《A Horcrux's Fate》Chapter 21
The Forbidden forest was black and deadly silent. The trees had grown closely together, their branches tangled, their roots gnarled and twisted underfoot. Every now and then, a ray of moonlight cutting through the branches lit a spot on the ground, casting an unearthly glow on a dozen or so hooded figures scattered around a clearing, some of their faces hidden behind their masks. They sat down with their backs against tree trunks, watching the light slowly fade into gloom.
Other living creatures such as the centaurs had stirred close by, but they didn't dare come close to the huddle of watchful Death Eaters who remained immobile and silent in each other's presence. The centaurs only observed them from afar, their eyes narrowed and gleaming with suspicion. It didn't take long for them to guess that something more was amiss, for they could see a human with red hair in a full body bind, squirming against a tree. They wondered what means and promises had lured the Death Eaters from their regular pursuits to join their leader and disturb the peace and quiet of the forest.
"Time's nearly up," said Corban Yaxley, lowering his hood. He was leaning calmly against a huge tree, smirking as his eyes lingered on a pained George Weasley kneeling beside him; his struggling body tensing at Yaxley's sudden announcement.
"Do you think they will come?" timidly asked one of the Death Eaters whose covered face sported a thin, black moustache.
Draco Malfoy shivered when a mild wind swept through them. He was positioned a few feet away from where Yaxley stood.
"They should, Macnair. My instruction was clear," he answered lazily. He glanced at Draco, tracking his squinting, cold, grey eyes through the dark, checking his surroundings for any movement.
Draco, who so far had remained silent for the duration of the meeting, chose that moment to speak. "Are you sure you have this place secured?" he asked with a curious gaze.
"Yes," drawled Yaxley, obviously bored. "I told you before; we have this place surrounded. They'll send me a signal if something happens."
Yaxley noticed Draco's look of discomfort in the dim moonlight, yet the young man's composure remained unchanged. Yaxley smirked maliciously though coming back to where the second war had taken place certainly triggered unwanted memories at the moment. His triumphant duel with George Weasley in the Great Hall at Hogwarts flashed fleetingly through his recollecting mind. If only his friend by the name of Lee Jordan hadn't helped in and interfered with the duel, Yaxley would have succeeded in disarming and casting a few hexes in George's direction. Instead, Yaxley had been knocked out and slammed to the floor.
But no matter, Yaxley said to himself, his evil smile widening when he glanced back at the squirming Weasley before him. Fate must be in my favour tonight, he thought.
"Whatever it is you're planning, you'll never succeed," George hissed through clenched teeth as he tried to prevent the formidable monster of pain from overwhelming him. His face then morphed into a sneer. "Haven't you remembered anything from the war? You've lost, old man! Sooner or later you'll get caught and will rot in Azkaban!"
Yaxley's face hardened. He cocked his head and gazed mockingly at George. "Not when that precious Potter boy is dead. It's a shame your twin died before he might have witnessed that monumental moment. I do wonder how your parents will react when they find their other precious son dead. I hope they don't do anything rash—grief can make people behave in strange ways after all."
"Leave them out of this!" George rasped as he struggled against the bonds. Through his thrashing, he trembled from head to foot. "We can settle this ourselves."
Yaxley raised his eyebrows. "Struck a nerve?" he asked, his voice as smooth as honey. "I don't think you're in a position to bargain. Do you?"
"Why are you doing this, Yaxley? What do you think you'll gain? Admit it; you're doing this because you're hurt! You have no more power! Your master is dead, and you've got nowhere else to hide!"
"Yes, it was disappointing, to say the least," Yaxley agreed. He looked at George with mild amusement. "But no matter... It will be quite a show—and quite an irony—watching the perfect Boy-Who-Lived take his own life," he added nonchalantly.
"You're insane!" the Weasley spat back. "Harry would never do that!"
Yaxley smiled sickeningly. "Not without the help of the Imperius Curse."
George's body tensed with anger, and his brown eyes flashed with determination. "That won't have any effect on Harry."
"Maybe not the first strike," Yaxley agreed, as he stared into the depths of the forest, trying to spot lingering, audacious centaurs. "But how many are we?" He indicated the group of Death Eaters around him with a smooth hand motion. "We can get inside his head and offer him some useful suggestions. It shouldn't be hard. What shall I make him do? Get himself eaten by a giant squid?" Some of the Death Eaters laughed. Yaxley continued for their amusement. "… Drown himself in the lake? Cut his wrists? There are so many choices to consider. My, my, what will everyone say?"
George looked around at the hooded figures surrounding him. "Killing Harry won't make you happy again," he snapped. "It won't bring you satisfaction!"
Yaxley gave an exaggerated sigh. "Actually, it will," he returned, shifting to a snicker. "Especially if you're the one killing Potter under the Imperius Curse. Now that I think about it… that should perhaps do the trick, shouldn't it?" he asked his fellow Death Eaters who nodded their approval.
George stared at him in horror, shuddering at his words. "No, you wouldn't—" He tried to heave himself to his feet, but failed when the charmed rope that bound him tightened to prevent his movement. George groaned and grunted in pain as the rope cut into his skin.
"Enough tiresome talk," Yaxley spat out. "You and the rest of those blood traitors don't stand a chance. You might as well give up."
"Not until I see your stupid arse chucked in Azkaban where you truly belong!" George growled.
Yaxley chuckled. "Do you actually think that you can do anything considering the state you're currently in?"
"Believe me, you'll find out if you try and hurt the people I care about," he replied threateningly, glaring at him for a long moment as if daring Yaxley to act.
Yaxley squared his shoulders, narrowing his eyes. "I won't find out if you're already dead."
"Yeah… even if I'm dead, nothing would go back to the way it was for you, and I'm sure of it!"
"I wouldn't be too confident if I were you. The Dark Lord may have had presented himself as dangerous to the people that fear him, but his plan was what drove us Purebloods to come out and dominate Muggles and Muggle-borns—"
"You only joined him out of fear," George hissed. "And all of you were nothing but servants to him who are greedy for fame, wealth—"
The sounds of hilarity radiated from Yaxley and the Death Eaters as they laughed sardonically. "Well… who wouldn't want to be rich? I understand that you, being a Weasleys, surely have had your fair share of financial challenges… It must be embarrassing knowing you're a Pureblood yet your family just went down the drain, isn't it?"
"Don't you dare mock my family!" George snarled. "At least we know how to manage, and we're beyond happy despite our situation. Unlike you dimwits who groveled at You-Know-Who's feet in fear and asked for some stupid mercy or recognition that I doubt you'd gotten. What a bunch of pathetic—" His words suddenly cut off when an enraged Yaxley whipped out his wand and sent a Stinging Hex in George's direction. George could feel blood snake its way down his forehead from a newly created cut on the top of his head from that brutal show of force.
"All right down there?" Yaxley asked smugly, feigning concern. He bent over George, his blue eyes gleaming in the dark. George turned away but Yaxley's fingers wrapped around his neck, putting an unbearable pressure around his throat. George kicked helplessly and thrashed furiously, struggling to suck in air to breathe. Yaxley held him roughly by the jaw and forced him to look into his eyes. "You have no idea how much I want to cut out that tongue of yours to prevent you from speaking any more, but you have been very entertaining. You wouldn't mind getting hit by a few more hexes, then? It's purely for enjoyment, of course."
Draco and the other Death Eaters watched with bated breath, transfixed. No one moved; no one uttered a sound, not daring to interrupt Yaxley. Before George could respond, Yaxley sent a Severing charm at his chest, causing him to scream in pain. A red stain started to seep through his shirt, growing steadily larger and creeping across the fabric.
"Come on now… that wasn't too bad, was it?" Yaxley asked dramatically, a prominent sneer evident on his face. "It doesn't have to be this way—but I don't have a choice. You brought this on yourself!"
"What a pitiful scumbag you are!" George grit his teeth. His arms shook with anger as he tried to haul himself to his feet but to no avail; his knees buckled beneath him, and he collapsed to the ground, whimpering in pain.
Yaxley looked mildly amused. "That's what you get for your insolent tongue, boy. Never insult or wound our pride. We worked hard even before the rise of the Dark Lord. He saw our potential and gave us the power to rule and—"
George snorted despite his heavy breathing, interrupting Yaxley. "Yeah… the glory days surely paid off! 'Cause look where it got you now… back at your hellhole, hiding and running, scared of being caught!" he shouted, red-hot anger surging through him.
The thin line of Yaxley's mouth twitched, and a vein pulsated close to his temples. He flicked his wand and sent George crashing at a nearby tree, landing in a heap.
"Your resilience is admirable," said Yaxley, slowly striding towards him. "In fact, I think it may be one of the things I like best about you. It's only a pity that you can't appreciate the importance of continuing the Dark Lord's plans. A Pureblood like you should know its worth."
"I'm trying to see things from your point of view, but I can't stick my head that far up my arse!" George said sarcastically.
"What a disgrace!" Yaxley roared so unexpectedly that those assembled around him jumped, despite their abiding interest. "You will come to regret the choice you and your family have made. Sometimes you must trust that others know what's best for you," he growled. His face contorted as if he had a bad taste in the mouth.
George looked up to meet Yaxley's gaze. His jaw twitched. "I will regret nothing!" he confidently hissed with finality.
"Such a waste," Yaxley muttered under his breath, shaking his head. He clicked his tongue softly. "So be it. Crucio!"
George screamed even louder than before, and his anguished cries echoed throughout the forest. The bindings tore at George's skin, and his blood coated most of his clothes. He shook uncontrollably when Yaxley lifted the torture curse.
"Do you regret it now, boy?" Yaxley asked tauntingly. "That hurt, didn't it? You don't want me to do that again, do you?" He smiled indulgently.
George didn't answer. He breathed heavily and winced at the slightest movements, even more so when he brought himself to roll sideways.
"I asked you whether you want me to do that again," said Yaxley softly. "Answer me! Imper—"
But Yaxley's Imperius curse was broke off when he heard one of the Death Eaters's urgent voice. "They're here."
Yaxley spun around to the sound of cracking twigs and the nearby crunching of dead leaves. Yaxley's eyes glinted with a deadly glare. A rustle in the trees drove the Death Eaters to raise their wands. They surrounded George, hiding him completely from view. Draco stood up. They could hear faint galloping from the other side of the clearing, but no one came.
A minute passed, and more crunching noises announced the arrival of Hagrid followed closely by the Weasleys.
"Well... well... well," said Yaxley. His eyes searching for the boy he was eager to get his hands on. "I see you haven't brought Potter with you."
Arthur seemed unable to produce a word to explain the whereabouts of the boy. He and the rest of his family merely gave an expression of uncertainty and fear.
Yaxley gave an exasperated sigh. "It looks like you need to be reminded of what's at stake here." He snapped his fingers towards the Death Eaters who immediately parted to reveal George.
"Mum… Dad!" George choked in shock. He had never looked happier to see his family again, but his eyes shone bright with terror.
Molly and Arthur Weasley gave terrified gasps at seeing the crumpled and bloodied form of their son. Bill and Percy stood in horror behind their parents.
"George!" cried Molly. She dashed straight to him. Before she reached him, however, a loud bang echoed around them and she toppled onto the ground.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you," threatened one of the Death Eaters with pockmarks all over his face, his wand raised.
Hagrid helped Molly and pulled her up behind him.
"Damn you, Rookwood!" shouted Percy, his wand threateningly held high. He trembled with rage as he sought the eyes of the ones who sent the curse at his mother from beneath their hoods. "I will bloody curse you to death for killing Fred!"
"I don't know what you're talking about, boy!" shrieked Rookwood on a cackle of mad laughter.
Yaxley laughed. "Oh, Percy... glad that you could join us. The Ministry has you working tirelessly, hasn't it?" He stared at him, the tip of his tongue moistening his thin mouth. "How's your head?"
Percy glared at him. "Better now that I could kill you!" he yelled angrily, maintaining his tight grip on his wand.
"Not until I kill you first," Yaxley replied, sounding maliciously delighted as he grinned mischievously. Several of the Death Eaters lowered their hoods and threw back their heads, howling.
"When will you stop screwing with us?" Percy hissed. "Is this the only way you can get a kick out of life? Are you really that pathetic?"
Quite suddenly, Hagrid launched himself across the ground and grabbed Rookwood around the knees, causing him to topple. Hagrid only stopped pounding the wizard into the dust when a dozen of Death Eaters pointed their wands at him. Knowing he was outnumbered, he reluctantly backed away.
Arthur and Bill similarly had their wands up in different directions, uncertain as to whom they ought to aim for. Arthur's gaze fell upon Draco, and he narrowed his eyes at him. Draco only raised his eyebrows and looked away.
"Can't we all just stay calm?" Yaxley softly stated. He cast his blue penetrating eyes around himself. "Although, I have to admit that I wasn't expecting such a large family reunion." He flaunted his wicked smile. "No matter… I say, drop your wands."
When none of the Weasleys moved, Yaxley pointed his wand threateningly at George. "Drop it now!"
After a moment of hesitation, four wands were laid on the ground.
Arthur's gaze travelled to the ground where George was lying. He met his son's eyes and saw his pained expression and the mutilated state he was in. Yaxley grinned at Arthur's rapidly changing expression; he looked confused at first, then angry, and then strangely blank, as if the broomstick ride of emotions hitting him was too overwhelming to manage. "What have you done to our son!" he then demanded, his jaw quivering with anger.
Yaxley shrugged. "It's not a big deal," he said matter-of-factly, sounding pleased with himself. "I was merely teaching him some manners because he was getting out of hand. Would you like me to demonstrate it again?"
Molly's eyes filled with alarm despite her efforts to appear somewhat composed.
"Point that wand at my son once again, and you won't see daylight!" Arthur said venomously, his right hand tightly gripping the wand he held. He glared at him like a ferocious animal, his blue eyes wide with rage.
The Death Eaters snickered around the small throng of arrivals. Yaxley gave a hollow chuckle. He cocked his head to one side and regarded Arthur with mild amusement. "Do you actually think that you can hurt me? Look around you. We have you outnumbered."
Arthur maintained his glare at him, his eyes burning with so much fury that even George stared horror-stricken and shocked at his father. "You'll find out if you try to harm him again!"
Yaxley burst out laughing. "You know… I've heard that line before. Like father like son, indeed. George is still alive, Weasley. I've kept my promise ever since I sent you that howler."
"And you settled by torturing him?!" Arthur yelled, shaking with fury.
Yaxley began to pace up and down before Arthur, a cruel smile twisting his face. He looked around himself as he casually paced. "Well, we don't know any other means to entertain ourselves while we patiently wait. Surely you understand that, don't you?" he asked in a soft voice that was all the more menacing because of it.
Molly was on the verge of tears, her gaze not leaving her son. "My son doesn't deserve this!"
"Oh, he'll live," Yaxely remarked coolly, his lip curling in an expression of mockery he'd worn too many times. "I've been merciful unlike the Dark Lord; I don't kill unless absolutely necessary."
"Why are you doing this?" Arthur whispered, his voice barely audible as he turned to look at him.
"Don't play dumb with me, Weasley. You know why."
"This is not the way to get what you want. Take me in exchange for my son and I'll do everything you ask of me."
For a moment Yaxley stood completely still. Then he walked lazily over to stand next to Arthur. "What I asked of you is very simple. But—" Yaxley flicked his wild eyes to gaze about his surroundings, searching. "Where is he? You couldn't possibly have forgotten to bring with you the famous Harry Potter."
"So why didn't you bring him? My instructions were clear: if you want to see your son alive, bring Harry Potter here and you have until midnight."
"We can't—"
"Crucio!" Yaxley bellowed unexpectedly, his wand pointed directly at George who as a result, writhed and shrieked with pain.
"NO!" Molly screamed. Her maternal instincts forced her to viciously struggle hard from Hagrid's strong grasp, but he was able to keep her put within his strong arms.
Yaxley lifted the curse. George lay flat upon the ground, gasping. "Do you think this is a joke, Weasley?" he said dangerously to Arthur, twirling his wand idly. "Are you really going to mess with me? Cruc—"
Before anyone could stop him, Arthur charged forward and rammed into Yaxley with his right shoulder. Taken by surprise, Yaxley let go of his wand as the two tumbled backward onto the ground. Arthur swung, his fist connecting solidly with Yaxley's jaw, making a faint cracking sound. They tackled each other again, rolling over the ground as they struggled for control. Some of the Death Eaters pointed their wands at Arthur, but Yaxley gave a warning shout not to interfere. As soon as Arthur regained his composure for a moment by pinning Yaxley down as he landed another blow on him to stun him, an explosion of light suddenly flung him across a nearby tree, and he crashed onto the ground. In the confusion, Yaxley's hand had found his wand, and as he waved it, ropes materialized around Arthur, binding him to the spot.
Yaxley picked himself up and approached his opponent like a predator, waiting for the kill. "Crucio!" he yelled into the night, his eyes glinting with rage.
The rest of the Weasley family could only watch the scene before them helplessly. The Death Eaters had their wands still pointed at them, ready to strike if one of them dared to move to help their family member.
Arthur screamed as he writhed in pain. Yaxley lifted the curse, and Arthur struggled weakly against the restraints. Yaxley loomed above him, and his fist smashed into Arthur's jaw. A trickle of blood ran from his lip.
"Even if we bring Harry to you, it's pointless!" Bill said sharply, interrupting Yaxley. "He's unconscious."
Yaxley's eyes flared in the darkness. "Do I look like I give a damn what state he's in?" he replied coldly.
"Haven' yer done enough damage?" growled Hagrid, fixing him with a dark look. "He's already suffered so much!"
But Yaxley ignored him and faced Arthur with immense hatred. "You just gave me a reason to hurt your son even more," he seethed, his voice rising uncontrollably. "I think it's even better if I kill him now!" He raised his wand and pointed it at George once more, ready to cast the Killing curse. George threw an imploring look at his family.
A cackle of laughter was heard and Yaxley spun around to face Draco who jumped up and strode toward him.
With all eyes trained on him, Draco started, "Now, now… Do you want to ruin your chances of getting Potter?" he drawled. He was wearing his usual obnoxious sneer. "Have some patience."
Yaxley's blue eyes flickered to Draco, rage pulsing through his veins. "Patience?" he hissed, his free hand balling into a fist. "If Harry Potter isn't here, then the Weasley dies!"
"That is true…" Draco agreed slowly. "But I'm sure they would come up with something… unless—" He rounded and faced the Weasleys with a smirk on his face. "Potter is much more important than their own flesh and blood."
Arthur glanced at him. "Draco, I thought you've changed," he said. His mouth had gone dry. "We were trying to help you—and you're doing this?" he asked incredulously, his voice tinged with disappointment.
"We really shouldn't trust a Malfoy," piped Percy, his voice shaking. "You're just like your father!" he spat at Draco.
"I guess I am," he retorted. "But based on your current situation, I don't think you're in a position to insult me any further." A smile curled at the corners of his mouth. He looked vindictively at Arthur. "Do you really want your son to die, Weasley? Just give us Potter! Potter's going to die either way!"
Arthur didn't speak. He gazed blankly at Draco.
Yaxley clenched his teeth impatiently. "I'm tired of this unnecessary chatter!" He shot an angry look at George and pointed his wand towards him once again. "I'll just kill him off! There are more of you Weasleys, anyway—"
A rustle somewhere behind the Weasley family interrupted his snide remark. Yaxley whirled around to squint through the dark forest yet again. He could hear someone wailing. A terrible, drawn-out cry of misery and pain grew louder as it seemed to get nearer. Many of those around him looked startled, as they turned around to try to find the source of the anguished noise. It was difficult, at first, for Yaxley to make out more than a silhouette. As the shadow drew nearer, however, its face shone with great tears that ran down from its creased eyes.
"Horace Slughorn," Yaxley muttered under his breath. He raised his eyebrows in bewilderment. He and the rest of the Dark Lord's followers had been tracking down Slughorn for recruitment, but he had proved to be difficult to persuade. But what seemed to be the reason for suddenly showing up before the Death Eaters? Surely Slughorn wasn't there to join them and show his undying support for Yaxley's cause?
Horace Slughorn stumbled into the clearing behind the Weasleys, cradling a figure in his arms. A blanket covered most of the body, and only the person's lolling head could be seen. Slughorn could not move forward; he shook uncontrollably.
Most of the eyes around Yaxley followed Slughorn apprehensively. Yaxley squinted again for a single second and he walked toward Slughorn to see what was being presented in front of him. A chill settled over the group of people where they stood, and the Death Eaters' interest sharpened palpably.
Arthur stiffened, and Molly's eyes widened as her hand flew to her mouth. She backed away, her colour had turned ashen, and she looked like she was about to retch. Gasps erupted from the rest of the Weasleys. All the air seemed to vanish from their lungs. They stood, stiff as boards, petrified, as if they were unable to believe what they were seeing.
"Oh—oh—NO!" screamed Molly. She broke into a storm of tears and buried her face in Hagrid's arm as he stumbled forward, his eyes wide with terror.
"This couldn' be happenin'," he croaked. "Couldn' be!"
Slughorn looked up. "I—I couldn't save—" He shuddered uncontrollably, his eyes swollen, tears still spilling onto his cheeks and mustache. "I—I'm so sorry!" His knees buckled. He inhaled deeply before placing the body he was carrying onto the ground.
The dark shadows of a band of people crowded around him, pushing nearer until one of them shouted a shocking proclamation. His voice rang into the night:
"He's dead! Harry Potter! Dead!"
To be continued...
Beta-read by Smthnborrowediamblue, KVeronicaP, be11atrix-the-strange
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