《Void Emperor》Dante


Planet Earth 2050 ,inside the Richardson cell number 54 the prison guard barged in

“Dante ,you got visitors,its that hot bitch with the blonde hair again?Say, how about you lend her to me for a night or two?I might let you smuggle in a telephone or something in return”

The Dante he was referring to was a man aged 20 who got sentenced life in prison for tax evasion and attempted murder.

Even though he was young no renowned family in the capital city dared underestimate him.

After both of his parents mysteriously died his uncle Stephan inherited their company houses and cars,which was more than enough proof for Dante to realise that his parents were killed by him.

Dante’s way of thinking was very simple,every time a person dies the culprit is the one who benefits the most of his death...so he needed no more proof to extract vengeance on his uncle.

Dante was 15 at the time so he was spared because everyone knew him to be a trash whose only talent was playing video games.

But underestimating him was their biggest mistake,because Dante was not a weirdo he was just a very cold and ruthless and lonely person who did not like people.

He was born with what he liked to call a “condition” ,simply said when things did not go his way he would snap and turn ruthless and use any means necessary to get what he wants,but what made him so scary was the fact that he always thought things through.

No matter how south things went,that little guy always had a way out,his way of thinking was so scary that most of the city gangs and factions called him the “viper brat” which was a nickname that he hated.


After all as far as nicknames go,the “viper brat” wasn’t the coolest now was it?

After using all his underhanded methods he managed to avenge his parents but unfortunately he was cought attempting to murder his uncle which had tightened up his security a lot,especially after losing 200 of his men and after witnessing the death of his son that came from unknown causes.

Uncle Stephan knew that Dante was after his life so he used a body double (someone who looked just like him) and got him in prison for attempted murder.

No matter how many plans of escaping Dante had he couldn’t escape the government’s chase so this time he got locked up for life in prison.

As the saying goes:

You should never mess with the government or with a woman who just found out that she got cheated on.....

The blonde haired hot babe that this guard was talking about was in fact his butler Maria which was also his only accomplice.

Just like most of the rich kids in this day and age,every family young master was granted a servant with high battle capabilities.

The family gave Maria and many other orphans shelter and nurtured them to be servants,by the time she was 12 Maria was given to Dante to do whatever he wanted with her.

Be it her mind body or life Maria was trained to give it to Dante without any second thoughts,but more so she obeyed this young master because she really thought he had a bright future and was a capable man .

When Dante got life in prison at such a young age,Maria would come and see him every week in attempt to make him escape prison or even make him feel less lonely,thats why Dante trusted Maria even more than he trusted his own self.


He got up quick and used his body to push the guard against the wall.

“If you have dirty thoughts about Maria again,i will make sure you die old rat”

His eyes didn’t blink,he was dead serious.

That stare was the stare of a man who has taken lives before,the old guard shivered

“You cant kill me,the government will make you pay”

Dante smiled at this old fool

“Im already locked up for life,what makes you think I can’t kill you?”

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