《A Horcrux's Fate》Chapter 9
The morning sunlight poured through the window in Harry's room. Surprisingly, Harry felt really good that morning. He hardly ate that much anymore, but this time though, he finished breakfast complaining at how full his stomach was.
"It's a good thing that you got your appetite back," said Mrs. Weasley, clearly pleased to see Harry eating normally again.
This sudden feeling of health and interest in eating was somewhat odd in Harry's opinion. Truthfully, he didn't have the slightest idea what was really going with his damaged soul. He had felt ill for three weeks straight, and now it was like he was never ill in the first place. The change had started to scare him, but at the same time, it was something he wanted and needed in his life for once, allowing him not to worry.
Harry laid back down again in his bed with his friends around him. He wanted to talk to them more, and so right after breakfast, they went straight to Harry's room to talk about how best to tell Hagrid and Mr. Weasley about the ingredients, whom they had decided previously ought to hear about what they had planned.
"Don't you think it would be better off if we go to Hagrid personally and ask about the Thestral's hair instead of sending him a letter?" Harry asked, remembering Ron's eagerness at the time to owl Hagrid early the next day.
"Hagrid would be pleased to see us for sure," said Hermione, but Harry doubted whether Hagrid would be pleased once he found out the purpose of their potential call. "I wonder how's he doing now…"
Ron snorted. "He's probably out in the forest again taking care of Grawp. Do you reckon he has learned some more manners, or another English word, perhaps? I'd really like to hear that."
"Grawp helped Hagrid a lot in the war, you know," Hermione said matter-of-factly. "That proves that he's much more responding now."
"Responding?" scoffed Ron.
"The last time I saw him he was with the students at Hogwarts; they were throwing food into his laughing mouth," said Ginny, absentmindedly playing with Harry's hair, making it messier than it already was.
"Sure," said Ron dryly. "Next thing you know, Grawp's taking over Hagrid's teaching post. That'd be fun."
Harry laughed but Hermione just rolled her eyes.
"Speaking of teaching," she said thoughtfully, "I wonder if Hagrid will want to continue with Care of Magical Creatures?"
"I would assume he will," said Ron. "He loved it after all. We can just ask him all these questions when we come to visit."
"Do you think we should do it today?" Hermione asked them suddenly. "I mean, we're kind of in a hurry to get the ingredients, and I'm sure it'll take some time for Hagrid to find a wild Thestral, not to mention, he needs to travel out of the country."
"First of all, will he agree to it if we ask? I mean, that's a big task and –" Ron hesitated and said with a sour face, "I wouldn't want to watch over Grawp when he's away."
"That's probably what Hagrid's gonna do," Harry pointed out. "He asked us to take care of Grawp before, remember?"
"Let's not worry about it once we talk to Hagrid. He may not even mention his brother. So," said Hermione as though they had finally reached a conclusion. "Are we agreeing, then, that we visit Hagrid today?"
"I don't see why not," said Ron quickly.
Ginny glanced worriedly at Harry and said, "No offence Harry, but do you feel you can travel?"
"I think I can," he said confidently, although he wasn't entirely sure himself. "Besides, I miss Hagrid."
But Harry was sure Ginny was not convinced when she bit her lip, and he could see Hermione looked away after giving an anxious glance with Ginny.
"As much as you want to see Hagrid, I don't think you should come, Harry," Hermione said seriously. "I can't believe that I totally forgot that you're ill."
"But I'm not," said Harry rather forcefully. He felt his heart constrict painfully at the thought of missing out on seeing Hagrid. He didn't know if he would see him again if he didn't go now. "I mean, I feel fine today," he added as an afterthought, trying his best to look convincing.
"Sorry, mate," Ron interjected. "But I think Hermione's right. It's risky, and I wouldn't want to carry you if you ever faint in one of your attacks."
Harry frowned. "But I'm not gonna have another attack. Not now, anyway. Like I said, I feel fine."
Ron snorted.
"Harry," said Ginny. "That burning feeling you had was pretty unpredictable. I've seen it before at different times. You don't think I wouldn't have picked up on that, do you? But I figured it out. You can't really keep it a secret the way you were dealing with it."
Harry refused to budge. "But I haven't seen –"
"Hagrid will understand, Harry," Hermione cut him off. She looked at his emerald green eyes with a soft expression on her face.
"He'll probably come bursting in on here once he finds out that you're sick," said Ron, trying to cheer him up even though what he said sounded awful.
Harry glared at them. He hated this, hated the helplessness he felt at not being able to do what he wanted, hated the frustration he felt of falling ill at any time. "Fine!" he snapped and he folded his arms.
"Then I won't be coming along, too," Ginny informed Ron and Hermione.
Harry looked at her with surprise, but he already knew why.
"I knew you'd say that," said Hermione.
Ron made a face at Harry and Ginny and menacingly said, "You both better not do something while we're away."
"Do what, exactly?" Ginny asked in a stern voice. "You wouldn't be here anyway, so you wouldn't know if something happened."
Ron was about to retort back, but Hermione stopped him. "Now, we have to talk about your dad." She looked at Ron and Ginny.
"What about him?" Ron asked, still in a foul mood at his sister.
"We'll wait for you to come back before we talk to him," Ginny replied to Hermione who nodded.
"Better be careful what you tell your dad," Harry said suddenly, not looking at them. "If he finds out about your plan on that potion, he might take it worse than I did."
Free from pretense, Hermione spoke, "We'll tell him the details but not all of them."
"Oh, you mean to leave out the part where you drink the potion and risk your life?" Harry asked with a look of contempt plastered on his face.
"Well… yes, that's about right," she said calmly, not wanting to argue with Harry.
"Great," said Harry sarcastically. "I can't wait to see that."
"What's wrong with you?" asked Ron with a disapproving look on his face.
Harry shrugged.
"Don't worry about him," said Ginny. "He's just upset that he's not coming to see Hagrid."
Harry glared at her. "I said I'm fine."
"You'll be able to see him soon, Harry," said Hermione consolingly, but Harry clearly doubted that.
After a minute of silence, Hermione stood up and said, "Right. We better get ready to leave, Ron." And with that, they walked out of the room, leaving Harry and Ginny behind.
An hour later, Ron and Hermione arrived in a fairly roomy office of Horace Slughorn. They had decided to Floo to his fireplace to arrive at Hogwarts quickly. They looked around and saw the usual two large sofas that greeted them. Hermione remembered all too well the number of times she spent in this room where Professor Slughorn had held his parties, but today it was empty, and even Slughorn was not there.
"Where do you reckon he's at?" asked Ron after they scanned the office for him.
"He's probably in his Potions lab, brewing," said Hermione. "Remember when Mrs. Weasley asked him for more Healing potions for Harry?"
They made their way out of the door and into the corridor, and they went six floors down and passed the Great Hall without any interruptions.
"It's weird seeing the castle so empty," said Ron. "But at least they've managed to fix most of the damage from the war."
"Of course they have," she said while rolling her eyes. "It'd be hard to study if there are a mass of boulders scattered everywhere in the classrooms."
They walked outside the Hogwarts castle where they could already make out Hagrid's hut from a distance. Once they reached his wooden door, they knocked and heard several booming barks from Fang inside.
Hagrid's big, hairy face appeared in the door crack as he pulled it open. His eyes widened in shock when he recognized who they were.
"Ron! Hermione!" he greeted happily, giving them both bone-cracking hugs. "Come in!"
"Hi, Hagrid!" said Hermione with a smile. An enormous black boarhound bounded straight to Ron and started licking his ears like always.
"What's the two o' yeh doin' here?" Hagrid asked, still looking surprised at the sudden visit. He offered them tea which they took gratefully and sat down in his overly large armchair.
"We miss you, and we thought we'd come by and visit," Hermione said brightly, hoping that Hagrid wouldn't notice that Harry was missing.
She was wrong unfortunately when Hagrid said, "Thanks, Hermione. But where's Harry? He's comin', isn't he?"
Ron and Hermione glanced at each other before she spoke.
"Uh... no, Hagrid. He's resting right now."
"Restin'?" he asked curiously.
"He's really sick." Ron managed to say.
"Sick?" Hagrid's thick brow twitched as he frowned slightly.
"Actually, he's the reason why we came, Hagrid," said Hermione, suddenly serious. "We need your help."
"I had known Harry fer years an' I knew most 'o the injuries Harry's endured in the past, but the way yer said it, Hermione, it mus' be grave... Wha' happened ter him?"
Hermione took a deep breath. "His soul is damaged."
Hagrid raised his eyebrows. "Soul? Wha' d'yeh mean it's damaged?"
"Do you remember when Voldemort killed Harry's parents when he was a baby?" she asked.
Hagrid nodded.
"Well, that night when his cursed backfired, he accidentally transferred a part of his soul to Harry, making Harry a Horcrux."
Hagrid looked puzzled at the mention of the word "Horcrux", but he didn't say anything.
"When you thought Harry was killed in the Forbidden forest the night we had the war," continued Hermione. "It was actually Voldemort killing his soul inside of Harry, that's why he's alive. But –" She paused; Hagrid was making a guttural sound as he listened to her, his eyes looking grim, but he ushered Hermione to go on.
"A Horcrux is very dark and evil. Once a Horcrux invades another soul, in which case, Harry's soul, it becomes damaged even if the Horcrux or shall I say, Voldemort's soul, was destroyed."
"And now Harry's suffering… and he's dying, Hagrid." Ron said sadly.
Hagrid was speechless for a moment. "No," was the only word he could utter. "Tha's got ter be the worst thing I ever heard in my life... and I've heard many other terrible things, but not like this... He must be hurtin' so much."
"Not all the time," said Ron. "He's had days when he's feeling alright, but lately he's been in a terrible state. He's losing his memories... and throwing up blood. You don't want to imagine, Hagrid. It's very painful to watch."
"Yes," said Hermione. "We were looking for a way to mend his soul."
"Did yer find any?" Hagrid asked quickly, looking hopeful.
"Yes," she told him. "Professor Slughorn helped us find a book that could tell us how. We have to brew a potion... but it's tricky. We need to find ingredients, and that's where you come in, Hagrid."
Hagrid raised his eyebrows. "Wha' do I need ter do?" he asked eagerly. "I would do anythin' ter help Harry."
"We need a Thestral's tail hair," said Hermione.
Hagrid made a sigh of relief. "Oh, that's easy. We have a bunch here a' Hogwarts."
Hermione shook her head. "No, Hagrid. We'll need a wild Thestral."
"Wild?" he asked, frowning.
"Yes. Do you know where to find one?"
A silence fell as Hagrid thought hard.
"I think I know where," he said after a while. "They're very rare... and yeh have ter be an experienced wizard before yeh try n' handle 'em."
"You would be able to, wouldn't you?" Ron asked for confirmation before he could stop himself.
"O' course," he said proudly. "Only it'll be a bit o' a challenge, I must say. When d'yeh need it?"
"As soon as possible," Hermione said quickly.
Hagrid nodded making note of his task. "I would want ter come n' see Harry for meself when I have the tail hair," he told them.
Hermione smiled. "He'd like that, Hagrid. He was upset that he couldn't come and talk to you."
"Well, tell him I'm comin' soon, will yeh?"
Ron and Hermione nodded. They stayed and chatted with Hagrid a few more hours before they decided to go home. They learned that he was coming back to teach Care of Magical Creatures again for the next term, and Hagrid was thrilled to find out that Hermione was coming back as well, a little less so when she declined from taking his classes for her final year.
Hagrid also mentioned his half-brother Grawp now preferred to live in the cave near Hogsmeade, rather than the forest, saying that he was happier there. Ron and Hermione were also glad to know that they didn't have to take care of Grawp once Hagrid went for a hunt of wild Thestral. They never ask the reason why and dropped the subject of Grawp hastily before Hagrid changed his mind.
Ron and Hermione went back to Slughorn's office shortly after they said their goodbyes to Hagrid. They tried to knock at the door just to see whether Slughorn was back in his office, and surprisingly, they found he was when he opened the door.
"Ms. Granger and Mr. Weasley!" he greeted. "What a surprise. Come in!"
They entered. Leather chairs with glowing lamps on each side welcomed them but they didn't sit.
"What are you both doing at Hogwarts?" Slughorn asked.
"We visited Hagrid for an ingredient written in the Anima book," said Hermione.
"Ah, I see you've managed to work out the ingredients," he nodded, praising her intelligence. "I would assume Hagrid'll get it?"
"Yes," she said curtly.
"Excellent," Slughorn said. He walked over to his table where a stack of potions vials was bundled protectively together. "I was about to go to the Burrow to bring these potions for Mr. Potter. How is he doing so far?"
"He's doing pretty well today before we left," said Hermione.
Slughorn nodded. "I am hoping it will continue. Anyway, seeing as you two are here, you wouldn't mind bringing the potions with you when you go back, would you?" he asked Ron and Hermione.
"No," Ron said with a shake of his head.
"Excellent." He gestured for Ron and Hermione to follow him into the fireplace so they could Floo back. "I expect your mother didn't need any potion while I was away. Do tell her to forgive me if it took me a while."
Ron nodded before he and Hermione disappeared into the flames.
Back at the Burrow, Ginny was helping her mother prepare for lunch while Mr. Weasley was reading the Daily Prophet when Ron and Hermione appeared in the kitchen fireplace.
"Oh, good; you're both back," said Mrs. Weasley. They realized Ginny must have already informed her of their whereabouts when Mrs. Weasley didn't ask where they had gone to.
Ron placed the stack of vials on the table. "Slughorn made me deliver these potions. Where is Harry?" he asked.
"He's upstairs," said Ginny. "He said he wanted to take a nap before coming down for lunch."
"I can put these vials in the storage if you want, Mrs. Weasley." Hermione offered.
"Thank you, dear."
Ron made his way upstairs to check on his best friend, not that he didn't trust him to be asleep, but he regarded the unpredictability of Harry's sickness as an important sign that he shouldn't be left alone. Sure enough, he heard him retching inside the bathroom when Ron reached on the first floor. He knocked, but Harry didn't answer. Ron turned the knob and was relieved that it was unlocked. He opened the door.
Harry was sitting on the floor, his head buried in the toilet, sweating profusely.
Ron hurriedly went beside him. "Harry!"
Harry wiped his mouth and looked at him weakly, a sad smile on his lips. Ron saw the dark shade of red in the toilet bowl before Harry flushed it down.
"I'm okay, Ron."
Ron closed his eyes in frustration at hearing Harry's automatic "I'm okay" answer.
"Bloody hell, Harry. You are obviously not okay!" Ron cursed. He was about to go and tell his mother when Harry stopped him.
"Please, it's not that bad," he said and he stood up. "I only threw up but I feel fine now, I swear."
"But you need medical attention, Harry. You're throwing up blood!"
"I know that... but it doesn't help."
Ron knew what that meant, but he wasn't willing to accept it. "Yes, it does!" said Ron through clenched teeth. "At least temporarily. I don't know why you're being stubborn." He let out an exasperated sigh.
"I promise I will take a potion the next time I feel sick," Harry assured him.
"I swear the next time you show even just an inkling of pain in your face I would automatically force a potion down your throat whether you like it or not!" Ron said firmly at Harry as they came down for lunch.
"I promised I would, Ron," Harry said with a sigh. "So please stop nagging me."
"Harry!" Hermione greeted when she saw him in the kitchen. "How was your nap?" she asked, remembering Ginny telling them that Harry took a nap right after she and Ron left the Burrow.
Harry saw Ron give him a dark look which he ignored when he replied, "It was good."
Hermione smiled but the corners of her mouth fell slightly when she saw Ron shake his head in disapproval.
They all sat around the table after Mrs. Weasley presented the day's lunch. There were shepherd's pies, roasted chickens with a side of vegetables, and pea soups. They all looked delicious, and even Harry couldn't help his mouth from watering, but not as much as Ron who looked as though he could eat the entirety of the food on the table, his worry and anger towards Harry momentarily dissipating.
All of them had their helpings on each of their plates when Hermione told Harry the conversation she and Ron had had with Hagrid.
"And Hagrid said he'll visit you soon, Harry," she said excitedly.
Harry smiled but made no comment. He continued twirling his fork with his fingers and looking sadly at the food in front of him. He wanted to eat so badly, but he had lost his appetite again. He pretended to eat, scooping a little each time.
"Did you two go to Hogwarts earlier?" Mr. Weasley asked even though Molly had already told him. His eyes travelled from Hermione to Ron.
"Yes, Mr. Weasley," Hermione answered. "I'm sorry if we weren't able to tell you where we were going. We had to rush."
"Rush for what?" Mrs. Weasley asked.
"We've read Professor Slughorn's book, and we found a way to mend Harry's soul. We had to rush so we can start the process soon," Hermione said brightly. She glanced over at Harry who shifted in his seat. He looked away quickly.
"Oh, that's very good news!" exclaimed Mrs. Weasley, and beaming at Hermione who now smiled nervously, realizing she might have said too much.
"So what have you learned in the book?" Mr. Weasley asked curiously.
"There was stuff that we have to get," Hermione said, eyeing Ron who was looking pale and Ginny, nervous. "That's the reason why we went to Hagrid."
"What stuff are those?" Mrs. Weasley asked while she scooped a portion of the shepherd's pie.
"We need a Thestral's tail hair –"
"That's a strange thing to get. That's written in the book?" Mr. Weasley asked, "and Hagrid knows where to get it?"
"Yes," answered Hermione, her hands turning cold.
"And what else do you have to get?" he asked after he drank his water. Ron, Hermione, and Ginny looked tensely at each other. No one seemed to be eating their food now that the course of the conversation about the ingredients had started.
"Uhm… the next one is from you, Mr. Weasley," she said in a quiet voice, if somewhat hesitantly.
Mr. Weasley's head snapped up. "Me?" he asked, his eyebrows raised. "What do you need that requires my assistance?"
Hermione delayed her reply for a second. She could sense her friends' nervous gazes. "Do you know the Veil in the Department of Mysteries, Mr. Weasley?" she asked as she held her breath.
"The Veil?" repeated Mr. Weasley, his face suddenly looked grim. Mrs. Weasley watched the conversation inquisitively.
Hermione nodded. She sat in numbed silence.
After sharing a brief look with his wife, Mr. Weasley answered in a low voice, "Yes, I know it. What do you need in there?"
"It has a stone archway built around it... and we're wondering if you could get a piece of that stone?" Hermione said, looking anxious.
"And this is written in the book as well?" he asked, looking mystified.
"Yes," Hermione answered with a nod.
"Well... I would have to make arrangements to get it. It's not that easy to break inside the Department of Mysteries as I'm sure you're all aware." Mr. Weasley eyed the nervous-looking teens in front of him. "I myself won't be able to sneak inside without proper order from the Minister. The Unspeakables will never let me in."
"Do you think the Minister will give you permission, dad?" Ginny asked abruptly.
"I don't see why not. Kingsley Shacklebolt is a proud member of the Order of the Phoenix before he became the Minister for Magic. I do think he will gladly help, especially if he knows Harry needs it." Mr. Weasley spared a look at Harry's direction who bowed his head over his plate. "Would that be all you need before I contact the Minister?" he asked Hermione.
"Yes," said Hermione. "Thank you, Mr. Weasley."
Relief spread from Ron and Ginny as they began to eat again.
"I do have to ask, though..." said Mr. Weasley, the scraping sounds of the plates suddenly ceased again. "What do you plan on doing to it once you get it? How does it help Harry?"
Beads of sweat started forming in Hermione's forehead. Ron and Ginny watched her with bated breath, even Harry looked up from his plate.
"We – we make a potion out of it," she answered with a quivering voice.
"Ah," said Mr. Weasley, a look of dawning in his eyes.
Does Mr. Weasley know what would happen next? Harry thought.
Looking highly sympathetically in Harry's direction, he said, "I hope this potion tastes good before you drink it, Harry. Tail hair and a bit of stone doesn't sound appetizing to me."
Hermione, Ron, and Ginny gave forced laughs. They were relieved to know that the conversation was finally over. Harry, on the other hand, only made a small smile and didn't say anything until the end of their lunch.
Harry sat in one of the chairs in the living room right after. Ginny was helping her mother clean while Ron went upstairs. The conversation that had taken place earlier was making Harry dizzy. He was somewhat relieved that it ended well without causing any trouble, though he still felt uncomfortable letting his friends do most of the mending of his soul. He felt useless and, at the same time, he felt ashamed. He thought he should be the one doing all the work, and yet here he was, waiting for his friends to start the process. He was about to close his eyes when Hermione joined him.
"You're a smooth talker," Harry told her once she settled on the sofa right next to him. He arched his eyebrows in a stately manner. "With that, I highly praise you, Hermione."
"Oh, shut up, Harry!" said Hermione, red in the face. "You have no idea how nervous I was. I really thought I would mess it up. And thanks for not helping, by the way," she sarcastically said to Harry.
"You're very welcome. What are friends for, right?" he mocked, smiling at her.
She mildly punched his arm. "You should help me sometime. I bet you won't last a second."
"That's why I leave it to you," said Harry, rubbing his arm. "Because I won't last a second."
Hermione rolled her eyes.
Silence hung in the air between them for a few minutes before Harry decided to break it.
"Does it say in the book that it requires three people before making an attempt to mend a soul?" he asked, looking serious.
Hermione frowned and bit her lip, thinking. "I actually don't know, Harry," she said truthfully. "We still haven't totally read the instructions. Ron, Ginny, and I only decided that we'll help regardless of who will attempt." She paused. "Do you hate us for doing that?"
"No," he said. "You guys have done enough for me and I'm grateful... I'm just overwhelmed how willing you guys are to put your life at stake just to help me mend my soul -" Harry stopped. He drew a deep breath and went on again with a sinking feeling. "I have already accepted my fate that, even from the time my parents were killed, I wasn't really supposed to live... but I did. After all that I've been through... and after the war... I thought I had the chance to finally breathe, only for it to be snatched away from me again. I don't know what my fate is telling me, but I'm tired of dealing with something that I know isn't meant for me, Hermione. I just want it to end."
Hermione considered his words. "Harry, I know you are longing to break free... I could see and feel your struggles every day as though life is taunting you and, at the same time, the pain of still being bound. I am not saying that you deserve it, no... of course not, but you were given this life because you're strong enough to live it, Harry. No matter how you look at it, some things just don't make sense, but we believe in you the way you believe in us. Don't take that for granted. Hold on to your life for as long as you can. Don't give up on us, Harry, because we're not giving up on you. And –" she hesitated.
"And what?" Harry asked curiously.
"I still want to see you and Ginny get married one day and have kids," she said, her cheeks flushed. "Don't you want to have a family?"
"Why do you have to bring that up right now, Hermione?" he asked, looking exasperated. He averted his eyes from her, but Hermione saw him blush slightly.
"You don't want to miss that chance, is all I'm saying," she defended.
"I know," he muttered. "Thanks, Hermione."
"Sure. What are friends for, right?"
Harry smiled smugly.
Hermione made to get up from her seat. "Well, I'll leave you to rest. I think I interrupted you a moment ago."
"No, it's alright," he said hastily but Hermione got up and went upstairs after giving him a gentle squeeze of the hand.
To be continued...
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8 139 - In Serial63 Chapters
Witches Burn at Dawn ✔
9x AWARDS WINNING + 17x FEATURED + WATTYS 2021 SHORTLIST❝It all started in fire. But it never ended in flames.❞ Welcоme to St. Daktaliоn, the city where magic exists till these days. After burning alive for her crimes, Yarоslava Slavich, a witch once awed by everyоne, wakes up in a graveyard, in a stranger's body. Her cоnjurer, Mir Prаejis, offers her a chance to live anоther year, but in return, she must help him find a demon who hunts dоwn magic users.Witches are wicked, thоugh. And a witch raised frоm the dead is the most wicked of all. Now Yаra has a decision to make. Steal another girl's identity and run away to start her life anew? Or help Mir serve justice, redeem her sоul, but--die forever? The problem is, the girl whose body Yаra's now wearing seems to have feelings for Mir. And those feelings seem to slowly become Yаra's own. As Yаra gets to know Mir better, she learns that he keeps his own dark secret. Abоut the demоn they seek. About Yаra's own past. About the day she was betrayed and chose witchery over her humanity.Can she survive this time? A witch brоught back from the dead. A boy rоbbed of his heart. A demоn damned to wander in shadows till the end of times. They share a secret, they share a past. But only one of them can have a future. Tread carefully. For the dead of these lands dо not rest in peace.MATURE: sexual content, blood-shedding magical rituals, occasional strong language, mental health topics, and scenes of violence and abuse._________________________Featured on:✧@WattpadWitches✧@WattpadUrbanFantasy✧@WattpadESL✧@Ambassadors✧@fright✧@mythandlegend✧@Ghost✧@Fantasy✧@Paranormal✧@PsychologicalNovel✧@antiheroesgalore✧@TheWarriorGoddess✧@StoriesUndiscovered✧@lowfantasy✧@WattpadLitFic✧@WattStoryCenter✧@WattpadFusion↬Amby Awards 2022 Villains category Winner↬Speculative Awards 2021 Honorable Mention(full list of awards in my reading lists)
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