《Re:Light》Chapter 21: Overwhelming Control


Chapter 21: Overwhelming Control

Mitchiel’s left leg was turning into clay-like substance!

He jumped as high as he could and the moment he landed, he rushed to another location in the stadium.

The underground hand still followed him. After a couple of seconds, Mitchiel’s left leg return to its normal color.

“Is this how you are going to fight, Tymo?” asked Mitchiel. “Playing like a coward instead of facing me?”

“Hahaha” laughed Tymo from underground.

The sound of Tymo’s laugh is heard by Mitchiel, although barely. Mitchiel then focused his whole entire strength and hit the gray cemented hand that was coming from the ground.

A small-size crater was created. Dust was spread all over the stadium!

The ground around the stadium became smooth ever since Tymo went underground. Mitchiel knew that from his experience of fighting numerous Earth Martial Artist from his past.

“Hehehe” laughed Tymo. “You should have done that sooner, Mitchiel”

“What? Why?” asked Mitchiel, waiting for the dust to sublime.

“Because I am already done creating my personal army!” exclaim Tymo. “I told you I wasn’t going to take any risk”

“No, this can’t be!” exclaimed Mitchiel in complete horror. “You created three golems?”

An area in the stadium was still covered in dust, and after a moment, the blowing wind cleared the area, revealing an even more terrifying horror for Mitchiel.

“Nope” replied Tymo coolly. “I created four”

The golems were large and reached several feet high.

The golems made their move towards Mitchiel.

They lifted their gigantic arms and pounded at wherever Mitchiel was, like he was a disgusting bug.

Mitchiel barely dodged the strike since it was so fast! But the impact of the strike still got him!

Mitchiel was sent flying several feet away from where he dodged. The air pressure itself was intense.


A large-size crater with multiple cracks spread throughout the entire stadium from the impact.

Mitchiel crash-landed on his right arm. His right arm was hurting him but it was not bleeding. Mitchiel’s defense techniques were working.

Mitchiel got back up and stared at the approaching golems.

He needed to do something to stop them from advancing. He needed pass them and somehow reach Tymo.

Not having enough time to figure something out, Mitchiel rush straight to the golems.

The first golem attacked Mitchiel.

Mitchiel jumped on the golem’s arm and ran towards its head.

The golem shook its body and Mitchiel fell down to the stadium.

“Damn” thought Mitchiel. “I should have known it wouldn’t be this easy”

“Hehehe” laughed Tymo. “Having issues, Mitchiel?”

“What does he want?” thought Mitchiel in a rude way.

Mitchiel’s eyes widen as he realizes something. Tymo does in fact want something.

Tymo since the very beginning said that he wasn’t going to take any risks, yet here before Mitchiel stood four golems, there was no way Tymo could possibly create all four of them.

Tymo might be able to create one or two but definitely not four intermediate level golems in only two months of training. If Tymo could indeed do that, Tymo would have been recruited to the Imperial City.

So, it couldn’t be him controlling all the golems, it had to be someone else.

His brother perhaps? But his brother was currently fighting Reige? Is it possible for him to be fighting Reige and controlling the golems?

Before Mitchiel could think any further, several attacks came from the golems, and Mitchiel had to dodge.

He was sent flying again!

“I am going to lose if I have to fight all of them by myself, but there is something I’ve been meaning to try” thought Mitchiel.


Mitchiel ran to his closest golem and waited until the golem’s punch was about to hit him.

He then used both of his hands to stop the punch, but the golem’s punch was too strong and Mitchiel could feel his arms weakening and his bones making a squeaky sound, he didn’t have long.

Mitchiel change his hands’ position. He tries to grab a part of the golem’s arm.

He accomplished that with ease.

But the golem lifted him up as it was lifting its arm up.

All the golems gathered around the golem with Mitchiel on it.

The golem lifted its arm up (the arm containing Mitchiel as well) and shook its arm down with severe force.

Mitchiel fell head first down the stadium!

Dusts came from the crash, revealing a wounded Mitchiel. There was blood coming from Mitchiel’s forehead.

“I figured it out just now” thought Mitchiel brightly. “that’s why Tymo said he wouldn’t take any risk”

Mitchiel approaches the golems and ready his stance. He knew exactly what was needed to defeat them.

The golems were made from earth magic but by Lamo not Tymo. Lamo created them from before their match even began. But he couldn’t control them. Controlling the golems and then fighting his opponents at the same time would be too difficult for even him.

So, what he did was implant some of his magic inside the golem to create a magical circuit, that way, the golem would be able to move and attack. The only problem remaining would be controlling the golems. They would need to be able to identify their target and attack the target while replenishing their energy on the go.

So, the arm that tried to turn Mitchiel into a statue was a skill that Lamo taught Tymo. The skill was directly connected to the golems. The arm wasn’t trying to turn Mitchiel into a statue but to absorb all of his internal mana energy, but since he lacked mana energy to begin with, Mitchiel’s leg was starting to turn into this cement or clay-like substance.

Another cautious implement of Lamo’s was adding motor skills to the golems and programming them to shake an area of the body that the target is on, if the target gets on their body since they are large.

Lamo taught Tymo the [Target Messenger] skill. A skill that enable a message to be sent to something that can see. Tymo was using that to send an image of the target to the golem’s program. As long as Tymo was using such a skill, the golems would continue to attack Mitchiel.

Mitchiel realizes that Tymo was his real opponent.

He rushes towards Tymo with everything he got. It wasn’t going to be the same way as last time.

Tymo activated the [lightning piercing strike Attack].

“I am not the same as I was before, punk” said Tymo. “I am going to kill you”

Tymo disappeared and reappeared behind Mitchiel. Before Mitchiel could doge, Tymo pierced him in his back.

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