《The Prime》Chapter 24: The Start of the Tournament


The next day, all the students were already in the big arena, up to seven thousand students were there to watch the start of the tournament. Most of the teacher shows up even the vice-principal Gregory McCain came. Soon after, miss Quinn Asmodeus came followed by the ten selected students of First year S class.

There's already first-year students standing on a big platform, on their right, stood Ten individuals (five men and five women) dressed in the second year uniforms, it seems that the second-year S class students are already here, Emea and the others joined them staying at their right.

The vice-principal stood up and advanced forward before saying:

'' Greetings to all of you, congratulations to the freshmen, it makes three months since when you first entered this academy and from what I could tell you don't seem disappointed. Well, How could you be? because we're the best out there. Today we will start the Tournament for first-year students but because this year S class is too outstanding, most of them are already in the Legendary tier, it's the first time since the creation of the academy that something like that happens but it is said there is a start for everything. Coming back here because they are all geniuses ahead of their time we decided to exclude them from this year's first-year student competition. ''

He stopped and glance at them, especially in the direction of the first-year students, chuckling because he saw the relief on their faces when they heard that the first year S class will be excluded from the competition, it discharges huge load from their back because if the S class truly participates, they are bound to be the champion without exception, however, now there are not competing with them they are glad. The vice-principal continued


'' Well well, it seems some of you are really happy knowing that the S class won't be participating in your competition, don't worry they won't because they are going on a bigger stage. You see the ten upper students standing on your right, they will be the S class opponents in this tournament, when you competing between yourself they will also be competing on another stage. Without further ado I announce the start of this year tournament, may the best win. ''

Immediately the other first-year classes will use the majority of the rings to fight, the first year S class will use the biggest one but first here are the names of their opponents, the second year S class:

Lester Solon: Power of Earth

Zayn Bifrost: Power of Earth

Wolf Cross: Power of Transformation: Can transform any part of the body in a weapons.

Willem Nexus: Power of Lightning

Lin Fan: Power of Sound

Thalia Frost: Power of Water

Sena Rillet: Power of Earth

Hilda Green: Power of manipulation of plants

Esmeralda Wayne: Power of Wind

Krystal Lome: Power of Fire

After selecting each one a number, the twenty are divided into ten matches, here are the names of the opponents in each match:

Emea Luxon Vs Wolf Cross

Emia Luxon Vs Zayn Bifrost

Nui Yydrassil Vs Hilda Green

Kaguya Mio Sakura Vs Sena Rillet

Leon Nexus Vs Lin Fan

Delia Solon Vs Emeralda Wayne

Luxor Memphis Luxon Vs Thalia Frost

Qin Faotian Vs Krystal Lome

Grimm Asmodeus Vs Willem Nexus

Lumis Asmodeus Vs Lester Solon

Each match will be an elimination round after the first round there will be ten persons remaining for the next round meaning five matches in the second round, the five who will come out will be going to the next round and so on.


Gregory McCain, the vice-principal announced the rewards for each winner, Firstly, the champion of the first contest(final winner who will come out from first-year classes competition) will get two hundred (200) contribution points plus one week in the gravity rooms. Lastly, the final winner between first-year S class and the second-year students will receive one thousand contributions (1000) points and one Heaven Gate Pill.

Instantly there is massive gulping sound coming from every student present, the rewards promised for the other first-year classes were already enticing enough but the last rewards promised to the final winner in the competition between the first year S class students and the second year S class students are too much even for them, presently all of them wanted nothing more than to rush down and switch place with the 1st year S class students to fight in their place struggling to be the final victor like that the one thousands of contributions and the Heaven Gate Pill will be theirs, no, to say the truth, they only want the pill because with that you're sure to step into the Supreme tier class without a doubt.

The others 1st-year classes students are now feeling deep regret and helplessness because that rewards won't be bestowed upon them, well, they have their own rewards and it's not like they can confront those freaks better stay far away from them and work hard to be at their level or at a level not too far from that because deep down they are still geniuses with deeply rooted arrogance and pride in their bones they can be freaks like others with hard work.

It's as if some kind of seal got broken in their minds, they were not envious anymore but on the contrary, they are burning with more determination than ever to someday stand proudly beside those freaks.

Gregory McCain, the vice-principal nods his head in satisfaction 'It seems that you're right in your choice this time again older sister. Sigh! this little brother of yours needs to learn a lot more to be at your level. Well, in some sense we could say that I'm like them chasing after you and I hope one day too I'll be able to stand beside you without shame with my head raised high. ' thought the vice principal.

Today the tournament begins.

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