《Rebirth: A Reincarnation Story》The World Below



"Ha! To think that at now of all times she would make you be a responsible father. That Lady really does have the best timing to deal with a nuisance like you Omega." The mocking tone of Folly's voice wasn't lost on the dark god, but at the moment eyes hidden behind the faceless mask he wore glared at the small child that lay on ground in his castle. "To think that the Warden sent you another one, I thought all your little pets were wiped out during the first Age of expansion." Folly currently held the form of a small, amber colored moth-like creature around the size of a hummingbird, and her voice mimicked her small size in its pitch. As the ancient goddess neared the small form a golden light emitted from her body, and when it faded away a small tan skinned girl knelt next to the creature. The Chimera was covered in a dark blanket that reeked with the smell of Watchers, and Folly's hand shook slightly as she removed the cover.

The Chimera was young, it looked to be maybe no more than ten cycles old, of course in The World Below each being was shown in their development as a godling. 'It's quite the feat that the creature didn't get summoned here as a fetus like their distant sibling.' Omega didn't enjoy having to poke and prod at what would turn out to be his greatest failure to date. The child had the same silvery white hair, and pale flawless skin he'd designed. The strangeness came when he looked at the dark scales covering their arms and legs. "She used a dragon born host in the beginning...the mad bitch." Memories of an old prophecy surfaced in Omega's mind, it told of the return of the primordial beings used to hold up the three realms. He remembered the old goddess who'd betrayed her kind, swearing that in time they would all be free.

Omega laughed bitterly as his head shook from side to side. "She's telling you she did her part I think, and that now she's telling you it's your turn." Folly giggled to herself as she poked at the unconscious Chimera child, opening its mouth before she spoke again. "I doubt you were her first choice, after all what mother trusts her only child to the absentee father willingly?" Folly tutted at the unmoving Omega who stared down at the creature. "They have your ugly teeth, so there's a little family resemblance." Her joking words reminded Omega of the state of his form. Barley humanoid, he stood at around two and a half meters tall, his face held a perpetual grin on it, and a single red orb at the center of his head to imitate an eye. The two horns that sprouted from opposite sides of his head curved downward, and hung down just above his shoulders. 'Even my hands are completely monstrous, that is the role I was born with.'

Omega lifted one of his three elongated fingers, and the Chimera's body rose into the air as if picked up by an invisible hand. It was alive, that much was obvious as the three hearts beat in a steady pattern, beneath its chest. Omega examined the body for another moment before stepping closer to stab the three fingers of his left hand into the Chimera's shoulder to collect a sample to study. What came next managed to surprise the old god as a blow to his chin shook his concentration, followed by a loud Bang, and then as his focus came back he saw the small chimera landing on the ground a few meters away. Folly, in her usual fashion, was cheering the smaller creature on as it stood crouched as if it were preparing for another attack.


Omega stared in fascination as the left foot that had struck him slowly regenerated from its state as a bloody stump. 'The raw power behind this one is amazing, and it hasn't even consumed a godling of status yet.' Now that he saw the creature awake and in action he understood why The Lady had sent the Chimera to The World Below. The Chimera charged at him with such speed that a small thunderclap resounded through the room. "You're more than capable of handling a few experienced mortals child... but you're far too inexperienced to challenge one of the first gods." Omega punctuated his sentence by snatching the left arm surrounded by a dark aura out of the air. The unknown source of the aura had caused him to subconsciously use greater force than necessary, and tear the arm from the Chimera's body.

The small body spun awkwardly through the air before landing with a thud, followed by a pained scream that made Folly frown at Omega. "That is no way to greet your child Omega, shame on you!" He had turned around to give his own venomous reply to her when the screaming slowly became a soft sniffle of pain. When Omega turned back his eyes widened behind his mask as the child stood on shaky legs glaring at him with eyes full of anger. The Chimera raised its right hand to its mouth, and a moment later a loud crunch was heard. Omega suddenly felt the presence of the Abysmal Hunter for a moment, and a cold fear caused him to unknowingly shiver: even Folly paled at the sudden aura. A dark arm grew from the Chimera's wounded shoulder, soon after that a small white flame appeared in the left hand, and the Chimera looked from it to Omega.

Omega knew what came after that white flame and quickly raised a protective domain around his body with his right arm. A moment after Folly squeaked, and hurried behind him as a wave of blinding white flames slammed against his domain. Omega grunted at the mental toil this newly born godling of no status was forcing on him. 'I see you've made quite the scary monster Xerilla, or should I say we've made?' Omega had, for the longest time only thought of the hypothetical power behind the Chimera's innate ability. Now he had living proof that it was possible for a creature to ascend through the ranks that the gods greedily held onto along with their titles. As the white flames faded away Omega could once again see the Chimera standing in front of him, its mouth was open and the consciousness behind their pitch black eyes gone. Folly regained her confidence with a huff, and she strolled up to the Chimera to poked its head. The child fell over onto its back with a soft thud, and Folly screamed in frightened shock as she began to check the Chimera for injuries.

The injured arm had healed back, and the only difference that could be seen was the streak of white flowing down the scales of the left arm. "Folly, I'll need you to take the little godling to Bygone's forest for a time. He's still too weak to bring him before the council." Omega spoke as he walked towards the fallen Chimera, holding his injured right shoulder. 'If one of the combat gods were to feel that power they'd immediately frenzy.' Omega didn't feel any true connection to this Chimera, but it was still his. The thought of some unruly god pining for the Convergence ruining something of his was too annoying to let happen. "He deserves a few rewards for his performance first though." Before she could ask what he meant Omega tore off one of the fingers on his right hand, and dropped it into the Chimera's mouth. "Xerilla won't be the only one helping this child's ascension." He mumbled quietly to himself before resetting his shoulder with a pained smile. After taking the severed arm Omega stalked towards his workshop cackling as he examined the arm. Folly looked back towards the child after he left as a wave of dreary emotions touched her soul. Their eyelids were closed, but the eyes behind them were shifting to the sides in a panicked manner. The child shivered, and curled up into the fetal position while softly crying. Folly, while still admittedly a fiendish dark god, frowned in concern before she began to softly pet the child's head. "Uncle Bygone is much nicer than your mean old man, I'm sure he'll be happy to see you." She cooed gently while picking up the sleeping child before the wings along her back spread out and she took flight.


-Child of Omega-

There was a strange sense of weightlessness around me as my consciousness came back, and when I opened my eyes I saw a dark sky above me with a shining blood moon piercing the darkness. When I sat up I noticed a flat grey plain around me, and three people standing around me as if they had been waiting. The one closest to me was a dark skinned teen with shining golden eyes behind long locks of black hair, he offered me a kind smile when our eyes met. A taller man with pale skin, and sad eyes of pitch black stood next to Goldy, but a frown seemed permanently etched onto his face. The muscles along his jaw tightened in frustration when I'd stared for too long, and it made me nervous enough to look away quickly. The last figure was shrouded in wisps of black smoke, and the only thing I could see were two crimson orbs staring back at me from inside the wispy threads of smoke.

The figure with crimson eyes decided to break the awkward silence that had started to surround us. "This is different from the other realm assimilations, there seem to be enough differences between the egos lingering within this vessel that the system is at an impasse." The shoulders of the tallest among us were shifting uncomfortably, and the frown on his face deepened. "I personally don't see the issue with allowing the newborn to decide their own life's decisions. After all, we all did have our chances at life, well almost all of us." The shroud directed their correction while shifting their eyes towards the pale skinned man who released a wild aura that shook the air. Goldy shook his head in as if he were disappointed by the man standing next to him, and he placed his hand on pale skins shoulder. "You inherited that power, but you don't remember how to control it Exile." As he spoke to his companion the thunderous aura faded away to the shock ofthe one Goldy called 'Exile'. "I'm of a mind to agree with our ever dour companion though, I died miserably choking on my own blood because I foolishly trusted a few fellow nobles. You decided to trust the Abyss Watcher despite not questioning why she was so fond of you. I doubt she'd admit to her schemes, but still you only moved forward without taking any time to think."

Goldy turned his gaze from Exile back towards me, and another smile spread across his face as he spoke. "This child is...untainted by our shared desire for revenge, and our individual goals will still be set by the system. You can always make sure he protects Astrid, after all the body and soul will remain the same. There's no stronger bond between souls than that of a Chimera, and one of their creations. That's what the ancient texts in the Demon realm said about Chimeras at least." Exile seemed to be comforted by Goldy's words, and his frown softened a bit as he waved a hand in my direction. "I'll allow it, but if the child missteps, or even thinks about abandoning Astrid I'll tear control from them consequences be damned." With that said Exile shrugged Goldy's hand from his shoulder and stomped off towards the cloud of wispy black smoke before disappearing. Goldy sighed in frustration while giving me an apologetic pat on the shoulder before he also walked into the mist to vanish from my eyes.

Left alone with the crimson orbs I felt more uncomfortable than I should have, and once the mist faded away I saw him for the first time. Both his hands, and his right leg were seemingly made of the black mist but when I saw the long scar that ran across where his eyes should've been I shuddered despite myself. He chuckled dryly at my show of discomfort while he took closer steps towards me. "They don't know what you are, but I had a conversation with her about you child. You are...the oldest dream of the dark gods trapped in The World Below, a chance at overthrowing the status quo of all realms." A misty, but firm hand closed around my shoulder as the man crouched, and leaned forward until his head was parallel with mine. "Their greatest gift to the cosmos, absolute chaos." He punctuated his sentence by placing a finger to my forehead, and in the next moment the black mist quickly surrounded me. The cloud whirled around me pulling the air from my lungs, and I choked as my senses began to fade. The last thing I could remember was something about a name. "Your mother decided on a name when she first planted your soul inside Alestar's vessel. Grow strong Hex, you're walking among dark gods and their spawn."

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