《The Werewolf Syndrome》Chapter 8. Home sweet home...?
Gabi looked up from her book and out of the window. Today the weather was nothing like yesterday – the sky was all grey and clouded, the wind was blowing strongly making the rain pang continuously on the glass. The real autumn was here. For a second she wondered how the skies could correlate so perfectly with her own emotions. Yesterday she was ready to fight, today she felt beaten and messed up.
With a sigh she returned to The Three Musketeers. For the last half an hour she tried to read the same page but the words seemed to melt into the paper and her frustrated mind couldn’t deal with that. Every time she tried to focus, her mind showed her dark brown orbs with red glints in them that didn’t necessarily express anger, and her whole body immediately responded to the image every time.
After another 15 minutes of trying she finally gave in and put the book away. She was in her own bedroom, nestled cozily under warm blankets in the big armchair beside the glass wall. After yesterday’s encounter with Dante she felt too vulnerable to stay in the library, even if she really liked the room itself. She was too scared that he could enter at any moment and again corner her so that she would have nowhere to run.
To top it off her mind was a one big mess. She couldn’t decide whether his actions were sincere or just alcohol driven, but the more rational part of her brain told her it was the latter and it broke her heart even more. Gabi couldn’t believe herself how many doubts have arose in her mind after spending only a few minutes with drunk Dante. Part of her wanted to believe that what he showed her was his real face, but another part instantly asked her what would be the point of hiding yourself before your mate? The most rational thing to conclude was that alcohol just changes people, and she finally decided it was her answer. Her heart though still was stubborn and too full of hope.
Get a grip of yourself girl, he closed you in this prison and ruined your life, remember? You have to get out of here, she admonished herself but to no avail. Her heart was just so stupidly stubborn like never, along with her wolf.
Finally, she decided to move and stop thinking about the matter, at least for now. It was already past one in the afternoon and she hoped that soon Matteo will come pick her up with Luca for her training. She changed into her workout T-shirt and some shorts, and pulled her hair in a ponytail. Slowly opening the door, she warily looked around, but it seemed she was all alone. The last night wasn’t good for her as she couldn’t really sleep much from all of her emotions. Lying in bed with eyes wide open she couldn’t help but listen to every little noise the building was making, waiting for this one characteristic click of the front door, but to no avail. It seemed that Dante didn’t show up this night at home at all.
Gabi made her way towards the kitchen and picked another apple to eat, promising to herself that she would prepare dinner when she comes back from the training, even though she knew she won’t have the strength to do it. Although she knew if Dante checked the fridge, he would be pissed that almost everything was still there, she just couldn’t make herself to eat any more. Her stomach, even though it was grumbling, was too tight from all of her emotions to let her eat any more than a few fruits daily.
She was almost done with her snack when she heard the click of the door and Matteo shouting for her to come down to them. She threw the rest of the apple in the bin, feeling like her stomach was full even though it wasn’t, and she trotted to the door, eager to move a little bit and get her mind off of things.
“Hi L” Matteo and Luca greeted her. They didn’t say anything else but in their eyes, she saw this glint that before was never there – a sign of acknowledgement.
“Hi boys” she decided that she can be a little more friendly towards them if they followed her pledge to stop calling her Luna. “How’s Diego doing?” she asked with sincere curiosity when they made their way towards the elevator.
“He’s doing quite good actually. The silver bullet slowed his healing abilities, but he’s regaining his strength. Fernanda is with him all the time to ensure he has everything he needs.” Gabi nodded her head with contentment.
“You know, he’s alive only because of you.” Matteo looked at her with a serious expression on his face and she felt a little embarrassed at that.
“I just felt I could help.” She only answered averting his gaze. She wasn’t used to hearing compliments from these people. The rest of the road was quiet, but when they walked past the elevator and in the direction of Moretti’s office, she furrowed her brows in confusion.
“Why are we going to him?”
“Alpha Dante wanted to see you for a moment before our training begins.” Luca answered her and looked at her with a little bit of worry.
“Don’t worry, he didn’t seem to want to scold you.” Matteo rushed to add, seeing her face. After a moment of silence, he added more softly “Please this time be more thoughtful of him, we have an important meeting later today and he has had a rough night.” Anger quickly bubbled in her veins.
“And was he ever thoughtful of me?” she glared at him with a sharp look and Matteo couldn’t help but look away. It seemed that he wanted to add some more, but something stopped him. In silence they stopped beside the entrance. Gabi looked at him expectantly, waiting for him to announce her, but Beta only stood by the door and opened them for her.
“He’s expecting you; you can come in now.” He only said and she sighed, suddenly tired. What tortures were waiting for her now? Without another look at Matteo or Luca she went inside and shivered when she heard the door closing after her.
Dante was sitting at his desk, immersed in reading his papers and signing some of them. Only when she made a few unsure steps towards him did he raise his head and look at her. Once more the difference between his lively eyes he showed her yesterday and his cold everyday stare hit her like a blow in her chest. He was so close, yet seemed to be so distant.
He looked her up and down and she had to bite her lip when her mind reminded her of what happened in the library between them. His gaze was now as hungry as then. But differently from yesterday, he wasn’t so welcoming anymore to her.
“I see you like to show off your legs” he eyed her shorts with a dark look on his face.
“It’s just a coincidence. I have to wash my long pants from time to time.” She tried to be calm, but she sensed a storm coming and she had to be ready for it.
“Really? For me it seems as if you really want to show them off to someone” he made sure to accentuate the last word and for a moment Gabi was shocked. In the next second though she wanted to laugh in his face. Was he out of his mind? Or maybe, just maybe… was he jealous?
“I don’t have the need to show them off to anyone. If I ever wear something more revealing it’s only because I want it and I’m doing it for myself.” She held her head high while saying this, showing no signs of fear towards Dante. He squinted his eyes when they shone red and stood up from his desk, but she didn’t move. Gabi didn’t know what he had planned for her, but she decided she couldn’t live like this any longer; she will fight for her life.
He stopped a few centimeters before her, making her feel his scent all over again, but she didn’t weaver, looking straight into his eyes. He looked at her with his dark gaze for a few more seconds before something like a smile crossed his face, startling her a little.
“You’re quite more confident than yesterday, huh?” he murmured and Gabi couldn’t help the goosebumps that rose on her skin. Once again he used on her his low and nonchalant voice, but it was pretty clear now that it was just a game. She smiled back at him provocatively, ignoring the heart fluttering wildly in her chest like it wanted to escape.
“Well there has to be someone here who doesn’t piss their pants when dealing with you.” She was extremely proud of herself when her voice was strong and confident. He smiled at her in a devilish way and it took her aback for a second. Not only did he openly smile in her presence for the first time, making him even more sexy, but that grin… it meant she won’t like what he had up his sleeves.
“We’ll see about that.” He only growled lowly in response, going back to his desk with his hands in his pockets. She watched him warily with a storm in her head. What the hell was he thinking about, what was his plan? He was her mate but at the same time he was like the worst enigma in history. Nonetheless she didn’t want to give in anymore.
“Indeed, we’ll see.” She retorted harshly, but he seemed to ignore her provocation. “So, what did you want to see me for?” she finally broke the silence seeing that once more he picked up some document from his desk. His ignorance was really getting on her nerves.
“I was invited to an annual National Wolf Pack Ball.”
“And what does it have to do with me?” he squinted his eyes and scoffed.
“It seemed to me you were smart, dear. If I was invited that means you, as my Luna, are going with me.” She blinked her eyes a few times, utterly shocked and at a loss of words. Finally she laughed, ignoring the fact that Dante still was looking at her gloomily.
“You’re joking, right?” she finally asked when her laughter died a moment later. Seeing his eyes the last ray of hope vanished.
“Today is your last training for the time being. Tomorrow you’re going shopping with me.” She wasn’t prepared for all of this information and so she watched him with disbelief in her eyes.
“But… I can’t dance. Besides you said only you are the top of this pack, so why should I go…” This was her last form of defense, but the words came out weak.
“As I remember correctly you said two days ago that you want me to not only call you a Luna, but also let you act like a one. So, I’m giving you this opportunity. If it goes for the dancing, I can give you a few lessons.” If looks could kill Dante would have been dead already. Unfortunately, he was doing fine, and it seemed that he was quite entertained by her distress. He really was a devil. He made sure to corner her and didn’t give her any way of running away. She gulped hard. She didn’t have any choice for now, she had to do as he wanted her to, but she wasn’t going to succumb to him without any fight.
“Okay, I will go with you. But if you’re going to treat me like a real Luna, give me my phone back. Without it I’m not going anywhere.” She saw how his eyes once more turned red. She angered him and she had to stop herself from taking a few steps back because of his dangerous stare.
Seeing that she wasn’t going to budge under his furious gaze he growled in a warning.
“Not a chance.”
“Well then good luck on your ball.” Without waiting for his answer, she turned around towards the door, feeling her heart drumming wildly in her chest. In the next second though she squeaked in fear when she felt two strong hands resting on her hips and with one swift movement shoving her into one of the glass walls. She moaned in pain but didn’t have the time to comprehend what was happening. Dante quickly took her hands and immobilized them above her head with one of his, while his other one was still on her hip, gripping her tightly and pushing even more into the cold glass. She hissed at that but he didn’t bother as he leaned on her and growled as a warning. His eyes were now crimson red.
“Don’t ever try to order me around.”
“The hell are you talking about?!” Gabi was getting more and more pissed with his behavior to the point where she didn’t care about what he will do to her, she had to vent out. “I only want what you forced on me, and that is respect! I want you to respect me, and that means trust me as your mate and give me my fucking phone back so that I can call my parents who are now probably worried sick about me!”
“Better tell me who else you want to call, huh?” he snapped, and she laughed at that. Really?
“And what, are you jealous? I thought you don’t care about me and you only keep me here to your entertainment. What do you care if I want to call someone else?!” Dante growled louder and grabbed her hands even stronger, making her squirm in pain.
“Who do you want to call?! Maybe that Travers guy, huh?! I’ll kill him!” he was falling into a frenzy and his voice was slowly becoming more and more animalistic. Gabi felt fear finally sneaking up on her. Then it came to her what he had said.
“Calm down Alpha. Are you so blind or did your anger took the best of you? It’s my doctors name, and his full name is Elizabeth Travers! She’s a woman. Go check it out on my phone if you don’t believe me.” She added quieter, not knowing if it was too late for him to not fall into a craze.
He looked at her for what seemed like eternity with ragged breath, but finally his eyes slowly started to lose their red color. He closed them for a second and when he opened them once more they were dark brown again. Dante let go of her hands and she couldn’t help the wince that appeared on her face upon seeing the red marks he left on them. His eyes traveled after hers and when he saw her hands something shined in his orbs for a moment. Once again, he took her hands in his big ones, ignoring the fact that she quickly tried to take them away from him. This time he held them surprisingly gently as if they were made of glass. He stared at them for a moment and when he looked at her his cold mask was once again on his face.
“Don’t worry about your parents. They know where you are.” Gabi furrowed her brows.
“How do they know this? I didn’t contact them since I’m here.”
“I told them.” She looked at him shocked, but he already let go of her hands and moved back to his desk. He was limping a little as if their fight hurt him in some way physically.
“Now go, I have something to do right now.” He said as if nothing happened between them minutes ago. She clenched her fists and almost stormed to the door, but his voice stopped her just before she opened them.
“We will talk about the phone after the ball.”
When the door behind her closed she was met with two scared men who seemed to have been eavesdropping and now pretended that she didn’t almost trip them down because they were pushing their ears to the door so hard. The pent-up emotions in her made her laugh aloud while she made her way towards the elevator. Soon both Matteo and Luca were once again beside her, looking at her with curiosity.
“And? What did he want?” Luca asked.
“I think you both heard everything.” Gabi only answered when they waited for the elevator to come. “And if you’re worried about his mood, I think you will cope with him” she turned towards Matteo, but his eyes were focused on her hands.
“Did he do something to you?” she sighed at that, not really wanting to explain everything to them.
“No. Just his anger management issues got in the way.” Luca flinched hearing the words he said to her the very first day she came here. “I’m okay, I provoked him. He seemed to be a little bit sorry when he calmed down, if it bothers you so much.” She added after a while when both men were still in grim moods. They seemed to be a bit relieved at that and Gabi had the urge to roll her eyes. They were worried about her now. Why then they didn’t go in with her and guard her then?
In silence they made their way to the gym. Matteo quickly vanished, saying that he needs to take care of some things before they go out with Alpha, and so she was alone with Luca.
“I assume you must be pretty exhausted after meeting with the Alpha, so I will go easy on you today and let you choose what you want to do today.” Luca said, but Gabi only shook her head and smiled almost too cheerfully.
“Not really. I want to train some boxing. Bring me some punch bag please. Oh, and make sure it’s the one I can actually destroy.”
This time the emotions that had pent up in her were so big her training took more time than usual. When she finally decided she was done it was already dark and Luca seemed worn out, for the first time ever. She managed to destroy two punching bags without bringing out her wolf and she was extremely proud of herself. Luca on the other hand seemed a little bit scared as he looked at her from time to time warily.
When they reached the last floor, Matteo was already waiting for them, impatiently looking at his watch.
“What took you so long today?” he was clearly irritated.
“Would you rather I’d punched you?” she asked sweetly. Matteo opened his mouth as if he was to answer her, but he must have seen Luca’s fearful reaction at that and quickly decided to let the comment go unnoticed. Both of them meekly went after Gabi to the door to the penthouse.
When Matteo opened them by the code the woman only looked at him and smiled a little, thanking him. Without another word the door clicked after her Beta looked in shock at his friend.
“What did just happen?” he asked dumbfounded, but the only think Luca could do was just shrug his shoulders.
“I think our Alpha made her show her claws. And I think she’s not done yet. God, I thought she was going to come at me after finishing the second punch bag, and I think I would have a problem with her while she was in that state.” He shuddered at the sheer remembrance of her quick, violent punches.
“Well, this may turn out even better.” Luca looked at Matteo in confusion.
“Why? I think she’s becoming more and more like Alpha Dante.”
“You think so? I think it will help her bring him out of his shell he closed in three years ago.” Luca still seemed to not understand him and Matteo sighed a little impatiently. “She’s bolder and more vicious. If she was the same as she came here, quiet and full of fear, he would just push her around to his heart content leading her to her quick death. And I doubt he would see his wrong doings then. Now it seems not only she will survive on her own, but she will also show him that what he chose for his life is not good, and most importantly it’s not good for him.” Seeing his best friend’s face Matteo decided to let it go.
“You’ll understand with time.” He ended and Luca once more shrugged. For him it wasn’t really that complicated. He saw that his Alpha and Luna were openly hostile towards each other, but still there was this magnetism between them that showed that they couldn’t stop thinking about the other one even if both said it was quite the contrary. Besides they were soulmates – it wasn’t so easy as to just reject your mate.
And lastly, he still had in mind his boss’s reaction when Gabriella opposed him and started to help Diego. He was taken aback, but not in any way angry. Probably she didn’t see it, but for Luca who knew his Alpha for quite some time now, it was pretty visible. That’s why he got angry at her when everyone was there. He realized he lowered his guard and she started to come through his wall.
For him all of it were just lovers’ quarrels. And if something good other than love comes out of it, then so be it.
When she entered the apartment, she instantly knew something was different. The TV in the living room for the first time was on, and some pleasant music in classic style was playing through the speakers in the whole house. The other thing that was odd was the marvelous scent of something really good cooking in the kitchen. Gabi’s stomach instantly started to grumble, after not eating anything special for the last two days when Fernanda was not here. She carefully peeked in the kitchen and stopped for a second in shock.
Dante was standing beside the stove, frying some deliciously smelling chicken and stirring from time to time something in the pot next to it, that looked like some Chinese noodles. On the countertop there were sprawled neatly chopped carrots and bamboo, but some fresh mushrooms, onions and leek were apparently still waiting for their turn. He was wearing grey simple T-shirt and sweatpants, clothes she thought he despised because of his overall classy style. She didn’t even notice when her mouth opened wide because of what she was seeing.
She couldn’t believe her eyes, Dante behaving like a normal human being, independent from his servants?! Gabi didn’t know how long she was standing there when she heard his low, but weirdly calm voice.
“What are you staring at, go wash your hands in the sink and help me if you want to eat.” She blinked and for a second pondered on some mean retort, but the smell was too overwhelming. With a sigh, now regretful that she made her body so sore on her own wish, she made her way into the kitchen and stood carefully beside Dante to wash her hands in the sink. She looked at him from the corner of her eye, expecting he would jump at her at any time, but nothing like that happened.
It was really weird. A few hours ago, they fought and he made her hurt, but now he was acting once more as if nothing had happened, and even cooked something. Maybe it was his way of saying sorry to her about making bruises on her hands? She quickly shook the thought off her mind. She shouldn’t think of him in that way, he proved enough times that he was a cold bastard.
Nonetheless, she wanted to try his cooking and she was ready to oblige with him to reach her goal.
“I’m done. What you want me to do?” she asked, looking at his hands skillfully preparing the food. Dante shot her a quick look and seeing that indeed she did wash her hands, he nodded in the direction of the rest of vegetables.
“Chop them. I want you to chop the mushrooms and the leek as I already did with the bamboo, and onions do like carrots.” He instructed her not turning his eyes away even for a second from the pan. Gabi couldn’t help but to roll her eyes a little.
A perfectionist. Who could have thought?
But still she began to chop as she was told to, and soon found the gentle music combined with the luring aroma of all the ingredients to be relaxing for her, and even the silence between them wasn’t unsettling for her.
Only after a while it came to her that it was the first time they were in the same room and they weren’t fighting, arguing or trying to fuck each other with their eyes. At the last thought a shudder came through her body and she lowered her head to even more concentrate on the task at hand. These thoughts weren’t necessary at all.
“Are you done?” his voice tore her out of her thoughts and she looked at him a little dazed. Then it came to her what he wanted from her.
“Yes, I just finished the leek.”
“Ok, bring them here.”
“Do you want some vegetable to go first?” she asked and for the first time he turned his gaze towards her and for a second, she was taken aback by the chocolate glints in his eyes. He looked at her just like that for a second while a ghostly smile crossed his lips, making her heart jump in (un)wanted extasy.
“And which one would you take first?” he asked with no signs of malice in his voice.
“I guess the carrots. Then onions and leek, and only then the mushrooms with bamboo. That way they will be all cooked but still firm and full of flavor.” He raised his brows a little at that, and she couldn’t stop but stare at him like an idiot. He was like a kaleidoscope, always changing, and it gave her headaches.
“Then we’ll do as you say. If something goes wrong it’ll be on you.” He only warned her, but the threat in his voice was almost nonexistent. It almost seemed as if he had accepted her as his partner and decided to get to know her.
It was too good to be true.
In silence they finished the meal and Gabi sighed quietly at the sight. It not only smelled good, but also looked like from a cook book. After a few instructions from Dante she managed to find two plates and cutlery.
When she saw how much Dante put on her plate her eyes grew bigger in shock.
“I can’t eat that much!” she exclaimed but Dante didn’t even look at her, too busy putting food on his own plate.
“You think I didn’t see that for the last two days you ate only fruits?” his voice was still calm but a hint of something darker showed in it.
“I ate some toasts with cheese yesterday!”
“And you think that excuses you? That’s still as much as nothing!” he furrowed his brows and finally looked at her sternly.
“Eat or I’ll get angry.”
“Ugh, you’re always angry either way!” she stomped her foot in irritation. The cozy mood was now nowhere to be found. “Listen, I’m not saying I won’t eat it, as you see I even helped you as you wanted, and besides it smells so nice I would probably die if I didn’t try… but it’s just too much for me to eat at once!”
“It’s a normal portion. You definitely eat not enough! You think I didn’t notice you lost weight?” Gabi looked him straight into his eyes.
“And who do you think is to blame for that?” a low growl started to come out of his throat and red appeared in his eyes.
“From the very beginning I told you to eat.” He came close to her as to overcome her with his presence, but this time it didn’t work. Gabi had enough of cowering under him and even if she didn’t stand a chance she was going to fight, even if only for her honor.
“Do you sometimes listen to yourself? You abducted me, prisoned in your home with no way out, acted all high and mighty and like an asshole to me and then barged into my room and made me fight you! And why? Because I wasn’t eating! And why I wasn’t eating? Oh, maybe because all of the above, and because I was miserable and lonely and emotionally unstable because of it!” she couldn’t help but scream at him. Red was swirling dangerously in his eyes and for a second she wanted for the chocolate to once more take its place.
“You’re my mate, you’re supposed to be beside me in case someone wants to attack you.” His voice was low and dark.
“And who even knows at this point that I’m your mate?! I see that you clearly didn’t want me here and still don’t want me here, so what was the purpose of bringing me here? That’s why when I sensed you I ran away – to avoid… all of this, for both of us!” Gabi gestured around as if to emphasize her last words. She also couldn’t help when her eyes watered a little. He might be an asshole, but the fact he was her mate still made her heart hurt at his rejection.
He stood there silent for a moment, but then he let out a possessive growl.
“You’re mine and you’ll remain by my side.” Gabi sighed at that frustrated. So much for constructive talking.
“All right. Now let’s eat before it gets completely cold.” With that she reached for her plate and without another word sat at the table. She expected Dante to either jump at her and threaten her or to storm out of the house and return the next morning, but to her surprise he also took his plate and sat on the opposite part of the table.
They ate in silence and Gabi had to admit that Dante really could cook. The food was melting in her mouth and it was just pure deliciousness. It was so good she even intended to eat the whole plate, but unfortunately her stomach couldn’t take in any more. With regret she looked at the food – her mind still wanted it, but her body wasn’t able to eat it.
“If you don’t want it anymore just throw it in the trash.” She heard Dante grumble and when she shot him a look, she saw that he still intently didn’t look at her. Gabi once more looked at the food they prepared together.
“It’s too good to end up in the trash. I’ll save it for later, possibly for a midnight snack or for breakfast.”
“You don’t have to. Just throw it away.” He barked at her, suddenly even more irritated. Gabi looked at him with a calm expression on her face.
“Why are you doing this? Why do you have to get angry at me for everything I do or say?”
“You don’t have to act all indulgently when you don’t like it. It pisses me off.”
“And you know what pisses me off? That you’re acting like a little child. If I say it is good, it is good, period! I can’t eat anymore because I’m full at the moment but I will happily eat the rest after a few hours! And now if you’ll excuse me, I’ll put the rest in the fridge and go to my room.” With that she stood up and without sparing him even one glance she went back into the kitchen. She felt his hot and angry stare on her but she didn’t weaver. It really was a waste – this evening was becoming quite pleasant, but of course Dante had to destroy it with his harsh, always – suspecting – something – bad behavior.
When she closed the fridge, she suddenly felt his heavy presence behind her and all of her muscles tightened, ready to fight. But he only put one of his hands on the fridge’s door and leaned to her ear, tickling the sensitive flesh with his hot breath.
“Tomorrow be ready downstairs at 10 am. Don’t be late.” This time she couldn’t read anything from his voice as he pulled away from her and without another word put the plate in the sink and disappeared in his own room.
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