《Redshirt: The Journey》Madeline Sutton I- A Cold Evening


Madeline Sutton I- A Cold Evening

Madeline Sutton or Madeline Cecily Sutton III if one wished to be formal, awoke with the feeling of grass upon her arms, that particular type of drizzly rain where it was just strong enough to be distracting, yet not consistent enough to be classified as rain, and a glowing blue box.

Welcome Outworlder {Madeline Sutton} to the world. Great power, adventure, and rewards await those who dare to reach above their boundaries. To unlock your status, you must reach a Point of Power. Closest current location is The Dawn Throne approximately a 6-hour brisk walk from your present location.

Dawn Throne she thought confused, especially since Madeline remembered going to bed firmly tucked inside Wycombe Abbey School for Girls, though everyone called the place Wickers with knickers, on account of their being two schools of the same name, only separated because of outdated gender ideas.

She promptly stood up and began to brush the grass of her as she read her status, which popped up with nary a thought.

Name and Titles Traits Attributes Level Madeline Cecily Sutton III N/A Strength C (50%) N/A N/A Endurance C (55%) N/A N/A Dexterity C+ (55%) N/A N/A Perception C (60%) N/A N/A Intelligence B (40%) N/A N/A Resolve B- (80%) N/A N/A Wisdom C- (45%) N/A N/A Charisma B (20%) N/A N/A Luck C+ (95%)

This was decidedly abnormal, but abnormal is the fuel of excitement and her first few months in her Sixth Form were anything but exciting.

So, she closed her status and looked around, the sun was just setting over this clearing, an idyllic glade if not for the people around her beginning to shout and chasing away all the wildlife, standing up she looked around, these forementioned people while quite different from Madeline, at least to her own mind, were mostly dressed similarly with school uniforms though many looked quite exotic, once again to her own mind, with the odd few wearing clothes which looked very comfortable and while Madeline was never big upon fashion one or two of the people in the clearing seemed to be wearing clothes with oversized logos, poor people attempting to be rich, Father always said invest your wealth rather than put it on a vest, speaking of vests a boy a year or two older than her, wearing a blue and white sweater vest wandered over to her.


“Hey, you got any clue on what’s going on here?” the young man for that is what she he was, an American with curly hair, soft green eyes, and a relatively lithe frame stood looking up at her, though men being slightly shorter than her was not that uncommon with herself standing around 5’10.

“Madeline Sutton.” She outstretched her hand, and the American responded with a firm grip

“Jacob Joseph, yeah, yeah I know two first names. Blame my dad, and mom I guess, though I have no clue where or who she is,” he paused carefully evaluating the clearing around them, “probably don’t know where either of them are now looking at all of this.”

Around the clearing people woke up, ranging from the age of seven to possibly twenty four, all creeds and colours were represented as they began to wander around, most were complaining, searching for their phones and the like. Some were shock still, their eyes glazrd over, however a few people were already forming small groups, gesturing widely, and toothy grins upon their faces as they marched into the darker tree line.

“Pleasure to meet you Mr. Joseph” Madeline responded politely ignoring the admittedly funny naming convention. “Honestly, I do not truly understand what is going on.” Madeline looked towards the clearing edge, as a group of 4 already ventured into the darkening forest, mostly comprised of trees of the Carpinus and the Oriental Beech variety. “I have a few ideas but, well we should first focus on understanding our statuses.”

“We?” Jacob responed smiling softly.

“Safety in numbers, and you look like you have all your marbles.”

“I’m touched, your highness.” Jacob laughs as he mocks bows towards Madeline.

“It is your grace Mr. Joseph, do keep up.“ Madeline began before breaking out in snorting laughter.

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