《As Above So Below》Tears of Gold
People were a lot like books if inspected closely enough. A flinch, clenched jaw, twitch of the mouth could reveal more than words ever could. Ellis prided himself on his ability to take small micro expressions and turn them into a narrative he could work with. However, Roman wasn’t fitting any narrative. The pouty lips drawn into a thin line along with the locked jaw and furrowed brows weren’t unusual ways that Roman would express himself. The direction was questionable, his glower was solely placed on Fletcher who was forcing a smile
The tension between them was undoubtedly Roman’s fault but it didn’t make the dinner any less awkward. Oddly, Beck was across from Fletcher but beside Roman. When did they become friends? Ellis wondered. Her existence was quite frustrating. He just wanted to know what was happening.
“So does El know about the journal?” She directed the question at Sam as if Ellis wasn’t capable of speaking for himself.
“Ellis.” He corrected.
Worries began to roll around in the back of his head. How much did they tell her? How involved was she? Did Fletcher tell her about the night at docks? His honesty was starting to become a liability. There was something admirable about it, but it concerned Ellis.
“I filled him in.” Roman told a half truth. He mentioned the journal but nothing about what Sam had learned at the archives. Perhaps Beck didn’t know about that either.
Curiously, Ellis contemplated Sam for a moment. His happy expression hinted at how oblivious he was to the current state of his friends, or he didn’t care; Ellis could never be sure with him. A fight would be detrimental to the group. It was well known Ellis would take Fletcher’s side over Roman’s, but Sam was a different case entirely. Sam played the middle ground where everyone was welcome to stay but safety wasn’t a guarantee.
“So how long do you…” Fletcher was speaking but Ellis couldn’t seem to find his focus.
Waves roared behind him, almost deafening. The sound was so real, Ellis had to turn just to make sure nothing was there. Flashes of a storm passed by his eyes like a flickering film. Slowly, he breathed in and stretched out his hands in front of him. The sound subsided as did the imagery.
“Uh El? You alright? I think you’re bleeding?”
Ellis pressed the palm of his hand up to his nose and felt the sticky warmth commonly associated with blood but when he pulled his hand back, it didn’t look right. It was shinier than blood, like a sharp metallic red. The deep red clashed against his pale skin in a way that made his stomach churn.
“Uh, stress. I’m stressed.” It had to be. It always was.
Fletcher dropped the topic rather quickly in favor of keeping his head down to avoid Roman’s death glares. Ellis had never seen someone eat angrily before but Roman proved it could be done. The only conversation surrounding them was between Beck and Sam although Ellis didn’t care to listen. He highly doubted she had anything of value to add.
“Well, I’m going to head out.” Sam said, patting his stomach. “Do you guys want a ride?”
“Yeah, Thanks.” The moment Fletcher nodded Roman mumbled an excuse as to why he didn’t need one.
“I don’t want to make you drive all over town and…” Roman didn’t finish his sentence, leaving the lie to hang in the air.
“Oh, I can drive you.” Beck said with a cutesy smile.
The confusion painted on Roman’s face either said that he wasn’t aware of that or that she was lying. Ellis bet on the latter. A pained expression crossed Roman’s face as he looked at Fletcher. Everything was still for a moment before Roman viciously shook his head from left to right. Isn’t he concussed? Ellis winced at the thought of how much that must have hurt.
“I insist. It’s November, and damn cold. You aren’t even wearing a proper coat.” Beck tried her best to sound caring but there was a hollowness in the words. Ellis had no idea what she was going to get out of the situation, but he refused to let her get her way.
“You can get a ride back with me.” Ellis said slowly, almost confused by the words he was saying. Was he really fighting over spending more time with Roman?
“I’m not a charity case.” Roman spat and launched up from his seat.
“I’d like the company.”
“Sure, whatever. Can we go?”
“Yup, I just- And he’s gone.”
Following after Roman proved to be more difficult than he anticipated. Although Roman was only walking, he was using his full stride at a speed that no one could comfortably walk. He darted down the halls and made sharp turns. Ellis assumed his erratic movements were an attempt to lose him. Embarrassingly and unexpectedly, he started to run after him. The sound of his leather soled shoes slapping against the floor was louder than he could handle. Stopping in the middle of the hall, he yelled.
“Roman! Enough.”
Roman stopped mid stride and turned to his locker. His anger flowed through his hands, barely allowing him to unlock it. Without a word, Roman ripped pages off of the top shelf before using his entire force to slam the locker closed.
“Tell me what’s going on.” Ellis demanded as he marched over.
“No, you’ll take his side. You always do.” The words were an accusation.
“I’m not playing the pronoun game with you. So, tell me, or I’ll ask the others. Hell, I’ll ask Beck.”
Roman didn’t answer but pushed past Ellis towards the parking lot. Ellis tapped his foot against the ground with his arms crossed tightly across his chest. He called out for Roman in a more desperate tone than he expected.
“What do you want? I don’t need a drive. I’ll call Warren. Maybe figure on this haunting bullshit on the way home so we can go back to normal.” He shouted.
Ellis prided himself on his ability to be cool under pressure, but never more had he wanted to ring Roman’s neck than when he shouted the way he did. It wasn’t until Ellis twisted Roman’s arm that he realized he had even stepped forward. His grip was loose but enough that Roman didn’t pull away.
“Keep your voice down.” Ellis cursed.
“Sure.” Roman snapped before jerking his arm back.
Roman continued his defiant walk towards the parking lot. Unsure of himself, Ellis trailed behind him waiting for Roman to turn and confess what was going on but that wasn’t something that he would do. He would rather wallow in his anger, let it swallow him whole before admitting he was hurt. The only reason he slowed down was because a water fountain had erupted with water. There was no curiosity as to why, he was too angry to care.
“Why are you being so dramatic?” Ellis asked, stepping around the mess. He wondered if he had time to call a custodian without Roman venturing too far off.
“Fletcher is being a-” Roman started.
“What did you do?” Ellis cut him off, completely aware that Fletcher didn’t act unless provoked.
“He thinks I’m trying to steal his girlfriend because I am civil towards her. I guess if I’m not being an obnoxious asshole, I’m being a girlfriend stealer. Fun, right?”
Laughter burst out from the bottom of Ellis’s stomach. His normal laugh was replaced with a high pitch squeak mixed with exasperated breath. He bent himself over, laughing hysterically. The idea that Beck would ever be interested in Roman was more than comedic, it was insane.
“Beck….” He gasped for air. “She would never stoop that low.”
“Thanks.” Roman might as well have cussed him out. “Are we done?”
“Am I driving you home?”
“Will you leave me alone if I say yes.”
“Good enough.” Roman sighed.
As they walked towards the parking lot, Ellis could feel a drip of the tip of his nose. Quickly, he wiped it away, noticing the metallic shine was even more prominent than before. He didn’t know what to make of it. Odd but not completely unheard of for people to have nose bleeds due to stress but everything about him was starting to become unusual.
Almost a week had passed since anyone had seen Roman at school. He could be sick or injured, Ellis tried to justify to himself. I should leave him alone. No matter what he thought, he couldn’t step back from Roman’s front door. It was a Saturday, so he would have to be there. At least that’s how Ellis assumed the custody agreement went.
The Davenport house was nice, quaint even. Not the home anyone would expect from a multi-millionaire, but expectations and Davenports rarely went together. The overall design was colonial and vintage. Ellis stared at the deep blue door, inches away from knocking yet frozen in place. He didn’t know how long he’d been standing there but it felt like a lifetime. Realistically he would have guessed five minutes, maybe ten. His knuckles barely brushed the door when it swung open.
It wasn’t a Davenport who opened the door but a small willowy woman with curled golden hair. Her smile was warm and her voice was soft and even but with a faint southern accent,
“Hello, sweetheart. Do you need help?”
Ellis was certain he had the right address, but he wasn’t sure who the woman was. He vaguely recalled Robert getting married sometime between the end of seventh grade and the start of ninth grade. It must have been Roman’s stepsister.
“Is Roman home?” Ellis asked, trying to see past her.
“Sure is, he’s in his room.” She flung the door open and smiled at him.
The inside of Roman’s house was much like the outside. Outdated but still vintage. Ellis supposed it was intentional, but it didn’t change how tacky it all looked. The different blues and yellows just mixed into an eye sore. He wondered if they bought furniture to look old and dusted or if they purchased it second hand. Unfortunately, he didn’t know where Roman’s room was. They tended to avoid Roman’s folks when they were kids at his request.
She must have noticed how wide eyed he was looking around as she gave him a quick knowing look before she laughed a little. Ellis wondered if she was always this ditzy.
“Upstairs, first door on the left.”
Ellis mumbled a thank you as he trudged up the carpeted stairs; Another disgusting design choice. He reached the door and without thinking opened it. It took him half a second to process that Roman was in his underwear just lounging on his bed. He stared back at Ellis like a deer in the headlights. Ellis slowly backed up and closed the door. His cheeks turned a rosy pink as he waited for Roman to open the door again.
“What are you doing here?” Roman’s voice cracked.
Ellis could hear him frantically getting dressed. He opened the door now clade in an oversized sweatshirt and thankfully sweatpants.
“I’m not sure.” Ellis replied honestly. “Worried about you, I guess”
Roman’s room wasn’t what he expected. Much neater than even his own room. The bed neatly made and tucked into the corner. The entire space was almost like a showroom rather than a place to be lived in. Coordinating baby blues and whites, the decorations, it all felt out of place. Ellis noticed the drum set propped up in the corner of the room. Could Roman play? He wondered. Roman sat criss crossed on his bed leaving the egg-shaped chair for Ellis to sit in. Awkwardly, he took a seat trying not to tip over.
“Why haven’t you been at school?” Roman didn’t reply. “Is it because of Fletcher?”
“We aren’t on the best of terms.” A surprisingly diplomatic answer for someone who usually lets his emotions flow freely.
“Get over it.”
The argument was by far the dumbest thing they’d fought over. Fletcher was stupidly jealous and Roman was stupidly angry. There was nothing more to it.
“He shoved me into a wall.” He emphasized a shove as if it made his point.
“And you shoved him into a lake. Call it even.”
Roman opened his mouth just as the women from the door appeared in the doorway carrying a tray with two cups and apple slices. Ellis had to bite back a witty comment on what age the women assumed they were.
“It’s so nice to finally meet one of Roman’s friends.” She said softly as she handed them both the drinks. “I’ll be downstairs if you need anything.”
And with that she was gone again. Ellis waited a few seconds to make sure she was out of earshot before he asked,
“Who’s she?” Ellis took a big gulp of what he assumed was iced tea.
“My stepmom, Evelyn”
Without warning, Ellis laughed, spitting the iced tea across the room. Roman’s lips drew into a thin line and he contorted his eyebrows into a shape that said Really?
“She’s like 24.”
“27.” He corrected. “And much nicer than my mom.”
Robert Davenport had to be a certain kind of man to marry someone closer to his son’s age than his own. Ellis couldn’t fathom the relationship going beyond the fact she was pretty although he never took Robert for the shallow type. He couldn’t imagine how Roman must have felt having someone so young act as a maternal figure for him.
“That’s not entirely fair. Your mom…” Ellis trailed off noticed the dead look in Roman’s eyes
“My mom decided to put me in the back of a van and be taken to the middle of nowhere with nothing besides a sweatshirt. I think I’m entitled to be a little upset with that.”
Resentment was building in Roman; anyone could see that. Ellis decided the topic was better off dropped so that he didn’t end up tipping Roman the wrong way.
“You can’t avoid Fletcher forever. you have to go to school.”
“That’s where you’re wrong. My dad doesn’t answer the house phone enough to notice the school calling and I convinced the secretary that my mom changed her phone number. So, I can avoid him indefinitely.”
“Okay.” Ellis felt every muscle in his body contract. Roman’s selfish behavior knew no bounds. “You shouldn’t do that. You should…oh I don’t know. Grow. Up. Actually Roman, you know what-”
He held his finger in the air bringing the room to hush. In the distance, Ellis could hear heavy footsteps starting up the stairs. Roman leaped up from his bed straight to the stool behind the drum set. Picking up the sticks, he started to play at full volume. Ellis' ear drums ached from the sheer noise that Roman was emitting. Not only was he loud but he was terrible at it.
Robert walked into the room without any warning or acknowledgement of Ellis. He looked vaguely like Roman but older and blonde. A little angrier too but the intense stare was the same and he was staring Roman down.
“Sorry, can’t hear you!” Roman shouted, flailing his arms like he knew what he was doing but the sound couldn’t be fooled. Robert reached forward, snatching the sticks straight out of Roman’s hand. “Hey! How am I supposed to become better if you don’t let me practice? You know, me and Ellis are starting a band.”
“Cool, do that at your mothers.”
Roman didn’t reply to the comment, instead choosing to wail on the drums with his hands. It wasn’t hard to tell why the two didn’t get along. Roman spouted disrespect without regard for anyone’s feelings. He was absolutely volatile towards Robert’s indifference.
“Stop Roman,” Robert commanded.
In a cocky way, Roman nodded and placed his hands on the stool in front of him. He wiggled his fingers, itching for a fight. Ellis felt like an intruder, that he shouldn’t be there at all but he couldn’t leave or even look away.
“I got a phone call at work. Professor Ross said you haven’t attended class in a week. Said he’s been calling your mother and she hasn’t answered.”
“I’m concussed. Taking time off.” Roman jolted forward, ripping the sticks out of Robert's hand.
“Don’t make me call Marta.” He handed the sticks back. Funny how Roman’s Achilles heel was his mother. “School. Monday. You’re going.”
“I can.”
“You will.” Robert smiled smugly at Roman’s sneer. “I can stand here all day until you say it.”
Robert flopped down on Roman’s bed turning his focus to Ellis. Half embarrassed, Ellis looked at Roman, praying he would just agree and this would all be over with, yet Ellis knew that would be too easy. Robert observed the exchange of looks and gave a small chuckle.
“Long time, no see, Ellis. What have you been up to?”
Ellis knew exactly where the question was going. Being used as a manipulation tactic was less the ideal but Roman did need a push. Trying harder would serve him some good. It felt wrong but Ellis decided to play into Robert’s game.
“Oh, I’ve been quite busy between debate, model un, student council. Oh, I’m also taking all AP courses this year so it’s been exciting to say the least.” He beamed with pride as he spoke.
“That’s great to hear. Wish Roman would put in a little more effort. He could learn a thing or two from you.”
A scoff and an eyeroll was the only reply Roman could muster. His academics weren’t something that bothered him nor were extracurriculars. Robert was losing their little game and Roman knew. Robert licked his lips and cracked a thin smile.
“How’s the family been holding up since Prudence’s passing?”
Chills ran down Ellis’s spine. The shift in topic was more than uncomfortable, it was in bad taste. Most people wouldn’t mention Prue out of respect and those who did wouldn’t have been so bold to ask her little brother. Even though it had been a few years since she passed, it was always like a fresh wound when he had to speak about it.
“It’s alright. I mean, as alright as we can be.”
“She off’d herself, didn’t she?” Ellis knew that Robert was raised working class with little manner but to say it so bluntly was plain rude. “The papers never said how.”
Ellis’s mouth felt dry; his tongue stuck to the roof of his mouth. His chest hitched with a sharp breath. There were no words forming in his mind, only emotions. When Prudence died it was like he lost a part of himself with her and Robert sat with a smug smile using his pain as some type of strategy to make the room uncomfortable enough that Roman would bow out. Cruelty was a trait Ellis didn’t expect from Robert, but it was all too apparent now. Ellis tried to speak but no words came out.
“I’ll go, can you just leave?” Roman broke.
“Sure thing, kiddo.” On his way out, Robert patted Ellis on the back and gave insincere condolences.
Getting up from the drum set, Roman crawled back on his bed. The two waited until they heard Robert reach the bottom of the stairs before they dared to speak. Ellis had no idea what to say. Part of him wanted to apologize to Roman while the other part wanted him to scream at him for letting him be some pawn in a stupid game of cat and mouse.
“Great guy, huh.” Roman said dryly. “It’s always a means to an end with him.”
The room started to spin. Ellis’s stomach tightened viciously. Swallowing hard, he tried to keep himself from getting sick. For just a second, he clenched his eyes tightly trying to re-establish his perfect demeanor but when he opened his eyes again all he could see was dark murky water. It was up to his ankles. Flashes of an approaching storm, raging waves and a pair of eyes bright and out of focus ran though his vision but it was almost like looking through carnival glass. In the depth of the flashing imagery, he could hear his name being called over and over again in increasing panic.
Just as suddenly as the images had appeared, they were gone. There was no water, no waves and no eyes. Relief hit him instantly. He let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding as he fell back into the chair. He could feel tears running down his face but he didn’t care.
“What the fuck?” Roman’s voice wavered.
Ellis wiped his tears away assuming the question was some kind of mockery but when he looked down at his hands, he could see the tears he wiped away were tears. Ellis was crying gold.
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