《Void Emperor》Goblin dungeon I


Everything looked like a dream,while he had yet to recover from the “guardian deity” message,this world just went on to pull a stunt like this.

“Besides,aren’t these goblins those creatures that young master slays on video games?”

Maria had seen him play games all the time so she knew what goblins were

“The thing is,they are also supposed to be weak but they just smashed a guard in one hit”

The guard may have been a douche but they still undergo training, you can’t be a prison guard if you’re a weakling .

“I shall protect you with my life ,you will be safe”

She quickly went into action ,the goblin tried to hit her but she easily evaded and kicked the goblin’s head.

The goblin fell down easily which made the others attack Maria in frenzy.

She quickly took the goblin’s great sword and used it to attack them.

The woman had high combat efficiency by human standards so killing them was not hard,but not all of the goblins were dead,most of them just took the hit and went down.

“Quickly,reach for the keys and remove my hand cuffs”

Maria took the keys from the guard’s corpse and used it to remove his prison cuffs.

Once free,he reached for a big rock near a goblin and smashed his head.

A silver light and a black light fell from the sky and engulfed them.

The silver light chose Maria while the black one chose Dante,then both of them received the same notification.

“Congratulations,you have awakened.

From now on you have become an awakened being”

Name: Dante

Level: 1 (5 out of 10 xp)

Strength: 8



Class:None/Has the potential to be a dark mage

Inner spirit:none








Inner spirit:None


You now have access to inventory and cosmic market where you can buy/sell everything.

Maria had 70 cosmic coins while Dante only had 10 ,made sense since he only killed one goblin while she killed 7.

“This world really has become a video game”

“Young master are you okay?I think i have gone crazy..I might be seeing things”

Maria seemed to think what was happening was unreal,she was worried that at this state she wouldn’t be able to look after him.

Such care even made him give her a smile,which was interrupted by the Chiik Chiik noises of the goblins who stood up again.

“This is happening for real,we just have to kill them or we will die”

But she still seemed to think she had gone nuts,his words did not seem to get through her and the goblins were coming closer and closer.

“Maria,i order you to kill those goblins”

Once she heard her master’s order,she pulled herself together almost immediately and went attacking them with her sword.

Dante took the rock again and smashed another goblin’s head.

He could now see things differently,once he locked his eyes in the direction of a goblin a health bar would appear at the top of his head.

Lvl 1 goblin : Health 5/20

Both of them went on to kill the remaining goblins which led to both of them reaching level 2

“Wow,this really is like a game.I know its sick to think of this as fun but it is kind of addicting “

Dante:Lvl 2

Stats point available:3

He put 2 stat points on strength and one on stamina while Maria put one in stamina one in strength and one in mana.


“What do we do now young master?”

Dante took a sword from a dead goblin and tried to appraise it

Rusty great sword

Attack power :3


Skill:Heavy swing

After thinking for a minute he used his inner voice to say “open cosmic market”

A blue screen appeared in front of him which looked like a computer screen.

And the market seemed to be like a multi verse online shop.....you could really buy anything in there.

There were weapons potions outfits skill books ingredients and even slaves.

Combat slave: Ear tribe demon fox


Strength: 70



Price:200 cosmic coins

“The guardian deity wasn’t joking when he said to stop binding ourselves with morals,these dudes are literally selling slaves online”

He walked near the portal and tried to touch it,but the hand touched nothing and went through it.

Goblin dungeon

Difficulty : easy

He walked near Maria and started explaining everything to her.

“I kind of get the gist of it,basically now portals with monsters appear.

If we kill them we get stronger and we survive,if they kill us we die”

Even Maria had understood this much, after all she was also receiving system notifications .

“So what do we do now”

“Inside the portal is a dungeon,basically where the goblins live.

How about we go kill them and get stronger?”

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