《Rebirth: A Reincarnation Story》Exiled


[ Status ]

[ Title: Betrayed Exile ]




[ Due to seal constrictions all stats and abilities will be locked until the player is either free or their ego diminishes beyond the point of no return. Warning attempting to sacrifice additional memories to restart will leave the player in a catatonic state. ]

Ever since I'd woken up in the abyss this status window was my only other sign of any type of intelligence besides myself. I couldn't remember what led to me being here, the only thing that kept me sane was the unyielding need to pay back the injustices done to me some time ago. When I closed my eyes broken images of a family would sprout in my mind, but the images were always spotty; the faces of the people were burned out. I felt like I should be hurt by not understanding who these people were but all I could do was wondering what they'd been to me once. 'I'm not sure if saying sorry while I'm here is worth it, and I wish I could say I'll never forget you all but that's already happened. Someday though I'll make it up to you all.'

I spoke to them in my mind, and for the first time since I'd woke up one of the faceless people turned towards me. They had the tall lithe body of a woman with pale alabaster skin, and when she reached out to touch my cheek hot tears fell from my eyes. Even through a broken memory I could feel the loving care this person had felt for me, and following soon after the tears was a burning anger towards the ones who had locked me away in the abyss. I stayed like that for an unknown amount of time, circulating between tearful mourning and raging against the chains that held me.

Through it all I held onto as many memories as I could, but every time my eyes closed again there was another missing. The only ones that seemed to remain stable were scenes of a man being tortured until he died, and a horrific scene of burning corpses and groaning people with their bodies skinned. After years of going between broken memories and those two scenes all I was left with were the memories of evil people committing heinous crimes against me. Perhaps it was because of those memories that I lost myself in the madness of rage instead of succumbing to the emptiness of the abyss.


-Abyss Watcher-

Two figures watched the golden cocoon like contraption, it emitted a powerful aura comparable to most who were sent to the abyss in this fashion. Yet the utter silence in the abyss wasn't like the others. The figure on the right recalled how their visitor had started off like any other exile, but then suddenly one day the chain cocoon went silent. "How long has it been since we heard even the smallest breath from the Exile?" The figure on the left asked in a soft voice tinted in concern as she removed the black hood from her head while eyes like stars stared at her companion.

The second figure chuckled wryly before removing their own tattered black hood revealing the tired wrinkled face of old man. Despite his humor the old man's face held a deep frown, if the boy's soul was crushed here his gamble wouldn't pay off and he'd have to deal with the Watcher. "Great Lady of the Abyss, I swore to you that in ten years time I would whisper the means of his escape in the ears of man and we would both continue to watch this child grow. I've always been a man of my word, I guarantee you that this will be the first exile to escape the abyss with their ego intact." The old man bowed lowly, and as if to punctuate his sentence the first signs of a summoning circle began to appear beneath the chain cocoon. When the Watcher's eyes turned from the old man to the cocoon he let out a breath he'd been holding in despite himself.

The pale skinned woman began walking towards the cocoon with a pained expression on her face, and as she reached out to place her hand gently against the cocoon a milky tear of starlight fell down her face. "When I sent him to that life I'd hoped that he would find a comfortable life in this world. Now though I'm afraid of what the next trial will do to him, the memories of two lives burned away too quickly." Her words caused an uncomfortable cough from the old man in reply, in his eyes the Watcher showed an uncharacteristic interest in the exile; of course he held his own alternative interests in the boy. He wasn't a Watcher however, beings like the one who stood before him didn't show such affection towards the mortals who worshipped them. 'Demons are either hated, used as pawns, or ignored altogether. So why has this Lady of The Abyss tenderly watched over the exile for these ten years?'


His questions would remain unanswered for the time being though as the lady stepped back from the cocoon while raising her hood again. As if on cue a pillar of light appeared a few meters away from the old man who also raised his hood. The old man bowed slightly in greeting as a hooded figure in white robes stepped out of the pillar, and despite not seeing their face the old man could tell by their aura that something had them furious. "The humans' curiosity has finally become an issue, they've reached a plane of summoning that was forbidden them. Someone allowed the information on the summoning of dark forces to reach their pitiful minds and now... Even the Exile has been found out."

The white hood fell to reveal a face seemingly sculpted from stone surrounded by long strands of golden blonde hair, and bright blue eyes looked from the Watcher to the hunched over old figure that took a few nervous steps towards the former. With a heavy sigh the man looked directly at the woman in black robes. "The Heavens are upset to say the least Watcher. How is it that your only charge in thousands of years is being summoned by mere humans?" The accusing tone of his voice almost had the old man come to the Watcher's defense but he stopped when she raised a hand. "I promised both realms a place to hide away issues they were unable to handle themselves, that I would watch over the wild beasts they had caged until their souls faded into the abyss. If mere humans have found a way to form a contract with the Exile I see no reason to step in; when has the Abyss ever been concerned with the affairs of man?"

As the two stared each other down the old man seemed to be the only one looking towards the golden cocoon. It had already begun to sink into the light of the fully formed summoning circle, and by the time only the crown of the cocoon was seen did both robed figures look away from each other to stare. "I came to see it with my own eyes before reporting back, I apologize for my behavior Lady." The shining man spoke first before bowing to the robed lady, and making his way back to the pillar of light behind him. "This issue is now one for the three realms to handle, I'll personally bring the Exile back here so you can have...better company Lady."

When the pillar dissolved the Watcher turned to the old man in robes who offered her a toothless grin while pulling a crystal ball from inside his robe. Inside the ball a storm of shadows and lightning writhed around for a moment before the man placed his second hand on the ball. "Don't worry my Lady, I'll make sure you can continue to watch the Exile, while powerful the Heavens have a finite hold on the third realm, and it's the same for the Demon lords. Your exile should find a small respite for a time."

He was lying through his nonexistent teeth of course, anyone who paid attention to third realm knew the chaotic state it was in. Neither side gave ground to the other unless it was through a bloody battle, and now the shaky peace they'd all reached was threatened by a master less Exile being summoned into the third realm. 'He should be safe for a month at least, the humans are fairly lax when it comes to monitoring anything short of a small rebellion.'

The old man didn't know why, but as his thoughts traveled down that road the smell of rotten luck blew past his nose causing a frown to form. "Your wrong Old Dragon, I see the workings of a terrible force working to grind his chain of fate into oblivion." The Watcher replied without taking her eyes off the crystal ball. Soon she was walking away with it caressed in her arms as if she were holding a sleeping baby with smallest of smiles on her face.

'Having the attention of the Lady is concerning, but if I can guarantee the Heir's protection with the Abyss then the path will be that much more open.' The old man laughed at his inner thoughts and began to slowly follow behind the Watcher to see what would come of the Exile.

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