《[Kancolle] Diary of an Admiral》1.03 Day Battle (Surface Battle, Begin!)
Sorry for delay, i just want to make a good story, not just half baked fiction
so I try My very best, and growth more and more.
Thank You
i hope you enjoy it, like i was enjoy writing it.
Explanation : MC was hear ghost sound directly to his brain,the sound was colored word.
the blue and red was sound from his Mini Computer.
Now I understand the purpose of this base and what happen to researcher and staff here.
They all got eaten… well they all got devoured exactly.
This world technology was nearly same like my world unless, they just past industrial era if I put it to my world technology . the race from this world was not human only, but they got elf, beastkin, and flying tribe, but no magic.
“no magic huh, so much for the fairy tale” I said, looks like in this different world there no such thing.
The technology boost was from alien tech who they fought more than 100 years from VI explanation. But they become too dependent from enemy technology, so their weapon was no where near earth weapon technology. And the unique feat from this world is, everyone lives in this world was got skill set from the day they birth. On earth it looks like a talent, And I can access what skill I have from ‘viewer’ that more like mini computer attached to my hand. I get one from nearest storage, after Fairy VI tell me. After some explanation from it, I understand and operate that fully.
Apparently this viewer was really expensive, so only powerful and wealthy family use them. The tech was unknown, but has been used since ancient times and have been upgraded numerous times since then, First thing comes to my mind, is that viewer was like PipBoy from a game that I play in my past. This Viewer not just for showing skill, it purpose was to add more skill the user can’t have normally, for now, the VI added long range communication between me and VI Fairy, and (Language comprehension)
Oh man… so this place was a dangerous parallel world, I wonder how I can get back to earth. I really miss my family, and my daughter, how are they, is they was safe, are they all worried about me, do they know that I’m missing from earth. but why am I so optimistic? Then my gaze was blurred for a sec. and a small word was flew in front of me, said ‘(Unyielding Aura)’ .
“VI, what is this word (Unyielding Aura) flew in front of me ?” I ask Fairy VI “ that is a skill mr.Cyril, and have been activated, because the condition have been met” Fairy VI said to me.
Looks like I need to know my ability first.
For now my skill set was :
Spoiler :
Status WindowName:Lazar Cyril (Fake)Alignment:NeutralLevel:1Class:NoneRace:HumanGender:MaleTitlesNoneFame:0Infamy:0Health:1000 / 1000Condition:Normal[tr]??????????Experience:0/100Intelligence:10 (+50)Wisdom:10 (+50)Leadership:10 (+50)Luck:60
Skill SetSea Blessed BodyPassiveCan inspect Any Sea Creature information,understand their language,Body will adapt UnderwaterUnyielding AuraPassive / Active (AoE)Allied under this effect including person who have this have this Aura, Immune to Confusion and Can’t be knocked out against the same enemy (one Battle) . (Once every 48 Hour)Absolute Leader AuraPassive / Active (AoE)Allied under this effect : damage bonus [High Morale] physical bonus [Battle Only] Person who have this have this Aura: damage bonus. physical bonus, negotiation bonus, intimidate bonusSea Chosen-SailorPassiveThe sea, creature and climate always friendly to you.Steadfast Mind)PassiveBased from experience and intelligence. Anything you encounter will remember perfectly or partially.
Bonus Skill
Legendary StrategistPassive / ActiveCan see the future, up to 48 hour [once every 168 Hour]Language Comprehension (VI)PassiveInstantly translate every known language based from database language
So this is my skill looks like, well, I’m not dwell into this anymore since this was already fix.
Then my attention was drawn to one of the tubes, because I notice that creature inside that was slightly moves.
“ ’Ri Class’ huh, this one was almost like human, looks dangerous enough”
The creature inside was tall, and the size was large enough
“ Whoa… at least this monster was 2,5m in height, VI is this creature always this big “
‘ it haven’t always this big, database record says when this class go to the land, they size was same as human height ‘
“ VI did you have any data about other creature beside Ri Class ? “ I said when I walk through other tube “ He Class, Ho Class, Wo Class, man… the name was ugly…”
‘ yes, the result was on next room, and I have recording voice from Dr. Scheer for you Mr. Cyril, do you want to hear it ?’
“sure, let’s hear it” I said.
‘playing record 001 from Dr Scheer’
Hello My Name is Scheer As you know it.....
While the recording sound from crisp and tired played, I walk to another room…
........things always begin from sea, and this war too begin from sea...There had been sightings in the past.
But they were all mistaken for oceanic species that were later discovered...
They used to say these monsters were fiction, owning themselves to the fear and insecurity towards the seas that stems from ignorance. and now…
'Admiral Be careful, they know you're here, and they hate you'
"who ?" I was startled for a moment
and now were at war with them for decades. This is like the embodiment of the terror of the seas. I'm not even sure if it's organic...their physical forms vary from beast-like to humanoid...consider this being a military weapon.
‘Warning heavy Storm have been detected, all personnel get ready to your post. Security procedure will be active immediately’
Heavy storm, this is bad, I hope thing will do fine…
When I enter this room, there are some kind…. Different air in them, this room was peaceful air that I don’t know how to describe it, the room was big, and i mean BIG, there was many machine that i don't know what is use for, there was eight tubes who got connected to one big tube with many mist inside it, the mist was bright, but change color every sec.
but theres one thing that makes me scare... I sense a [Human] will in this monster.
That's probably why the higher ups brought me here.
the more i learn, the more i fear them, this monster is unlike other organisms, is organic in nature and yet possesses structures much like iron, bauxite, and crude petroleum.
then something inside tell me to run, run away from here, but on top from that, there something... there a warm feeling towards me. and that makes me curious, i took a step closer to that tubes... and reach my hand to it.
No matches were found in known oceanic creatures.However, a single land-based species was confirmed to possess a similar base sequence. that is [Human].
Just when I touch the tube, there some kind shockwave happen.
‘ALERT, ALERT, lightning rod is not working, maintenance personnel please report to your post immediately’
Then another shockwave coming, the entire area became red, alarm signal everywhere flashing.
I rushed to the VI room with one thing in my mind, to know what happen, and contain this situation immediately.
Just when I enter the alley between experiment room and VI room, an explosive sound heard.
‘ALERT, ALERT, Container in specimen room have been broken, …. BOOM… BOOM…
There explosive sound everywhere, and the door in front of me explode, the heavy door was blasted, and I just evade it by luck in inch
The scheer recording still sound… fuck that sound make me creep even more…
And thus, we began studying 'ourself' from this monster. And following hundreds and thousands of their deaths,…. bzzzz
The hell is this…”VI report status” I scream,
However, we haven't got a clue how to deal with them….bzzzzz
the higher ups press me more and more each day to get result,bzzzzzz….but were haven't got a clue...
Fuck there’s no answer, the VI probably damaged, I ready my handgun, carefully I enter the room, keep my head down. Little by little I cautiously search the room. Just about I close enough the VI, the monster body who broken through from container moves…
“shit, that thing lives” I cursed… and without warning, that thing shoot at me…
Boom… boom… boom
Immediately I jump to safety immediately hiding my ass from that creature…
An then out from nowhere, that creature make some sound from their body…
the fuck… they playing music… i-i-is this some kind of joke, wheres the hidden camera...
bam bam bam… the creature I belive its name is Ho Class was shooting at me, while I move from cover to cover.
Their steel flesh and their oil-like blood make their bodies possibly immortal. make us got hard time to kill it.
Bam… bam… that thing shooting randomly to anything that moves even hanging cable was get shooting at.
I quickly run to another cover and hiding, waiting the right time to shoot…
Fortunately they they haven't attack us with massive force, and they always tell where they are by their weird sound of music when they engage us. but time is short, and the higher ups want to finish this ASAP.
“Dammit. I know scheer, you ass” I screamed in frustration, then I shoot right to Ho Class head under its big teeth three times, it scream in agony ‘ HHhhOOOOOooooo’ I shoot another bullet right to it head, and run to it, I use three Dollyo Chagi and finish it with strong Dwi Hurigi Kick. Bam.. that thing was dropped to nearest big burning machine with loud sound.
‘HHHHHooooOOOOoooo’ that thing was burning from electricity and fire… And then the music mysteriously stopped. I send another two shoot right to it’s heart to make sure it dies.
“ouch… my leg…” I curse “I feel like hitting iron” I limped toward VI
Then another music come…https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=abUFirzRuG0 I slowly… really slow… turn my head to my back… just to see three creature slowly raise from rubble…
“F-f-fuck me…” A big head Nu Class, He Class, and I Class was rolling to me from left…
Bam..click..click..click… I shoot to He Class Head. “shit” and while it stunned by headshot, I run quickly to door.
Boom Boom, just I exit the room, another explosion sounded from my back, I run as quickly as possible, just when I think I safe, the wall on my right explode and the rubble was swarming to me…
And I fall, worried, I see my back, there a big ass ugly I Class with open mouth aiming at me with its…
“Tongue” my eyes open wide… starled “the..” Boom, another shoot aim at me and it miss horribly.it makes a cave in. between me and I class…
Quickly, ignore my injury, I limp to closest door… that is my previous big room with Mist everywhere… I lock the door, and shut it with table, chair, anything I can lift.
Exhausted, I sit on the floor with my back onto mist tube… blood on my head make my eyes hurt. And my view blurred. Boom boom boom, the sound from outside starting to fade with my consciousness slip away.
Hawawawa, you surprised me!
C-Commander...? What do you want to do next?
What are you doing? You... Well, fine already...
Please leave it to me.
Who !? who is it ?
Commander let me Help You. Just let us out….
“How can you help me ? how I can let you out ?” I ty to get up with my head feel more and more dizzy…
Boom… a massive sound with another shockwave heard, and I was fall to the floor
I try to get up with by clinging to the machine in front of the tube with mist inside…
“Release huh… well I feel like jumping from frying pan to another frying pan…” I said “fuck me… here comes nothing” I said and push all random button in front of me
Thank you very much, Commander
And then a massive broken glass sounded… my weakened body then fall to the …. Wait, somebody catch me before I fell…
I'll be the one to finish them off!
Guh, Heading out!
Thanks for the hard work, Commander! And it put me gently on the floor…
Everyone! Are you ready? Fubuki of Destroyer Division 11, sortieing!
Then I finally lost consciousness completely Advertisement Previous
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Chapter RSS About the author 1 Fictions 2 Posts 0 Threads LordCerberus Follow Author Tuesday, March 22, 2016 7:47:36 PM Tuesday, March 22, 2016 10:29:20 PM Paramushir Naval Base - Unknown World Kanmusu's Beloved Admiral
Bio: Retired Admiral who summoned by Kanmusu to lead them against the abyssal forces
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