《The Prime》Chapter 15: The Second Round Part 1


The following morning, the students of the first S class were already in the small arena waiting for the start of the second round of the mock battle. Shortly after while Miss Asmodeus their teacher came, look at them first before saying:

'' Today, we will start the second round, there are ten contestants thus we will have five matches, here are the names for the five matches:

The first match: Leon Nexus VS Daniel Brosnan

Second match: Kaguya Mio Sakura VS Marcus Morningstar

Third match: Grimm Asmodeus VS Delia Solon

Fourth match: Qin Faotian VS Andrea Rillet

Five match: Lumis Asmodeus VS Luxor Memphis Luxon.

The contestants of the first match please get on the ring. If you fall off the ring you lose. ''

Leon Nexus is already on the ring followed by Daniel Brosnan, they face each other before Daniel bowed saying:

'' Greetings my prince, it is an honor to be able to exchange few moves with you. Excuse my rudeness in advance, my prince. '' Daniel knows that he will be the one losing at the end of the fight because he and Nicolas has already fought Leon many times in training battles, but in the end, it was them who loses.

Leon nodded his head in acknowledgment.

Daniel Brosnan possesses the power of regeneration, meaning he can regenerate faster than a normal person from any wound, his stamina is more than a normal mutant. He trained his physical body hard to compensate for his lack of attack power, and he is good at handling a sword.

Daniel removed his sword from his sheath gripping it with both hands before moving fast, he arrived before Leon sending a slash straight down from the top, Leon stepped little back avoiding it, Daniel chained with an attack from left and right horizontally. Leon avoided them easily, perform a quick draw sending dozens of lightning strikes, Daniel completely steps on the right avoiding the lightning strikes, wanting to turn around he was greeted by dozens of lightning bolts send by Leon, he did double backflips to avoid it.

Afterward, they exchange dozens of swords moves before Leon ended the fight with his [Rain of lightning], this time more than three hundred lightning bolts appear in the sky, covering the entire ring thus checkmating Daniel, even his super regeneration power he was continuously electrocuted by the lightning strikes even before the rain stops finally forced to surrender.


'' The first match ends in Leon Nexus victory, the next match will automatically start, Kaguya and Marcus please get on the stage,'' announced Miss Asmodeus after Leon and Daniel match.


Facing each other on the ring is Kaguya and Marcus, Luna twin brothers, Marcus said first:

'' Greetings Miss Kaguya, It is our first time facing each other, but it seems that fate wanted us Morningstar siblings to fight with you on the ring. Thanks for being lenient when fighting my little sister, but I hope in this fight you'll be going all out I don't want to end the fight early on. ''

'' Likewise, but me going all outs is unlikely, because you do not have what it takes for that I think,'' replies Kaguya smiling.

'''Wow''' said the crowd, Marcus expression darkened, but he regains his calm waiting for their teacher to announce the start of the fight, like that he can give her a good beating maybe after that she will submit herself to him, thought Marcus with a lecherous expression which disappears quickly but Kaguya managed to see it. She just smiled widely but Marcus sensed a deep chill on his back, it was like he was thrown into 'Absolute Zero' forbidden zone, he almost collapses, but managed not to because Miss Asmodeus announced the start of the fight.

Immediately Marcus created hundred dark orbs which he sent attacking towards Kaguya, Kaguya just swept her pristine white right arm automatically freezing the hundred incoming dark orbs, the frozen orbs crashed down shattering in pieces. Marcus execute [Dark World] technique like his sister, everything turned dark like a moonless night, he said [Rise of Shadows Legions] immediately hundreds of different types of beasts (Rats, snakes, crows, and wolves) manifested seems having come from the dark dimension, the crowd was shocked because that is a good technique, to be able to summon creatures from the dark dimension to fight for you. The summoned beasts pounced on Kaguya.

Kaguya smiled snapping her white fingers she mutter [Blossom Ice Sakura Tree] automatically an ice Sakura tree looking like crystal is projected from the ground. It reaches five meters tall, the ice Sakura tree blossomed, ice Sakura petals start falling down on the ring, everywhere they fall to is frozen, rapidly the hundreds summoned darkness creatures are frozen, the ground is frozen, Marcus hastily uses his technique [Dark Portal] teleporting using the darkness present he appears not too far behind Kaguya creating many darkness chains sending them toward Kaguya to bind her in a place before finishing her with his next move.


Kaguya said by extending her right arm toward the incoming darkness chains, [Glaciate] immediately the incoming darkness chains are frozen shattering upon reaching the ground. Marcus changed his technique to his summoning one, this time three black wolves are summoned pouncing on Kaguya, She on the other hand also summons Ice Beast, a giant Ice wolf appears. The four summoned beasts started fighting, the giant ice beast rapidly killed two black wolves, the last black wolf is cowering having lost his will to fight.

Marcus snaps his fingers sending him back, afterward he faces Kaguya deeply looking at her before saying '' Sure, You are truly good at fighting, let decide the match in our next moves, be prepared you may be seriously injured by my next move. ''

'' I see, let me also show you something interesting,'' replied Kaguya.

Marcus executes his secret technique called [Darkness Mythical Summons] from a black hole a giant black wyvern appears and roared emitting a great pressure. Kaguya chuckled her eyes turned ice-cold, everything starts freezing, the temperature dropped, she looked at everything around her before saying loudly [Frozen World] a giant clock made of ice appears partially in the sky, upon appearing the needles start turning *Clik**Clik**Clik* before abruptly stopping, everything is stopped and frozen solid even the protective shield is frozen, even the spectator and other S class students (the only exception is Miss Asmodeus, the twin goddess, the twin demons and Nui Yydrassil) for two seconds before the ice clock disappear. Everything restart normally working afterward, only Marcus is still frozen in ice, the black giant wyvern has already killed after he was frozen he fell and shattered in pieces upon reaching the ground (because Kaguya directed all her killing intent towards it. The clock attack was directed at him, it also for that reason the others didn't suffer any harm). The protective shield also shattered, even spectators and other S class students are still feeling a little cold.

Kaguya is looking rather pale after performing that secret technique, it seems that she can't bring the true potential of that technique at her level now.

Everyone is filling chill upon their backs, that technique seems not perfect now, but it still dangerous, even more than Leon technique [The World], upon casting it you are doomed. Imagine if it becomes perfect then *Gulp* a gulping sound was heard coming from everyone in spectators area.

On the other hand, even the twin goddess, the twin demons and Nui are astonished because Kaguya has the potential to reach at least God tier if not the Exceed Tier in her life. They must obtain her (thoughts those males from the upper class and the twin demons) only Emea, Emia, and Nui seem pleased to have Kaguya as a friend also as members of their little crew(the eight Celestials).

'' Wonderful technique if it becomes complete even, I won't stand a chance facing you. The Second match ends in Kaguya Mio Sakura's victory. The next fight will start shortly after and Miss Kaguya can you please unfreeze Marcus? I think you have already punished him enough. '' said Miss Asmodeus.

Kaguya chuckled but immediately claps her hands unfreezing Marcus, Marcus is looking pale as a corpse, he can't even look at Kaguya in the eyes. He was escorted towards the infirmary to receive treatment. The third match will start shortly after a little pause given by their teacher.

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