《A Horcrux's Fate》Chapter 12
"A cave in Ireland?" Hermione asked Harry the moment Malfoy left the Burrow.
As exhausted as Harry was, he eagerly told his friends what information Malfoy had disclosed when he had gone up to his room. They listened with their mouths open.
"Do you think he's telling the truth, mate?" Ron asked, his eyes narrowing. "He doesn't fit the criteria of someone to be trusted."
"I think so," said Harry. "He was indebted to me, so he might as well have told me the truth, or else what was the point of him coming here if he were only gonna lie?"
"Well, it's not the first time he'd done it," said Ron in a matter-of-fact tone. "He's a dark wizard, and that's what they do to worm themselves outta sticky situations."
Harry had also been thinking the same thing, but he felt that it was unlikely that Malfoy would lie to him this time. "I don't know, Ron. He sounded truthful to me. He may have lied many times, but he actually saved us once when we were caught and brought to the Malfoy Manor; he didn't confirm our identities to his parents and Bellatrix. He could be changing now and realizing the dark side has nothing to do with him."
"Your dad did say that the Malfoys would like to switch sides and help the Ministry in exchange for freedom and for their name to be cleared," Hermione said to Ron, and Harry tilted his head to look at her.
"Do you think Kingsley would allow it?" asked Ron.
"I honestly don't care whether he accepts or not," said Hermione calmly. "As long as the Malfoys don't do any more damage because of their influence, I'm okay whichever."
"I think I should help them," Harry suddenly piped up. Ron, Hermione, and Ginny gasped, taken aback.
"Have you gone mad?" asked Ron, his eyes wide.
"Why do you think that, Harry?" Hermione asked curiously and added swiftly, "I mean, it wasn't surprising anymore that you want to help, knowing you've always tried to help people and save them, even though sometimes it didn't make any sense. I only wish, Harry, that you're thinking clearly before taking a shot at helping people, especially the Malfoys."
"Because I owe Narcissa," Harry said simply.
They all gaped at him.
Harry reminded them what had happened on the night of the war when he went to the Forbidden forest to surrender himself to Voldemort, in which the Dark Lord had immediately attempted to kill him with the Killing Curse. "... and Narcissa was so concerned for her son that she told Voldemort I was dead." He paused and added as an afterthought, "I don't think she ever truly supported Voldemort more than she did her family."
Understanding finally dawned on them, but Ron snorted.
"They're lucky that they have you saving their arses from being sent to Azkaban. If she didn't save you from Voldemort, I wonder what Draco would do now without his parents, assuming You-Know-Who'd've killed them? He would have had to try even harder to fit in the society who hates his family now more than ever. Imagine being broke as well?"
Hermione reminded Ron of the talk Mr. Weasley shared to them that afternoon. "Mr. Weasley said that Kingsley was only threatening the Malfoys that he would put all their wealth to the Ministry if they ever lie," she said sharply. "I don't think he would actually leave Draco without a single sum of money to support himself if it came to that. It's just cruel."
"I would have a hard time believing that the Minister would become so heartless," said Ginny. "I know Kingsley, and I don't believe he'd ever do that."
"Well, the Malfoys are cruel people," snarled Ron, pounding his fist on the wall to where he sat. "Now that they've been caught, all they have to deal with are cruel decisions made about them. I still haven't forgotten all the times that they've mocked our family for being poor, you know. Now that possibility could happen to them and I would want to see how they strive to live and be called poor."
Harry silently agreed that the Malfoys gained their supreme reputation and their richness and power for their pureblood lineage. Even though the Weasleys are purebloods as well, I guess they have received countless ridicules from the Malfoys for their lack of money and their sympathy for non-magical folks, Harry thought.
"How do you plan on helping them, Harry?" asked Hermione eagerly.
Ron shook his head, still in disbelief. "I never thought a time would come that you have to help the one family that you despised the most."
"I don't despise the Malfoys," said Harry. "It's just..." he hesitated, not wanting to explain any further. "It doesn't matter now. Anyway, I guess I just have to talk to Kingsley and tell him what I know and go from there."
"Do you think Kingsley would listen to what you've got to say?" Ginny asked uncertainty.
"It wouldn't hurt to try, but I really want to avoid going to the Ministry if I could help it."
"We could talk to your dad," Hermione suggested to them. "Maybe he can convince Kingsley to come here at the Burrow instead."
"Let's also not forget Hagrid about the Thestrals in Ireland and hear what he says," Ginny reminded them.
They all nodded.
By then, Harry's exhaustion had reached its limit, and sleep had slowly crept in, weighing down his lids more and more. They decided to defer that night's agenda of talking to Mr. Weasley to the next day; it was late in the evening anyway, and they all felt they needed rest. They had given Harry a vial of Nutrition potion since he wasn't able to eat anything that day, and by the time they left Harry's room, he was already fast asleep.
Morning came, and Harry shifted uncomfortably in his bed sheets, feeling groggy. He opened his eyes and blinked several times to adjust to the light that was streaming from the windows. He squinted and saw a blurry outline of a ceiling. Where am I? Panic slammed into him for a moment before Harry turned his head to one side and saw his belongings scattered around in the room. Oh, that's right. I'm in the Burrow.
His body felt really weak when he hoisted himself up from the bed.
"That's strange," he said to himself. He gasped in pain when he tried to stand, falling hard on the floor instead. His knees that refused to support his weight wobbled and shook, and he swallowed, only to find his throat sore and painful. He gave an involuntary sigh. What's going on with me now?
Harry walked at a snail's pace when he decided to come down for breakfast. He leaned on walls and held on tightly to whatever that could support him as he trudged out of his room and down the stairs. He spotted Mr. Weasley coming down for breakfast as well. Harry gave him an awkward smile when he saw him.
Harry's legs suddenly gave out. Without warning, Mr. Weasley swooped him in and carried him all the way to the kitchen despite Harry's protests. Harry's face had gone red from embarrassment when he sat down. The rest of the Weasleys and Hermione were conversing quietly with each other and looking worriedly at him. He smiled feebly at them.
"Oh, Harry," said Mrs. Weasley as she held her hands to Harry's face. "You look really pale, dear. Did you sleep well? How are you feeling?"
Harry felt his body stiffen. Only a moment ago he would have smiled at them, but this time, something was wrong. The room began to spin, and he couldn't remember why he would have smiled in the first place. He flinched against Mrs. Weasley's touch and shrunk back from her. He gazed frantically around him, and everywhere he looked, he couldn't recognize his surroundings and the people at the table.
"Harry, are you alright?" Mrs. Weasley asked with a perplexed look in her eyes. She moved her hand to touch him again, but he flinched once more, making her freeze mid-action. "Harry?"
Harry tried to focus his attention on the unfamiliar woman by him but snapped his head about when another spoke, fixing him with a questioning look.
"What's going on, Harry? What's wrong?" Hermione asked.
Memories rushed back to Harry. He blinked a couple of times before answering breathlessly, "Hermione... I - I'm fine."
"Are you sure, mate?" Ron asked anxiously. "You seemed lost for a moment."
Harry nodded. He couldn't find his voice; his throat felt too tight to allow any words.
"If you say so," his red-haired friend stated, still looking uncertain. "You were looking at us as if you were only seeing us for the first time."
Harry cleared his throat and said his automatic response of "I'm fine" in a barely audible whisper.
In truth, panic threatened to overtake him when he thought his memories had slipped away completely. He realized now that he had been feeling worse than yesterday. He knew that his health was drastically deteriorating, even if he wouldn't admit it. He had acquired a headache from his fitful sleep last night, and now his eyes had turned blood-shot. His throat had gone so dry and sore from his screaming that whenever he coughed, he could see blood come back on his hand.
The burning feeling left quite a side effect on Harry's skin as well. He winced every time he moved suddenly, feeling the pain that lingered inside him. His sense of touch seemed heightened.
Everyone eyed Harry nervously when he stared at his breakfast plate, slowly scooping little bits of food and wincing every now and then. They were finding it really hard to watch Harry eat when he trembled too much. His utensils had fallen from his hands quite a few times already with loud clatters. They could see Harry's frustration each time he lowered his head and took deep, calming breaths so he could try again. Harry was aware of their eyes on him, but he preferred not to look at them.
Sensing the need to help, Ginny offered to feed him.
"I'm sorry," Harry said in a whisper. He felt really embarrassed about eating so poorly, but he straightened up with a determined glint in his eyes. They all knew he was getting weaker and that his body had slowly become progressively worse in its responses to any movement or other stimuli.
Ginny gave him a sad smile. "It's okay," she said while scooping a bit of egg for Harry to eat. "Don't worry about it."
Mrs. Weasley placed a vial of Nutrition potion in front of Harry so he could take it after eating, knowing he would need a lot of it now. He looked at it with reluctance. His appetite began to be annoyingly unpredictable. He wanted to eat and feel full again, but most of the time, he felt as though his brain was raging in a series of battles to the death with his hunger - the former typically the victor.
Hermione had started a conversation with Mr. Weasley, and Harry was glad that the rest of the Weasleys diverted their attention to her. He guessed she'd seen his insecurities through his burning cheeks and must've sensed how uncomfortable he was while eating.
"Mr. Weasley, is there a chance that the Minister would be able to visit the Burrow?"
Mr. Weasley was surprised by the question. He gulped his drink before speaking. "Yes. Why do you ask?"
"Harry wants to talk to him about the Malfoys," she replied.
Mr. Weasley turned his head to Harry and said, "If you don't mind me asking, are you planning on giving testimony against their behalf, Harry?"
But Harry seemed not to have heard him, sitting with his head in his hand.
"Harry?" Hermione called softly.
Harry looked up, confusion visible in his eyes. "Yes?"
"Are you alright? You look distracted," she said, looking worried. "Mr. Weasley has a question for you."
"Uh... sorry," he whispered. "Who is Mr. Weasley?"
The rest of the Weasleys glanced at each other, looking bewildered.
Hermione gaped at him. "Harry, what -"
"That would be me, Harry," Mr. Weasley cut Hermione off and gave Harry a sad smile.
"I'm sorry," Harry muttered quickly under his breath. "What was your question, sir?"
Ron raised his eyebrows at the mention of 'sir'. Similarly, everyone gave strange stares at Harry.
"I was merely asking whether you were planning on giving testimony against the Malfoys."
"Oh..." Harry fell silent for a few moments. Testimony against the Malfoys? Harry asked himself, deep in thought. He was at a loss for words, nervous to be asked right on the spot. He inhaled deeply and flickered his eyes after a while. Shaking his head, his voice came out hoarsely, "It's actually the contrary."
Mr. and Mrs. Weasley nearly fell over from their seats.
"Really?" asked Mr. Weasley curiously, looking quite interested now at the sudden turn in discussion. "I'm sorry, Harry, but someone like you helping out the Malfoys is just hard to believe. I'm sure Kingsley would take into consideration whatever you present to him. But what's the reason for your sudden want to help them?" Before he could stop himself, he added, lowering his voice, "Draco didn't blackmail you, did he?"
"No, Mr. Weasley," Harry said quickly. "I was just thinking of lending them a hand because I'm indebted to Narcissa Malfoy. She saved my life from Voldemort, you see."
Mr. Weasley scratched his almost bald head, looking startled. "Saved you? How? I'm sorry, Harry, but I am having a hard time believing that a Malfoy would save someone other than their own."
Ron spoke before he could stop himself, "Believe me, dad, we all know what you mean."
"Do tell us how it all happened, dear," Mrs. Weasley beckoned Harry to continue.
Harry retold the story again, stopping once in a while when a cough wracked his chest and he needed to reach for his water glass. By the time he finished, Mr. Weasley had crossed his arms and was in deep thought.
Before he could say anything, Harry spoke again. "Also, Draco was indebted to me," he informed them. "He told me where we might be able to find the wild Thestrals."
"Oh, that reminds me," said Ron at once. "I already sent a letter to Hagrid last night, so we'll see whether Malfoy was telling the truth or was just plain bluffing."
Harry nodded his thanks to Ron.
"Mr. Weasley, you said Kingsley actually is planning to come here," said Hermione. "May I ask why?"
"Ah," mused Mr. Weasley. "Kingsley would like to personally deliver the piece of the stone from the Veil to Harry, maybe to have a little chat as well... Don't ask me; I don't know any more," he said to Hermione when she opened her mouth as if to ask why again. He turned to Harry, worry knitting his brows. "You wouldn't mind it, Harry?" he asked.
Harry shook his head.
"Excellent. I shall inform Kingsley once I'm back at work," Mr. Weasley picked up his fork without another word, and the rest of them did the same.
The fireplace erupted in flames just before Harry finished his meal, revealing Percy Weasley sporting a smile at his family who jumped up from their seats at his sudden appearance.
Mrs. Weasley ran to his son and caught him up in a smothering hug. She automatically broke it to examine him all over, "Have you been eating alright, dear? Oh, I have missed you!"
"How are you, son?" asked Mr. Weasley who had come right behind his wife to hug his son as well.
Everyone else waved at him from the table, including Harry whom Percy felt both pleased and worried to see. through his parent's hugs, he had immediately noticed Harry's appearance and sickly stature. Even from afar, one could tell how his health had worsened over a few short weeks; his thin frame made his shirt looked even more over-sized. His face looked very pale as though he hadn't seen the sun for quite a while. Percy let go of the hug and gave a worried sigh, knowing the Potter boy was the reason for his visit and wanted to see for himself how Harry was doing. He hadn't expected that he would look so frail and weak.
"How are you, Percy?" Harry asked in his usually low, hoarse voice that took Percy by surprise; he winced slightly when he heard it. Nevertheless, he smiled through his alarm and concern.
"Is the Ministry treating you well?" Ron interjected.
"As a matter of fact, yes," Percy replied. Mr. Weasley motioned for him to sit down as Mrs. Weasley piled on a heap of food for him. "I've been doing well, to answer your question, Harry. Although I must say, the turn of events got me awfully preoccupied lately. Death Eaters have breached multiple Floo fireplaces in different areas, and we're closely monitoring any questionable activities."
"Death Eaters breaching fireplaces?" Ron asked in alarm.
"They're everywhere, Ron. On the run and hiding... but some still have the audacity to violate and trespass on Ministry's property, carrying out various attacks... And there has been so much riot at the Ministry about you, Harry. People want to see you. They want to know what has become of the boy who killed the Dark Lord."
"Yeah, we've heard that," said Ron, giving Percy a raised eyebrow when he said the "Dark Lord" instead of "You-Know-Who".
"What's become of Harry Potter?" Harry echoed in a peculiar voice.
"Yes, that's what I said," said Percy, raising his eyebrows at Harry.
But he seemed unable to follow when Harry asked, "Why? What happened to him?"
A very awkward pause hung thick in the air. Percy gazed uncertainly at Harry before giving the rest of the Weasleys a look as though asking for some explanations for Harry's suddenly odd behaviour.
Before anyone could even explain, Harry spoke again, this time sounding normal. "I don't expect much once they see me like this," he said quietly. "I don't think they would even recognize me." They all regarded him with worry etched in their features.
"You can't be seen, Harry," Hermione anxiously told him. "No one can know what has been happening to you. Once a Death Eater finds out you're this ill and weak, they'll all try and attack you for killing off Voldemort. They want revenge."
"I know that, Hermione," he said coldly. "It would be an easy task for them since I'm already dying." Harry closed his eyes and rubbed his hand to his temple again.
All heads turned in his direction.
Hermione bit her lip, affronted. "Don't say that, Harry."
"We just need to be careful in choosing whom we confide," said Mr. Weasley gently. "We know how to get this cure, and before the wizarding world knows it, Harry'll back on track."
Harry gave a small smile, but he felt a slight twinge in his chest. Every time they talked about fixing his problem, he couldn't help but feel sad and hopeless. The uncertainties shrouding his later health only continued to mirk his future. He was tired of all the things that had been happening; he preferred not to know his future... because there isn't one for me, he thought sadly.
Percy proceeded to fill his family more on what had happened at the Ministry, each conversation lasting no more than a few minutes, but Harry didn't participate in them; he only observed, staying silent. He propped his head on his hand and closed his eyes again when the talk turned to him.
"So, Harry… how was your life here?" asked Percy, repeating the question again when he didn't reply. "Harry?"
"Uh…" Harry brought his hand down and looked at Percy under leaden lids. He wasn't in the mood to talk anymore. "It was great. Thank you, Percy."
Ginny grabbed the vial of Nutrition potion, along with the ignored Healing potion that her mother had placed on the table, and urged Harry to take them. After no small amount of coaxing, he relented, allowing her to help him pour the liquids into his mouth.
"Do you want to take a rest, Harry?" Mrs. Weasley asked when Harry closed his eyes again. "You can sleep on the sofa." He nodded and stood up slowly.
Ron helped him walk, managing to reach the living room before Harry's knees buckled and he collapsed. Ron and his father carried him to the sofa where he fell asleep in an instant after mumbling his thanks.
"Is he really dying?" Percy asked Mrs. Weasley in a whisper.
Mrs. Weasley looked at him sadly. "We don't want to think that, but… yes, he is."
"What happened to him? He was looking fine when I saw him last at the battle at Hogwarts."
"He was," said Ginny quietly. "Not until You-Know-Who killed a part of his soul inside Harry and then it started."
"You-Know-Who's what?" Ginny's brother did a double take, having never heard of such a thing. "What do you mean, Ginny?"
It was Hermione who explained Harry's situation to Percy, careful to leave out the concept of Horcruxes themselves. By the time she finished, Percy was looking grave and speechless.
"And now," added Ginny. "We're only awaiting those two ingredients, and then we can start the mending process. I really wish Hagrid and Kingsley would hurry up. We're losing Harry as time passes by."
"Did dad talk to the Minister?" Percy asked them.
"Yes," Ginny confirmed. "And I think he's planning on coming here to give that piece of stone to Harry."
Percy nodded his understanding. "Earlier, Harry was acting like he couldn't recognize himself when I mentioned his name. What was that about?"
Ginny squirmed in her seat. Ron and Hermione exchanged lost glances.
"Harry's memories... I think they're confusing him in some way," said Hermione, her voice cracking slightly. "There was a time that he couldn't remember anything... and a time like today when - well..." she trailed off.
"Like there was an on and off switch," Ron said heavily.
"It's heartbreaking seeing him like this," said Ginny miserably. She turned her head to gaze at Harry's sleeping form. The corners of her eyes prickled with tears. "Him not knowing who he is... or the faces of his friends... I - I couldn't bear it. It'd be very painful if one day Harry couldn't be able to remember me and our relationship..."
Hermione wrapped her arms around Ginny's shoulders in a comforting hug, her tears threatening to fall at any minute. She took a deep breath. "He'll be okay, Ginny. We'll get through this... you'll see..."
A soft tap at the kitchen window alerted them to the sight of Pigwidgeon with a letter tied to his leg.
"It must be Hagrid!" exclaimed Ron as he ran to open the window to let the owl in. After untangling the thread tied to a scroll, he unrolled the piece of parchment, Hermione and Ginny joining him as he read the letter aloud.
I got the Thestral's tail hair but I am badly injured. Death Eaters attacked me. I am being treated at St. Mungo's Hospital right now.
All three of them looked at each other, shock evident on their faces. They rejoined Percy at the table, sitting themselves down so fast, they nearly disrupted the mug of tea in Percy's hands, eliciting a sharp gasp from Mrs. Weasley already clearing the plates with her wand.
"Was Hagrid attacked in Ireland?" Ron asked in a panic.
Hermione looked aghast. "But - nobody else could have known -"
Mrs. Weasley paused cleaning the table. "Who was attacked?" Ron handed her Hagrid's letter. "Oh my…" she said when she finished reading.
"I never thought Hagrid would be attacked by Death Eaters," said Hermione fearfully. "If anything, I'd have thought wild animals would be a more likely danger."
"Even if he was, how did the Death Eaters know Hagrid was going to be there?" Ginny asked quietly.
"Death Eaters are everywhere now," Ron reminded them. "Remember what Percy said; they're on the run and in hiding."
"I'm thinking about the same thing, but that's beside the point!" said Hermione shrilly. "Death Eaters are on the run and in hiding, and they just happened to be in that very cave where the wild Thestrals are? I mean, it's suicide to even think to hide there where wild animals gather and live. No -" she said flatly. "It wasn't just a coincidence." She slammed her palm flat on the table. "Argh! It's so frustrating not knowing the answers to our questions."
Ginny's voice rose to a frantic degree. "But no one else knows of our plan. No one knows that Hagrid will visit and check that cave in Ireland."
"There is one," said Ron, his eyes blazing. "Draco Malfoy."
"Draco Malfoy?" Percy asked, shock evident on his face, but in the next moment, his eyes glinted wickedly.
Ron nodded at him but was slightly taken aback at Percy's expression. He thought he saw malice smouldering in his eyes.
Percy jutted his chin forward. "How did he know about this?"
"Before dad went home, Malfoy asked if he could talk to Harry," Ginny explained. "He came here, and he was the one who told Harry where to find the wild Thestrals."
"Is that so?" asked Percy, his hand on his chin as though he was thinking of something.
"Harry said he was being truthful," Hermione reasoned quickly. "He can't just betray Harry. He said Malfoy owed him his life and that he was only returning the favour when he came here. He can't be the traitor."
"Who else knows about the cave aside from Voldemort, then?" challenged Ron. "Malfoy was the other one who knew about it, unless you could think of someone else."
Hermione sighed. "But it's just so unlikely that Malfoy would do such an important thing for Harry only to go back on his pureblood name."
"Who cares what Malfoy think he's doing!" snarled Ron. "He's a Death Eater, and that's how they work regardless if they owe you their life. Once a Death Eater, always a Death Eater, no matter what the situation is."
"It doesn't make sense," Hermione said, frustration creasing her forehead. "I thought his family wanted to switch sides to clear their name. Were they just lying?"
"They're a bunch of liars, Hermione," said Ron in a hard voice. "What else would they be?"
"I say we go visit Hagrid and see what happened," suggested Ginny.
"I'm gonna stay here for a while with mum and dad," Percy informed them. Mrs. Weasley squeezed his shoulders gratefully. "I can look out for Harry as well while you guys visit Hagrid."
Ron and Hermione nodded, and they stood up quickly to prepare to leave.
To be continued...
Beta-read by KVeronicaP
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