《Void Emperor》Inheritance of the Dragon swordsman


It took 2 weeks before he upgraded to a third stage warrior,cultivation was hard!

If normal people who took a minimum of 2 years to break through the next realm heard him?They would vomit blood!

The past 2 weeks were focused on clan’s development and future plans,the blacksmiths and alchemists really had it tough though.

Not only did they spend their entire days forging weapons and refining pills,they also had to create the Human puppet.

Dante described how her appearance should be to Mira while she did the designing.

“Even though it took longer than usual,it looks perfect.

She will definitely make me look like a spoiled brat from a powerful clan and that is exactly the impression that I wanna leave”

The puppet had the body of a female and its skeleton was made out of dragon scales,she also had 2 small horns made out of emerald gemstones.

“The blue prints say that once the core is placed inside,the puppet will start generating actual flesh..It will really take the appearance of a living being...

By the way i would also like it if you designed her a maid’s outfit,people will definitely think that I am a prince”

The only thing missing was the core,the higher the core’s stage was the stronger would the puppet be.But that matter was easy to deal with.

All he needed to do was put the dragon cores in the ancient cauldron and have them fight one another till they upgrade,the only problem was that such a fight would surely scare every beast on the area.An aura of a dragon was no joke!

The tribesmen still needed to hunt for cores after all and thats all he cared about.

“The only way to leave this place would be through the death canyon,which coincidentally isnt far away from the inheritance cave shown in my map”


He thought that he was now strong enough to get and find out what the tribe’s founder had left for him there,and he was confident for 2 reasons.

The first reason was his juggernaut transformation,even though he never went through that transformation before,just the fact that it was locked until he upgraded to 3d stage should be prove its might.

And secondly,the tribe’s founder!

If Dante had to make a guess,the guy was probably a 9th stage warrior who offended a big shot from a powerful clan and was left with no choice but to escape to the death planes,and when he got here he found the tribe.

Even though he must have lost over 70% of his powers from the poison miasma,a 9th stage warrior has experienced too much not to survive the beasts roaming around here,but he still lost his powers...so there is no way he could have prepared a super powerful trap under those circumstances.

“Well,even if we face danger your teleport skill will get us out of trouble easy,right buddy”

He asked Terry while messing with his feathers.

“Nephew,will you leave after obtaining the patriarch’s inheritance?”

“Yes grandma,but no worries i will leave my servants here.I will only take 5 warriors from the tribe in order to have them experience the outside world,and of course the Gu brothers,their alchemy skills should come in handy”

He had forced them to work like slaves for 2 weeks straight in order to get enough pills potions and weapons needed to set up business,so taking them with him was a must...as for the warriors.Well!

Those apes could only be taught by experiencing things on their own!

“Dont make that face Maria,I need you here further my plans,you are the only one familiar with my way of doing things.


Start approaching warriors from the other tribes through giving them minor benefits like food or healing their spirit channels.

As for the miasma elemental spirit that I created,give it to Gaya and use her to heal their inner spirits !I have left enough wolf and sabertooth tiger spirits needed to annex them”

Even though tempted to take the altar with him,he decided to let the tribe use it so they could improve their strength.

Dante knew that if he became selfish and chose to only improve his own strength,sooner or later he might face trouble and die by the hands of some 1000 year old geezer like those main characters from the wuxia novels he read.

What he truly needed was an army,only such might would make others think twice before making a move on him.

“Once I have obtained the inheritance i will fly back here with Terry to pick up the goods and the ones who will accompany me to Lunaria.

dont worry Maria,i will make sure to bring you a good spirit beast when i return”

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