《World Merge》[Prologue] Chapter 3: The Void Mage



( ) = Speaker

{ } = POV

[ ] = Titles/Move names

Location: Scorching Wastes

{Rex Yamamoto}

Date: 8 days since Merge

How, how did it come to this...

During the 3 days before we set off into the Scorching Wastes, we had been preparing for the journey. The first day was mainly dedicated to researching what we needed. In terms of travel wear, we ended up settling with a T-shirt and shorts so that we could reduce the effect of heat on our bodies. We also planned to wear a yukata over the T-shirt and shorts, as it's light and covers a decent amount of the body, protecting those areas from the sun rays. For that same reason, we also planned to wear a shemaghs around our heads. Of course, we still decided to bring sunblock along just in case. We'd wear hiking boots and gloves as well due to the terrain. We'd also bring a pair of long pants, long sleeved shirts, and pillow to use during the night. It actually took us around one and a half hours to decide this, as we were trying to find clothing that not only suited the journey, but would also allow us to react quickly should we come across any monsters.

Next was food. We settled on 17 days worth of nutrition bars and a couple of dried fruits, anything else would most likely spoil along the way. The additional 5 days worth of food just in case the journey took longer than expected, which it most likely would.

Now came the hard part, water. We had planned to pack both the water and food in one duffle bag that was filled instant cold packs. We knew the cold packs wouldn't last too long, but they would at least buy some time before water started heating up. We planned to fill several 24 ounce thermoses with ice so that the water would stay cool for a longer period of time. However to stay healthy, the average human needed to drink 64 ounces per day to stay healthy. To even carry the amount we needed for the expected duration of the trip, which was 12 days, would require us to carry 32 bottles each. That would not only not fit into the duffle bag, but would 22 kg to our total weight. We ended up only being able to fit 19 bottles into the bag. If were to drink the 64 ounces a day, we'd only have enough to last us a week. Thus, it seems like we'll have to ration the amount we drink to around a bottle a day. However, this still ended up adding around 13 kg to our total weight. In the end, our duffle bags, carrying both our food, water, and sleeping supplies, weight around 18 kg.

The second day was spent buying these supplies. You'd probably expect that after being placed in the middle of the desert, stores would be crammed with people trying to buy supplies to survive what would, by the majority, be seen as the apocalypse. However, that wasn't the case. Although Japan had ended up in the middle of Scorching Wastes, parts of Japan were still connected to the ocean, and farming land remained fertile. It seemed like the Scorching Wastes had no affect on the overall environment of Japan, meaning Japan's food supply and sources would remain unchanged. How does all of this make any sense? I don't know, it probably has something to do with game logic being applied to the real world. Kind of like how there are safe zones for beginners, where player killing is banned and hostile mobs don't spawn. Well, as long as everything's alright for now it doesn't matter that much.


Anyways, we managed to buy everything we needed in roughly 12 hours. We spent another hour picking up Pops's weapons, doing maintenance when needed. These weapons were kept in a special warehouse not far from where we lived; only half an hour from where we lived. Of course, I'm assuming the reason that Pops is allowed to even store and posses these weapons relate to his former proffesion, but as I said before he doesn't want to tell me what he did so I won't ask. Out of the weapons that were stored in the warehouse, we decided to bring along were a katana, desert eagle, and brass knuckles. There were better weapons stored, however they would only add to the large amount of weight we were already carrying. Speed and efficiency were at the top of our minds right now. Any more weight, and we wouldn't be able to cross the Wastes before our supplies ran out.

The third day was spent making sure we had everything we needed. Once we did, we set off into the Scorching Wastes. Or at least we tried to. The Japanese Special Defense Forces, aka the JSDF, had set up a perimeter around the entire city of Tokyo! We spent the entirety of that day just looking for a gap through that defense, and we found it at around midnight. Although they've been trained to be hardened soldiers, this situation would still cause any normal person to feel anxious. Thus, mistakes do occur. A gap in the perimeter started to form, and we took it as our chance to escape. We dashed at full speed out into the Wastes, only slowing down when we were at least 2 kilometers away. It would suck if we were mistaken as enemies and got shot. Our journey then began.

Now back to the present. It's been around 5 days since we set off into the Scorching Wastes. Up till now, we haven't faced many problems. We have come across a few sand scorpions, but we've managed to slip by them. There was an incident 2 nights ago where a cockatrice appeared during the night. Luckily, Pops had been keeping watch and woke me up as it began to approach us. We both charged at it, and while I took the lead, Pops stayed close behind. The moment I came within its range, it drove its beak towards me with the intention of piercing my chest. I managed to dodge its attack, and Pops quickly followed up by slicing its neck. With that, the cockatrice let out a death cry and collapsed on the ground. Killing it was a lot easier than I thought it would be. However, the cockatrice's death cry attracted unwanted attention. A basilisk suddenly emerged from a sand dune around 20 meters away from where we were. It must've used that sand dune as a makeshift nest so that it wouldn't be attack in the middle of the night. We began to run as the basilisk made its way over towards us. Luckily, it seemed to be more interested in the cockatrice corpse than us, so we managed to get away unscathed. After that night, the next few days up till today were uneventful.


Today, we came across another one of the few beasts we hoped we wouldn't come across while we were out here. A single Giant Centipede emerged from the ground and faced us, its lower half still buried beneath the sand. It's exoskeleton as strong as the frame of a tank, acid oozing out of its gaping mouth lined with rows of razor sharp teeth, this was a monster that couldn't be taken lightly. Well, couldn't be taken lightly is probably an understatement in our current situation. I feel like the words impossible and suicidal would be more precise. With just a katana, desert eagle, and some brass knuckles, we had no chance of winning. Guess lady luck wasn't smiling upon my step-dad today. We both took a battle ready stance though, as escape was still a possibility. Giant Centipedes around 100 meters in length and 15 meters in width, making there range of attack to be pretty large. However, their overall speed was still slower than our fastest sprint. If we just managed to dodge its attacks and look for an opening, we still had a chance to get out of this alive. However, that chance never came.

The Giant Centipedes tail emerged behind us. Barbed in poison covered needles, it charged straight toward us. Approaching at a speed that was faster than we could dodge, our chances of survival had become null. Well, that was until he arrived.

"[Black Hole]!"(Unknown)

Following the sudden and unexpected voice, a black vortex appeared above the centipede's head. The centipede was sucked in without a chance to resist. We looked at where the voice had come from, and there appeared a man donned in black templar knight armour.

"Hey! Are you guys alright? I'm glad I managed to get to you in time!"(Black Knight)

At the black knight's voice, Pops was the first to respond.

"Yup, we're all good here, thanks for the save! But who are you? Furthermore, we can understand you, but you're definitely not Japanese..."(Pops/Takeru)

An air of caution was mixed in with Pops's words. The stranger's response, in contrast, had a much wamer tone.

"Huh? Ah, I see, you must be from one of those new cities that appeared. I'll explain it to you later. Where are you heading? As newcomers to this world, I don't mind helping you out a bit, especially since you'd most likely die if I left you out here."(Black Knight)

The stranger laughed following his last comment.

This guy is way too friendly! Offering help to strangers without even asking about who they were. This guy is either dangerous or way too naive. However, the fact that he's dressed in all black is definitely leading me to believe that he’s dangerous. I mean, all evil villains where black right? Am I being too stereotypical? Probably, but in this situation, it’s probably better to be overly suspicious.

Thoughts such as those ran through my mind. Luckily for me, I have what people call a resting bitch face (RBF, or what some might call "resting bastard face" for guys), so my internal panic wasn't shown.

However before I could say anything,

"Thanks for the offer! We're planning on heading to the closest town.”(Pops/Takeru)

I turn to look at my step-father, and his gaze told me to just trust him on this. So, I kept my mouth shut and continue to listen.

"Ah, that would be Runscav, a small town not far from the border to the Scorching Wastes. I was planning to head back there myself when I saw you guys, so this works perfectly for me."(Black Knight)

"I see. Might I ask what you might've been doing out here? With armor as thick as yours, it couldn't be that you were just merely taking a stroll," Pops joked.

The stranger laughed while replying, "Of course not, I was out hunting Giant Centipedes. Actually, meeting you two helped me out. I was having a hard time finding another one after the first few. With that one, I've finally finished my quota of 50 Giant Centipedes."

50!? What the fuck!? He's a monster!!

Once again, my internal shock was disguised by my RBF.

With that, he turns and stretches out his right arm and says,

"[Gate]"(Black Knight)

With that, a gate appears before us that opens to what looks like the outskirts of a town.

"Step right through and we'll be at the outskirts of Runscav," the black knight said in with cheerful tone.

"Thanks!" Pops quickly followed up with another question, as if he had just realized he had forgotten about it. "Ah, but we still don't know who you are?"

The knight was surprised at the question, but soon began to laugh heartily.

"Hahaha, that's right! I'd almost forgotten to introduce myself. My name is Lance Brygld, also known as the [Void Mage]. I'm a mage who specialize in creating voids, a rather uncommon power even amongst all the mages of the various different kingdoms and empires. I hope we can be friends newcomers!"(Lance)

Dammit, this guy is acting way too friendly! For all we know, we could die the second we step through this portal! However, our chances of making it through the Scorching Wastes aren’t that great either. Hell, based on the recent events, it looks like we wouldn’t have even lasted a week out here. I glance at Pops to see what he thinks we should do, and he just nods his head. Seems like we had come to the same conclusion. At Lances invitation, we stepped through the gate, and in the next moment we had arrived in the town of Runscav.

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