《The Werewolf Syndrome》Chapter 1. Paper planes
Fate wasn’t really good to her, but she also couldn’t say it was particularly evil too. It was what it was – just life.
Of course, for someone the sole fact that she was a werewolf could be a big disadvantage and an obstacle, but she didn’t see it like that. On the other hand, the fact that her packs Alpha was killed by rouges when she was four and had to flee with her parents along with others, could be seen as a sign of bad luck. She preferred to say it was just life teaching them a lesson of never letting your guard down and not to be carefree. Even if it all caused her to right now live among human society in a big city – London, she knew her parents did this strictly because they cared for her. Most werewolf packs despised the ones that failed to protect their territory, and some of them sometimes went even as far as to kill the ones who sought their help. That’s why they stayed here, where it was pretty secure – no normal pack could endure living in such a densely populated city, and human at that. As her parents were before ordinary pack members, she fully understood them. Hell, she would have done the same in their situation.
Gabriella Spencer wasn’t as hot-headed and brave as most of her kind. She was more open-minded and not so prideful as other werewolves, but of course she had a character of her own – she was a realist and she always stood hard on the ground. She knew her limits and when it was the time to withdraw, but if something was really important to her and she felt like she had even a slight chance of winning, she gladly took it and fought with all her might like a lioness for her cubs. She had this attitude especially when it came to animals, which she loved dearly. The same came for small children, as they were the only ones who never experienced her sharp tongue, which she really liked to use when confronting other adults. And so, despite having an economic Master’s degree and a few prominent job offers in banking in her pocket, she ended up where she felt wanted and needed the most – at kindergarten.
She made her decision almost two years ago and she never looked back, but right now she wished she was seated somewhere quiet and peaceful, even if it meant working for some dull corporation. She sighed and tried to free her long hair from a paper plane that stuck in it a while ago, tangling it in an unimaginable way.
It was September the 1st, and she was for the first time put in charge of her own group. Of course they wouldn’t make it easy for her – she was given a group of 15 first graders, children in ages between 3 and 4. Her classroom was now full of children playing, crying or trying to escape to their parents, and none of them paid attention to her.
To make it worse as she woke up today morning, she felt a slight tinge in her lower abdomen and she knew that inevitably was coming her next nightmare – the heat. For the next two weeks or so she will be on her full rage mode which during nights will change to depression because of lack of her mate. Not that she wanted her soulmate to ever appear – she knew it could mean many problems and she wasn’t really planning on tackling all of them, the first one being that she was an outsider of the werewolf world right now. But during the heat, her mind stopped working and wanted only one – her mate, sex and pups. Exactly in that order. She hissed irritated as one of the kids curiously pulled on a strand of her hair. She knew that if she wanted to function for the next two weeks, she had to go to her doctor today to get her heat suppressing pills. If not, if everything goes really wrong some werewolves may spot her even in such a crowded city as London as her pheromones would be all flowing in the air around her, and please don’t even mention her mate.
When the next pull came it fully snapped her to reality and she couldn’t suppress a low growl that escaped her mouth, startling the boy that was really interested in her hair.
“That wasn’t really nice Jackson, it hurt” she scolded him with sweet but stern voice kneeling before him, not wanting him to start crying. His brown eyes were wet for a moment, but when she patted his soft hair to reassure him that she was not mad a smile spread across his lips.
“But remember not do it to anyone else, okay? You can hurt somebody and they will be sad” she reminded him to be sure he took his lesson. Jackson shook his head slowly, as if he was remembering all her words one by one, and soon he was off to play with some other boys.
Gabriella sighed and stood up, the creased paper plane in her hair forgotten for a moment. The loud chaos around her made her irritation rise dangerously, and so she decided to use one of the werewolf’s advantages – mind bending. Of course, it wasn’t anything fancy like many could think. Depending on the rank in the pack (Gabi thought she would be somewhere between Gamma and Delta), they could modulate their voices as to be really convincing and demanding to the listeners. The strongest voice as expected belonged to the Alpha, and he could also use it on the other werewolves. But if it came to children, even an average Omega would suffice. Their minds were like clay, just waiting to bend to one’s will.
“Everyone, listen to me!” she said loudly, and her voice changed to a more melodic one, filled with sweetness and gentle like a summer breeze. Slowly, all of the heads in the room turned to her and she triumphed in her mind “If you start to obey and be good kids, I think we can make a little deal behind your parents back, and I can give each one of you a cookie by the end of the day if all of you behave. Is that okay with you? What will you say?” seeing as stars started shimmering in their eyes, she knew they didn’t need to answer. She got it.
The next seven hours passed in a flash and with a pleased sigh she closed the door to her now empty classroom, so ready to go home and finally rest. She felt a stronger pull in her abdomen and grunted under her breath. Before she just had to go to the doc for her pills.
“Hey Gabi, what’s with that sour face, we finally can go home!” a cheerful young man approached her quickly, hiding keys to his own classroom in his pocket. She managed to send him a crooked smile and she wished he didn’t ask her any questions, unfortunately to no avail.
“Are you not feeling good?” he looked at her more warily with a worried expression on his face, and she cursed under breath her luck. Brandon Lowell could be a simple human being, but his senses and intuition were a little better than others of his kind. To make it worse he wasn’t just any colleague from work – she knew he was in love with her, even if he didn’t admit it to her directly. Maybe a human girl wouldn’t notice those subtle changes in his behavior, but hey, she wasn’t in any inch normal. She saw how his light brown eyes misted and looked with a warm affection in her direction when they talked or were in the same room, how he tried to touch her gently on every occasion and how his voice trembled every time he talked to her.
Today was no different – they didn’t see each other through the weekend and he seemed thirsty of their interactions when he delicately nudged her so that she answers his question. She sighed under her breath and send him another reassuring smile. She liked him but thought with heavy heart about the time Brad decides to confess and she will have to turn him down. The problem really wasn’t in the fact he was human – she just wasn’t into big, warm and clumsy blondes with a personality like golden retrievers. He was ok for her, but only as a friend.
“It’s really nothing much, just that time of the month again” with content she saw how Brad became a little uncomfortable and suddenly dropped the subject. Gabi loved how each man she ever encountered was put off with such normal fact about women anatomy, like even hearing about it was something forbidden.
“So maybe you want to go grab something to eat to brighten your mood up, like maybe ice cream or some hot chocolate?” he tried once more with a glint of hope in his warm eyes. During their little talk they managed to leave the kindergarten grounds and slowly made their way through the busy at that hour city, as Gabi wasn’t really in a position today to quickly scurry away from the man because of her cramps slowly getting worse with each passing minute.
“Sorry Brad but I have an appointment with my doctor today, it really isn’t something I can postpone” she felt a little pang of guilt when his face dropped, but she couldn’t do anything. She really needed to get those pills or else she would be stuck at home for the next two weeks howling like a sex crazed idiot.
“Oh, so I guess maybe we can go somewhere tomorrow” his voice was sad, but she chose to ignore it.
“Maybe” she ended the discussion as they stopped at lights at one of the main busy roads. Her doctors name was Liz Travers and her office was only two crossings away (of course she was aware of Gabi being a werewolf, as she also was a one) and Gabriella hoped she could get rid of Brad before she reaches her destination, mainly because she didn’t want for him to try and go in with her.
When the lights changed to green Gabi hurried her way, hoping she would lose Brad in the crowd, but he was following her close persistently, as if she hasn’t trampled his dignity a few times already by turning down every one of his offers. She huffed irritated when she had to stop on her way because of swarms of people blocking the passage. They all looked like they waited for something, all turned in unison in one direction with their cameras and phones out. Gabi felt another hot pang hit her and she couldn’t help but mewl a little under her breath. Oh god, it was all happening too fast. She had to move now, or else she won’t make it home tonight.
“I heard there was some fancy event going on today’s evening in this company and celebrities all over the world were invited. It would be cool to attend to it even as a member of the staff and ask some of them for an autograph, right?” Brad finally caught up to her and now he was looking at her expectantly, clearly waiting for her to answer. She gritted her teeth and tried to breathe slowly. This day was really starting to get on her nerves.
“Maybe if it was some other day then yes. Right now, I just want to get to my fricking appointment” she growled lowly and he looked at her shocked. Gabi was known at work as an easy going, polite and cheerful girl. Well, another thing to tick off today on my “To fuck up” list, she thought gloomily to herself.
Brad didn’t have a chance to respond, because suddenly a big commotion started. All of the crowded people started to scream excitedly and the flashes in cameras started to blink even quicker when a big black Maybach stopped at the entrance. When VIPs started to make their way to the building the flock of people moved closer to the road, to be as close as possible to their beloved stars. Gabi only rolled her eyes annoyed and decided she couldn't wait any longer for them to disperse. She turned to Brad to tell him they are going to split and that she will go the other way around to her doctor, but a faint smell in the air stopped her in the tracks.
It was a mixture of a fine male cologne, fresh spruce and musk. It was simple but so captivating her eyes closed with pleasure as hot sparks erupted in her whole body, making her wet and tremble in the process. In the next second though she snapped her eyes open, feeling how her heart was about to burst out of her chest, making her blood run wildly through her veins and silencing almost all noise around.
This day really was going downhill, and at what rate. She wildly started scanning all the people around, trying to find the source of the smell, ignoring dumbfounded Brad who was now staring at her with worry in his brown eyes.
She didn’t see it when all of a sudden there was a small clearance between now hysterical crowd of fans asking for autographs and photos, and a new waft of air hit her, allowing her to locate the owner of the incredible smell.
Gabi felt a pit in her stomach form when a tall, muscular man in a suit came into view. His black as night hair were cut short on the sides but left longer on the top and pushed to the back in a seemingly careless way, making a few lost strands fall in a seductive manner on his tanned forehead. His hair made delicate waves, which made them shine in the afternoon sun, making him look like some descendant of those little chubby angels called Cupids. His eyes were dark brown color, but with her enhanced werewolf sight she could see glints on red in them when he moved, as sunlight hit them on various angles. They were cold and observant and didn’t change a bit even when some girl stepped up to him asking for his sign. He just looked her up and down, making her visibly nervous, and gestured for one of his man to come closer. The man, who looked like his bodyguard, gave her an already signed piece of paper and ushered her to go away.
He was like an angel. An angel that was thrown out of heaven and ended up in here, becoming her own personal devil.
Gabi felt her feet glued to the ground, even if she was scared as hell and wanted to run as far away as possible. Her mind felt numb and the only thought she had right now didn’t belong to her, but rather to her wolf, who now paced impatiently in her mind repeating like a broken record two words “Alpha. Mate.” Her heat made it even worse when she felt wet stickiness between her tights and she almost felt how her body tried everything it could to spread her pheromones around so that the male could spot her.
This wasn’t good. In fact, it was really, really bad. If he spots her, it will be the end of her peaceful life, and god knows what he will do if he gets to know she is one of the runners. And if to believe what her wolf was saying, he was an Alpha. They were known for their aggressive and possessive behavior, especially the latter when it came to their mates. She felt like she was about to break down in tears. She officially marked this day as the worst in her life.
Gabi only came back to her senses when she felt a pull at her arm. She pried her eyes away from the astonishing male before her, noticing how his head started to turn in her direction. Good, maybe he won’t see her in such a number of people. Her wolf screamed in agony and tried to take control to get to their mate. She scowled a little, pushing her back harshly.
Brad was looking at her even more warily than earlier, but she didn’t have time nor senses to tell him right now everything was okay.
“You know, I’m sorry but I can’t wait any longer or I’m going to be late to my appointment. I’m going to go there another way around. I will run, so let’s see each other tomorrow at work, okay?” she didn’t wait for his response as she turned on her heels and started to quickly walk away, planning to start to run as soon as she turned in the next alley as not to look suspicious.
“Oh, okay. Bye Gabi!” he shouted in her direction, making her almost growl at him. Geez, scream my name louder! she thought angry to herself, but at second thought she shouldn’t be angry with him. He didn’t know what was going on or what she was.
“Gabi, wait! You have something in your hair!” she pretended she didn’t hear him as she made her pace quicker and not faltering even a little bit. She had to run as quickly as possible if she was to maintain her freedom and who knows, maybe even her life.
As soon as she reached the corner, she started to run as fast as she was able to.
As if fate decided to have at least a little mercy on her tonight, she reached her appointment with no more problems on the road.
“You sure you’re okay?” Liz looked at her with a questioning look in her dark orbs, making Gabi’s head fall hard on the table between them.
“How many times will I hear this today?” she moaned, feeling how tiredness is getting to her very core. She was tired from running, angry at herself for her beginning heat, and hollow at heart because of finding her mate whom she didn’t really want or ask for. She just wanted to go to sleep.
When brunette, who also happened to be her best friend beside a doctor, raised only a brow at her antics, still waiting for an answer she really wasn’t eager to give, Gabi closed her eyes tiredly.
“It’s the heat. Just give me the pills so I won’t be a bitch” Liz furrowed her brows, but nonetheless stood up and started searching for a bottle in one of the cabinets. Her pixie short brown hair shined a little with red in the afternoon light, and Gabi suddenly remembered the icy stare of the devil that was her mate. She felt heat between her legs and a blush creeping up her cheeks, and without second thought she once more hit her head hard on the table with a loud groan.
Liz finally found the bottle she was looking for and with a calm look on her face sat once more before Gabi, swirling the bottle with skill in her hands.
“There’s more to it right.” It wasn’t a question and Gabi groaned once more, at that moment hating the sensitive instinct of her friend. But she knew the drill – without the answers she won’t have her pills, and she needed them, badly.
“Yes.” She answered shortly, hoping it would suffice for now, but brunette was still looking at her expectantly.
“I will tell you later?” it was supposed to be a statement, but came out as a question when Liz slipped the precious bottle into her pocket and Gabi hissed under her breath. Maybe if she wasn’t running here like all hell broke loose, she would have the power to snatch the pills away from her, but right now it was only a dream.
“Why tell me later when you can tell me now?” her voice didn’t falter even a little bit, as she looked deep into her soul with that calm expression on her face. After a few long moments of silence, Gabriella finally gave in.
“Alright. But you must give me the pills as soon as I end.” When Liz didn’t say nothing, she took it as an agreement.
“I met my mate on my way here.” Finally, something changed in her friend’s expression and her eyes opened widely in shock. She waited impatiently for the pills to appear, but Liz sat still as a stone.
“The end?”
“Yes, the end. And now give my damn pills!” finally brunette gave in and Gabi with a contented sigh popped two in her mouth.
“And what did he tell you, what’s his name?”
“I don’t know, didn’t talk to him.” Gabi shrugged her shoulders, quickly shoving the bottle into her own pocket. She didn’t want to risk that Liz changes her mind when she hears something she doesn’t like.
“WHAT?! How then you know he’s your mate?!” she screamed, the calm façade she tried so hard to keep finally fell apart. Liz Travers when meeting her patients tried very hard to be as professional as she could, even if in reality she was a bubbly sweet girl full of life. As she said, who in their right mind would voluntarily listen to such a girl when it came to their own health? She had to keep up the look.
“I smelled him. And saw him. My wolf tormented me and made sure I knew.” She answered shortly, finally a little lighter at heart that at least one thing today was taken care of. She felt a grumble form in her stomach, and looked possessively at a cookie jar on the kitchen counter. She felt their faint smell through the glass and suddenly had the urge to eat all of them.
“Why didn’t you go up to him, and why didn’t you talk to him, and why, oh why didn’t you just… you know do anything? And what he looks like, and what he smells like, tell me everything!” her voice was at an alarming level at the end, and Gabi looked at her pointing at the door. Discussing such things in a lunch room of a clinic where Liz worked wasn’t really wise.
“I will tell you the answers if you give me the cookies” she ogled the jar with a longing and Liz sighed rolling her eyes.
“Fine, but only a few! I don’t want people to see me as a selfish glutton.” But Gabi didn’t listen to her as she scurried to the jar, suddenly feeling as if she was starving. With contentment she sat once again, this time with cookie jar in her hands. Seeing the impatient Liz before her drumming her fingers expectantly on the table, she sighed and tried to form her crazy thoughts into words.
“I didn’t go up to him, because he was surrounded by hundreds of people, and I was pretty far away. That’s also an answer to your second question” she noted. “I didn’t do anything because I was shocked and scared, besides I never wanted a mate. He has black hair and dark brown eyes. He’s tall and muscular. He smells like cologne, musk and spruce.” She ended, stuffing her mouth with a chocolate dip cookie.
Liz waited a little longer, and when nothing else came out of her mouth she looked ready to explode.
“This doesn’t tell me anything!” She flayed her hands around in frustration, throwing her an angry look. Gabi sighed and reluctantly put down the jar.
“Listen, sorry. I had a really tiring day, and that situation didn’t help me either. I only want to snuggle in my bed and not come out for the next week. My head is spinning, and my mind is such a mess… Maybe in a few days I will be able to tell you the whole story” she felt the first tears of the day trying to make her way down her cheeks, but she urged them to stay in until she was home.
Liz stood up and came up to her, soothingly patting her back.
“It’ll be alright.” she said simply, knowing that nothing she would say right now would help. Gabi smiled a little and hugged her friend.
“I promise I will tell you everything when I settle down a little.”
“You better” she threatened with a smile. “And now go home and rest. The pills should start working soon too, so go quickly to bed. And remember to take one in the morning and one in the evening for the next two weeks” she was once again back as “Doctor Liz Travers”, with her calm and strong voice. Gabi only rolled her eyes and nodded.
“I’ll call you later.”
Liz escorted her to the exit, and when they were saying their goodbyes the woman leaned on to her with curious expression. Seeing Gabi disoriented, she explained “You have something in your hair.”
After fumbling with it for a few minutes and a few curses they finally detangled the small piece of paper, folded into a paper plane.
Gabi started at it with a blank expression on her face, remembering all the places she was today at with the paper plane in her hair. Fate really hated her. Seeing how her shoulders slumped in resignation, Liz only patted her on the shoulder and ushered outside.
“ I suppose you will tell me about it later. Now go and rest. And don’t worry, at least you don’t have anything on your butt.”
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