《Museum of Exoplanetary Archaeology, Mars Colony 7 (Exoplanetary Archaeology Series, Vol 1 of 5)》Visiting Treasures from the Jupiter Six Galleries: Exhibit No. 23


Visiting Treasures from the Jupiter Six Galleries:

Exhibit No. 23

Depiction of metallic vessels rescued from high geosynchronous orbit above Gliese 1061b. Low tech but expertly crafted, the 4D-printed designs are devoid of internal circuitry, let alone propulsion systems. Cosmic ray stratigraphy identifies the age as between 75K and 1 million local cycles B.T., although orbital decay would have occurred in a fraction of that time; Blancmange et al. argue that the protruding panels act as stabilizers, shifting the COG periodically by thermal expansion. MS profiles and trace biomaterials rule out 1061b as the planet of origin, shifting attention to adjacent waterworld 1061c and snowy 1061d. Preliminary surveys are unpromising, but given the age of the artifacts, there are almost certainly treasures deep beneath the waves and/or ice.

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