《My Universal beast system》Ch-16 Establishing Dominance


Ben walked till he reached close enough to these groups of creatures and….suddenly jumped ahead!

He manipulated his urja to enhance his physical capabilities and quickly reached before the one horned Jackal!

The Mutated Jackal wasn't able to react to Ben's speed and simply stood dumbly on the ground, with a stunned expression.


Ben raised his paw and slapped the Jackal to the ground. This caused the jackal to make whimpering sounds filled with pain.

After temporarily stunting the Jackal, Ben turned his body and stared at the humanoid Goblin standing before him with an expressionless face.

The hobgoblin was still in shock due to the previous situation. Seeing this strange but powerful beast suddenly turn and staring at him made his heartbeat faster.

He wanted to retreat, but the powerful beast didn't let him move for even a single bit before slapping him to the ground as well.


The sound of a heavy slap echoed before the powerful leader of the goblin fell down almost losing his consciousness.

Some blood trickled down through the right and left ear side of both the mutated jackal and the hobgoblin. There was a claw mark on both of their upper heads.

"I want some information from you guys so can you two stop fighting for a while?"

After stopping their fight, Ben turned his body and stared at the creatures that were looking at him with big eyes.

Some were shocked, stunned while some were fearful or angry. One thing for certain was that they had never seen a being like Ben before in this forest.

Naturally they were afraid of this new figure emerging before them for the first time.

Nobody realised that they had unconsciously stopped fighting a long time ago. They were just dumbly staring at Ben for now.

After hearing his words, everyone became slightly angry.

They were fighting so fiercely using their life on the line but someone just had to absurdly make their entrance and stop their fight in the middle? This was too ridiculous!

Even though they felt ashamed and were infuriated, nobody had the guts to raise their voice against Ben, this tyrannical beast.


Bob and Job were still hiding behind some bushes. They were silently staring at the situation ahead.

Job was excited, she wanted to make her entrance like their boss as well but too bad, she was still too weak.

Although she wanted to go and help their boss, Bob had stopped her at the critical moment saying.

"Don't...Boss alone is enough. We shouldn't create trouble with our limited strength. For now, we should stay hidden and look out for any hidden danger. If some accident happens, then we can charge ahead using our powers to surprise the opponent."


These words stopped her from making unnecessary movements, and decreased her will for a battle.


In a plain area, where the battle between a group of goblins and Jackals were taking place.

Bob stood still without any expression on his face. The other creatures were also standing still silently staring at Ben.

The tension was high in the air, it seemed like a battle was about to occur again, but this time both the opponent groups would be battling with a single beast!

Just as these dozens or so jackals and goblins were about to attack out of nervousness, a shout relieved everyone! Including Ben!

Yes Ben, he just wanted to show others that he wasn't to be trifled with by dominating their leaders.

Although he could fight and kill everyone here, it would be pointless and simply increase his animosity with their respective tribes. He also won't be able to get any information through them.

For all this, he just had to appear and had to beat the shit out of their leaders to let them know that fighting him would be pointless for them.

Naturally the two leaders also realised this so they decisively ordered their members to stand still.

"We are stopping this fight! Don't move!"

The leader of this group of jackals shouted and stopped the jackals from making any moves.

Following his lead the hobgoblin also signalled his members to not make any rash movements.

These two leaders could sense that this unknown beast standing before them was very dangerous. This was evident through feeling the force of that slap they got from that paw of his.

"May we know what the powerful being wants to know? Md as the leader of this Jackal tribe would try my hardest to answer you."

"Yes yes, I, the leader of this goblin tribe, would also try my hardest. Please ask my lord."

Hearing their words Ben felt content.

'Finally...these two seem intelligent, guess I can finally know something about this world.'

Thought Ben with some excitement in his heart.

"Tell me everything you know including when and where you were born, how you got so powerful. The world you know everything should be included. Don't worry I have time to listen to everything you two will spout."


The two leaders were confused.

'That's not just some information...you want to know everything!'

Even though they were a bit indigent, the two leaders still complied, and began narrating every single thing they knew about from the beginning.

If they didn't, then the two leaders could not determine what would happen to them. This domineering beast might just kill them on the spot without any second thoughts, and leave.


While narrating, Ben would interrupt from time to time and ask some random questions along with what he wanted to know.

If he simply let them narrate then it would be impossible to find out everything he wanted to know in a short period of time.

Too much time would be wasted, afterall it was impossible for someone to narrate everything he/she knew with full details that too with clear descriptions.


Dawn arrived. Sun was going down.

The group of creatures had already sat down out of boredness. Some even started sleeping.

Ben was silently sitting down without any movements but anyone could see that his body was still in an active state, ready to attack at any time.

Ben was cautious, he didn't let his guard down till now. This made the two leaders who were spewing out information very nervous. They didn't stop speaking even though their throat hurt and they felt thirsty.


Hungry stomach sounds kept coming out of their stomachs. The sounds were even loud enough to scare off some wild beasts.

The weaker group members didn't care for their leader, and hunted a few small animals to eat.

The other Jackals, being tired, also joined in with the goblins.

Even though they were supposed to be enemies, due to the interference of Ben, the two groups became a bit closer.

At some point in time, Bob and Job also appeared in front of these creatures. Seeing the many small sized dead rabbits and other smaller animals, the two goblins began to roast them.

Before roasting, they had asked their Boss to create a small fire around the middle area.

Using this fire, the two subordinates began roasting the meat and ate them together with the other goblins and Jackals.

Ben was also chewing some roasted meat to fill his hungry stomach.

Staring at this sudden festive atmosphere, the mutated Jackal and the Hobgoblin almost coughed out blood.

They had not eaten anything till now and were hungry as well but Ben didn't let them eat anything!

The Hobgoblin was even a bit infuriated after seeing some of his fellow goblin members running away, and bringing back some amount of water to quench everyone's thirst except for them.

After eating a mouth full of roasted meat, Ben looked up and noticed the two leader's suffocative expressions.

Although he could let them eat some meat to fill their hunger…but he didn't want to.

Currently these two leaders were the strongest among these groups of creatures.

Even if Ben was much stronger than them, he didn't want to take risks and let them recover their energy by eating.

At least for now when he was gathering information from them.

As for other weaker members? They could neither harm him nor his two subordinates who were under his protection.

If the two leaders recovered their energy, and assaulted him with their full force, then although he would be able to easily protect himself, his two subordinates could get in trouble.

Though from their expressions nobody seemed to have those kinds of thoughts yet.


Finally when night arrived, Ben let them free of their sufferings.

The two leaders sat down exhausted. A few members of their tribe brought some roasted meat, and gave them to their respective leaders.

Previously they didn't dare to provide food and water to them because of the presence of Ben.

Ben didn't disturb them for now.

"System, compile all the information that they had shared, and present them before me."


[ The area that the owner is present in is the left-side comer of the south area of this forest. ] [Goblins are the majority in this side, while berserk Jackals are situated at the right side of this area. ]

[ In the complete opposite of both the Goblins and Jackals reside the Giant Snake tribes and Orc tribes respectively.]

[This world that the MC resides in is termed as 'Elthrod' by the beings living here.]

[Goblins can physically evolve through the usage of mana but the specific goblin had to naturally possess talent. If a goblin can naturally absorb Mana from the surroundings with the help of physical training, then they could someday evolve into a hobgoblin.]

[For Jackals….System doesn't have enough data about their evolutionary paths but their evolutionary requirements should be similar.]

From all the filler spoken out by the two leaders, only this much information could be considered as somewhat useful by the system. There was maybe still some information that the system had stored, he could find them later.



[ From the two beings' description, this world Elthrod seems to be a powerful world filled with countless species….which is rare. Not many worlds have so many dominant life forms living together like this one.]

[Only a few worlds, including the owner's previous world, had so many dominant life forms.]

"Huh? Dominant life forms? What are you talking about?"

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