《My Universal beast system》Ch-26 Ben surrounded


Some days went by, Ben with his group had attacked a few more tribes with limited strength, and took their members as his own subordinates to increase his force.

Now with the addition of 2 more hobgoblins(excluding Bob and Job) and one leader type frost wolf( excluding the previous frost wolf that had gotten a slap from Ben), the upper level of Ben's force had increased in strength and numbers.

Now he had 8 leader type creatures in his force and around 200 normal creatures with average strength.

What does Leader type creatures mean? It means creatures that have undergone evolution. These creatures have already crossed the threshold of a normal creature.

These explosive movements from Ben had naturally attracted the attention of the four major tribes of this southern area.


On a wide area belonging to this forest, where the population of the trees were thin, two groups of beastly creatures were in a confrontation.

One of the groups was composed of goblins, this goblin group had one Hobgoblin as their leader.

The opposite group was rather unique as it was composed of different species of creatures.

Some were goblins, some jackals and some frost wolves as well….it was a weird combination.

Leading them was a tall and muscular hobgoblin with a handsome face….yes, it was Bob!

Bob's opponent leader was hopelessly gazing at his own retreating members and felt depressed.

'Just who are these weird groups of creatures? Why did they suddenly attack me? Damn it!'

The hobgoblin felt that he needed to run away and quickly report back to his tribe.

Although he didn't know who Bob was, due to certain rumours circulating in the forest, he could slightly guess Bob's identity.

'These group of creatures should be related to those mad creatures that are hunting down tribes after tribes. No! I have to run away quickly!'

He didn't even think about fighting Bob alone, just seeing those tight muscles had made him lose his confidence.

With that, the opponent hobgoblin whom Bob was currently fighting against ran away. Bob didn't chase after him because all the other weaker goblins were also attempting to flee after seeing their boss escape.

Bob was feeling a bit of a headache 'I didn't think that he would escape so early...wait..was he from some large goblin tribe? He ran away quickly to report back about this incident?'


He knew that their Boss's unrestrained behaviour would naturally attract attention from powerful existences.

'Although I am menatlly prepared, it should not be this early.'

"Job! Stop that hobgoblin from running away!"

Swish! Swish!

After his shout, the sound of someone breezing through the wind was heard by everyone. A figure of a very human-like female hobgoblin appeared in front of the running male Hobgoblin.

This female hobgoblin had a rather pleasant pair of chest and legs.

Yes, this female hobgoblin's most striking feature wasn't her face but these two traits that stood out the most.

She was Job!

"Stop!" Her two red lips slightly parted and a melodious shout was heard by everyone, though this sound only affected the running Hobgoblin.

With her shout, some tiny particles of mana gathered on her mouth and her ability 'Spirit control' took effect!

The running Hobgoblin was horrified after realising that his body suddenly stopped and he couldn't move anymore.

He felt a weird suppressive force acting on his body.

'I am in trouble!' This was the only thought that kept echoing inside his head.

After seeing that the escaping hobgoblin had been stopped, both Bob and Job came forward to carefully scrutinise him.

They had caught this hobgoblin for their boss,

'Maybe boss would take him as a subordinate as well? Who knows?'


Ben was currently sitting beside a large tree, the roots of this tree were spread around like spider webs. Ben was sitting on one of the roots of this tree.

"Hm...I wonder how my subordinates are doing?"

Just yesterday, an idea surfaced inside his head.

'If I let my leader type subordinates gather their own force and...let them attack on their own...would it be better?...it seems feasible right?'

So today, he had ordered all of his stronger subordinates to gather their own force and travel to different areas of this forest to wage war on the various tribes.

"Ahem..well It feels quite boring to just sit and relax, I should go out and hunt." Feeling bored, Ben stood up and began walking towards a random direction.


"Who is it!? Come out!"

Ben suddenly turned his body and his aura changed from a peaceful, happy go lucky beast to that of a fierce, murderous one.

Just after a few minutes of walking, he had somehow encountered someone. Was he being followed?


Sensing his bloodlust, a few creatures walked out from behind some trees and bushes.

Ben saw their appearance, there were three unique looking creatures. They didn't look like the average creatures living here.

He also noticed that the three creatures were way larger as compared to him, looking very abysmal.

It was almost as if some prehistoric beasts had awoken from their slumber.

Although they looked very different, Ben could still find some characteristics similar to the Orcs, Snakes and maybe Jackals or wolves? On their bodies.

Ben had suddenly crossed paths with a giant orc, a giant snake and a giant jackal? Could it be so coincidental? No way! He was definitely being followed by them!

"Who are you three and why are you following me?"

Ben didn't panic, he was calm and collected.

'Let's see what they want, it won't be good for me to directly attack them like I previously used to do with others. They are strong...I have to be careful. Though if push comes to shove then I can simply use that…'

A sharp glint passed through his eyes but it quickly went away so nobody was able to notice it.

Sensing the threat coming from Ben, the three creatures simply snorted and laughed.

"Hahaha So you are the one who is going around attacking different tribes in this area? Nice to meet you."

The giant Jackal with a size similar to Rak(Leader of the frost wolves from the western area) opened his mouth and greeted Ben in a rather polite tone.

The other two beasts didn't say anything, they were simply waiting for Ben's response.

Ben didn't say anything for a while, he only silently stared at the three of them.

This made the atmosphere around them a bit strange.

After about a minute of silence, Ben finally opened his mouth to speak.

"Yes, it's me, what do you need from me? If you want to fight then get on with it."

He replied with a nonchalant tone, without mixing any emotion to his voice.

The three creatures looked at each and laughed.

"Hahaha no need for that, we are here to propose a deal to you."

"Huh? What kind of deal?" Asked Ben, he was rather curious about what these strangers wanted from him.

This time, the silent orc replied to Ben.

"It is a pleasure to meet someone as powerful as you. My name is 'Guro' and I am the leader of the Guro tribe residing in this forest. We would like to propose a deal to you, if you are interested then follow us and if not…"

The orc leader 'Guro' didn't complete his sentence, but it was clear to Ben that if he didn't show any interest towards their deal then they would definitely get rid of him to avoid leaking the news of their appearance.

'Although I am not afraid of them, it would be better to see what kind of deal they want to do with me.'

So without any further ado, he replied.

"I am interested, tell me the details."

Hearing a positive answer, Guro nodded happily. His friendliness towards Ben Suddenly increased a bit, even the other two creatures now felt that Ben was a bit pleasant to the eye.

"Good decision, now let's go towards my base, we have to discuss our plans."

"Wait!" Shouted Ben suddenly, this shout prompted the three large creatures to stop their movement.

They stared back at Ben and wondered why he stopped them.

"At least tell me what you three are planning to do? If not, then how can I even trust you three?"

The large, silvery white coloured snake wanted to say something but Guro stopped him and turned towards Ben.

"We will naturally tell you but can you guarantee that you won't betray us?"

To this, Ben simply replied back with "I will not do something that will make me lose my benefits."

He was implying that he won't do something stupid if the benefits were good.

The three leaders picked up the hidden meaning behind Ben's words and smiled to themselves.

"Alright, taking a step back we will take a gamble and tell you a little about the deal right now, actually we are planning to wipe out the Goblin queen tribe from this forest." Said Guro.

The large jackal also said something. "We need you and your force to overpower and weaken the members of the Goblin queen tribe, in return, you will be given many benefits about which we can carefully discuss on the way. So how about it? Are you in?"

"Sure, I am in."

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