《A Horcrux's Fate》Chapter 14
Hagrid remained at Harry's side while he was being treated. He didn't want to leave after seeing Harry's terrible ordeal. He would stay and no one could stop him, not even the Healers who tried to talk him out of staying. They were too afraid to even get near Hagrid or pull him out from the ward. They resigned to just casting him tense and fearful gazes and continued their work.
The Healers had furthermore been muttering to themselves and shaking their heads every so often when doing diagnostic spells. They took Harry's blood to perform some tests to find the poison's source, and Hagrid found it irritating that no one dared to update him on any of Harry's progressions.
Waves of nausea overtook Harry, and he kept doubling over to vomit on the side of his bed. Hagrid rubbed his back and helped him settle back in his pillows, Harry's breathing was becoming laboured and he held on tightly to Hagrid's massive hand.
"Oh, 'Arry." Hagrid caressed Harry's forehead and saw his tear-filled eyes as he tried to look at him without his glasses. Hagrid could tell that Harry was silently communicating with him even through pained expressions. "I'll stay. I won' go anywhere," he said comfortingly and squeezed Harry's hand gently. Harry let another tear escape his eyes.
It was painful to watch the scenes unfold again and again in front of Hagrid. Harry was having trouble breathing properly. The poison would not budge when the Healers tried to give Harry some antidotes. Their effects should have been instantaneous, but Harry continued to dry heave and gasp for air.
"It's goin' ter be okay, Harry," said Hagrid when Harry tried to call his name but failed due to another wave of the poison sending him into uncontrollable jerking movements. Hagrid was trying to be strong for Harry, but he couldn't stop himself from tearing up. He had seen Harry in worse cases but nothing like this, and this was not among the other things he was experiencing with his damaged soul. Hagrid didn't want to wonder how that part would attack Harry. Harry was like a son to him, and he wanted to be there for whatever he was going through. He couldn't bear to see him like this, but he knew Harry long enough to know he was trying to be strong for everybody.
One of the Healers entered the ward carrying a vial of potion in his hand. He examined Harry's diagnostics before nodding and administering the liquid.
"Wha' is that?" Hagrid asked with a frown.
The Healer looked up at Hagrid's huge form. "We firmly believed that the main substance of the poison that was ingested by Mr. Potter is called Angel's Trumpet. It is a plant that contains dangerous levels of poison and may be fatal if ingested - as you can very well see."
The Healer conjured a syringe and a needle. He injected the tip to the arm of Harry who moaned a little when he felt minimal discomfort. "This is a very potent antidote for uncommon and fatal poisons," he continued. "It will prevent further damage to Harry's body and help reverse the poisoning."
"Yer will be able ter get rid of the poison with this?" Hagrid asked desperately.
"We can certainly get rid of the poison, but it will be painful," said the Healer grimly. "It's like regrowing bones. It'll be a rough few days for Mr. Potter."
Hagrid grimaced and shuddered at the thought, knowing how much pain Harry was in already. "Can' he take any ter numb the pain or sleepin' potion, perhaps?"
"I'm afraid not," said the Healer, shaking his head. "The antidote must be carried out alone for it to properly counteract such a particular poison. Once it neutralizes, then we could administer any other means for comfort."
The Healer retreated after that and left Hagrid with Harry who had his eyes shut, his knuckles turning white because his fists clenching and unclenching too much. Harry could tell that the antidote was working its way when he felt stabbing pains all over his body.
Hagrid reached over and put a hand on Harry's arm, sighing deeply. "Harry..." His voice choked horribly.
Many long hours later, Harry awoke to find Hagrid dozing off at an uncomfortable angle beside him while he lay curled on the bed. He tried to stir slowly so as not to wake Hagrid only to realize that moving slowly was about the only thing he could do with his sore body. Despite his best efforts, Hagrid must have felt his movements and opened his eyes, looking wildly around as though in a panic.
Hagrid saw Harry gazing up at him. "Harry," he said in a low voice.
Harry smiled awkwardly at the tear-soaked face of his friend. "Hey, Hagrid. I'm sorry if I woke you." He sluggishly leaned his back against Hagrid's massive arm.
"It's alrigh'. How're yeh feeling?" asked Hagrid, looking closely at Harry's weakened state.
"Like I was on a full body-bind curse," Harry said dryly. "I feel stiff as a board." He made to move his arm but felt shooting pains all of a sudden. He lowered his arm and tried not moving as much so as not to aggravate it even more.
"I guess tha's the antidote," said Hagrid. "Yer poison'll be gone soon, I expect."
Harry nodded and looked around the room. It wasn't familiar to him. "Are we in St. Mungo's, Hagrid?" he asked, curious. Usually, one room could accommodate at least six patients, but this room seemed to be inclusive only to him. He realized the Healers did him a huge favour, and he was grateful. He wouldn't want other people snooping around anyway.
"Yeah. We decided ter bring yeh here."
Harry furrowed his brows. "We?"
"Yer friends, Harry."
Harry glanced at the door as though expecting Ron, Hermione, and Ginny to walk in any minute, but it didn't creak open as he expected. "Where are they?" he asked.
"In the waitin' room, I reckon," answered Hagrid in a thoughtful voice. "The Healers wouldn't allow visitors."
"But you're here," stated Harry quickly.
"Well," Hagrid cleared his throat, and continued in a matter-of-fact tone, "they had ter make an exception because I ain' leaving yeh, Harry." He wrapped his arm around Harry who gave him a grateful smile before casting his gaze to the tiled floor. Hagrid looked suddenly guilty before adding, "I think I frightened the lot of 'em when I admitted meself here earlier."
Harry whirled his head to look at Hagrid in bewilderment. A small wince escaped him as his neck protested the sudden movement. "Admitted?" he asked. His eyes grew wide when he slowly saw the bandages on Hagrid's arms and chest. "Hagrid, what -"
"I was attacked, you see." Hagrid responded quietly. He retold the story about what happened in the cave, and how he escaped just in time to Apparate to the hospital. "I sent a letter ter Ron an' told 'em where I was."
"But are you okay, Hagrid?" asked Harry in pure concern. "I'm sorry if we caused you so much trouble. We shouldn't have -"
"Am alrigh'," he replied dismissively. "It's yeh I'm worried about. Ron an' Hermione sure gave me a heart attack when I found out about yer soul. I wanted ter come an' see yeh meself… and now I'm 'ere with yeh." Hagrid sniffed and wiped a tear away from his eyes. He looked down at Harry and brought his massive arms around him. "I got the tail hair," he continued with a small smile. "I gave it ter Hermione. You're goin ' ter be okay now, Harry. They'll brew the potion an' you'll be healthy again."
"Thank you, Hagrid," Harry said sincerely while briefly wondering if Ron and Hermione had mentioned to Hagrid that he wasn't the one drinking the potion.
His head snapped up when the door slowly opened, and he saw Ron, Hermione, and Ginny quietly enter the ward.
"Harry!" they whispered together as they rushed to stand around him. Ginny immediately hugged and kissed him. Harry held her hand, and Hagrid beamed at them.
"We're not supposed to be in here right now, but we couldn't wait to see how you're doing, mate," Ron said breathlessly. "So much has happened. You're gonna freak out."
"How are you feeling?" asked Hermione anxiously.
"I think the antidote is doing its job. I feel sore all over, though," said Harry and adjusted himself to a more comfortable position. "Hagrid filled me in on what happened in the Thestral cave."
"Do you think it was Malfoy?" Ron immediately asked. Hermione gave an involuntary sigh. "I've been dying to ask your opinion on it, mate."
Harry didn't pause to think. "No." He thought he saw Ron look at him as though his head had been fatally damaged from the poison and was spouting rubbish.
"You're kidding, right?" Ron asked disbelievingly.
Harry shook his head. "He warned me of the dangers in the cave," he told them. "But whoever attacked Hagrid wasn't Malfoy's doing."
"How can you be sure, Harry?" asked Hermione, pursing her lips. "I'm also suspicious that there were other Death Eaters behind the attack - though I don't think Malfoy was one of them... I'm still uncertain."
"Because I know he wouldn't betray me," said Harry calmly. "He wanted to pay his debt even though that meant he had to talk his way to Mr. Weasley... and had to come to the Burrow to talk to me. I know he did what he came for without any pretenses."
"But aren't you gonna question his motive?" Ron asked a little too eagerly but with a hint of frustration as if he still wanted to prove his point. "I mean, he could just be faking it and setting you up."
Harry shook his head again. "His only motive was to return the favour and nothing else. His obligation to pay his debt is done."
"Are you saying you trust him?" Ron asked uncomfortably, his eyebrows furrowed.
"No, not trust," denied Harry. Noticing his best friend's growing annoyance, he explained quickly. "I'm merely saying that Malfoy is intelligent enough to act upon what he thought was the right thing to do - considering our rivalry."
"Never in the history of my life will I consider Malfoy as a friend, even if what you said is true, mate," said Ron darkly. "He'll forever be a spiteful bully, arrogant, and a spoiled brat. And –" he added before he could stop himself, "He's a coward like his father."
Harry nodded his understanding. "He is," he agreed. "But I stand by what I said… and if for some reason he was only lying to me, then that will only cause him bigger problems. I'm sure he's got a lot on his plate already that adding some more would be the last thing he'd want to happen."
"So you think Yaxley's working on his own?" asked Ginny with burning curiosity.
Before Harry could answer her, the door opened again and Kingsley Shacklebolt walked in, followed closely by Percy and an irate-looking Healer who glowered at all the occupants inside the room.
"What do you all think you're doing?" came the high-pitched voice of the Healer. "Mr. Potter needs his rest, and only two visitors are allowed. Out!" she bellowed at the group gathered around Harry, but the Minister stopped her with a calming hand and said that they needed to be there for interrogation purposes. The Healer sighed in irritation and cursed her way out of the room.
"Harry Potter," rumbled the deep voice of Kingsley. Harry regarded the tall black wizard in front of him with a pained smile before he addressed the rest of the group. "I didn't mean to intrude on this little chat, but I was immediately informed by Mr. Weasley here of what had happened." Percy stood with his head held high when the Minister acknowledged him. Ron rolled his eyes when he noticed.
"We were just discussing it, Minister," informed Hermione.
Kingsley smiled at her. "Please, you don't have to be formal around me. Just call me Kingsley." Everyone relaxed and returned his smile. "Do tell me what happened, if you may," he told Hermione and motioned her to begin.
"Draco Malfoy came to the Weasley house yesterday to talk to Harry. He said he owed Harry his life after Harry saved him. To make it short, he paid his debt by saying where we could find that one ingredient we needed for the potion to mend Harry's soul - in a cave in Ireland. We told Hagrid right away because we thought he could help, too.
"Then this morning," she continued without pause. "Percy suddenly visited the Weasley house. We only knew too late that he was an impostor when Hagrid sent us a letter saying that he was attacked in the cave Malfoy told us about and was being treated here in the hospital. We were about to go back to the Burrow when Healer Augustus Pye told us that Percy was here as well… That's how we found out that someone was impersonating him."
Percy made a hissing sound, causing everyone to glance at him briefly.
Hermione continued again when Percy's head had guiltily suck into his shoulders, "By the time we came home, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley were already unconscious on the floor, and the impostor had poisoned Harry. Then he showed his true self and turned out to be Corban Yaxley. He Disapparated shortly after that."
"Where are Molly and Arthur now?" asked Kingsley, stroking his chin.
"They're still unconscious," announced Ginny. "But they've been nursed back in the room across from here."
"I see." Kingsley turned his attention back to Hermione. "When you said 'we only knew too late' that Percy was being impersonated, what do you mean?" he asked, slowly taking his hand from his chin and placing his arms into his sleeves.
Hermione looked regretful for a moment before sighing, "When Percy's impostor saw Harry sick, he asked what happened… and I –" she hesitated, suddenly looking embarrassed. "I told him everything because I thought he was Percy himself."
"Everything, you mean…?"
"How Harry got sick…" she said sadly. "The ingredients for the cure, and about Draco's visit…" Hermione faltered, her eyes welling with tears. "Oh, I messed up so badly," she looked at Harry apologetically. "I'm so sorry."
Harry disregarded it with a weak wave of his hand and said consolingly, "You didn't know, Hermione. No one knew that he wasn't the real Percy. It's not your fault."
Hermione shook her head, her lip trembling. "But he could use that information against you. He could –" but she wasn't able to finish as she burst into tears.
Ron caressed her back and murmured his comfort. "Harry's right, Hermione. It wasn't your fault. We didn't know, too."
"But he may come back and hurt you again or any of us –"
"I will inform the Aurors as soon as I get back, Hermione. I will see to it that Yaxley will be severely reprimanded and put in Azkaban." Kingsley assured her. "I would want to know though, how Yaxley set up these attacks." He turned his attention toward Percy. "Did you notice anything unusual before you were attacked in your office, Percy?"
"No, sir," Percy answered truthfully. "I only remember hearing a voice, but it was faint, and the next thing I knew, I was already at the hospital, and that was when Ron and Ginny found me."
Kingsley crossed his arm, evidently thinking hard. "From your words, I conclude that Yaxley might have planned the attack on the cave in advance. But wasn't he at the Weasley household at the time when you received the letter from Hagrid?"
"Yes," said Ron and Ginny together.
"But how did Yaxley know about the cave?" Kingsley cocked his head to one side to look at them.
"The night when Draco Malfoy told us about the cave," said Hermione. "Ron immediately sent a letter to inform Hagrid who later told us that his owl looked rather roughed up. We were kind of debating whether Ron's owl was intercepted."
"Yes, his owl looked weird las' night when I saw him." Hagrid managed to speak after a long while of being silent. "He looked like he musta been forcefully searched."
Hermione nodded. "We believed that they've read the letter and that's how they knew."
Kingsley turned to Percy again. "Percy, you might want to double-check the protection you had in place at the Burrow," he ordered. "Not only the fireplace. If Yaxley Disapparated inside your house, that means the protection had been breached. For the meantime, I will have a group of Aurors guard your house on a regular schedule."
"Yes, sir," Percy said eagerly.
"As for Draco Malfoy," said Kingsley thoughtfully. "I have my suspicions, but he is under a tracking spell, and he knows about it. We will be able to discover his whereabouts yesterday. Harry, do you suspect that he's working with Yaxley?"
Harry gave his reasons to Kingsley. He told him what he told his friends earlier about what he thought of Malfoy as a traitor.
"As crazy as this sounds," he said, running his fingers through his hair. "I still find it hard to believe that Malfoy would go against me if his only reason for his visit was to pay his debt. Yaxley has allies, but I want to believe that Malfoy isn't a part of it." Kingsley nodded his understanding.
"I am not only saying this because I'm indebted to Mrs. Malfoy," Harry continued. "But I highly doubt that her son would do something that would potentially further their family's already-ruined reputation as of the moment."
"It would be reckless and stupid, yes," agreed Kingsley. "The unwavering decision that the Malfoys negotiated fairly certainly was to switch sides, and we are still under the impression that this strategy that they are carefully planning to achieve is null and suspicious, but –" he cleared his throat and looked straight at Harry who returned the gaze just as equally. "If what you have to say comes to pass and it does make a huge turning point that they were confidently against the dark side now, then I shall reconsider and give them a chance in society. Would you care to present to me your testimony in favour of the Malfoys, Harry?"
Everyone looked at Harry. It was evident that they were all against the Malfoys, and helping them out was not something any of them were willing to do except him. Harry didn't know whether or not his testimonies were enough to convince the Minister, but it was worth a try.
He took a deep, calming breath and started. "The night of the war at Hogwarts, I got captured. Because I told her that her son was alive, Narcissa betrayed Voldemort by saying I was dead. She only did it to find out about her son's well-being discreetly when I was sprawled on the ground. If it weren't for her, Voldemort would probably have killed me for sure. She saved me from him. That alone proved that she never valued her support of Voldemort over her son. I know that she only cared about her family, but it made a huge difference when she lied to him to save me instead."
Kingsley regarded this pensively but didn't say anything.
"Also," continued Harry. "When the battle recommenced, Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy had been seen abandoning the Death Eaters to search for their son. I think their family was reunited in the Great Hall at Hogwarts after the war." Harry trailed off, finished with his testimony and anticipated patiently for Kingsley to say something while the others waited with bated breaths.
"Thank you for your testimony, Harry," said Kingsley. "That greatly changed my perception about the Malfoys, and it did change the course of events, even more so in your life… With that, I will grant them a reprieve and revoke any incarceration in Azkaban. However, I will see them through more rightful retribution for their previous actions. No criminal shall roam freely without justice." Kingsley smiled wickedly at his last statement.
"I knew you'd understand," said Harry, smiling at him.
"Well, it's rare that I get to talk to you, Harry… so I may as well end this conversation on a good note." Kingsley put his hand in his pocket and brought out a small pouch. "This is the piece of the stone that you needed for the potion," he handed it to Harry who blinked his surprise.
"I wasn't expecting you'd have it right now," he said. "Thank you!"
"Anytime, Harry," said Kingsley. "Besides, I'm expecting to see you at the Auror's Headquarters soon and working your butt off. It's about time you show them what you've got, eh?"
"I think we could all agree that Harry had shown enough skill to land a position as the next Head of the Aurors, don't you think Minister?" Hermione proudly said while Harry looked away, blushing slightly.
"I very much agree to that, Ms. Granger. Let's see… I'll see you in the office a week from now then, Mr. Potter – and don't be late!"
"What?" said Harry in surprise, but Kingsley only chuckled and waved to say goodbye as he let himself out of the room.
"That's just it," said Ron, clearly upset. "You don't have to worry about job applications, but I still have to do them. I say take that offer, mate, and then hire me as your assistant, will you?"
At that very moment, the irate-looking Healer came storming back inside the ward the moment the Minister left, shouting, "This boy needs rest for Merlin's sake! Out! OUT!" Even Hagrid was told to leave, and he reluctantly followed the rest of the group. Harry was left alone with nothing to distract him from the stabbing pains creeping back into his entire body.
The next day, Harry woke suddenly in the sunlit ward and gave a loud yelp of pain; his whole body now felt like it was on fire. He realized that a group of people were standing around his bed and murmuring frantically. For a second, he thought that was what had woken him. He bit his lip when a wave of pain hit him.
"Harry, are you okay?"
Someone slid his glasses to his face, and he could see clearly. He saw his friends along with a familiar round-faced young man. He tried to sit up, but the pain was terrible.
"Neville," Harry whispered with effort, his voice croaked from his dry throat.
Neville seemed to understand the questioning look he received from him. "I didn't know you were admitted here last night until my gran handed me an article about you this morning." Neville showed the Witch Weekly magazine to Harry.
He saw a moving picture of himself being carried by Hagrid in the hospital's lobby. It looked like somebody had managed to take a photo of him while they were waiting to be checked in. The article had a large title that read, The-Boy-Who-Disappeared Finally Sighted in St. Mungo's Hospital.
"That Skeeter woman!" Hermione said hotly, not looking at the article. By her indignant expression, She had clearly already read the article. "I knew she'd do something like this again!" She sighed heavily, and Harry thought he heard her mutter an oath under her breath about sticking Rita Skeeter inside an unbreakable jar.
"Yeah," said Neville. "I was with my parents, and when I read the article and saw your picture, I came by and checked if it was true." He looked at Harry worriedly. "What happened to you, Harry? You look really sick."
"Poisoned," hissed Harry through clenched teeth.
"Poisoned?" Neville repeated in disbelief.
"Yes," said Ron, looking displeased. "Someone pretended to be my brother and poisoned Harry."
"Did you find out who?"
"Corban Yaxley."
"Isn't he among those Death Eaters who led an assault at the Astronomy Tower?" asked Neville as he glanced thoughtfully at them.
Hermione nodded to Neville. "Yes. I remembered Harry hit him with a Full Body-Bind Curse. He was arrested and taken to Azkaban, but he had broken out a few weeks later. When Voldemort took over the Ministry, Yaxley was made the Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement."
"He's really up there," said Ron loathingly. "He's like a part of the inner circle of Death Eaters."
"And this article," piped Hermione, throwing a look of disgust at the magazine. "Now that everyone knows Harry's whereabouts, I would hate to think that Death Eaters like Yaxley will likely charge in here and start attacking the hospital."
"Gran just told me that people have gathered outside of St. Mungo's right now," said Neville, shuddering slightly.
"They're probably here either to interrogate Harry and to know more about his health – or kill him," Ginny stated nervously.
"Yes," Hermione agreed in an irritated voice. "Rita Skeeter clearly mentioned in her article that 'Harry's dying in the arms of a ferocious-looking man'. Seriously, that woman –"
But her final words were drowned out as a different voice echoed throughout the hospital. It was strong, cold, and clear: There was no telling from where it came; it seemed to issue from the walls themselves.
"I know that you are afraid to come out." The voice reverberated around them, and alarm plastered itself on their faces as they whirled around for the source of the sound. "Death Eaters have fought valiantly alongside the Dark Lord. I have great respect and honour toward those who have fallen. Their magical blood had been spilt, but those who remained standing have yet to show the true legacy the Dark Lord had promised to fulfil, yet this was destroyed by the Undesirable No. 1 whom we all know as Harry Potter."
Then silence swallowed them all. Every head turned inside the ward. From the opened door, Harry saw some Healers and patients had stopped in their tracks from the voice.
"To my fellow Death Eaters," continued the unmistakable voice that Harry recognized as Yaxley's. "I urge you to come out and be not afraid, for we will tarnish those who defied the will of the Dark Lord. Let us bond, form once again, and finish what we all have strived to fulfill in this society. We now have the advantage at our hands. It has now been brought to all your attention the whereabouts of our enemy. Join me as we end him once and for all."
Before anyone could speak, they could hear tumultuous movements from outside St. Mungo's. Ron and Neville rushed to the window and cried out that witches and wizards had doubled in number and most of them were trying to get inside the hospital lobby.
"Was this Yaxley's plan all along to bring Harry out in public?" Ginny tried to ask calmly, but she seemed to be repressing her panic inside.
Her question was not answered when Neville spoke with considerable urgency. "Harry has to get out of here now!"
"Could we bring him back to the Burrow?" Ron asked the group, grasping at large pieces of his red hair.
"No," said Ginny, shaking her head and burying her face in her hands. "The Burrow isn't safe right now. Percy and Kingsley have yet to place another protection charm and Aurors around the house."
"Where else could we hide him, then?"
"This is only a suggestion," said Hermione, low and hurried. "Maybe we could ask Bill and Fleur if we could stay at the Shell Cottage!"
"Yeah," said Ron quickly. "We've been there before. They wouldn't mind, I hope. How are we gonna get there, then?"
"Well," mused Ginny frantically, nearly in hysterics. "Harry's not fit to Apparate in there, and Portkeys can be uncomfortable – but that's our only way, and I think we have one at the Burrow."
"Yeah. I know where it's at. I can get it," Ron volunteered, jaw set.
"I'll come with you," said Hermione immediately. "I have to get the Anima book and my beaded bag. The Invisibility cloak is in there, and we have to brew the potion straightaway."
They all nodded.
"I'll keep watch here with Ginny until you both return," Neville bravely told them. "Please hurry!"
"I have to inform mum and dad of our plan as well," said Ginny. "And tell them that we're leaving very soon. I'm sure Percy could look after them."
Neville watched as they left him and Harry alone in the room. He started pacing nervously in front of Harry. Grave silence stretched between them for a few minutes until Neville jumped when the door opened.
Ginny returned followed by Hagrid. They whirled about when they suddenly heard Harry utter a sharp cry of pain and noticed a look of horror in his eyes when he looked at Ginny. Understanding dawned on her features. Her face blanched while the blood drained from her face as she stammered, "Oh, Harry… No – no, not right now –" but her voice was drowned out when Harry's screams began again.
To be continued...
Beta read by KVeronicaP, Chirpo
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What happens when a retired Sailor, avid gamer, Player versus Player nut and an H.P. Lovecraft fan all rolled into a man with slight psychopathic tendencies gets brought to a world of fantasy with role-playing elements? Chaos, absolute bloody chaos. Join Jake as he attempts to find his way in a brand new world filled with elves, dragons, and all manner of strange and magical creatures, all the while he butchers and slaughters his way to power. Can he make it, or will he be brought down by the darkness inside of him? Cover by Novissimus. Authors Note: Hey guys, thank you for taking the time to look this over. As this is my first work of any sort of writing, I would love it if you can give me any feedback you can think of. Hit me hard and hit me often, so I can make it better for everyone. Thank you! Authors Note #2. Some of the wonderful people reading this horrible attempt at literature have reviewed the Main Character as an unlikable a**hole that thinks everything is stupid or idiotic, while others have reviewed the Main Character as realistic and sarcastic. As the author, I think that both of these points are true, and if you, the reader, feel like you won't enjoy the MC being these things in your story, then it might be that this fiction is not for you. But if it is, then I welcome you with open arms. Thank you for your time.
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