《The Firefly Diary》Chapter 14: Moon Hoax
Vanos walked around. Vanos was alone once again, thinking only about the weapons. The ability to use the gem of storms or the goblet of winds to overpower enemies. The shop was empty that night.
It was weird for him to be alone as he was never alone. Without somebody, he risked a melancholic state only relieved by someone else's appearance. His cousins questions why he wouldn't come with them.
Out of a sense of urgency, he told them he needed alone time in the shop. That got them initially worried. They took their worried selves back home, knowing only that Vanos could solve his own problems. He always did, unlike others who needed others' help.
He had only the kitchen lit up. The counter basked in darkness.
Vanos knew the kitchen would freeze him sooner or later. It had to be kept at a certain fridgeration level. In case they had to leave ice cream out. No visits from anybody at these hours because shop was closed.
If someone asked Vanos why he secluded himself in the kitchen, no response could be returned. He didn't know the truth himself.
Then a knocking came at the glass door. Vanos' eyes widened, and he searched for a weapon. He went over to the vault, and decoded it, getting out the goblet of winds.
The knocking continued, sounding light. It wasn't forceful one bit. Vanos couldn't relax. Any kind of burglary was a threat.
All funds moved back to the main house towards the end of the month. A bounty hid inside the vault, a thousand golden coins. They all disappeared soon as Vanos again shut the door, and headed out front.
He slunk underneath the counter. "Who's there?" he demanded of the two invaders. He couldn't dare to stand up.
"We're simply two people who need to talk to you. Health inspectors."
"If that's supposed to calm me down, you have something else coming! We are definitely not up to standards, unless you come back tomorrow!"
"...We're solicitors!" Same voice. "I'm Rhed, and my partner Blhu here would like to tell you about the gospel of Lhyna."
"I don't have any money that I'm willing to use on you two, unless it's for throwing it at you!"
"How about you throw us some winds?" Rhed kicked open the door, snapping the chain that locked it.
Vanos jumped to the counter, unveiling the goblet. A crimson grinned. She was taller than Rosod was.
Next to her a Violat, probably Blhu. Finally, the Violat said, "It's time you hand that weapon over to us."
"You two are after these things too?" Vanos asked. "How in the world did you find out about this? Who are you?"
Rhed jumped onto a table, and said, "Story time, okay."
She took a breath. "Once upon a time Lhyna came down to us. I had shown my willpower in climbing a mountain. I saw her at the top, looking wonderful as always. She told me that this willpower deserved a reward."
The violat said, "We couldn't believe it. Roughly three months ago this happened, and we soon joined a mountain climbing activity."
"We lost," Rhed said. "We kept trying and our perserverance opened up our first page, the page of Willpower. Too bad we couldn't find out where the other parts were at."
Vanos said, "Then that means that a team can have two members of a quality... And you both have my quality."
He jumped forward, and said, "I'm okay with going to the moon. That's where I found the second treasure at."
"You mean your second treasure?" Rhed asked.
Vanos grinned and said, "You already must know I've had some of the treasures. Otherwise you wouldn't be looking around, isn't that right?" Rhed nodded.
"You can say we got a tip. Now's our chance to shine, but wait, the moon?" Rhed blinked and Vanos nodded.
His blue vines glowed, and Rhed had turquoise vines meanwhile Blhu had crimson vines. All of them lit up.
A flash of colors took them to the cragged surface of the moon. Rhed fell starstruck immediately, literally. "This is actually the moon! I can't believe I'm actually on the moon. Isn't this cool, Blhu?"
Blhu stared down and rubbed his feet against the moon. Probably wasn't much of a talker. Still must be cool.
Vanos said, "I had to fight my own sister to get the mirror of clouds, but problem is that I lost it. Only have a Gem of Storms and a Goblet of Winds." He threw the Goblet of Winds in the air.
"I have a family to think about," Vanos said. "That's why I have to keep it." He grabbed it again.
Rhed said, "Don't think you're the only one who seeks it power for good reasons. If we have it, we could be all powerful."
"That's not a good reason," Vanos said. "I'm making sure some crazies like you don't get your hands on it."
Blhu asked, "And who gave you that right?"
Vanos paused. He didn't expect anyone would challenge him on trying to keep the ground level.
"I guess nobody," Vanos admitted. "Not that I need permission. I have a duty, I suppose, and it's best for the planet."
Blhu said, "I think we can talk to Lhyna from here, if we saw her." This celestial body, only known realm of Lhyna and moon creatures, was the only station she was expected. Venturing that guess wasn't difficult.
"That's a good idea," Rhed said as she clapped her hands. "Seeing Lhyna again would be cool, and we can convince her to give the items back. She'll take from this loser and give to us."
"This loser is known as Vanos," he said with a growl. "I am a Drakkik and proud of my heritage which gives me the power to beat you up."
Blhu ran at him, and jumped. He didn't account for lack of gravity, and overshot. Vanos aimed the goblet of winds at Rhed.
A cone shaped hurricane rushed out but Rhed jumped in and aimed for the eye of the storm. She stayed in, floating.
"If I had known that could happen, we would have had all three treasures by now," Vanos told himself. Something grabbed his tail. He saw a flash of purple before Blhu grabbed the goblet. It was slipping away.
"No you don't! Not from my family." He kicked at Blhu's center. Blhu lost his grip, but Rhed came at Vanos and punched him.
Vanos skidded back against the ground of the moon. Rhed's hands wrapped around the treasure, only for a voice to call out.
"What are you all doing!?"
They saw Lhyna, standing at the tallest peak. She jumped down from her position and in front of all of them. Her brilliant yellow coat shined.
"You told us to gather these treasures," Blhu said. "You gave us directions and told us how to get them from that ice cream shop!"
"One of us told you that," Lhyna said. "Not the one I thought should be telling you." Vanos backed up, and waited for an opening.
"In case you haven't noticed," Lhyna said, "there are two sides of me, the Nightmare and the Bringer. I am the Bringer, but the Nightmare is only out to sow seeds of pain."
"How can I know you're talking the truth," Vanos said. "You could all be the same person only in different forms."
Yellow Lhyna said, "Well, my Nightmare Form took over me and talked to you and your siblings. I typically let her out during moon time, and during sun time I'm the one out. If she gets her way, we're all in trouble, got it?"
Vanos said, "Explain what kind of trouble, then."
Lhyna said, "She plans to blot out the sun and bring about an eclipse to be seen around the entire world."
"Happens all the time," Blhu said. "If that's the worst that will happen, how about we let her go ahead and bring out an eclipse then?"
Lhyna said, "That's when a temple opens, and if all three treasures are put in the temple at that point, it will summon a being."
"I'm guessing not a happy being," Vanos said. Lhyna shook her head, and Vanos said, "Always a catch." This was getting in the way of godhood. Probably for the best.
Lhyna said, "I don't know exactly what it is. Anyway, she plans to use that temple opening and using the power to take over Wysdom. Including you three, got that?"
"Is that how powerful the sword is?" Vanos asked. "Still, without an army, she can't take over the nation right?"
Lhyna told him, "I don't exactly know what she'd be capable of, but the eclipse would provide the strength to."
"Your magic relies on an eclipse?" Rhed asked. "She told us we needed to be ready by the time the next eclipse comes."
Lhyna said, "She can summon the eclipse soon. As soon as the end of the month comes, she'll be at her maximum power. She'll summon the eclipse, and use it to destroy the capital."
Vanos said, "None of that seems too out of expectation." He bit down on the goblet and yanked it from Blhu.
"Those are the problems I'm talking about. We all need to be on the same side here, otherwise somebody will walk out of the eclipse as champion. It won't be any of us. I can try to hold her back, but she's beaten me and now she's the dominant soul."
Vanos said, "I can't bring this to my family. I can't handle all of this pressure and this responsibility!"
Blhu said, "Yes, but I can handle it. I can handle being her minion." He took the goblet back from Vanos, and aimed the goblet at Lhyna.
"What are you doing!?" Vanos asked, and Rhed laughed. Lhyna narrowly jumped over a blast of winds.
Vanos jumped on Blhu and pinned his arm. Lhyna went to Rhed, but Rhed kicked her repeatedly in the chest.
No known way to get back. Last time, soon as he grabbed the prize he won. Lhyna could teleport them down, right?
"Lhyna, get us down to my house, then we can take them down!"
Lhyna said, "Kinda hard to concentrate, Vanos! I can only do that if Nightmare agrees because she has dominancy!"
Vanos realized he was trapped on the moon, with no chance of getting down. "Can't exactly warn my family, can I?"
Lhyna got an idea. She bit down at the end of the goblet. "Hop on my back!" Vanos' eyes went wide but he followed her orders.
She shot a blast of wind, angled at the ground. They went high into the air, and escaped the moon's atmosphere now.
"See you two trapped on the moon!" Lhyna shouted as Vanos realized he was in the vacuum of space for the first time ever. "Probably need help later!"
Vanos said, "I'm starting to feel the thinness of air!" He had to push out all the air from his lungs, but Lhyna used the goblet to summon an air bubble around them.
"We can breath indefinitely. It will take us, this sphere of air, to somewhere on Voto. Probably before my nightmare side takes over."
Vanos said, "Okay, and you know where in Voto you're taking us, right?" He stared at the indistinct shapes of the continents. "It's way rounder than I thought."
"You've only ever seen composites and globes." Lhyna laughed and said, "Too bad it's not that simple, right? It will be okay."
"You didn't answer the first question."
"That's right, because I don't know at all where we're going! It's about time you take your first vacation, right?"
If Vanos regretted anything it was this. He stood next to Lhyna, in an unknown jungle territory. Lhyna glanced at him, and he shook his head.
"It's kinda a bad decision," Lhyna said. "Unfortunately, I think I miscalculated something."
Vanos said, "Tell me later." He brushed her off as he wandered the land. It was well built. Definitely crimson architecture and design.
It was a peaceful arrangement of buildings, which casually led him around the town. Only crimsons resided in the area, eyeing him warily. He never thought about being hurt by crimsons or judged by crimsons.
"What's going on around here, it's almost like they've never seen a dire in this land?" Vanos asked himself. Lhyna answered him.
"I accidentally took us into a wormhole and we're in a different planet. This is actually Vytyl, Vanos."
Vanos burst out laughing at her. She giggled nervously. "You're leading me to believe that a goddess would have me trapped in an entirely different world." She nodded. "Okay, got it."
He jumped on Lhyna and tried tearing her throat out before two guards ripped him off. "Looks like we've got a few fighters on our hands."
"Simply like those two thieves that came here not that long ago," one guard said, speaking in a deep voice and he laughed.
Lhyna asked, "Who are you two?"
"My name's the Fighter," the one guard said. "I'm a bounty hunter, as is my friend Sorceress here," and Sorceress waved her hand. "Anyway, I think it's time we take you back to the king."
"I don't think we have to help those two out."
"They seem friendly enough! Besides, we're already going to get hunted down and killed by these guys anyway. What's the problem with having even worse relations?"
The voices seemingly came from nowhere, but the Fighter and the Sorceress kept their distances. Both were flung away, and knocked unconscious as they landed.
The wolf who caused the damage never looked at them, and wouldn't remember them next time she saw them. They wouldn't remember her. Needless to say, they weren't getting back up anytime soon.
A flashbang came out and blinded everybody. Soon as everyone regained vision, the big black and red beast bit down on Fighter and drained him. He collapsed, not getting back up.
"Anyway, I guess it's time we go back to Canida," the yellow wolf said. "You guys must be coming with, right?"
Vanos would have answered, but felt someone sniffing his rear end. "Who are you?" he asked. The big beast stared at him.
"My name's Swillow! The Slaughterhound."
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