《Re:Light》Chapter 3: Mitchiel the Loser


Chapter 3: Mitchiel the Loser

Mitchiel bow his head in respect towards the maid girl.

“No! No! you can’t do that” replied the maid girl in a hurry.

“Do what?” asked Mitchiel dumbfounded.

“What you just did. You can’t” explained the maid girl.

“But why?” asked Mitchiel, dumbfounded.

“Well, you know, status and rank, and job and different classes of people and stuff” explained the maid girl stiffly.

“Ok, I understand” replied Mitchiel as he stands up fully and bow again, completely disregarding what the maid girl just said.

“Mitchiel-sama!! Please” said the maid girl. “If people were to see you do that outside, they would laugh at you even more”

“Even more?” asked Mitchiel, curiously.

The maid girl realizing what came out of her mouth, quickly puts her left hand on her lips as if to shut herself from saying anything more.

She was in panic. Real tears were beginning to flow from her eyes now. She was really shaken by her lack of discretion.

“I am so sorry, so very sorry, please forgive me, I’ll never do that again, I promise” repeated the maid girl multiple times.

“No, it’s alright” replied Mitchiel as many times as the maid girl repeated she was sorry.

They were hugging each other now. Mitchiel was holding the maid girl in an embrace.

A butler came to the kitchen after hearing the commotion.

“Is everything fine, Sylvia? Mitchiel-sama?” asked the butler.

“Yes, everything is under control” replied Mitchiel since Sylvia [the maid girl] wasn’t going to be able to talk properly.

“Very well then” said the butler after taking a few glances at both Sylvia and Mitchiel.

He left without turning back.


“Sylvia-chan” said Mitchiel softly. “I am sorry about asking you to talk about something you were told not to”


“No, it’s okay” said Sylvia wiping her tears away. “I was the one who started to talk about it first”

“And I was the one who asked about it” replied Mitchiel. “Therefore it’s my fault”

“No, it wasn’t you. It definitely wasn’t you, Mitchiel-sama” replied Sylvia.

“But I still want to know more though” said Mitchiel with his curiosity at its peak.

He relentlessly asks Sylvia to tell him and kept on following behind Sylvia everywhere she went throughout the mansion, until Sylvia had no choice but to tell him.

“We are not supposed to talk about it inside the mansion” replied Sylvia. “But as you already know, everyone calls you a loser and laugh at you outside this mansion. You are considered a laughing stock and a useless moron. I am so sorry, I didn’t mean to phrase it like that, please forgive me, I was not trying to hurt your feelings” replied Sylvia with some tears in her eyes.

“No, no, its fine” replied Mitchiel with a bright smile that calmed Sylvia and made her feel better.

“Calling me [previous owner] a loser, calling me a laughing stock, calling me useless” thought Mitchiel darkly. “I am going to make every one of those people outside regret it and by the time I am done, they will all be jealous of my splendor. It is the least I can do for the previous owner”


Outside the mansion:

Mitchiel went immediately outside after receiving the information from Sylvia.

He wanted to fix the previous owner’s reputation as fast as possible.

Everyone outside the mansion was going through their habitual morning. There were many passerby, some merchants across the street, some shops, and kids running around. It was a peaceful morning.

The moment Mitchiel went outside, the peaceful façade was destroyed.


The neighborhood was staring at him with ridiculous looks. They were all pointing at him, laughing and mostly staring.

One group of guys in their early twenties made their way to Mitchiel.

“Ho ho ho” said the guy at the front of the group. “Seems that you are back for more, aren’t you?”

“What if I am?” asked Mitchiel, trying to put the puzzle pieces in order.

“Well, well, well” said the same guy at the front. “Picking a fight so early in the morning, huh?”

Everyone watching the exchange laughed. Mitchiel was being viewed as everyone’s personal amusement. He was their laughing stock. Mitchiel picking a fight was going to be a very entertaining amusement for them.

“No, not a fight” claimed Mitchiel. “Just going to beat you to a pulp before you know it”

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