《The Wheel of Samsara》The Sect of Scraps (III)
The Scavenging was an event that took place every five years in the Abyss Sect. It was one of the few opportunities the common people in the Outer Sect had to explore the Broken Forest to the north of Hell's Keeper Mountain. The forest was usually out of limits and limited to Inner Sect members to go out on hunts and get experience, whereas Outer Sect members would most likely just die.
In the Scavenging, anyone could apply to leave for the Broken Forest and the surround regions for four days. Even if there were Elders roaming the place to guarantee the safety of the involved, the forest was too large and the spirit beasts were too many. Ultimately, everyone would be responsible for their own lives.
The Broken Forest was actually an old battlefield, and the Abyss Sect had made use of its location for generations, organizing the Scavenging so people could search for remnants of the war and return them to the sect in exchange of contribution points. Armors, weapons, talismans, rings and even techniques, everything found would be appraised and could be handed to the sect. There was also the possibility of keeping to yourself your gains, as no one was forced to turn their findings to the sect. Anything you could find was your own luck.
As such, even if the battlefield could be considered wiped clean for decades now, people still ventured outside every five years in hopes of having some luck and turning their lives around. Hundreds would take part in the Scavenging every time it was organized, and if even a handful manage to find a piece of broken armor or the fragment of a sword it would be already a surprisingly bountiful harvest.
Amon was not sure how the Scavenging started, but he knew the other sects all despised these actions. 'Grave robbers' was one of the many way people from other sects referred to members of the Abyss Sect, which came to be known as the 'Sect of Scraps'.
Still, not many dared to utter such words in front of anyone from the Abyss Sect. Even with the snide comments, the Abyss Sect was the biggest sect in the Central Continent and one of the Five Sacred Sects of the whole world. Even if it had lost a fair share of its power over the years and was still losing strength, it demanded respect.
"How the hell did you manage to get such a commission?" Amon asked, his eyes narrowed with suspicion.
"Dumb luck. I was hanging out in the Commission Center trying to find something when someone posted the thing right beside me. I just reached for it before anyone else could even read it, and that was it." Daniel said, scratching his face.
Hearing that, Amon's eyes narrowed even more. He didn't buy it, but decided to let it go for now.
"So, are you in or not?" Daniel asked with an innocent smile on his face.
Amon was still suspicious of the commission, but the pay was good. With a minimum of five hundred contribution points to be won after he shared the pay with Daniel, he could pay for the expenses of almost a whole month. "Before I decide, what is the plan?"
Daniel smiled hearing that. The fish had caught the bait.
"Look at this map." Daniel said as he stretched the parchment map on the ground. He pointed at a mountain in the south, the largest mountain in the map.
"Here is Hell's Keeper Mountain. To the east we have the Red River." His finger run through the map, going from the mountain to a wide river drawn next to it.
"The Red River flows to the north for miles on end. When it more or less surpasses the Sword Abyss, it makes a turn to the east before turning into a series of smaller streams."
Amon studied the map carefully. The Abyss Sect was on the lower edge of the map. The Red River occupied most of the right edge. The center and a good chunk of the left edge were covered by a vast expanse of forest that spanned hundreds of miles, the Broken Forest.
There was a blank in the left corner of the map. It had an irregular shape that resembled a distorted circle. Based on the map, it should be at least a hundred square miles. That was most likely the Scorched Lands.
More impressive than the Scorched Lands was a single stroke of black paint that almost divided the map in two horizontally. It should be hundreds of miles long and at least two miles wide in its real scale. Amon had never seem the thing with his own eyes, but everyone knew of the legendary Sword Abyss.
It was most likely the biggest mark that war had ever left on the land, and the Abyss Sect's name came from it. Even the mountain cut in half east to the Scorched Lands paled in comparison to the huge gaping chasm a sword strike had left on the forest. Amon shuddered thinking about the person that managed to do it. How powerful one had to be to do that? How much would have he wanted to kill someone to unleashed such a terrifying strike?
"We are interested in the northern bank of the Red River, exactly in the place it turns to the east. Can you guess why?"
Amon thought for a moment at Daniel's question, looking at the map. He then pointed somewhere east of the Red River and somewhat close to Hell's Keeper Mountain. Long blanks crisscrossed on the map in that area, representing barren land. It looked like the thin scars someone would have after being cut by a knife repeatedly. It was another mark the war had left in the forest.
"It should be the Scars, no?"
Daniel's smile widened hearing that. "Smart kid. Yes, it is because of the Scars. Chances are many things fell in the Red River during that war from long ago. The river would drag all of that stuff north, and chances are a few of them would end up in the northern bank when the river changes direction."
"So the client want us to search there? It is not a bad plan, but he certainly is not the first one to think of this."
"True, but that is not our problem. If we are to find something, chances are it will be there, no matter how small these chances might be. Our client decided to make a bet after using his brains for a bit. He probably has the points to spare and didn't want the trouble to check his theory himself, so he made the commission."
"Are you sure about the details? Is it really such a simple job?" Amon asked to reassure himself. Daniel tried to put on a serious face as he nodded, but failed horribly in hiding his smile. He was one step away from victory.
"It is. There is no catch. We go, check the area, retrieve anything we find and come back. At the very least, we will get a thousand contribution points."
Amon had a strange look on his face as he thought for a good while. He then shook his head slowly. "I'll speak with my mother before I decide. Don't ask me about it again before that or the answer will still be no."
"Fine, do as you wish." Daniel opened his arms and shook his shoulders as if he didn't care. Actually, he knew that he had won, even if Amon didn't. This had never been Daniel's idea in the first place. He quietly put the map away.
Amon was about to say something when he suddenly turned his head as he heard a low whistling sound. Daniel reacted one heartbeat later, swinging his right arm abruptly. A low thud was heard as something collided with his hand next to Amon's head.
"Damn it, Daniel. Do you really need to be together with Old Grandpa all the time?" A high-pitched voice echoed from the direction Daniel was looking. A group of people was walking down the street and at their lead was a thin youth.
His red clothes were expensive and reflected the sunlight, making him seem to be on fire. His long brown hair was neatly tied up with a golden string. By his side were a few boys and girls, and behind him was a burly red-haired man, his muscles bulging through his clothes, giving off an oppressive feeling.
Daniel looked at the man with a cold look as he slowly opened his hands and revealed a small, sharp stone. It had embedded itself in his palm, and blood had started to flow from his injury.
Amon on the other hand had a scare. He had reacted to the sound he heard, but he wasn't fast enough to dodge the stone. If Daniel wasn't by his side he would have been hit on the head, at the very least losing consciousness, if not badly injured.
"I hope the one who threw this stone wasn't you, Roger." Daniel's voice was cold as he looked at the burly man behind the youth.
The red-haired man shook his head. "Young master just finished his first round of Body Tempering and wanted to test his new strength a bit."
Hearing this, Daniel didn't show a reaction at first. He just direct his cold gaze to the youth. The youth didn't flinch, just shook his shoulders and asked: "What of it? People say that even if Old Grandpa here is just at Qi Gathering he has some really good senses. I wanted to help him sharpen them for a bit."
Amon was surprised not at the ridiculous excuse he used for him throwing the stone, but at the fact that the youth had already reached Body Tempering. Amon himself didn't even make it past the initial stages of Qi Gathering, much less breakthrough the next realm, and he was one year older than the youth.
"Is that true, Erin? You are already at Body Tempering?" He couldn't help but ask.
Erin didn't give himself the trouble to answer, but one of the girls was glad to sing his praises. "Of course he did! Erin here is someone that will reach the Inner Sect in but a few years, while you, Old Grandpa, will forever stay a farm boy…"
Erin interrupted her before she could finish, waving his hands dismissively. "Let it go, Amber. Don't waste your breath on such pitiful people. It must be really hard being abandoned by your own father and having a crippled mother."
He had a derisive smile on his face as he said the words that cut through Amon like a sharp sword. Amon's breath turned rough and he started turning red in anger. His fists were held tightly and his arms trembled. His jaws were clenched so hard it hurt. A fierce light shone in his golden eyes. He started walking towards the group, but Daniel extended a hand to block his path.
"Well, then allow me to help you in your Body Tempering too." Daniel said.
He had a blank look on his face and his voice was chilling. It was a strange expression, completely devoid of emotions. His eyes, however, were burning with rage. Amon himself had never seem Daniel like that. It gave him chills. He unconsciously found himself stepping back. At the same time, Daniel moved.
The red-haired man, Roger, reacted instinctively. He dragged Erin behind him as a loud piercing noise echoed. He crossed his arms in front of his chest as he braced for the impact. Roger took two steps back as a gray streak cut through the air and hit his arms at a blinding speed before he lost his balance and fell backwards.
He grunted in pain and tried to get up, but he realized he couldn't raise his arms. As he looked down, he saw that both were bent at weird angles, his right arm even had a white bone sticking out from it, and blood had started to flow from the pierced skin. He made an incredible effort to endure the pain and not scream.
Erin was in shock, his face deadly pale. The kids following him were shuddering in fear.
"Are you insane? That would have killed me!" He shouted, incredulous. Daniel had thrown the stone Erin had aimed at Amon, but its strength and speed was many times greater than his own throw. If him hitting the head of Amon would have knocked him out or caused some injuries, Daniel's throw hitting his chest would have opened a hole in it.
To Erin's luck, Roger was at the middle stages of Body Tempering and somehow managed to resist the blow, breaking his arms in the process.
"So what? I doubt anyone but these boot-lickers beside you and maybe your parents would miss your ugly face." Daniel still had the same blank look he had before he threw back the stone in his hand.
"Do you know who I am? I'll have your whole family whipped in public for that." Erin's face started turning red, he pointed his finger at Daniel as he threatened him.
"Well, I would certainly appreciate if you did that. Please do so, Erin Drey, son of Claude Drey, the richest bastard in the Inner Ring." Daniel's blank face distorted into a strange smile as he spoke, as if he was trying hard to not laugh at a joke only he knew. Erin was taken aback, no words coming from his mouth.
Daniel start walking towards him. His creepy smile grew wider and wider as he stepped forward. Erin stepped back, his face turning whiter and whiter.
"Young master, that is enough. Leave it at that. We already got what we wanted from this Station anyways. Let's just return home." Roger, who managed to stand up somehow, put himself between Daniel and Erin. Erin was somewhat unwilling and tried to evade him and face Daniel, but Roger blocked him again and sent him a warning glance.
Erin was still enraged, but eventually gave up. He looked at Daniel begrudgingly before directing his gaze at Amon.
"You missed a spot, Old Grandpa." He said, patting the top of his head as he laughed awkwardly, trying to hide his embarrassment of what just happened. The boys and girls following him laughed too, and they left with Roger in tow, his arms hanging strangely form his shoulders as he walked slowly, grunting from the pain.
Amon quickly covered his hair with his hands, turning away from them in shame.
"What is up with kids these days? Are they all so dumb?" Daniel spoke after they left, genuinely surprised at Erin's behavior.
"Not all of them." Amon's low voice answered him. It had been a rhetorical question, but Amon felt somewhat offended.
Daniel shrugged. It was mostly his fault that things developed like that.
This had been going on for a while, but never to the point of physical aggression. For him it was just a bunch of kids being stupid, so he never interfered unless things started getting out of hand. For, this was a chance for Amon to learn to stand up to himself in situations like that.
Still, Daniel never imagined that Erin would be crazy enough to attack Amon like that with no reason or warning. Maybe Daniel should teach him and his family a lesson. They only lived in the Inner Ring and were already acting so arrogantly…
He then realized Amon was covering his hair in the same place Erin had patted his own head. "Hey, there is nothing there. Erin was messing with you. Your hair is still black."
Amon slowly released his hands, insecure. The he patted his clothes and straightened his expression. "Of course I know that."
"Where was this cockiness when that brat was here?" Daniel rolled his eyes.
Amon avoided his gaze, his ears slightly red in shame.
"If you didn't stop me I would have kicked his ass." He said, almost whispering to himself.
"Well, I saw that you were finally angry enough to take action, but it is too late. He is now at Body Tempering, heads and shoulder above you in strength. You can't face him head on anymore. You lost your chance."
Amon was really saddened by it, but he couldn't deny Daniel's words. He had been left behind by a peer and he probably wouldn't have a chance to catch up. He would now have to either completely avoid Erin or just tolerate his insults. His chance to fight back was gone.
Daniel had stopped him for two reasons. The first one was because he himself had been incredibly angry at Erin and he really wanted to teach him a lesson. Maybe he overdid it a little; he did throw the stone with a dangerous strength in his anger. The second was because Amon had no chance of winning when fighting him. One thing would be losing a fight where you put up some resistance and managed to get in a few good punches, other was being thrashed around like a toy by an opponent you had no chance of even hurting.
"Thank you for helping me out." Amon managed to say. He really was thankful for Daniel's help.
"No problem." Daniel had a smile on his face as he wrapped an arm around Amon's shoulder. Amon noticed that his hand had stopped bleeding. Body Tempering was really something else.
"Anyway, let's return to your house. I'm sure you still didn't meditate today and I need to speak with your mother anyway."
"Didn't you just talk to her?"
Taken by surprise at the question, Daniel scratched his face.
"I forgot to ask about something. It isn't that important, but we finished what we had to do here, so I might as well help you with your meditation and talk to her at the same time."
Amon just nodded quietly. He was almost giving up in cultivation. He could sense the Qi surrounding him, but he still didn't manage to absorb even a tiny bit of it. His talent was just excessively low.
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