《Its Where My Demons Hide》Dedications.


to saffu,




my lil brothers,

and everyone who love their younger siblings.

Hey everyone,

Thank you for clicking my book and giving it a chance.

so let me give you a short summary of my book

Its about a boy who has Dissociative identity disorder, in this disorder the person develops one or more personalities, so this other personality of this boy is ferocious.

His dad is a scientist, he wants the world under his feet, he wants power and money, because the world didn't value his talents he wants to show the world that he could do and make whatever he wanted.

He experiments on his own child, making use of his personality disorder and turning him into a weapon. The boy's mom dies saving him and he runs away from his father.

He gets into foster care, and also gets treated for his personality. He experiences love and care, which supresses his other personality.

But ten years later, his father finds him and wants him back, he knows how to awaken all the demons residing in his son.

The boy was not the only experiment his dad had done, there were more. And now all of them were out to get him putting in danger the lives of his freinds and family.

His other personality awakens. And only he can help him fight for his family and friends,

but the problem is the boy thinks his other personality is just his imagination and keeps denying his existance.

how will he save the lives of those he loves when doesn't accept who he is?

yep so that is it!

tell me how you like it! and don't forget to like the story if you found it nice.

before we start lets go over some things...

❄ This book is already a lot ahead on wattpad. you can read it there if you wish, I will put the link here.


❄ The book might be a little boring, according to me, but I swear it gets better please hang on..

❄ This book is inspired by the song 'Its where my demons hide' from imagine dragons.

❄ I have made a trailer for it you can see it on youtube, again I will put up a link for it.

❄ This book is on Inkitt as well. But I haven't posted there for a while.he he

❄last but not the least Thank you if you are still reading it, please give it a chance.

he he hope you like it.

Also the people I have mentioned are the people I grew up with, my friends, and my brothers, I have dedicated this book to them because they encouraged me write books, though this one was a surprise for them.lol. So I won't rant anymore okay.

this is the link to mu profile you can find my book there.


this is the link to the trailer for the book


Thank you if you are still reading it,

I hope you will stay with me for this journey of completing this book, this book is very dear to me, and I really really hope you like it too.

I'll update the prologue soon.

Thank you, Take care, stay safe.


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