《End Game[EG]》Ch 3: System


"Well, let's get to the main topic." Yato said while looking at Keiichi.

"Main topic?! There's still more?!" Keiichi was already going crazy with the information he was getting. He never thought that a being from another planet would be inside his house.

"Of course there is. What I told you is just a little bit about me. Now you will know the reason for my visit."

Keiichi tensed when he heard Yato's words. He didn't know why the hell Yato would be here; however, he was very curious about it.

"I'm here to make you an offer. Would you like to have a system?"

"Huh?! System?" Keiichi was confused. He didn't know what a system was.

'This guy really should read some novels.'

"The system will grant you abilities, items, super powers etc. However, you will have to fulfill the demands the system says if you want to receive anything."

"Are you serious?!" Keiichi was shocked by Yato's words.

"And why the hell would you offer something like that?! You look like a black market trader." Keiichi was idiot, but he wasn't dumb. He didn't think something like that would be free. He also didn't understand Yato's purpose in offering something like that.

"I'm here because you were chosen by the system. I can't do anything about it. Do you think I wanted to be on a planet like this?" Yato said, with a serious expression. Of course, he was lying. However, although he created the system, Yato did not influence the selection of individuals. The only requirements were that those selected must be ordinary mortals. Keiichi and Sakura were selected by sheer luck.

"You don't need to make your decision now. I'll wait 5 days. In 5 days, you need to make your decision." Yato said, before disappearing.

"Wait-" Keiichi tried to call Yato; however, he had already disappeared.

"Shit! How the hell do you disappear like that?!" Keiichi was very angry. Yato explained almost nothing to him.


'What should I do?...'

Keiichi's thoughts were still turbulent. He received a lot of shocking information today and it would take him a while to digest it all.


"Are you serious?!" Sakura was an Otaku, so she digested information faster than Keiichi; however, she never expected to go through it one day.

"Why would I lie to you? You have 5 days to think about it."

Yato disappeared.


Sakura sat on her bed, a complicated expression on her face. Her fantasy mind was screaming at her to accept the system; however, her logical mind prevented her from accepting the system. She was sure that dangerous things could happen if she accepted.


'What do I do?' She lay down and closed her eyes. She was tired, so she decided to think about it tomorrow.


Yato was floating in space as he watched the planet Vulia and Napiter. The two planets are millions of light years apart; however, they are very similar. He had already adjusted the time difference between the two planets.

"Master, will they accept?" Yerin asked. She was also accompanying Yato; however, she did not want to appear in front of the Mortals, because there was no need.

"Don't worry about it. Their lives aren't very good, so it could trigger them to accept the system."

"Good." Yerin nodded.

"Why don't we talk about something more fun? I hear there's an Intergalactic romantic party going on in the —5th dimension. How about we pay a visit?" Yato said, with a smile. It does not usually visit other dimensions, because its existence completely transcends the concept of hierarchy; however, Yerin liked to see new places, so Yato decided to invite her.

"Master… you're not thinking about obscene things, are you?" Yerin was happy with Yato's invitation; however, she couldn't help but think he wanted to do lewd things to her.

"Am I that kind of guy?" Yato made an innocent expression.

"Hmph! Of course you are!" Yerin replied.

"Heh… and whose fault is it?" Yato hugged Yerin's waist with a smile on his face.

"M-Master…" Yerin blushed. Even though she tried not to fall for his lip, in the end, she couldn't resist.

"I bet you will enjoy the ride." Saying these words, Yato disappeared along with Yerin.



When the school bell rang, Keiichi walked out of the classroom, a complicated expression on his face. It's been 3 days since Yato disappeared. Keiichi didn't know what to do. He only had 2 days left to think about it.


After leaving the classroom, he went to the cafeteria. Waiting a few minutes in line, he picked up his tray of food and sat down. After finishing eating, he thought about going back to the classroom.

"You really are a pest." A young man approached Keiichi with a playful smile. Beside the young man, two men dressed in black accompanied him.

"What do you want Taketori?!" Keiichi showed an angry expression upon seeing the young man. Keiichi had known Taketori since he was little. The two always fought; however, Keiichi always beat him easily.

"I'm just here to congratulate you. Even after you've been beaten so much, you still come to school. Your parents would be proud of you – if they weren't…dead!"


"DON'T TALK ABOUT MY PARENTS!!" Keiichi could withstand digested mockery of him; however, he hated it when anyone talked about his parents. He rose from his chair with an angry expression.

"Get him." Taketori said to the two men in black. The men walked towards Keiichi and grabbed both his arms, preventing him from moving.

"Let me go!!" Keiichi started to struggle.

"Damn pig, do you think your family still has the power it once had? Times have changed." Taketori grabbed a tray of food and threw it in Keiichi's face.


"Taketori, you bastard!!" Keiichi got very angry and started to struggle; however, he lacked the strength to escape the two men.

Taketori didn't give a damn about Keiichi's words. He clenched his fists and punched Keiichi in the stomach.


"Ahh!" Keiichi moaned in pain; however, Taketori didn't stop his blows.

*Bam!* *Bam!* …

After several punches, Taketori got tired.

"Let him go." Taketori said. The two men threw Keiichi to the ground. Keiichi held his stomach, a pained expression on his face. His body was all smeared with food.

*Click!* *Click!*

Taketori took several pictures of Keiichi.

"I'll post your photos on the Internet. Let's see how many clicks your pathetic photos can get." He said with a smile on his face. After taking the pictures, he left.

The people watching the events did nothing. Taketori's family was very powerful, so they didn't want to get involved in this matter. The equal rights law was just a front to deceive the masses. This was the world they lived in.


After a few minutes, Keiichi got up from the ground.

'Shit! Shit! Shit!'

After this humiliation, he couldn't stay at school anymore. His condition was in bad shape, so he decided to go home. People looked at Keiichi with different eyes; Pity, sympathy, contempt...

'I don't need your pity.' He didn't need people looking at him with pity. Quickening his steps, he left the school.


Keiichi arrived at his house after walking for a few minutes. Opening the door, he walked in and headed for the bathroom. His body was very dirty so he decided to take a shower. Looking at his appearance in the mirror, he sighed.

His body was tall and fat. His hair was black, short and very beautiful. His facial features were average.

Remembering the embarrassment he went through today, Keiichi clenched his fists in anger and punched the bathroom mirror.


Keiichi's hand bled after breaking the mirror; however, he didn't give a damn about it.


Keiichi mentally cursed Taketori. After showering, he bandaged his hand to stop the bleeding. The cut wasn't serious, so he didn't mind it. Sitting on his couch, he tried to calm down; however, his anger did not pass. He was fed up with these things.

Keiichi directed his vision to a small picture that was on the side of the shelf. On the board was a photo of her father and mother.

'Father... mother…'

The day he lost his parents was the worst day of his life. From that point, everything started to go wrong. Clenching his fists, he made his decision.

"YATO!! SHOW UP!!" He got up from the couch and started shouting Yato's name; however, despite screaming, he didn't see Yato appear.

'Wait… he didn't tell you how to contact him after I made my decision!' Keiichi started to panic.

"Heh… don't get desperate mortal, I'm here; however, this was not a good time for you to contact me, I would say." Yato was with Yerin in 5th dimension, so he wasn't really in the mood to talk to Keiichi right now.

Keiichi was startled when he heard Yato's voice suddenly.

"Damn! Don't show up so suddenly!" He said, with an expression of indignation.

"What did you expect? For me to ring the bell?" Yato replied with a sarcastic smile.

"Tsk! Forget it! I've already made my decision... I... will accept the system." Keiichi said, with a determined expression.

"You made the right choice." Yato snapped his fingers and a white colored orb appeared. The orb shot toward Keiichi, entering his body.

[Starting System Implementation.]

"W-What?!" Keiichi was a little startled when he heard a robotic voice in his head.


[System implemented. Acquiring information… creating status…]


◇Name: Keiichi Otake

◇Age: 17

☆Power rating: Below an average Human



■Unique Skill: ?


◇Equipment: ?


General Description: You are a completely pathetic and unlucky guy, but who knew luck was on your side this time.


"What the hell?!" Keiichi was in shock when he saw his general description. He looked at Yato with hate in his eyes.

"I didn't say that, it was the system." Yato said, with an innocent expression.

'Now only the girl is missing.'

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