《Pinstripe》Episode 2.11 - “An Illicit Deal Turns To Disaster! Piper’s Aerial Assault: Black Bomb!”



Nico wiped blood from his mouth. Stars were swimming before his eyes, but he blinked them away. Where’d that bastard go? His eyes turned this way and that. Somehow, the narrow alley seemed to have widened into a cavernous ravine that teemed with nooks and crannies in which to conceal oneself. That toothpick-munching thug could be hiding anywhe—


The blow was so sudden and so fierce that it sent Nico staggering to the pavement. It was a sharp karate chop to the middle of his back. He could hear the hiss of the toothpick guy’s breath as he wound up for another strike, but Nico was already standing again. This guy might be able to get the drop on him, but his attacks weren’t very strong.

Nico whirled on Toothpick, who hesitated, then took a step back rather than following through on his next attack. He pulled a small silver case from his coat pocket and popped a fresh toothpick out of it, spitting out the previous one as he did so. Oddly enough, this gesture struck Nico as funny. It just seemed so out of place given the situation.

“You really stay on brand, huh?” Nico said, and spat the last of the blood onto the ground.

Toothpick didn’t reply. Instead, he smirked and took a sudden, big step backward.

Not again! Nico thought. He lunged, but he was too late – the power of Toothpick’s suit had already activated. He seemed to melt away into the darkness of the alley like the shadows had swallowed him whole. He was invisible now, or close to it.

“Y’know, kid, this doesn’t have to be a whole thing,” said Toothpick. Nico’s neck prickled as he realized the mafioso’s voice was coming from right behind him now.

How did he-?


Two quick jabs struck Nico from behind. He danced forward, trying to avoid more hits, but again, he was too slow – Toothpick’s camouflaged attacks were impossible to predict. Nico took another three hits, the third of which sent his head rocking back.

“Come ON!” Nico growled. “Show yourself, you bastard!”

A light chuckle floated out of the darkness, seeming to come from every direction at once. Nico pivoted one way and then another, fists raised, breathing hard.

“Shit, kid, you got a lot to learn. That’s if Spats’ll let youse live after tonight. And I got a feeling he won’t. But you never know.”

Suddenly, Toothpick was standing right in front of Nico, leaning in so close that the tip of his toothpick was nearly poking into Nico’s chin.

“I’ll let you in on a little secret, kid. You want to stand a chance in this world, you need to be Dressed. See this suit? Clothiers made. You don’t stand a chance against me.”

“We’ll see,” Nico said evenly. He brought back his left arm, twisting his body around to cover his left fist with his right hand.

Toothpick chuckled again and shook his head. “You’re gonna die, kid.”

“Nah. I’m gonna kick your ass,” Nico said. A fierce joy was blossoming within him as he spoke. He felt… alive. “And then… I’m gonna save my friends!”

He smiled ferociously. He felt power building inside, flowing from the pinstripe shirt to his body and back again, power that was woven together so tightly that he couldn’t tell if it was coming from the shirt or from his own will. He slammed his front foot into the ground and prepared to swing his two fists together like a baseball batter.


Nico’s voice rang with thunder as he cried, “HOME RUN…”



“This is the place,” Gramps said.

They were standing in the dim pool of light cast by a streetlamp above, facing the entrance of a dark alley that stretched into the distance between two run-down buildings. About thirty yards away, the alley turned to the left and stretched past their view. From what Gramps had told them earlier, there was a square clearing between several buildings back there. That was the “usual spot” Toothpick had specified over the phone.

“Spooky,” Piper said. Her voice sounded casual, but her shoulders were tense. She pulled her blazer tighter around herself.

“Gramps… you sure this is a good idea?” said Nico.

“Not really,” said the old man. “But it’s not like we have any other options, right? That HR guy’s gonna steal the pinstripe shirt on Friday if we don’t make this work.”

Takashi’s voice floated, wraithlike, through Nico’s memory…

“Give it to me, Nico. Give me the pinstripe button-down. Give me the world’s most powerful fashion statement. GIVE! ME! THE POWER!”

Nico just nodded. Gramps was right, this was their only choice. Only one more full day remained until Takashi’s deadline. Still… he couldn’t shake this uneasy feeling. Like they were walking into a trap.

They all took a collective deep breath, then stepped forward into the darkness.

The pavement of the alley was strewn with trash, broken glass, ragged scraps of paper. The detritus of Central City. A broken rectangular light buzzed faintly high against the right wall, a sputtering supply of electricity trying desperately to power a bulb that had been shattered sometime in the unknowable past.

Tux mewed. She was perched, as always, atop Piper’s hat, but now she pounced to the ground and prowled into the shadows. “I sense danger ahead, new friends,” she said quietly.

Gramps nodded grimly. “Yeah, okay, Tux. You’re right, something’s up. Stay on your guard, you two.”

Piper felt it too. And wasn’t there something familiar about this place now that she thought about it? Some part of her mind was trying to remind her of something, something she hadn’t thought of in years. It was more the memory of a feeling than the memory of an event. It was like being haunted by a ghost of past emotions so voracious and feral that they threatened to devour the present.

They were approaching the turn of the alley now. Faint light spilled from the square beyond. Nico took another deep breath, bracing himself. Try as he might, he couldn’t convince himself that everything was going to be okay. No, something was going to happen tonight. Something bad.

They rounded the corner and stepped out into the clearing.

“Right on time,” Toothpick said warmly.

The mafioso was standing at the opposite end of the clearing. He was dressed in a double-breasted suit, deep navy in color. The silver buckles on his polished shoes gleamed in the moonlight. Despite his slim build, his face was very round. Toothpick might have looked like a child dressed in his father’s suit if it wasn’t for the somewhat glassy look in his eyes that told stories of blood. He was bouncing a small silver case in his hand. A brand-new toothpick stuck out of his mouth to the side.

“Hi, Toothpick,” Gramps greeted. “I see you brought friends as well.”

Toothpick was flanked by three others. Two of these were tough-looking men who stood in a group to Toothpick’s right, one of whom was spinning the cylinder of a snub-nosed revolver with a bored expression. The fourth was a pretty young woman leaning against the wall to Toothpick’s left. Her short dark hair matched the color of the thigh-high tights she wore under her short skirt. She wore a white blouse and heavy black motorbike boots. Mischief sparkled in her eyes, but she didn’t speak.


“Like I said, Patchwork, you bring friends, I bring friends. Gotta say, old man, I wasn’t sure what to make of your call. We usually handle this kinda thing one-on-one. Why the change of heart? Don’t youse trust me anymore?”

Gramps smiled genially. “These are my new business partners. I just wanted to introduce you to them, so you know they can be trusted to do business on my behalf in the future.”

He gestured toward Piper. “This is Halfpint, and this,” now he gestured to Nico, “is Goober.”

Nico and Piper stared at Gramps with identical expressions of disbelief. Halfpint?! Goober?! They thought indignantly. I’m gonna kick your ass, old man!!!

Gramps showed no sign of noticing their irritation, but the ghost of a smirk touched the corners of his lips. He inclined his head to Toothpick. “So now you’ve all met.”

“What are they, your grandkids?” Toothpick asked. He looked amused. “Gotta tell ya, Patchwork, when you told me youse wanted to bring friends, I was ready for a fight.”

“My apologies,” the old man replied. “I guess I should have been more clear.”

Toothpick nodded. His expression made it clear that the matter was settled. He looked a bit more at ease than he had when they entered the clearing. The thugs to his right seemed to relax a bit as well, but the dark-haired girl to his left smiled impishly.

“So,” Gramps continued. “We have some business to attend to.” He held up a small plastic card emblazoned with golden designs. “300 grand, as discussed.”

Still nodding thoughtfully, Toothpick stepped forward. Gramps walked toward him, with Nico and Piper following close behind. The thugs stayed where they were, but the dark-haired girl followed Toothpick from a distance.

They all met in the middle of the clearing. Gramps held out the money card for a moment, then pulled it back a bit.

“Well, Toothpick?” he prodded. “You got the goods?”

Toothpick sighed. “Sorry, Patchwork, there’s been a… complication. Nothing to worry about. This is just… a big transaction, that’s all. Spats wants to do it personally.”

Gramps’ brow furrowed. There was a dangerous note in his voice as he replied, “That wasn’t the deal, Toothpick.”

“Still,” Toothpick said, his eyes darting from Gramps to Nico to Piper and back again, “you gotta understand, old man, it’s Spats’ orders. I got no say in the matter.”

“Sure,” said Gramps.

Nico’s pulse pounded in his ears. What did this mean? Spats wanted to do the transaction personally? Wasn’t Spats the head of the Colombo Mafia? He glanced at Piper, and his heart sank. She was deathly pale. She looked…

…Like she’d seen a ghost.

There was something else, too, something that bothered him, but he couldn’t quite…

Wait, where’s Tux?

The cat was gone. Piper’s hat sat on her head, but the tabby cat wasn’t perched atop it anymore. When had that happened? Come to think of it, had he seen Tux since they entered the clearing?

The dark-haired girl laughed, snapping Nico out of his thoughts. Toothpick gave her a warning look. “Shut up, Monroe,” he snapped.

“So what happens now?” Nico asked.

Toothpick frowned at him, as though Nico was a child who had spoken out of turn. “Now, you come with us, kid.”

“Hang on, Toothpick,” Gramps said sharply. “If Spats wants to do the deal himself, I got no problem with that. But we do it right here. On neutral ground.”

“I don’t think so, Patchwork,” Toothpick said, and snapped his fingers. The two thugs behind him started to move toward the middle of the clearing.

“Shit,” Gramps hissed.

Nico turned his eyes from the approaching thugs to Toothpick, but Toothpick had vanished. What the hell?! He thought.

Suddenly, they were surrounded. The dark-haired girl, Monroe, was standing in front of them now, pulling on a pair of wrist-length motorbike gloves and smiling. The thugs had fanned out, and were covering their left flank. And somehow – how the hell had he done that? – Toothpick was behind them, blocking their access to the alley they had come from.

“Come quietly,” Toothpick commanded. “Everything’s gonna be just fine, Patchwork.”

“Sure, that’s comforting,” Gramps spat. “This how Spats does business now, huh?”

Toothpick shrugged. “Either you come with us nice and peaceful, or we rough you up in the process.” His eyes alighted on Piper. “Personally, I’d rather not mess up your pretty faces.”

Piper had seemed to be in a sort of trance, but now she snapped out of it. She was still pale, but there was a fell light in her eyes.

“Not again,” she muttered under her breath, and she glared at Toothpick.

Gramps sighed. “Don’t fight back,” he growled. “Just do what they want.”

Piper shook her head, her eyes still fixed on Toothpick. “No way.”

“Piper!” Gramps insisted. “Don’t be stupid. Spats just wants to talk, right, Toothpick?”

Toothpick nodded once.

“See?” The old man said, but before the word had fully left his lips, Toothpick snapped his fingers.

With shocking swiftness and brutality, one of the thugs struck Gramps on the back of the head, sending him skidding across the ground. The old man slammed against the pavement next to Nico. He let out a soft groan of pain and clutched his head weakly.

“GRAMPS!” Nico and Piper cried.

“Monroe,” Toothpick barked.

Monroe laughed as she launched at Piper from behind, her gloved fist smashing into Piper’s back. Piper grunted with pain, but despite how powerful Monroe’s punch had looked, she didn’t budge an inch. Her blazer had protected her from the brunt of the blow. Piper whirled on Monroe, her own fists flashing out in a flurry of attacks.

The two thugs advanced toward Nico and Gramps. Nico raised his fists, feeling the power of the pinstripe shirt tingling in his arms. Bastards! His vision was red with rage. The pinstripe shirt’s power was crackling in his veins with a power that made his arm hairs stand on end. He started to take a step towards the thugs…


Gramps’ hand clapped against Nico’s leg, gripping it fiercely. Startled, Nico looked down at him. The old man’s furious eyes met his. Gramps whispered something to Nico quickly, urgently, just loud enough for Nico to hear, but too quietly to be heard over the battle that raged between Piper and Monroe.

Nico’s face hardened in response at first, then he gave in. He released the power of the pinstripe shirt. The crackling power in his body faded away.

“Trust me,” Gramps hissed.

Nico nodded.

Then the moment ended. The thugs were upon them. Nico cocked a fist to strike the first one. For some reason, an image flashed through his mind: the closed door in his house that was decorated with stickers.

He punched one of the thugs with all his might.

I hope you know what you’re doing, Gramps…


Piper was quick, but Monroe was quicker.

The two girls dashed and danced around one another, striking whenever an opening presented itself. Monroe’s hits were like cracks of lightning. They didn’t just hurt, they stung. But thanks to the defensive power of her blazer, Piper was tanking most of the attacks without injury.

They met, exchanged a volley of attacks, and then separated, over and over again. Now they were punching, now they were kicking. Monroe did a backwards somersault, snatching up handfuls of loose pebbles as her hands scraped the ground. The moment her motorbike boots touched the pavement again, she let the pebbles fly like shotgun blasts. Piper blocked just in time, crossing her arms in front of her body. Her arms were peppered, and she felt a thrill of adrenaline as one of the pebbles THOCKED harmlessly through her flaming orange hair.

“Oh, so we’re fighting dirty, huh?” Piper grinned.

Monroe winked at her. “No such thing, sis. By the way, your boyfriend’s so CUTE! Maybe I’ll take him for myself.”

Piper was struck senseless. “…What? I… He’s… We’re…”

Monroe giggled impishly. “Wow, look at him go!”

Despite herself, Piper followed Monroe’s gaze. Nico was protecting Gramps, who was still on the ground. One of the thugs was doubled over in pain. Suddenly, there was a loud CRACK as Nico’s fist connected with the second thug’s chin. The thug staggered, then crashed to the ground.

“He’s good,” Monroe said. “You’re really good, too! Let’s be friends, what do ya think?”

Piper looked back at Monroe, her expression baffled. “Are you crazy?! What the hell are you talking about?”

But Monroe was already moving, flying at Piper, twisting in the air with a ferocious kick.


Piper ducked just in the nick of time. Monroe’s booted foot sailed over her head. Her thigh-high tights and Piper’s hat brushed against each other for a split second.

“Oh, come ON!” Piper cried, then she charged at Monroe. She grabbed the sides of her blazer and pulled them close, tucking her head down. She leapt toward Monroe, flipping in the air. Her back, armored by the powerful fashion wear, was on course to slam into the dark-haired girl…


“Oh shit!” Monroe yelped, and rolled out of the way.


Piper slammed into the pavement where Monroe just was. She grunted a bit, but she was totally unharmed thanks to the blazer. When she rolled to her feet, the spot where she had hit the ground was a small crater.

Monroe whistled, her eyes sparkling. “You’re fun!” She said.

“That’s enough of that,” Toothpick said.


Piper wheezed as the air was knocked out of her by Toothpick’s kick. The force of the kick blasted her forward, and she tumbled across the pavement before slamming into the opposite wall.

“Toothpick!” Monroe whined. “What the hell, man?!”

“You’re wasting time,” Toothpick scolded. “Spats is gonna be pissed if we’re late.”

Monroe rolled her eyes and sighed impatiently.

“Hey, assholes!”

Toothpick and Monroe turned to see Nico walking towards them. Monroe started walking to meet him, but Toothpick snapped his fingers.

“What?” Monroe demanded.

“I got this one,” Toothpick said levelly. “You get the girl and Patchwork into the car. I’ll be right behind ya.”

Monroe looked like she was going to protest, but then she thought better of it. Without a word, she ran over to Piper and started tying her up.

“Leave her alone,” Nico growled.

“You just worry about me, kid,” Toothpick replied. “This only ends one way. Spats wants to have a conversation.”

“You’re the ones who attacked us!”

“You think I’m gonna let a bunch of two-bit shits defy our authority? When Spats calls, you come with bells on, or you come in a coffin. Patchwork knew that better than you kids. You should’ve listened to him.”

Nico’s eyes darted towards Piper, but she wasn’t there anymore. Suddenly, he was aware that Monroe was carrying Piper over her shoulder with one hand and pushing Gramps along with the other, out of the clearing and back out into the alley. How had she done that so fast?

“Nuh-uh-uh,” Toothpick tutted. “You focus on me, kid. So, what’s it gonna be? This is your last chance to come quietly.”

Nico glared at the mafioso. A pinprick of guilt was starting to poison his heart, but for now, the rage was overwhelming it. A single stray thought managed to slip through before it was buried completely.

This is all your fault, said the void.

Nico raised his fists.

“Go to hell,” he said.



Toothpick chuckled again and shook his head. “You’re gonna die, kid.”

“Nah. I’m gonna kick your ass. And then… I’m gonna save my friends!”

Nico slammed his front foot into the ground and prepared to swing his two fists together like a baseball batter.



Just before he could swing, a terrible CRACK split the air as the handle of a revolver was brought down on the back of his head. Nico swayed for a moment, then dropped to the ground in a heap, unconscious.

“I had it handled,” Toothpick sighed.

Monroe stepped over Nico’s crumpled form, brushing her short dark hair behind her ear. She put her hands behind her head, stretching exaggeratedly. “You were taking too long, I was getting bored.”

Toothpick rolled his eyes. “Alright then, help me pick him up. We need to get back.”

Monroe grabbed one of Nico’s arms as Toothpick grabbed the other. They hoisted him up and began to drag him out of the alley, his head lolling this way and that.

“So weird,” Monroe mused. “Why did he fight? What kinda idiot takes on the Colombo Mafia? Especially when he’s not Dressed.”

“I dunno,” Toothpick said. “What kinda dumbass takes on the Mafia without even being Dressed…” He looked at Nico with a curious expression. “That girl, though, she’s definitely Dressed.”

“Yeah. What about Patchwork?”

“Nah. We better hurry, though. Spats wants to talk to him in particular.”

“Right,” said Monroe.

They had reached the car. Toothpick opened the door and the two of them tossed Nico inside. Gramps, who was sitting in the back seat, glared at the thugs with a resigned expression. He wasn’t restrained in any way, but Piper was gagged and tied up. Her eyes struck daggers into their captors.

Toothpick ignored her. “No hard feelings, Patchwork,” he said to Gramps deferentially.

“Right,” Gramps replied, looking grim.

Toothpick slammed and locked the car door, then climbed into the passenger’s seat. Outside, Monroe mounted an old-fashioned motorbike. It rumbled to life.

“Take us back,” Toothpick said to the android driver.

“Affirmative,” the android said, and the car began to rise.

As the car began to fly toward the Colombo Mafia headquarters, Monroe pulled on a pair of goggles. She was just about to take off as well… When something caught her eye.

“Aw!” She cried, shutting off the bike’s engine. She dismounted the motorbike and walked toward a tabby cat that had appeared on the pavement in front of her, mewing adorably.

“Look at you, kitty!” Monroe gushed. “Aren’t you the sweetest, cutest thing? Aren’t you?”

She swept the tabby cat up into her arms, and let out a squeal of delight as she saw the black bow tie the cat was wearing around its neck. “KAWAII! Oh, my, GOD! Your little BOW TIE and your little PAWS and oh my GOD!”

The cat seemed to revel in her praise, and it brushed up against her, purring. Monroe felt a warm glow blossom in her heart. “Want to come home with me, kitty? Yes you do, yes you do!”

She carried the tabby cat in her arms to the motorbike and mounted it once more. The engine roared to life, and the cat settled snugly into the seat between her legs. Monroe kicked the gear with her booted foot, and the motorbike launched forward and up into the air, streaking after Toothpick’s car like a firework.

Tux felt her fur prickling unpleasantly at the distinct lack of gravity that existed up here in the air, but she ignored the animal instincts that were screaming at her. The tabby cat’s eyes were determined.

Her new friends were in danger.

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