《Demon Artificer》6: Twisted Fate


Author here:

This message is directed to all of the guys who are unwisely spending their time reading this chapter...

Whenever I will write this story, I will try to avoid adding any character screen...

- Why?

Because it irritates me to the brim of madness!

Whenever I do that, I happen to end up with a real "cluster - fuck", that wouldn’t add much fun to the story, which I want to be an easy read.

Also because I'm a really lazy person, I had given up on that form of introduction to character stats.

- Sorry damatu, but your suggestions doesn’t work for me that well, but thanks anyway.

damatu’s work at: http://www.royalroadl.com/fiction/1429

I don't know if this form of writing will be liked by my "not so nice" readers, but I'm out of options.

If any of you guys have any better form of character stats introduction, I'm still open to your suggestions.

So carrying on, without any more useless bullshit from my side, I would like to give my thanks to Overlord Mea for proofreading my "not so nice" story from time to time.

You can read Overlord’s work here: http://www.royalroadl.com/fiction/1374


- Shit! Shit, shit, fucking shit! It must be here somewhere, I'm pretty sure of that, shit...

Yup guys, that overly active figure right there is me.

Say what? Why I'm in such an unusual state you ask? Well, lets just say that I checked my status screen and it made me feel… well, a little disturbed...

Most of my stats were just average, though the Vigor was high, in my opinion too high.

But the Luck was below average, and what I mean by below average, is that its numeric value was barely higher than zero...

- Impossible, this is fucking Impossible!


What is impossible, you ask? Well that's a bit complicated to explain...

To answer this particular question, let me just start from the beginning, ok?

When you are creating your own avatar all of your stats are on a minimal numerical value of eight which gives out a modifier of minus two.

I, like most of the players usually do, had spend some points equally on the beginning.

I did it just to be on a safe side when I was trying many different things without any penalties from low stat modifiers.

Then when I was sure of my new class, I would spend rest of my stat points. It's just that simple...

But this little fucker is a bugged existence, with impossibly low luck value, that have a crushing modifier of minus five.

If that wasn't enough, his special traits just made me explode in nerd rage.

Say what? You don't know what exactly is special trait?! What are you, a fucking noob?!

Ok, listen to me, and listen well newbie, because I will not explain this twice...

Ok, you know what, give me your best shot...

With what do you associate those words? No! Don't think just say it, come on, what is the first thing that comes to your mind?


No dude you are totally fuckt up! I know that you like my sex mastery, but these "traits" are totally different!

Yes, some of them can work in this manner, but now it will be better for you, to just shut the fuck up, and listen.

Special traits, are special traits, and that is that.

Some are powerful, some are lame as hell, and some require you to learn other traits first.

They can boost your stats, give you strange or rare abilities, or other equally fucked up shit. You name it, they got it all.


Pretty cool ha? Well things start to get more hazy from here on, so you better remember the three fundamental truths…


You have a limited amount of learning slots for them.

In short, every thing depends on your level, your profession, and even your avatar race.


Respect your traits, and traits will respect you. When you are getting a new ones you better make sure they work for you, otherwise you will end up like me, totally screwed.


Face it, special traits are not like your average pokemons. No matter how hard you try, you will never catch them all.

So what kind of "special" traits do I have?!

==>Child of LuckYou are blessed, or cursed by your fate.

It will greatly influenced all of your actions, and your surroundings.

==>Slow but SteadyYou may not be the fastest of them, but you always get there.

The amount of experience that you need to get to new level is three times more than others, but it may benefit you greatly.

==>Fruits of Hard LaborWhatever you do, you're giving it your all.

All of your special actions cost you more than they cost the others.

Fruits of hard labor don't come easily, do they?


Oh yeah, I forgot to mention about that one detail - some traits are in a fuckin’ riddles?!

Which you have to guess or try out if you want to know how the shitt works!


Fuck off! There will be no more questions today.

I was in utter despair from all the useless shit, but then a sudden realization had blown my mind.

- What the fuck I did with my last loot?!

I did not sell it because of that nasty events. It had to be here somewhere, It may be a long shot but if I'm lucky this time...

- Shit! Shit, shit, fucking shit! It must be here somewhere…

The thing I'm currently looking for is nothing more than one of the rarest of cursed items.

It's nothing that great, but if my memory serves me right this little trinket may be a life saver in my current predicament.

- Jackpot!!! I'm one lucky bastard, baby!

*///Ring of twisted fate\*

This cursed item can change the very fate of its wearer.

This item will double the Luck modifier of it's wearer, and then it will reverse it.

- This is so fucking broken. Athena! Better get your ass ready, Daddy is coming to get you! Muahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha…

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