blaze snarled, grabbing Val by the collar. “You think you’re all high and mighty ‘cuz you’re the king right?”

The nausea Val felt began dissipating into anger.

“You’re just like all players who play king!” said Blaze. “It’s all about you! You don’t care about what other people say! You think you can win by yourself!”

Val shoved Blaze backwards, nearly toppling him over.

“Don’t talk about me like you know me!” Val growled. “Why are you getting so worked up anyways? I thought this was just a casual game for you!”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa!” shouted Elle, dashing over and shoving herself between Val and Blaze. “If you fight, you get disqualified! Which means you have to pay the disqualification fee of $25!”

Blaze snorted. “Whatever. Take my $25. I’m done.”

“Blaze, wait!” said DJ, grabbing him by the arm.

“Don’t touch me, nerd!” Blaze roared, tearing himself away.

As Blaze began stomping away, an earsplitting wail exploded from Willow’s mouth. Everyone in the vicinity froze for a moment, shocked at the sheer volume of the sound.

“Kid!” Elle hissed, glaring at Blaze and beckoning him back over.

Willow continued to sob, covering her face with her hands.

“What am I supposed to do?” Blaze scowled.

“I…I just…I just wanted to play one more game!” Willow said, voice a small whimper behind her hands.

“Are you really going to make a little girl cry?” Elle whispered, hands tightening into fists.

The scowl on Blaze’s face slowly turned into a look of helplessness as he realized the dire circumstances he was in.

“I’ll play, I’ll play!” said Blaze, kneeling down next to Willow and patting her head awkwardly. He glanced up and met Val’s glare with his own. “We just have to lose one more game, right?”

Willow sniffled and nodded, making sure the devious smile on her face was well hidden.

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