《A new world a new Chance(DROPPED)》Prologue


My name is John Stann, I’m 26 years old, a college dropout, but with good reason. I am currently self-employed as a farmer in which I just started to manage the family farm, since my father died a year ago of a heart attack. This is the cause of why I dropped-out, as my mother had died four years previously, before my father’s death.

I have no siblings or any relatives left, except the farm and my dog Gracie, being a Golden Retriever. I am too busy managing the day-to-day affairs of the farm that even my college and my hobbies are being affected and neglected. By the way, my hobbies of which prevent in me having no time in which to socialise, being it; meeting women, chances to make new connections/friends, all except the people from the market, which I go to buy or sell livestock and feed.

I always liked reading light novels, Manga, comics and playing any online games specially the VRMMO (short for Virtual Reality Massively Multiplayer Online) type games. Before all this, the free time which I had, I just enjoyed pursuing my hobbies, of which I was a real fanatic in these kinds of things.

But everything changed when the farm was passed upon me and the bills start coming in. It is really hard to manage a farm, in which forced me to temporarily stop pursing my hobbies. It also involved waking up very early, feeding the cows, pigs and chickens. I then usually had to move on and then start to clean the pig and cow pens and also various places around the farm. I started to also prepare the land for the next season, plough new crop fields, fix the barn and do the other chores to keep the farm going.

Today, I went and took some eggs down to the market to sell and in which I even managed in making a deal with the market butcher, as to selling a pig. I then bought enough groceries for the month and then finally headed home.


As I neared the house, I saw him. His name, being Brian, is also my friend & banker and unlike me, he finished college, finally graduating in Law studies. He is currently just waiting at the front of my house pacing. I knew, by just looking at him, that he’s the carrier of bad news. Brian, having that kind of face, a face full of disappointment and so I just asked him; ”What brings you here today Brian?”

Brian just responded with “can we talk inside…?”

As we both entered my house, with my dog following us inside as well, we headed into the living room and me, sat down on the chair by the table and Brian went over and sat on the couch. Brian then started to pull something out of and onto his brief case.

Brian then said with a long breath; “I'm sorry John, I can't do anything, I tried…”

I replied; “its fine, I knew that this day would come, managing a farm is not easy or cheap…so now what…? What should I do…? I’ve lost what my father fought most of his life for…”

Brian responded with; “I’m really sorry. The bank will give you 30 days so you can finalize everything; I'm really, really sorry John. Here’s the documents, I suppose least you not just waiting around and can finally make a descision.”

After our talk, Brian went home and I started to call some people who I knew I could sell the farm animals to. I currently have 7 cows, 28 chickens and 13 adult pigs…I sold them all, as I really knew these day would come. I’ll try to sell my tractor tomorrow to Mr and Mrs Williams, if not I’ll just find someone else. My farming days were now basically over, so no point holding onto everything.


That night I walked around the farm recalling my memories of my father. I recalled once he told me something, when I was still young, that I will never forget. He said: “Son, someday the world of someone else will need you and when that time comes, it will be your choice that will change the future of both your worlds”. I also remembered some discussion about continuing my college interests and what would or should be best for my future.

As I recalled those words, I sat down on a tree stump and I looked up into the sky; the sky tonight was clear and full of stars. Suddenly, a single raindrop, fell and hit me on the cheek and then also darkness enveloped my sight and my heart filled with regrets and sadness. Then suddenly, a pop-up screen (like you see on smartphones and internet webpages) showed up before me, out of nowhere.

I said to myself in confusion: “What the hell!!!”

I fell to the floor from where I was currently sitting; due to the shock in which I then immediately stood up and just looked the screen which had just popped out of nowhere. As I calmed down and remembered the novels that I’ve read before, so I just read the words written in the pop-up screen still in front of me.

The world of Reath needs you. Will you enter

this world and help them ?

Yes No

I suddenly saw an opportunity, a new start, the same as the light novels and Manga’s I've read so many times in the past and hopefully maybe also the chance of magic. Without doubts; I pressed the upon the word ‘Yes’ with my finger and an angelic woman’s voice responded and started saying:

“Confirmed authorization… searching for available physical form. Upgrades; semi-cheat mode detected.....changes applied..... Restarting.... applying all changes.”

Soon after I’d heard the voice, I started to fell drowsy and felt my consciousness slipping until I finally lost consciousness. Just as I lost consciousness; I had just made a simple single wish, I wished for: a new chance…

End of prologue

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