《Supreme Battle Mage》23- Shadow of Namean Dynasty


The rest of their journey was relatively safe. They were within the Lazor Kingdom’s borders at noon, but they were still far from the center since the location they were heading was at the edge of the kingdom. It didn’t take long for them to reach there.

“We will be there in a few minutes.”

Jay said while looking at his map. Everyone was daydreaming. Liam thought about the feast he would have when they got the four gold. Ruvyn was thinking about buying a new weapon, even though the academy provided him with one. Of course, Neil was the most disinterested person because four gold was nothing for him. Elius realized the expression on Neil’s face and approached him.

“Hey, I just realized. Why do you hold your katana with two hands?”

Elius asked curiously.

“Because they are designed for two hands.”

When it came to katanas, the displeased expression on Neil’s face was disappearing instantly. Elius tilted his head.

“Hmm, I’ve never seen my dad using it with two hands.”

“Another reason why I’ve never heard about your dad.”

While they were talking, Jay stopped.

“We arrived.”

But, none of them saw anything other than an endless ocean.


An expression of surprise slipped through Elius’ mouth. A sweet cool breeze mixed with the smell of salt greeted them. The horizon seemed to be stitched with a silver line. A serene body of water with sunlight shimmering along its surface gave them a warm feeling.

“Now… Where is it?”

Jay said while looking around.

“It was supposed to be here.”

He took a look at the map again.

“I feel a mana disturbance.”

‘Where? And why don’t I feel.’

“Scatter your mana around.”

Elius did as she said, he could almost cover a 20-meter area now, but still, he couldn’t feel anything.


“Keep walking. I’ll tell you to stop.”

Elius began to walk forward while the group was clueless.

“Okay, stop here. It is right in front of you.”

Elius stood before the ocean. The waves were almost reaching his feet.

“What are you doing?”

Ian’s voice came behind him.

“I don’t know yet.”

“Reach your hand forward and focus mana around it.”

Elius was about to do as Elly said, but something weird happened when Ian set foot next to Elius. He fell onto one knee and felt like suffocating. The blood in his veins felt like it was boiling.


An incredible pressure pressed him down.


Elius’ shout attracted the others also, and they came running.

“What is wrong?”

Jay asked in a serious tone.

“I don’t know. He suddenly began to scream.”


‘You are not ready.’

Ian heard a deep voice inside his head, and an unknown force pushed him back a few meters.

“What the fuck?”

Liam was confused. They were also standing next to Elius, but nothing was happening to them. Ian slowly got up.

“I-I am okay. Where do we find this unknown thing?”

His curiosity was at the top right now. First, something weird happened when they were picking a mission, and now this.

‘There is something weird happening. Whose voice was that?’

Ian felt excitement mixed with fear. Jay helped him get up.

“It was supposed to be here.”

“Maybe the map was wrong?”

Eldron said while looking at his own map. After making sure Ian was okay, Elius turned towards the ocean again and reached his hand forward. The mana around him slowly began to gather in front of his palm. It grew as time passed by and began to shake visibly. It seemed out of control. Even though Elius wasn’t doing anything now, the mana around kept getting drawn in the shaking mana mass.

“Oops, you should probably run now.”



“Umm, I don’t know what you are doing, but maybe you should stop now?”

Ruvyn said with a concerned voice while stepping back. Elius turned towards them with a panicked expression and began to run towards the forest.


Everyone already felt that something was wrong, so they followed Elius, except Liam.

“Come on, afraid of a little bit of mana?”

He reached his hands towards it.


Elius screamed, but it was too late. As soon as Liam’s fingers touched the mass of mana, a blinding brightness covered the area, and it exploded. The shockwave pushed Liam hundreds of meters back. Nobody saw what happened until the brilliance disappeared. And when it did, they saw something they didn’t expect. Based on the explanation of the mission, there should be a light blue mana mass almost the size of an average human, but instead, there was something black, like a black hole. When the group made sure it was safe to move again and began approaching it slowly, Liam returned without shirtless.

“Damn, those clothes are actually well reinforced. I wasn’t expecting that.”

Then he also saw that black thing.

“Well… I didn’t expect that either. I’m okay, by the way, if anyone was wondering!”

He shouted towards the group, but they were all focused on what was in front of them, so no one paid attention to him. Liam also joined them quickly and took out another shirt from his storage ring.

“What is it?”

He asked while trying to wear the new shirt.


“Don’t do anything reckless.”

Jay closely examined it, but he didn’t see anything on the other side of it. It was just black.

‘Do you know what it is?’

“I’ve already tried to analyze it, but I can’t sense anything. To me, there is nothing there.”


Elius tried to think, but he couldn’t find any logical explanation.

“I’ll try to go in.”

Jay stood in front of it.

“Don’t even try to go in if I don’t come out.”

He strictly warned them and stepped inside the hole. His whole body sucked in, and he disappeared. Kids held their breaths and waited, but Jay stepped out casually only one second later, like how he entered it.


He turned around with a confused expression and went in again, but the same thing happened.


“Mr. Jay, step aside.”

Liam said with a smile. Jay was still hesitant to let the kids go in, but he wasn’t sensing anything dangerous. Liam prepared and began to run in with his shoulder in front like he was trying to break through something.


He ran in while screaming, and again, after a second later he was running towards the group, he failed to stop himself and collided with Neil.

“Ugh! You are so damn heavy, get off!”

While Neil was trying to get rid of Liam, Ian quickly approached the black hole. He felt an unfamiliar sense of familiarity.

‘What are you?’

He said to himself and reached his hand towards it, but something weird happened. The black hole rejected him, and an invisible force field didn’t let Ian enter it.

‘I said, you are not ready!’

That deep voice he heard a few minutes ago spoke again.

‘Who are you!’

Ian screamed inwardly, but there was no answer.

“You shit!”

He screamed and put more strength in his arms when trying to enter. No matter how much strength he put in, he failed. But even though he failed, he didn’t give up. Ian continuously attempted to resist the pushing force and tried to enter the black hole. He was getting impatient. With the last bit of strength in him, he tried to take a step forward.

“Not ready for what?!”

His scream confused everyone.

“Ian, what are you talking abo-”

Elius tried to ask, but another shockwave occurred and pushed everyone back. This time, instead of bright light, everywhere was painted in black. Jay and the kids were in the middle of darkness. Everyone instinctively took out their weapons. Elius took a look at the group to make sure everyone was safe.

“Hey, where is Ian?!”

He screamed in panic, but it was hard to see anything.

“Stay close!”

Jay warned them, with slow movements, they gathered around, and shadow figures began to appear one by one. They seemed to be holding a blade. Before long, they were surrounded by shadow figures, and all of them rushed towards the group without hesitation.

* * *

“Whew, finally.”

Idarin sat in his chair and leaned back. He closed his eyes.

“Some silence.”

Since all of the students went on a mission, the only one in the academy was Idarin.

“That damned Sean kid, I couldn’t scan his mind since he became an empty shell.”

Idarin sighed and tried to enjoy his limited peaceful time. But of course, something is always bound to go wrong. Idarin suddenly opened his eyes and raised his hand in the air. With a big loud explosion that was enough to echo throughout the city, the academy blew away without leaving a trace.


Aaron raised his head. He was currently discussing a strategy with Chase.

“Did you also feel it?”

Chase asked.

“Yes, let’s go quickly.”

They quickly left the palace.

* * *

Ian found himself in the middle of nowhere. All he could see was endless darkness. He began to walk, but there was nothing.

‘What is this?’

He kept walking, and a few minutes later, Ian finally saw something. His eyes widened, and he covered himself with shadows to become invisible. He slowly approached the black figure he saw, and when he got closer, it finally became clearer. There was something like a box, it was black, of course, and someone was sitting on it. Ian saw the man’s back and tried to get closer.

“I remember telling you that you are not ready.”

Ian flinched with the man’s words. The man was wearing a black trenchcoat like Ian. It was common to wear black clothes among assassins.

“Why are you still trying to hide?”

The man said without turning back. Ian revealed himself and began to walk towards him reluctantly. His heart was pounding like crazy.

“W-who are you?”


The man became surprised. He straightened in his seat and softly smiled.

“I’ve been called with many names… Ahh, I remember my young days.”

The man slowly turned towards Ian, which made Ian take a step back instinctively, but then, his eyes widened again.

“Damn, it is like looking at a mirror.”

The man said while getting up.

“Ah, sorry, you asked who I was, right?”

The man stroked his chin and thought a little bit. Then he smiled.

“I’ve been known as Arkhaar, the shadow of the Namean Dynasty.”

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