《A Horcrux's Fate》Chapter 23
Mrs. Weasley had a hand pressed to her mouth as if to hold back a gasp.
"Neville?" Percy asked as he locked eyes with him, stunned. He and Bill held George on either side of him, and from a closer look, Neville could see the damage George had suffered from Yaxley and the Death Eaters. He couldn't help but cringe at the sight, for he could see a deep gash on his forehead where blood, now dried, had spread all over his face, and his blood-soaked shirt, he supposed, covered more wounds underneath.
"Er... hi," he greeted them sheepishly, an embarrassed look creeping onto his face. His heart pounded in his ears while his stomach twisted with ice. Neville had expected their shocked reactions; even he had the same reaction when he found out from the Minister about Harry's terrifying illness. He thought at first he had heard him wrong, knowing full well that Harry was only poisoned by Yaxley at the time Neville visited his parents with his grandmother at St. Mungo's Hospital. He hadn't known how grave it truly was until the Minister had confirmed it himself. Harry deserved all the help he needed, and Neville would do anything to contribute without second thoughts.
"What's going on?" Mr. Weasley questioned at once. His expression turned from shock to bewilderment, but his gaze at Neville didn't waver.
Lines creased around the corner of Mrs. Weasley's suspiciously looking eyes. "Why were you pretending to be Harry? Where is he?"
Neville knew he wouldn't be able to avoid getting bombarded with questions as soon as he had agreed to Malfoy's scheme. Red-faced, he quickly eplained. "I'm sorry... But for the plan to work, I just had to." And as an afterthought, he added in a whisper, "It wasn't really my idea; it was Malfoy's."
All eyes fell on Malfoy—who remained unperturbed but hunched over as if an invisible weight rested on his shoulders—and then at the Minister and back again to Neville as though waiting for more clarification on the matter.
"That's quite correct," Minister Shacklebolt stated in a matter-of-fact tone. "We couldn't risk putting Harry in the middle of all that chaos. I'm sure you'd agree with me for making that decision, Arthur?"
"Yes, of course," he replied slowly, but his eyes, teeming with bewilderment, brimmed with just how many questions he still had in mind. "Facilitating anything to help Harry is one of our main priorities. But I can't deny that I was astounded by all that has happened. How did you come up with all of this, Draco?"
Malfoy glanced up, his grey eyes growing pensive for a second. "When I found out that Yaxley had a huge stock of Polyjuice potion that he was keeping at his hideout, I thought I'd use it."
Mr. Weasley frowned. "And he had no knowledge of you stealing from him?"
He shook his head, and with an embarrassed look, he added in a dull voice, "I'm pretty good at sneaking stuff out."
Some of the DA members grinned at Malfoy's confession, but Percy and Hagrid only raised their eyebrows. Neville let crack a small smile, he could vividly picture Malfoy doing a lot of sneaking around when they were back at Hogwarts, but he remained quiet.
"And then what happened?" Mr. Weasley queried impatiently. "If I'm correct, you had to at least have procured part of Harry's body to add to the brew, isn't it?"
"Yeah... that," Malfoy replied hesitantly. He lowered his gaze with another embarrassed look. "I want you all to know that it wasn't really my intention to invade Potter's privacy, but we had no choice. We had to get at least few strands of his hair for Longbottom to pretend to be Potter. It was a stupid idea, but that's the only way I could think of without Yaxley getting suspicious of my plans."
George's ears perked up. "No, it wasn't," he countered with a lopsided grin spreading across his face before wincing in pain and clutching his stomach. "It was actually a brilliant plan coming from you all," he added, his voice hoarse and weak. "You had us all fooled."
Malfoy smirked at George's compliment. "Yeah... Well, I didn't know Longbottom could actually do his part well, too."
Neville let out a breath in a quick huff. "It wasn't hard pretending to be Harry when all I do was close my eyes and act like I was dead. But when casting spells, I wasn't confident enough though." He gave a small smile. "Good thing all worked out fine in my opinion!"
"Yes, Mr. Longbottom," the Minister praised. "Don't underestimate your skill. It takes great courage to be able to fight."
The DA members patted Neville's back, admiring the recollection of his spellwork, knowing full well how much difficulty he had experienced during their fifth year meetings.
"But how did you get Harry's hair?" Bill gave Neville and Malfoy questioning looks. "I'm sure that you had no idea where he's staying, as I haven't told anyone else apart from a chosen few."
Malfoy flashed his gaze at Neville as though encouraging him to speak on the matter.
Neville turned crimson on the spot and squirmed a little. He eyed his shaking hands as he spoke. "People outside St. Mungo's swarmed to get in after Yaxley gave a speech about uniting Death Eaters and killing Harry. I—I heard Hermione mention a place where they can hide Harry. I actually couldn't remember the whole name of the place, but Luna—"
"Luna?" Mr. Weasley asked earnestly with a furrowed brow. "Xenophilius's daughter?"
Neville nodded, and Mr. Weasley craned his neck to search for her among the people gathered in the forest at the moment. "Where is she?"
"She's looking after them, Arthur," Slughorn replied quietly.
Neville saw Mr. Weasley's eyes flicker as realization dawned on him. "Harry... Ron—"
"Yes. I unfortunately had to leave them to come here." Slughorn glanced at Bill. "Ms. Lovegood told me she had been to your house before; that's why she knew exactly where they might be staying."
Mrs. Weasley's eyebrows were drawn together with concern as she looked at Slughorn. "How are they? Did they wake up before you left?"
Slughorn shook his head sadly. "They're still unconscious, Molly."
Her sigh was heavy and filled with grief. "It's been hours. Surely—"
"I'm sure whatever they're facing right now can't be dealt with lightly; that's why it's taking so long." His eyes traveled to the ground, and Neville could see him struggle to hide his worry.
"They'll survive, won' they?" Hagrid asked, voicing his first comment after the Death Eater bombardment. His voice had a hint of sorrow to it, and he was staring decidedly at Slughorn.
Slughorn's eyes came up to look at Hagrid's for the briefest of moments, and it seemed to Neville that he couldn't say what he knew, but Hagrid gave nod as though he understood what it meant.
The DA members were quiet. Neville had informed them of Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny's situation when they all had met at Hogwarts a couple of hours ago to await orders from the Minister on what to do and how to attack the Death Eaters. He was glad that no one had asked more questions on the matter out of respect to Harry and his friends' privacy, but they had definitely talked among themselves on how or why it had happened.
"For the meantime," the Minister interrupted, clearing his throat. He faced the members of Dumbledore's Army. "I would suggest that all of you return to your homes. Tonight has surely exhausted all of you, but I'm beyond grateful for all the help you provided."
Some of the DA members started to protest.
"We're not leaving!"
"We'll wait for them to wake up!"
"We can't rest while they're still unconscious!"
The Minister held up his hand to silence the restless group. "I know how much you all care, but it would do you and them no good if you're all there waiting. We'll send word right away once we have good news." He faced Malfoy and said in a commanding tone, "I want you to come with me to the Ministry."
After breathing a sigh, Malfoy curtly nodded.
Hesitantly and slowly, the DA members started to disperse and disappear with loud pops as they Disapparated.
Only the Minister, Malfoy, Hagrid, Slughorn, and the Weasleys remained when the fake galleon in Neville's pocket grew warm as he was about to leave. He took it out at once, knowing what it meant. "It's Luna!" he said loudly.
All of them jerked their heads in his direction.
"What is it?" Mr. Weasley asked in alarm. "Did something happen?"
Neville glanced at him uncertainly. "I'm not sure. I told Luna to inform me as soon as possible if something were up."
"Could they possibly have woken up?" Percy asked, glancing at Neville and his parents hopefully.
Kingsley gave the Weasleys an encouraging smile while taking the Death Eaters wands Neville still held in his hands. "Young Malfoy and I have to go back to the Ministry. Keep me informed, Arthur."
Mr. Weasley nodded before addressing the remaining people around him. "Some of us should go back to Shell Cottage to check on them. Molly and I will go to St. Mungo's to have George treated."
George seemed too weak to stand any longer. He leaned on his two brothers, who had since been helping him stand upright. "Dad, I think I'm feeling fine. Let's just all go to Shell Cottage."
Mrs. Weasley cast a worried look to her son. "Are you sure, dear?"
"These mere scratches won't bring a Weasley down, Mum," he said jokingly.
She rolled her eyes. "Alright, but we'll go straight to the hospital as soon as we find out what's going on with the other four."
"Aye, aye," he replied while gesturing a small salute.
"Send my regards to Harry, will you?" Malfoy quickly asked the Weasleys.
Neville was surprised to hear Malfoy use Harry's first name for what he thought might be the first time, and he wondered whether the Weasleys had noticed it as well since they answered with a curt nod. Malfoy and the Minister then Disapparated from the forest.
Neville turned his gaze back to the Weasleys, looking hopeful at the prospect of speaking with Harry after all the mayhem of the night. "Can I come with you?"
Bill regarded him with a smile. "Yeah. I'm sure they would like to see you, especially Harry. After all, you have a lot of explaining to do, and I would love to see Harry's reaction once you told him how you managed to fool us all by pretending to be him."
Neville turned scarlet, terrified of how Harry would react, but despite his quick heart rate, he was also excited to speak of the successful plan Malfoy had suggested they carry out to finally end all of the remaining dark forces that had ruined numerous lives.
The sound of waves washed around Shell Cottage, having brought calm to a lone figure with waist-length blonde hair and eyes flecked with silver. Earlier that night, Luna Lovegood had been gazing out the window of the room she had lodged for herself, admiring the gorgeous moon hovering over the vast sea. Professor Slughorn had left a few hours ago, giving Luna the freedom to fully explore the lovely home she was currently staying in.
But none of that crossed her mind as she sat on a chair, looking after the four figures in separate beds. By the looks of it, Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny could only have been sleeping—but not soundly. From the way their eyelids moved, they appeared to be dreaming of something. An occasional twitch of a finger would render Luna to snapping her head in their direction, giving her a spark of hope that one of them would wake up.
The moment Neville had spread the word to Dumbledore's Army that Harry and his friends were in danger, Luna had aided the cause immediately by responding to his call to meet with him. As curious as this ordeal was for her, she had agreed to drop by the Ministry of Magic. It hadn't taken long for her to spot Neville among the crowd of people gathered at the Atrium. Along with him had been Draco Malfoy and Minister Shacklebolt. Upon seeing their urgent expressions, Luna had known right away how grave and pressing of a matter it was for Harry and his friends to have the Minister and the Aurors' help in saving them.
She had listened intently as Neville had explained to her what had happened. He'd looked frustrated as he tried to remember the name of a place that was on the tip of his tongue. He had described his meeting with Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny and what he had overheard them ask where they could hide. For some reason, Luna perceived that she somehow knew the place Neville had talked about. Shell Cottage had somehow brought comfort for her, for it was where she had taken refuge when a house-elf saved her from her captivity at Malfoy Manor and the ongoing war with You-Know-Who before she had decided to return to Hogwarts to fight.
The candlelight flickered beside Luna, enabling her to see a tiny movement made by her red-haired friend Ron Weasley, who startled her out of her musings. Suspense hung in the air as Luna stared at the slowly waking Ron whose eyes suddenly fluttered open. Hermione and Ginny stirred for a second, but their eyes remained still shut.
Luna hurriedly rushed towards his bedside, excitement overflowing on her features. "Hello, Ron," she greeted in barely a whisper so as not to frighten the newly awakened young man.
Ron blinked a few times, seemingly trying to register his surroundings before he locked eyes with Luna who gave a small smile. "L-Luna?" he croaked. He turned his head sideways to see where he was. He must have caught sight of Hermione and his sister who were both lying in bed. "W-what happened?" he asked in a weak voice. "Am I—"
Luna saw the confusion in Ron's blue eyes as he was unable to finish his sentence. "You were the first to wake up," she informed, beaming at him.
Ron furrowed his brow when he glanced back at her. "Wake up?" he asked with a perplexed look on his face. "Have I been—"
"You were unconscious for quite some time."
Before Luna could give him an answer, Ginny stirred yet again with a moan, and Hermione suddenly sat up from the bed on which she was lying just seconds ago, blinking rapidly and breathing heavily as she stared dazedly at the wall across from her. She ran her hand through her hair as if trying to remember something.
"Hermione?" Ron called softly.
Hermione spun her head quickly at the mention of her name and saw Ron looking anxiously at her.
Their exchange of glances made Luna even more curious as to what had happened over the course of their unconsciousness. Have they seen anything? she quietly mused. "Hello, Hermione. It's nice to see you awake, too."
With a surprised look in her direction, Hermione opened her mouth to speak. "Luna?"
"Is this real?" Ginny asked gently. Ron, Hermione, and Luna whirled their heads to gaze at her. She cast a bewildered look at her brother and Hermione.
Luna watched them with raised eyebrows as though Ginny's question was odd. "I am as real as I can ever be, if that's what you're asking."
They stared at her with expressions of uncertainty on their faces as though seeing her brought more confusion after whatever they had encountered.
"What do you all remember?" Luna queried when she sat down on Hermione's bed, facing the three of them. "Has the ritual—"
"The ritual!" Ron exclaimed, his eyes wide in realization.
Hermione placed her hand to her mouth. "So we're back..." her muffled voice quivered.
Luna nodded in agreement. "Yes. You all only just woke up."
Her statement somewhat brought Ron, Hermione, and Ginny to a loss for words, but they simultaneously looked at Harry.
Ginny raised herself up from her bed and crept to where Harry lay. "Why isn't he awake?" she asked in a worried tone while brushing Harry's hair with her fingers. "Did we finish the ritual?"
"Looks like it," Ron answered although his features indicated otherwise. "We're back and awake, aren't we?"
"But why's Harry not waking up? He's supposed to be awake if we finished, right?"
Hermione looked thoughtful for a second. "I would assume so, yes. But what was the last thing you remember before waking?"
Ron and Ginny blinked a few times as though trying to rack their brains for the hard-to-summon events they had experienced. Before they could answer, Hermione added, "I only have flashes of images, and they're vague. I couldn't tell—"
"Me, too," Ginny interrupted with a disappointed look on her face. "I can't quite get my head around it."
"Weren't we all doing certain tasks or something?" Ron whispered uncertainly.
Hermione heaved a sigh. She stared at the ceiling thoughtfully, trying to conjure up pieces of the dream in her mind. "There was a gold potion... I believe there were mirrors as well, but I could be wrong..."
Luna saw Ron and Ginny nod as if saying they had seen the same. "Were you guys dreaming or something?"
Hermione shook her head. "I don't think so, but I'm not really sure either. It felt like we were..." She trailed off, unable to articulate what was on her mind.
"Like we were in a different dimension?" Ron guessed quietly.
"Yes, but..." Hermione's eyes roamed back to the still, unconscious form of their friend. "Did you guys see Harry there?"
"I think we all did," Ginny replied hesitantly. "Though I'm not certain who I saw. There was Harry, but at that time he didn't seem—"
"Nice?" Ron piped up.
Luna drew back, knit her thin brows together. "Why wasn't he nice?"
"I-I actually don't know if he was or wasn't..." Ginny replied thoughtfully. "But he was different in some way... and I thought I'd seen another Harry." She scrunched her face, trying to recall the memory.
"Another Harry? You mean there were two of them?"
"I'm not sure of what I saw... I may have been hallucinating at the time."
"I don't think you were," Luna disagreed softly, and the three of her friends looked up to meet her silver eyes.
"How could you know that?" Hermione asked curiously.
"I don't." She put her hands together, a dreamy look spreading across her face. "I believe that whoever you saw wasn't caused by hallucination."
"Are you saying it was really him then?" Ron asked impatiently.
"I'm only guessing."
Hermione sighed again while rubbing her arms together as though she suddenly felt cold. "It felt strangely real... but what have we learned so far? Did we find out anything? Or finish the tasks?" She eyed Ron and Ginny with frustration visible on her features.
Ron bowed his head in contemplation. Ginny had a faraway look on her face as she gazed out of the window. None of them spoke for a few minutes. Luna slipped into deep thought, too. She still felt mildly curious as to what happened to them and why Harry wasn't waking up.
"I would assume we finished some tasks," Ron stated after a while. "But what happened before I woke up..." He sighed deeply. "I could only remember bars... like we were in prison or something."
Luna's eyes grew round. "Prison? Were you three doing something illegal?"
"No, I don't believe we were," Hermione quickly protested. "But that was somehow true—the bars, I mean," she said slowly, her eyes narrowing.
Ginny shifted her position to sit in bed beside Harry. "If it were true, then what were we doing exactly?"
Hermione shrugged in defeat. "I don't know. I feel as though something important has happened... something remarkable."
"Do you think it had to do with our waking up?" Ron asked, disconcerted. "Did we succeed in the ritual then?"
"If we did," Ginny replied with a frightened tone. "Then Harry's supposed to be awake right now, too, isn't he?"
"Are you saying we failed?"
Ginny didn't respond. Her hands, however, shook when she brought hers to Harry's which hadn't moved a muscle.
Ron turned his head to look at Hermione, who had turned pale. "I don't feel sick; do you? I don't feel that burn under the skin that Harry had said he had when he was really sick."
Hermione shook her head. "I don't feel anything wrong." With a small panic in her voice, she added, "But I don't think we'd feel the burning right away if we did fail."
Ginny's eyes glistened with tears in the light from the room's candles. "I don't want to think that we're awake right now because we failed the ritual." She looked at Ron, Hermione, and even Luna as though asking for some comfort. When none of her friends reacted, she immediately checked Harry's pulse.
Ron, Hermione, and Luna waited with bated breath until they saw Ginny sigh with relief, confirming Harry was still breathing. But Ron still wrung his hands tensely, and Hermione hugged her knees with a worried look on her face. Luna could tell by the identical look on their faces that each of them was thinking hard, possibly trying to solve the mystery.
Hermione stood up abruptly, surprising the other three occupants in the room. "I have to check the Anima book. Maybe it can tell us what's going on!"
"How long has it been since we started the ritual, Luna?" Ron asked suddenly.
"I'm not really sure," she replied thoughtfully. "I only just got here a few hours ago to look after you guys."
Their heads snapped up with bemused looks on their faces.
"Look after us?" Ginny asked. "Why?"
Ron and Hermione scanned the room as though expecting to catch sight of something or someone else that was supposed to be with them.
"It's too quiet in here," admitted Ron, indicating to the rest of the house.
"Where are the rest of the Weasleys, Luna?" Hermione queried at once, foreboding visible on her face. The Anima book she had been planning on reading was momentarily forgotten.
Luna cocked her head to one side to look at Ron and Ginny. She cleared her throat before she spoke in a quiet voice. "Your brother, George, was kidnapped."
For a minute, only the whipping sounds from the burning candle were heard as Ron, Hermione, and Ginny slowly registered what Luna had said in a deliberate manner.
Without warning, Ron leapt out of his bed, blood seeming to have disappeared from his now-paler, freckled face. "What?!"
"What are you talking about?" Ginny asked, suddenly extremely anxious. "When did that happen?"
Hermione clutched her chest as she tried to calm herself. "Where have the others gone, Luna?"
Luna stared at the three panic-stricken faces in front of her. "To the Forbidden Forest."
"We have to go," said Ron quickly, taking a step toward the door. "Now!"
"Wait!" Luna cried, making them stop their movement. "It's already too late for you to go."
"What do you mean, 'too late'?" Ginny asked with alarm in her voice. "If they're not back yet, that means they're in trouble!"
Luna sighed. "We've worked out a plan to secure the safety of everyone involved."
"How could you know if it did?" Ron asked incredulously. "The plan may have failed."
"You worked out a plan with whom?" Hermione asked quickly.
"The Minister and Neville."
Ron, Hermione and Ginny stared disbelievingly at her. "Neville?"
"Yes," Luna replied hastily while beaming at them. "And speaking of which..." She took out her fake galleon from her pocket. After fiddling with it, she looked up to her friends again. "There. Neville will be informed in no time. I promised to send him a word through this coin once you're awake."
Ron looked exasperated. "And you expect us to just wait here for Neville to come?" he asked incredulously.
Luna nodded.
"Are you mad?!" he bellowed in response. "I'd rather be out there getting my brother back than wait here!"
"How sure are you that the plan will succeed?" Hermione asked anxiously.
"I'm not, but—"
Loud popping noises interrupted Luna's sentence.
"That sounded like people Apparated here," Ginny breathe.
Without another word, the four of them dashed out of the room and towards the front door. From a distance, they could see a group of people walking side by side approaching closer to the house. Luna's face lit up when she saw Neville—looking worn out but enthusiastic as he conversed with the Weasleys. George was with them, and judging from the way his brothers held him, he wasn't in good shape but somehow alive.
Mr. and Mrs. Weasley glanced at the front door. Surprise formed on each of their faces upon spotting Ron, Hermione, Ginny, and Luna. Along with the rest of the Weasleys, they quickened their paces, and looks of absolute longing and excitement etched themselves into their faces.
To give them some space, Luna moved back from the nearing Weasleys who abruptly seized Ron, Hermione, and Ginny and engulfed them into tight embraces.
Tears poured from Mrs. Weasley's eyes as she caressed the backs of her children and Hermione. "Oh, thank goodness you're all okay. We've been so worried."
Right behind her, Slughorn walked in and settled himself onto a kitchen chair, and Hagrid squeezed himself through the door to enter, his lips forming into a smile as he gazed at Ron, Hermione, and Ginny. Neville beamed at the sight before him.
"What happened?" Ron asked straightaway following the moment his family let go of the hug. He helped George walk to the sofa in the living room so he could lie down.
"Oh, it was insane," Bill started. "If it wasn't for Draco Malfoy, we would be in such big trouble."
"What's Malfoy got to do with it?" Ginny asked curiously.
"He had it all planned out," Neville replied excitedly. With rapt attention from Ron, Hermione, and Ginny, Neville went on to explain what had happened, starting from the moment the Minister had contacted him and relayed Malfoy's traitorous plan to ambush Yaxley and the Death Eaters. He also described the attack by Dumbledore's Army, the centaurs, and the Aurors who had surrounded the forest.
Mr. and Mrs. Weasley started tending to George's wounds with the help of Slughorn while they listened to Neville break down one by one the events that happened. By the time Neville reached the part of George and Harry's ransomed exchange and his taking the Polyjuice potion to pose as Harry, their facial expressions had doubled in size. Ron, Hermione, and Ginny couldn't stop themselves from laughing and admiring Neville's acting and fighting skills, and Luna patted his shoulder for a job well done.
"Where's Harry?" Hagrid asked suddenly as he looked around the room.
Now that the topic of conversation redirected to Harry, the Weasleys, Neville, and Slughorn briefly turned their heads to look for him.
"Yeah. I only just noticed," Percy agreed loudly. "Harry should be here with us celebrating."
Neville nodded approvingly. "I was so eager to tell him right away about the plan and all... I can't believe I'd forgotten about Harry when I arrived here. He wouldn't want to miss out."
All eyes fixed upon Ron, Hermione, and Ginny, who slowly replaced their joyful expressions with crestfallen looks. Luna sent sympathetic glances towards her friends.
Hermione met the eagerly looking eyes before her. She inhaled deeply before relaying the news. "Harry's still unconscious."
Everyone stayed transfixed as all the occupants in the room—other than Ron, Ginny, and Luna—stared, dumbstruck by Hermione's words.
"But... why?" Mrs. Weasley asked after a moment of silence, looking perplexed.
"We don't know," Ginny answered sadly. "We all woke up at the same time, except Harry."
"Has the ritual failed?" Professor Slughorn queried. His voice wavered anxiously.
"We don't believe so," Hermione replied uncertainly, looking down at her feet. "But I'm not so sure anymore."
"What do yer mean yeh're 'not sure anymore'?" Hagrid asked worriedly.
Hermione sighed. She felt compelled to meet his eyes when she hesitantly glanced back at him.
"We couldn't remember the last thing that happened before we woke up," Ron answered miserably for Hermione.
Bill cleared his throat. "But couldn't you three tell if something went wrong? Do you feel any difference with yourselves? Are you in any pain?"
Ron, Hermione, and Ginny shook their heads.
"Have you checked the book for any possible information?" asked Professor Slughorn.
"Not yet," Hermione replied. "But I was going to." She and Professor Slughorn walked to the kitchen table where the Anima book lay. She took it and flipped through the pages until she reached the part containing the ritual. It only took her a minute to read the entirety of the page before she shook her head dejectedly. "There's nothing written in here that provides the answers we're looking for."
Everyone was at a loss for words.
Professor Slughorn helped Hermione skim through all the pages in the book as they frantically searched for an answer.
"Can't we find any other book on this subject?" Ron asked with panic in his voice, but no one answered his urgent question.
Luna could feel everyone's frustration mounting as they talked frantically among themselves, trying to figure out the inevitable.
"I don't know why Harry's not waking up," Ginny told her mother, wearing a look of distress. "The only possible reason I can think of is that there must be a tribulation that Harry still has to undergo on his own. If not that, then I don't know what else." She slowly walked towards Harry's room.
Luna wished she could comfort her friends in such desperate times or help them in some way, but she knew it wouldn't be enough. As she approached the doorway of the bedroom, she observed Ginny sitting from the side of his bed and holding Harry's hand as she stared at the rise and fall of his chest, the only indication that he was still alive. Upon seeing Harry's peaceful expression, Luna wondered what could he be dreaming at that very moment.
To be continued...
Beta-read by be11atrix-the-strange, Smthnborrowediamblue, KVeronicaP
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8 225 - In Serial104 Chapters
locutions [poetry]
lo·cu·tion ləˈkyo͞oSH(ə)n/ (n.) " a particular form of expression;"《 a collection of poems and prose. 》highest rank - #7 in Poetry ♡ #3 in Prose ♡
8 105