《World Merge》[Arc 1] Chapter 8: Brutus's Promotion



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{ } = POV

[ ] = Titles/Move names

Location: Runscav, Draacia Kingdom, Paradisial Plains

{Rex Yamamoto}

Date: 17-25 days since Merge

Well, I can’t say it was easy, but we managed to get Brutus to rank up to bronze within a week.

Brutus had been stuck in bed due to his injuries, which had prevented him from moving for 2 whole days. During those 2 days, we gave a proper introduction of ourselves to Brutus, explaining to him that we were from a different world and how our worlds had combined. We also told him of our experiences since the Merge, such as how we ended up as adventurers.

However, on the third day, we were shocked at what we saw when we entered Brutus’s room. His body had completely recovered! His broken bones and wounds had been completely healed!

We were dumbfounded by the speed of his recovery, and asked him for an explanation about his rapid recovery.

“Ah, that’s right, you’re not from this world, so you wouldn’t have heard about a goblin’s special monster attribute. For goblin’s it’s known as [Recover]. It’s a special skill that is given to all goblin’s when they’re born.”(Brutus)

Now let’s pause here for a second and once again go over the monster race. In short, what we’ve already covered about the monster race is that their strength is their inhuman abilities and their weakness is their level of intelligence. These special abilities can range from fire-breathing to herculean strength. However, this doesn’t mean that their abilities are limited to offense. For goblins and other -- let’s call them “low leveled” -- monsters, their special abilities tend to be more oriented toward helping them survive. In the case of goblins, this would be [Recover]. Recover doesn’t help goblins to instantly recover from their injuries, however it does speed up the rate of recovery to 5 times of what it should be. For example, an injury that would usually take up to a week to recover from will only take around 1.5 days. Also, any broken bones and wounds will also mend themselves, making it seem like the injuries were never there.


Goblins don’t commonly have any scars on their bodies due to [Recover]. However, it is possible for a goblin to be scarred, however those scars have a completely different meaning. Whereas a scar on a human may mean that they had some sort of injury and it just never fully healed, a scar on a goblin represent a near-death experience for them. A goblin can only be scarred if their wound was due to a fatal attack. Although most goblins will die due to a fatal attack, those with higher ability in [Recover] can sometimes survive a fatal blow. This will, however, leave a scar on the area where the fatal wound had been. In goblin culture, a goblin with many scars is usually called a [Revigast], a goblin that should have been dead but is still walking among the living.(Note: We learnt about all this from both Brutus and Lilica)

Now, after he had recovered, we had to choose a passive class for him(note: he had already been registered by Lilica while he had been injured). After much deliberation on what would class would best fit Brutus and would also benefit our party, we finally settled on the class of [Harvester].

As you might’ve guessed from the name, it’s a class that’s main role is to harvest raw material. This can range from gathering herbs in the forest, to mining raw ores from mines. For the next 7 days (not including the time he had spent being tutored by the guild given instructor), we would get him to take priority quests to quickly raise his rank within the guild. Once he had met the quota, the guild offered him the chance to taken the promotion test, which he accepted.

His test was in the same dojo-like building that we had taken our promotion test in. The interior had been completely altered, and now looked like the innermost part of a rainforest. Brutus’s test was to harvest as many resources as he possibly could within an hour. The least he needed to gather was 20kg worth of resources. By the end of the hour, he had managed to harvest 35kg worth of raw resources.


At the end of his test, the test proctor came up to us and said,

“Congratulations, it looks like you’ve added another odd one into your party.”(Test Proctor)

I don’t know if that was meant to be complement or an insult. He had said the words with the utmost sincerity, however his face had remained expressionless.

With the test complete, our party celebration of another member of our party (of course, we invited Lilica as well). We are now, once again, prepared to take on Bronze level quests.

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