《The Survivor From Snowdrift》Chapter 1: Snowdrift
I open my eyes to a familiar smell coming from across the room. Part of me just wants to lay in bed, but the warm juicy smell of venison really wants to draw me out. With a yawn, I slowly sat myself up. I scooted off over to the side and placed both of my feet onto the wooden floor. As always the floor was cold. Some days it was freezing, and very rarely it was warm.
As I rubbed my eyes to clear the blur, I seen my mother to the far left in the kitchen area of our home. Just as usual, her blonde hair was tied back with a brown burlap twine string. I watched as she stood close to the fireplace carefully flipping three pieces of venison over on the cooking tripod.
"Good morning, Mother." I greeted as I walked over to the dinner table.
"Good morning, Emerencia. You're up a little late this morning." She said as she turned to me.
"Just in time for breakfast though." I laughed.
"You actually slept through breakfast. Think of this as an early lunch." My mother said. I shot her a confused look and paced towards the front door of the house. I opened the door and sure enough, I could see broad daylight. I can see a couple villagers walking around with stacks of wood and dragging branches through the patted down snow. From above I could see the sun was straight up in the sky, just about to make its way west.
"It's been awhile since I slept in this long. Why didn't you wake me?"
"I was going to wake you up, but our neighbor, Cleon gave us some venison this morning from the doe he recently hunted. Thought it would be a nice surprise to wake you up with your favorite food." My mother said contently.
"It is a nice surprise, thank you. Will Father be joining us?" I asked.
"Not today. I was hoping I can have you deliver his lunch." My mother said as she scooped the cooked venison off the pan and onto a plate.
"I can do that. Can you pack me a lunch too?"
"As long as you deliver your father's lunch first. He's been working hard these past two weeks along with the rest of the miners in this village. I'm sure you heard a couple of the Lumbermen switched over to mining too. It's honestly starting to worry me." My mother said as her green eyes stared out the window.
"I did hear a little about it. I'm not sure why that is." I said as I walked off to my dresser to get changed into my warm clothes.
"The Vaesite Soldiers should be coming to pick up the iron today. For what it sounds like, I have a feeling we might have another low production. For how quiet your father's been, It's scary to think about what would happen this time. It's not normal for him to act like this. Since he's the one running the mine, I'm sure he's keeping his workers quiet too." My mother said.
She's right. It is kinda scary. Every three months the Vaesite soldiers come from a great city in the east to take our ore in trade for livestock and food. The Vaesite have been taking ore from us since King Haveron took heir to the throne two years ago. About a year ago we were told that there's a war with the Vaesite and another kingdom on another large island to the south of us. Because of that, the Vaesite went from taking five minecart loads of ore to ten. My Uncle says that our village isn't important enough for the King himself to even care about it. We're nothing but a small village sitting on a throne of iron. Though it seems we're slowly running out of iron.
"I'm sure it's just another scolding." I said as I began changing into my wool shirt, buckskin pants, and wool socks. My mother looked at me and pointed at two metal bins sitting on the kitchen table.
"I just placed the food in there. I'm sure you'll be over at Garth's today?"
"Yeah. We're going to do some practice again." I said grabbing my uncle's old sword and my leather belt that was resting next to my bed. I wrapped the belt around my waist and adjusted the sword to my side. I walked over to the front door and slipped on my leather boots with beaver fur wrapped around the outside, and wool insulation on the inside. I grabbed my fur coat and slipped my arms through it's sleeves. Finally I put on my thin leather gloves and grabbed the two bins of food.
"Alright Mom, thank you for lunch!" I smiled.
"Your welcome, dear. Stay warm and make sure those bins come back." She said as she grabbed a log from the woodpile and threw on onto the fire.
"I will." I replied. As I opened the door to the outside, I felt a cool rush of air hit me like a breeze. Luckly it's not as bad as most days. I closed the door behind me and begin walking. All around me the village was alive. Kids chasing each other through the snow, the sound of wood being sawed and chopped in the distant, conversations being held near and far, and chickadees singing in the branches above.
"Emma! How'd you like the venison?" Said a voice to the left of me. I turned my head and seen my next door neighbor, Cleon. In his hand he had a knife that's slowly going down the hide from the doe he recently shot. Tanning the hide for wears, I imagine.
"Thank you so much for the food! I'm actually about to try it, but I just have to deliver lunch to my father first!"
"Sounds good! Let me know what you think!" Cleon said.
"Will do!" I said as I kept walking down the road. Coming up on my right, just two houses away from mine is my Uncle Garth's cabin. This is where I spend most of my days at. I've been going to his house almost everyday since I was little. My Uncle was an adventurer, and he'd tell me all his stories. I'd sit down in front of the fireplace with pine needle tea and listen. His favorite stories was when his daughter was alive. He always traveled with her. When growing up he'd always tell me how much I remind him of his daughter, but he'd never tell me what happened to her. My parents said she died in a shipwreck from a monster in The Serpent's Sea.
Because of all my uncle's stories, all I ever wanted to do since I was little was to see the world and became a swordsmen. My uncle promised me that he'd take me to see the world when I turn eighteen, and tomorrow is that day. The adventure I've been waiting for begins!
As I approached my uncle's house, I seen Garth outside working at his forge. Not only is he my uncle, but also one of the most important people in the whole village. Garth and his friend, Wayde are the only blacksmiths in Snowdrift. Not only can they craft swords, knives, bows, and other weapons. He mainly crafts pickaxes for the miners and axes for the lumbermen in the village. Other tools and materials too! Some days before sword practice, he lets me help out.
"What's the project today?" I asked as I approached him. Garth stopped hammering on his work and turned his head towards me with a smile.
"Good afternoon! Right now I'm making a couple new pickaxes for the miners. Your father stopped by last night just after you went home. He told me that it's been a rough couple of weeks. So I thought a few new pickaxes could probably help. If not, it'll always be nice to have a few extras laying around." He said. This is one of the things I love about my Uncle. He's a really thoughtful person. Even if he is just doing his part to keep everything well in this village.
"Is Wayde coming to help you out?" I asked. My Uncle shook his head.
"I told him to take it easy for today. Starting tomorrow he's going to be the big man in charge of my forge. Anyways will you be up for practice later? Tomorrow's your big day." He said with excitement.
"Of course! I just gotta deliver my father's lunch and I'll be here." Garth looked at the metal bins in my arms a nodded.
"Sounds good. You should hurry along before his lunch gets cold."
"Oh right!" I panicked. How could I forget? "Well I'll see you later!" I shouted as I began running towards a shortcut behind Garth's cabin. As I entered the pine forest, I could feel my legs sink into the deep snow and sticks break from under my feet. My running quickly slowed down as my feet sank deeper in. Just then I had to start picking up my feet. It felt almost like I was marching through snow.
As soon as I made it to the mine, I emerged out of the forest and dropped on my knees to give my legs a break. Like always, going through deep snow easily drains the energy out of me. As I looked up, I seen five men pushing a minecart out from the mine and wheeling it off to the side next to seven other carts. They stopped for a minute to catch their breath and then they hurried back in.
I brought myself back on my feet and started making my way towards the mine. I walked up to the cavelike entry to look in, but I couldn't see anyone. The five other men who hurried back in must of disappeared really quick. Only the noises of pickaxes hitting rock could be heard deep from within. I've been in the mine over a hundred times in my life. Sometimes to help out, but mostly I come to deliver food to my father.
I walked deeper into the mine with only hanging lanterns from above to light the way. With a little more of a ways in, I could feel the air get colder and colder. I can hear the constant clinking sound of miners getting closer, but I know there's still a ways to go. As I approached the first turn, I could hear footsteps coming my way. All of a sudden, I ran right into someone.
"Oh goodness, I'm sorry!" I pleaded.
"Emma? What are you doing here?" Said a familiar voice. I looked up, but it was too hard to make out the face. I could tell just by the voice, it was my father.
"I came to deliver your lunch. Mother cooked venison from Cleon's doe." I said as I handed over the metal box.
"Oh well thank you! Let me walk you outside. I'm about to take a quick break myself." My father said as he patted my back. I turned around and seen the bright opening of the mine. With the snow outside and the sun shining down, it almost looked blinding from here. "So how's my daughter doing? It's like I barely got to see you at all this week."
"I know. You've been working a whole lot. You do remember that tomorrow's my birthday, right?" My father quietly let out a breath of air.
"I know. I'm sorry, but right now this is very important."
"What about me?" I snapped. "When I leave tomorrow, You won't be seeing me for a whole year or two! All you done lately is worry about the Vaesite. You've been acting weird for two weeks now and all I see outside is eight carts full of ore! That's three more than last time. The soldiers will probably come in and give you another scolding. Unless you know something that the rest of us don't." I argued.
"You're right." My father softly said as we approached the entrance of the mine. "Maybe things will be okay. I still have to stay here until the Vaesite arrive."
"If that's the case, then can we eat lunch together? I want to at least spend some time with you."
"Of course. I would like that." My father said.
As we walked out of the mine we both sat down on the bench were miners usually took their breaks. My father popped open the top of his lunch bin and looked down at the food like he was starving. Clearly it's been awhile since he had breakfast. That or he's been working to hard and burning off a lot of energy.
I popped the lid off mine and seen a decent size cut of venison steak along with two baked potatoes. Then of course off to the side was a fork wrapped in a thin white cloth.
"You know it doesn't seem to cold today." My father said as his icy blue eyes gazed up at the trees.
"A slight breeze, but it does seem fine." I replied. My father nodded in agreement.
"You should be happy. Starting tomorrow you'll leave this freezing place. What are you looking forward to seeing on your adventure?" My father asked. Slowly a smile grew over my face.
"Garth is taking me to Edinburgh first. I'm excited to see what a city looks like. I'm mostly looking forward to seeing the falls in Silverpine."
"Are you afraid of the monsters you'll run into on your journey?" My father asked as he took a bite out of his venison. I was told that only trolls and dragons can inhabit here in the snowy mountains. I never seen a monster of any kind though. I always wonder if they look as scary as they sound.
"I'm not sure. If anything, I have Garth at my side. He's been into those situations a lot."
"Indeed he has. My brother grew up to be quite the skilled fighter. I believe he turned you into a fine swordsmen as well."
"You really think so?" I asked before taking a bite out of the potato.
"Of course. He turned his own daughter into an outstanding fighter. I seen the way you practiced with Garth. I'm sure he did the same for you." He said. I took a bite out of the potato and cocked my head to the side. I wouldn't say I'm an outstanding fighter. I've never even been in an actual battle before. I don't know how good I really am.
"You really think I'm that good?" I asked as I gently pressed my fork down into the venison.
"I really do. You kinda remind me of Garth's daughter. If Alita was still alive, I'm sure you both would get along just fine." Before taking my next bite, a frown grew upon me.
"You know sometimes Garth says that I remind him of his daughter. Sometimes I think it's sad. I sometimes see myself as a reminder of someone who isn't here with us." I said. My father turned his head towards me and with a look of disapproval.
"Cut that out now! Goodness you sound like you're the one responsible of Alita's death." My father said with a stern voice. "See it as a good thing. Since his daughter died, I never seen Garth so depressed. That poor man not only lost his wife to illness, but he lost his daughter too. After Alita's death, Garth came back to Snowdrift to be with what's left of his family. It's a good thing he did, because from the day you first met him, I got to see my brother smile again. From that day, I never seen my brother look so sad. Have you?" My father asked.
"No." I answered shaking my head.
"I kinda figured. You make him happy everyday when you come over, I swear it." My father said with a mouth full of food. I looked over at his lunch box and seen everything was completely gone!
"You must be really hungry?" I questioned. My father nodded and whipped his mouth with the white cloth.
"Still am, but I gotta get back to work." He said as he popped the lid back on his lunch bin.
"Wait! Take the rest of my food!" I said raising my box up to him.
"Emma. You don't need to do that. You love venison!"
"No really! You need it more than I do." I said. My father smiled as he reached in grabbing the last of my food.
"Thank you, dear. I'll see you when I get done." My father said leaning forward for a hug. As he leaned back, I watched as he stood up and began to walk away.
"Alright, I'll be at Garth's."
"Sounds good!" My father said as he disappeared back in the mine.
I stood up as well and stretched my arms up in the air. Perhaps it's time I get back to the village and see Garth. Who knows, Garth might want some help at his forge.
I started walking back to the village, but instead taking the shortcut back to Garth's cabin, I took the main path. It's more of an easy walk that way with the snow patted down.
As I kept walking the sounds from the mine disappeared and was quickly replaced by the noise in the village. I could once again hear people talking, wood being chopped, children laughing, and crackling from campfires all around. Just up ahead, I could see the first couple of cabins.
When I walked into the village, I couldn't help but looked around at all the other cabins and the branches of pine draping over them. I find the world around me so beautiful. Almost like it's a work of art. I always admired the snow on rooftops and the chimneys blowing dark smoke into the light gray sky. Snow looks beautiful on anything, but I always wondered what this place would look like without snow.
I made my way to the center of the village where there's a giant pile of tree branches. The lumbermen who cut the branches off the trees drag them here into a big pile. What's fun is that every week the whole village gathers around and we burn it. Sadly the town is burning it tomorrow night. I won't be around for that.
"It's Emma!" Yelled a child. I looked to the right and seen three kids running right at me. Abel, Tobie, and his twin sister, Nina. Out of all eight children in this village, these three kids always seemed to look up to me.
"What are you doing, Emma?" Tobie asked.
"I'm heading over to Garth's." I answered.
"Is it true your leaving tomorrow? Abel quickly questioned.
"Yeah. I'll be gone for a while."
"Wait! Wait! You're taking your sword too?" Tobie gawked.
"I don't see why not." I laughed. And of course, they love to ask many questions.
"Wow you're taking your sword! That's so cool! Isn't that cool, Nina?" Tobie asked his twin sister. Nina smiled and shrugged her shoulders. Out of the three, she was always the quiet one. Next thing I knew they started walking beside me.
"Hey, Tobie? Are you going to be like Emma when you grow up?" Abel asked.
"Yeah! Well if my mother is okay with it." Tobie replayed. I couldn't help but laugh some more. I was just like these kids growing up. I wanted to be just like Garth. My mother wasn't too happy about what I wanted to do when I was little. Well nether was my father, but they grew to except it. Maybe their parents will too.
"Why don't you kids go play somewhere else! Hurry up! Scat!" Shouted another voice. A voice that annoys me all the time. Quickly the kids scattered like rabbits in fear and ran off without a peep. I looked behind me shooting Silas an irritated look.
"You didn't have to do that!" I argued. Silas shrugged his shoulders and kept walking towards me. As always Silas is wearing that stupid beaver fur cap that covers his ugly short red hair. In his right hand is an axe that's resting over his shoulder. He works along with the lumbermen in Snowdrift, and he always delivers logs of wood over to my house. Besides his younger sister, I'm the only girl in Snowdrift who's around his age. What sucks, is the fact that this asshole favors me.
"So you're really leaving tomorrow? What am I going to do without my beautiful goddess around?" He asked. Hopefully you die alone. I thought to myself. "Hmm?" He hummed.
"Silas. I don't-"
"What do you say?" He said cutting me off as he backed me up against a tree. "Call your silly little adventure off. You can stay here. You... Me... Get married and have a couple of kids."
I wanted to vomit just thinking about it, but I wanted to vomit more from the smell of his putrid like breath. Just being between him and this tree is making me very uncomfortable.
"I rather not." I said quickly slipping away. Silas shot me a dirty look and took another step forward.
"Come on now. The gods have a plan for us! I reckon it!" He cried. I couldn't help, but laugh.
"Silas for all things that are holy, I highly doubt the gods have a plan for us. We went over this many times!" I said changing my voice firmly. "You want me to be your stay at home wife. I don't want to live that kind of life." I argued. Silas looked off into the forest with irritation written all over his face.
"You know. I swing my axe down everyday for you. I deliver wood to your home before anyone else so you can stay warm at night." He said quietly.
"I appreciate it, but-"
"I even go out of my way to deliver wood to your uncle's house. What more can I do for you?" He asked. I didn't know what to say. Nothing I can say. He'll just keep cutting me off. Instead of answering him, I turned around without thinking and continued walking towards the direction where Garth's house was. I should've just taken the shortcut.
"You'll marry me someday, Emerencia! I know you will!" He yelled. Suddenly there was a loud crack from behind me. I raised my shoulders up in fear and turned my head a bit. From the corner of my eye, I seen Silas's axe stuck in the trunk of a tree. I faced forward and just kept walking, but with a faster pace.
Yep. I'm definitely not going to marry that man. From behind me I could hear Silas pull the axe out of the tree and stomp away. Ever since we were kids, he always liked me. Of course I never played with him. He can be bossy, annoying, and I just don't like him! The day he found out that I'm leaving Snowdrift he just about had a litter of kittens. Since that day, Silas kept asking me to marry him.
Finally I was coming up to Garth's cabin. As usual he's out at his forge, but instead of working on tools, he was looking over the blade of his sword. Perhaps he's getting ready for tomorrow? As I walked over, Garth caught my movement from the corner of his eye and looked up.
"You weren't gone for too long."
"Father scarfed down his food and went straight back to work." I said.
"Being pressured by the Vaesite I'm sure. I highly suggest he starts mining in a new location. There's plenty of mountains around here. Besides, your father's mine is pretty close to the hot spring. I'm surprised they're still not feeling any heat yet."
"From what I seen, there are only eight minecarts filled. You think something will happen if the Vaesite arrive?" I asked. Garth looked up at the sky and brushed his chin with his index finger.
"I don't think so. There are plenty of iron mines in Epeon. If anything, the Vaesite will probably limit their trade with us. Garth said sheathing his sword.
"Preparing for tomorrow?" I questioned. Garth looked up at me with a puzzled look. "I noticed you were looking at your sword." I said pointing down at the weapon by his side.
"Oh no. Just checking for dullness on the edge. I'm all set for tomorrow."
"How about my sword? We haven't sharpened that in awhile." I suggested. Garth shook his head with a smile.
"It's fine as it is, Emma."
"But it's all rusty and I know there's some spots where the edge is dull." I said as I carefully drew my sword. Garth gently took the sword out from my hands and studied it from pommel to tip. With a smile he took five steps back and gave it a few swings. His movement was quick and steady. Each swing was almost like a quick flash.
"Brings back some old memories. It's still not bad for the first sword I ever forged. You know, I gave this one to Alita to be her first weapon too?" Garth asked.
I never knew that at all, so I shook my head at him. I remember Garth saying he made that for himself at a young age, but I guess he made himself the sword he has now and gave this one to Alita until he a forged a sword for her.
Garth suddenly stopped, he lowered his grip down to the guard, and handed his old sword back with the pommel facing towards me. "I think it'll be fine throughout our adventure." I grabbed the sword from him and looked at the blade with doubt.
"If you say so." I murmured, shrugging as I quirk my lips in a corner, momentarily sheathing the blade back in its place.
"I know so. That sword can last-" Suddenly he cut off and his blue eyes gazed at something behind me. I turned around facing where Garth was looking and seen the Vaesite soldiers dragging their feet through the snow. As usual there was three wagons being pulled by two horses each. Instead of them being filled with crates full of supplies, they were filled with a couple of armed soldiers passing weapons down to the soldiers below. Upfront as always there's the same man leading the group to the mine with an agitated look on his face.
"Garth, what's going on?" I questioned in a fearful tone.
"Follow me and keep quiet." Garth whispered as he began walking towards our shortcut to the mine. I looked back at the Vaesite soldiers and quickly followed after Garth. Before I knew it, we both disappeared into the thick pine forest following my tracks from earlier when I was delivering my father's lunch. My uncle was picking up his feet with every step to make as little noise as possible. I did the same, but the crunching sound our feet made with each step on the frozen snowy ground could not be muffled.
The soldiers are here armed with no supplies. Did my father really know this was going to happen? Is this why he was acting so strange for the past two weeks. If he really knew about it, why didn't he tell anyone of us? What's going to happen when the Vaesite reach the mine?
I continued following Garth, brushing away every branch that stood in my path. My uncle kept looking to the left making sure the trees and shrubs provided enough cover to hide us while we walk. As we came up to the opening, Garth paused and raised his hand up signaling me to stop. From the forest opening, I could see my father was standing along with a few other workers in front of the mine entrance watching as the soldiers arrived. Garth carefully made his way to some thick bramble to his right and got down on the ground.
"Over here." Garth whispered. I did as he said and laid on the ground right next him. From the path leading to the village, I could see the soldiers in red surround the mine. The Vaesite leading the group jumped off his horse and walked up to my father.
"Marth. Good afternoon to you." The Vaesite man greeted as he looked at the line of carts to the right of the mine.
"To you as well, General Lokir." My father replied.
"You got ten carts full this time, Marth? I only see eight." The general asked.
"Yes we have eight, but you gotta spare us! We got three more carts full than last time!" My father said anxiously.
"This isn't surprising. That's why our wagons isn't full of supplies. We gave you three warnings, Marth. There's a war going on at sea and it could soon be on our land. The King himself isn't pleased about the last three shipments. Nether am I. You know that." The general said calmly. With a punch in the gut I saw my father fall to the ground on his knees. Lokir grabbed his hair and ripped his head back so he was face to face with him. I let out a gasp in fear, but not loud enough for everyone to hear. Quickly Garth swung his hand over to cover my mouth.
"We warned you. Three times we warned you. My men and I are so sick and tired of making cold trips out to this village for shipments of ore, but you know what? It won't be a problem anymore. We're going to kill all of your lousy workers! I'm going to burn every building in your village to the fucking ground, steal all the livestock, and slaughter every damn villager that lives here. There's far more iron mines out there, and the King no longer gives a damn about this one!" Lokir snarled.
Quickly he pulled out his sword and held my father's neck back as he quickly slit a large cut into him. Blood dark as hell ran down my father's neck and onto his clothes. My uncle tightened his grip around my mouth as it muffled my cry. I watched as Lokir released my father, and kicked him down. My heart stopped and tears were running down my eyes onto my uncle's hand as I watched my father's body hit the ground. His eyes looked around at the soldiers feet. Beyond that, he spotted me. With what little life he had left in him, my father's eyes locked with mine from where he laid. His mouth opened ajar and his lips gently moved as he tried to say something to me, but his voice was silent. The snow around his head stained in dark red as his eyes suddenly froze upon me. He was gone. Dead...
All of a sudden the rest of the soldiers began to attack and torch the mine. Half of them turned around and headed to the village. My uncle turned to me with his face red with tears running down his eyes. For the first time in my life, I seen my uncle cry.
"We need to go, now!" Garth whispered. He released my mouth, and we both quickly got back up on our feet and bolted into the woods taking the shortcut back to the village. Just behind me I could hear half of the soldiers come hooting, and howling. I could feel the pine needles scratch, and stab into my skin as I ran into some branches. I ignored the stinging pain and kept running. Up ahead I seen the smoke rising in the air from chimneys. As we both ran out of the forest into the village we seen burning arrows strike the homes of the villagers.
"We're under attack!" My uncle alarmed. A few people who were outside that heard my uncle yell looked towards the path leading to the mine and seen Vaesite soldiers charging with their weapons drawn. Instantly the village roared with screams of fear. A few others shot out of their houses screaming as arrows flew threw their windows. Before my eyes the whole village was running in many directions, and arrows were flying everywhere. My heart was racing in fear as I kept tailing Garth. I followed him to the front of my neighbor, Cleon's house.
"Emma, go in your house and grab your mother! We're leaving!" Garth demanded as he pointed behind me. With a nod, I quickly shot around and ran over to my house. I could hear the sound of a few arrows zooming over my head causing me to panic even more. I ypurposely dropped to my knees and slid in the snow next to pile of logs for cover. Thank the gods Silas dropped wood off! I peeked my head out and seen Garth pounding on Cleon's front door.
"Cleon, grab you bow! We need to leave!" Garth yelled. Where I was, I couldn't see anything happening. Just loud noises, soldiers yelling, and children screaming bloody murder. By the gods, why is this happening! I got back up and quickly ran to my house. As soon as I got to the front door, I busted right through only to find the house was empty. Her boots were gone! She's somewhere in the village, but where?
From behind me, I could hear steps coming towards me. I drew my sword, and sprung around, almost striking my uncle in the chest. Behind him was Cleon with his bow armed and ready to shoot at the soldiers.
"It's just me!" Garth said pushing my sword aside. "Is your mother in the house?" He asked. I shook my head as tears came falling down harder.
"She isn't here, we need to find her!"
"No! It's too dangerous! We need to leave!" Garth yelled. "I'm going to grab something from my house, I want you and Cleon to take our shortcut into the forest. Cleon, shoot any soldiers that come this way. Preserve as much arrows as you can, and make sure Emma is safe!"
"Got it!" Cleon yelled as he watched the action behind him." Quickly I turned around and, I started racing to the center of the village. My mother has to be alive somewhere. I lost my father, I'm not losing her!
"Emma get back here!" I heard my uncle yell. I ignored him and kept running. I could see my neighbors ahead falling to the ground as arrows struck them. To the left, I seen another neighbor trying to quickly crawl away as a soldier pierced his sword down into his back. Aarus, why is this happening! What did we do to deserve this?
Ahead of me I can see the giant brush pile burning as three soldiers were shooting flames out from their hands. What the absolute hell! I never seen anything like it! I watched as a soldier was carrying little Tobie to the giant flames of the brush pile. Kicking and screaming, he couldn't break free. I changed direction towards Tobie. No child should be burned alive, and I can't watch it happen! Just then a hand grabbed my wrist and tugged. I turned my head in fear and seen Silas trying to pull me in a different direction.
"Get your grubby hands off me!" I screamed as I twisted my arm in a circle, breaking loose from his grip.
"I'm trying to rescue you!" He barked.
"I don't need your help!" I shouted back. I Looked back in the direction where the burning brush pile was, but it was too late. Time felt like it instantly slowed down as the soldier threw Tobie into the burning pile with two other soldiers shooting flames out of their hands right at the child. I could hear the seven year old screaming in pain. Blood curdling screaming digging into my ears. Tears continued to run down my face. My heart feels like it stops, beats fast, stops, and continues.
I turned around in anger, but Silas's body was still. He coughed blood out right in my face and fell to his knees. From below there was an arrow stuck in his upper back. I slowly brought my hand up and gently wiped the blood off my cheek.
Just then I went flying to my side as a body tackled me to the ground. I heard an arrow zip over head just missing me. I quickly turned my head and seen Garth trying to pull me up with one hand. In his other hand he was holding a sheathed sword that was completely black. A sword I never seen before.
"Are you trying to get yourself killed?" Garth screamed. I didn't know what to say. No words could leak through my lips. "I'm not going to have you die today, Emma! Now follow me!" Garth yelled as he tugged on my arm. I began to follow him once more. From behind I turned my head around as I heard stomping through the snow. Behind us I seen a soldier running up with a large battle axe. As the axe was coming down I quickly shook my hand free from Garth's grip, and dived to the left. I got up and pulled out my uncle's old sword thinking I could finish the soldier right here. I took a swing at the soldier's face leaving a big bloody gash. Garth kept running for a bit and then he turned his head in panic.
"Get him, Emma!" He shouted. The soldier placed his hand on his cheek and laughed. Suddenly he straightened his back to ready his next swing.
"What are you going to do with that pathetic rusty blade, lass?" He laughed. "You're both weak! Just like the rest of your people." He insulted as he lifted his axe up high in the air once again. With another swing of his axe my blade broke off from half way as I blocked his attack. Just then my uncle plowed his sword right into the soldiers chest. All of a sudden an arrow struck the soldier in the back of the head, coating my uncle's face in blood. From where the shot was taken stood another Vaesite soldier. He must of missed trying to aim at Garth. Quickly Garth pulled his sword out of the soldiers body, and held the black sword out to me. I dropped my half broken sword onto the ground and retrieved it from his hand.
"Alright now let's get out of here!" He shouted once more as we continued running, I looked behind me and seen the same soldier with a readied arrow into his bow.
"Get down!" I commanded as I quickly dropped down to the ground with Garth by my side. Within seconds I could hear the arrow whistle as it went flying overhead. We quickly got back up and charged to Garth's house which is now burning in flames. Around the building Cleon wasn't in site. Could he be dead or alive? His body wasn't anywhere in site.
To the right, I seen one soldier running down the path towards us with the general right behind them. Out from Garth's house came a soldier with a torch. He seen us charging his way, and pulled out his sword with his other hand.
"Garth, there's two behind us!" I panicked.
"We'll lure them into my house, we'll fight them in there!" He replied. His house? Has he gone mad? His house is on fire! Garth quickly blocked the soldier's attack in front of his house and grabbed him for a shield. I quickly got behind my uncle and I heard an arrow thud as it pierced into the soldiers back. Garth dropped the man's body and headed inside the burning house with me following right behind him. I could feel the flames around me heating up my body. From inside, I couldn't see with black smoke flooding the air. The smoke itself was literally blinding me in pain. My eyes wanted to force shut it stung so much! Just then a soldier came in with his bow pointed right at me. Without the soldier knowing that my uncle was hiding in the smoke beside him, he readied his bow. Garth quickly swung his blade right towards the lower limb of the bow, snapping the weapon in half.
With Garth's free hand, he elbowed the soldier directly in the face. My uncle then stepped behind the man and held him close as his blade quickly slide against his throat. Garth released the man and stepped back from the door. From behind me, I could hear crumbling as one of the walls collapsed. I turned around and seen an exit appeared.
"Garth this way!" I shouted.
"Right! Let's get out of here!" He hollered as he bolted for the burning exit first. I followed after him and instantly tripped on something, sending me straight onto the scorching hot floor. I watched as Garth made it out. He turned around to check if I was behind him. Suddenly the roof in that area clasped blocking the way out. There is only one way out, and that's the way I came. If I don't leave now then I'm going to burn along with this house. Quickly I got onto my feet and raced to the door. Out of nowhere I crashed into the general leading the group. He pushed me to the floor and drew his sword. I began to crawl back trying to get away from him. I backed up so far that my body pressed up against the hot wall.
"Are you going to kill me? The way you killed my father!" I yelled in anger.
"So you're Marth's daughter? Ah yes. Your father didn't do his job correctly so I had to punish him along with the rest of your village, but for a beautiful young girl like you. I'm going to give you an option. I could let you burn in this house, or I take you with me. Which is it?" He questioned.
"Fuck you!" I yelled. The soldier laughed at me and turned around.
"So be it." The soldier said as he began walking out the door.
"General Lokir." I said. The man stopped and turned his head towards me. "I will remember you, and what you've got done! I promise that I will find you!" I snarled. Lokir laughed and continued walking. He turned his head and looked at me from the corner of his teal yellow eyes.
"I highly doubt it in your situation." He smiled. As he left the burning building I heard from above me the roof was crackling. I looked up and seen it slowly breaking. Quickly I ran out of the way as the the ceiling came crashing down on the floor blocking the entry way. Sparks of ash rose into the air and flames grew higher. In seconds the floor began to catch fire, and spread. I began taking off my coat it was so hot.
"Emma! Are you still in there?" No doubt I could tell by the voice it was my Uncle Garth calling to me.
"I'm in here Garth!" I screamed.
"You need to get out of there!" He demanded.
"Garth! I need help! I don't know where to go!" I cried. There was no response. "Garth? Garth are you there?" I screamed. I could feel the house grow hotter to the point where I couldn't take it. Dark smoke was filling my lungs and I had to think fast. I looked back at the opening from where the roof collapsed. Without thinking I quickly stuffed the sword between my belt and my body, quickly I climbed up the hot wall. My hands were beginning to burn. As fast as I could, I shot over the other side face planting into the cold snow.
The smoke in my lungs were making me dizzy and life was twisting and turning. The ground was cold, but it didn't bother me. I brought my head up and seen the soldiers marching around kicking dead bodies to make sure they're dead. Everything became a blur and I felt my face suddenly plant back into the snow, and life went black.
- In Serial53 Chapters
Stuck in the Void Wastelands, a group of courageous paladins fights to defend the portal that bridges their world to other Planes. Cut from civilization, and after decades of fighting, from the providence of their Goddess, they continued their eternal vigil even if they continued to fall one after another. Until, at last, only one Paladin is left standing. Artreus, the lone Paladin, after years of isolation, continued to fight, not for their world, or their Goddess, but the memory of his comrades. He continued to surpass insurmountable odds using the experience and knowledge imparted by his dear friends. His body battered, but his will unbroken. Until one day, he comes face to face with a Demon Lord and perished. Floating in the vast darkness, the Goddess once more called for his service. He accepted without hesitation. Not to serve the gods who abandoned them to their fate, but to save the world he and his companions swore to protect. For even if he gets beaten and defeated, even if he have to stand alone against the world, he will stand vigilant as it's protector, to uphold the oath they all swore. For he is the Unbroken.
8 205 - In Serial13 Chapters
Welcome to Xector, a world where humans have gifts of both mana and ki. A world where humans are trying their best to extinguish monsters plaguing the land. A world where one boy's dream becomes reality. Accompany this boy in his journey not only filled with countless trials and tribulations but also romance and of course we can't miss out on crude jokes which a teenager needs.
8 98 - In Serial8 Chapters
Daddy's Girl?
Rated for 19+ not 18+?This story is one of my fantasies. Btw, hi I'm Cassie. I'm 19 fixing to be 20 in September. My boyfriend/baby daddy/future husband will be 21 in June. ? it sucks for him tho. I've been writing him stories like this. ?Anyways, I hope y'all like this.#ddlg #bdsm #bdsmcommunity #ddlglifestyle#daddysgirl #submissive #brat #collared #imhis #dominance #naughtygirl #goodgirl #fetish
8 128 - In Serial14 Chapters
The Core of a Factory
An abandoned steampunk arms factory, in the middle of a conflict torn former state of the Empire it served, gains a soul. This transforms it into a Lord, capable of turning land into power. Beset by enemies on all sides it must figure out how to win the war its creators lost a century ago. This is a progressive Dungeon Core novel (which is to say the core will progress and expand in scale, eventually) across multiple dimensions with different characteristics (e.g. steampunk, magic, mythological). It has rationalist leanings (paragraphs of reasoning) and litrpg leanings (there are stat blocks). The core game mechanical idea is something like "what if different flavors of magic power actually did come from controlling land" and then the story is: "what if there was a flavorless (artifact deck) dungeon core". Chapters will be relatively short (my aim is that in three column format each would fit on a wide screen monitor), the first few chapters - setting up the main character and mechanics - are currently the longest in the entire series. I write chapters in blocks, and then release them one a weekday (M-F; 6 PM GMT, unless RoyalRoad's publish thing screws up) until I run out. There may be a few days of gaps here and there if someone finds an egregious error I have to re-write around or if I am behind. In general though one can read this once a weekend. I may do slight retconns and edits, I'll make sure to put it in an authors note if I do.
8 89 - In Serial120 Chapters
The world's first VRMMO [ Fantasy Online] have just begun. All the people couldn't help but felt excited beyond belief, dreaming new adventures and becoming heroes that fight monsters. However, when the game goes live, the elation of these people quickly turns to horror as they discover that it was impossible to log-out. Though an eccentric, self-proclaimed hedonist, Hero Stein, became one of these players. Gave his all to survive and protect the people he wanted to protect but it seems the women of fate have something in store for him. Involved in the fight between gods! Can he create a new myth that transcends all other existing myths? Is the world they thought really was nothing but a bunch of data? A fictional world? Just what and who is the real Hero Stein...?!
8 232 - In Serial154 Chapters
Shakespeare's 154 Sonnets (Completed )
Shakespeare's Sonnets is the title of a collection of 154 sonnets by William Shakespeare, which covers themes such as the passage of time, love, beauty and mortality. The first 126 sonnets are addressed to a young man; the last 28 to a woman.The sonnets are almost all constructed from three quatrains, which are four-line stanzas, and a final couplet composed in iambic pentameter. This is also the meter used extensively in Shakespeare's plays. The rhyme scheme is abab cdcd efef gg. Sonnets using this scheme are known as Shakespearean sonnets. Often, the beginning of the third quatrain marks the volta ("turn"), or the line in which the mood of the poem shifts, and the poet expresses a revelation or epiphany.
8 184