《Oracle's Path》[B1] Chapter 7: Choice and Consequences



Choice and Consequences

Aviana and Temperance wandered through the streets. Their time with the dolphins had been fun, but not quite long enough according to Temperance. Unfortunately for her, she shouldn’t convince the sea creatures to stay when they decided to move on.

When they’d gotten back to the beach, they’d found a few people going through their belongings. They ran off, luckily only managing to take what was left of the water breathing potion. This upset Temperance, but Aviana assure her she could make more, if she hadn’t master the the water breathing spell in her book by then.

Temperance tried out her new spell to dry the two women off. Her mastery over the spell impressed Aviana. It may be part of the lowest circle of arcane spellcasting, but that didn’t make it easy to learn outright the way her sister had. There was so much untapped potential in her. It both excited and frightened Aviana.

There was also the matter of her using arcane in general. Aviana remembered her father telling her the Dragkala transformation came on quicker for those who used arcane. She suspected this was the true reason why Calypso refused to allow Temperance to practice the magic. And it meant Aviana would have to monitor her sister’s use. She doubted the change would happen before her birthday, as she hadn’t even used as much arcane as Aviana by the time hers came about early, yet still after her own birthday. But still, it was wise to stay cautious and plan.

Currently, Temperance talked to Kyanite, telling him all about the reef adventure she had and how mean Aviana was for not teaching her how to speak with animal yet, while at the same time waving the ability in her face by communicating with the dolphins herself. What Temperance didn’t know, was Aviana evaluated how she interacted with the dolphins.

Even without the ability to communicate with the creatures, she understood them on an intuitive level and still created a positive and reactive environment. She’s almost ready. Aviana just needed her to grow a little more and finish studying how to take on animal forms. Then her sister would be ready to tackle both tasks.

The two of them wandered through town, Aviana engaging with shop keepers to show Temperance a thing or two on how to get around their persuasive nature. Temperance, unfortunately, only half paid attention. She was more interested in her one-sided conversation with Kyanite.

In the end, Aviana gave up and focused more on trying to find some possible gossip about floating cities, or even just weird sightings in the sky. Her inquiries proved fruitless in that aspect, but she did have several people gossip about strange happenings north of Kirdarim. Mentions of an influx of humans who had no idea where they were, and a spike in dangerous creature activity; some of which were claimed to be creatures not seen before, whatever that meant. A few people even spoke of how the Velethul Woods had changed in areas, as if part of it had been replaced unnaturally with another patch of forest not native to the area.

Aviana wasn’t sure what to make of these claims, but it didn’t sound good. If she and Temperance wanted to head for Natamere eventually, they’d have to pass through the southeast portion of the Velethul Woods.

Without any more leads, and with the sun setting on the horizon, Aviana figured it was time to head back to the inn.

On the way, she managed to engage Temperance on a personal level to gauge how she was feeling after what she’d done during the battle. To her surprise, Temperance was doing okay, more than just saying so. Aviana would keep an eye on her sister in the coming days to see if it’d come back to haunt Temperance, but maybe she’d underestimated what her sister could handle. Wouldn’t be the first time Aviana had made that mistake. She wasn’t perfect.


By the time they came up on the Dragonwallow Inn Temperance’s belly rumbled. She touched it. “Avi, I’m hungry.”

She chuckled. “I’m sure Erik and Lily has something ready for us already.”

Temperance cheered and ran ahead so she could ogle at the dragon statues outside the building. Damion’s music played through the door, as well as the rowdy banter of patrons. The two entered the tavern once Aviana convinced her sister she couldn’t eat otherwise, and they found an empty spot at the bar. No easy feat as the place was a bit livelier than Aviana expected.

A woman with lovely russet skin in her early twenties ran about serving patrons at tables and a young boy, around the age of ten helped. Looks like Shiah and Ollie made it back.

Shiah and Aviana’s gazes met as she ran back to the kitchen. The young woman smiled, her wavy hair curtaining her lovely dark eyes, and then disappeared. I might not be able to keep my promise to Erik.

Lily set down some tea for the two women before Aviana could even ask for something. Aviana smiled her thanks. “What’s on the menu?”

“We’ve still got fish and bread,” Lily said. “And I’ve got some chicken nearly finished. Oh, and meat pies.”

“Do you have any bacon?” Temperance asked.

Lily nodded. “Yes, as a matter of fact I do.”

Her sister’s eyes lit up. “Bacon!”

She repeated the word several times, bouncing in her seat, before Aviana had to clamp her hand over her sister’s mouth. “Yes, we all now know you love bacon.”

Lily laughed. “I’ll be sure to get you some. And how about some more fish and bread?”

Temperance nodded, mumbling something against Aviana’s hand.

“I’ll take a pie,” Aviana said.

Erik gave her an odd look as he poured some ale. “I’ll never understand your food choices.”

Aviana’s brow spiked. “What do you mean? I eat like everyone else.”

“Yes, but I remember when I was a boy and your mother would come here. The most meat she’d eat would be fish and shellfish. She said it had to do with her druidic ways. But here you are, and you don’t do the same.”

Aviana shrugged. “I may follow some of the druid tenants, but I don’t subscribe to them all. Neither did my mother. That’s why she ate certain water life.”

“Interesting.” Erik served a few more patrons.

Temperance mumbled something and then licked Aviana’s hand. Aviana’s face contorted and she grumbled a complaint. Her younger sister gave her an indignant look. “That’s for not letting go.”

Aviana flicked her sister in the nose as reprimand. She yipped and rubbed her nose, telling Kyanite how mean she was.

Erik leaned on the bar, giving them both curious glances. “I thought you two went swimming.”

Temperance smiled wide. “We did!”

His brow rose. “You two don’t look like you were swimming.”

“That’s cause I know magicy-magic and can dry us off!”

Erik nodded, a cautious glance thrown to Aviana. She though wasn’t focused on that part of the conversation. “Erik, how did you know we were swimming? I never mentioned where the three of us had gone off to.”

“Xalanath. When I asked where you were he said ‘swimming or something like that.’ He was a bit moody.” His eyes darted up and behind the two women.

Aviana turned in her seat and looked up at the mezzanine to find Xalanath leaning on the railing, staring down at her. Both of them scowled and he stalked off.


Erik let out a low whistle. “If looks were spells that boy would have been dead. Something happen?”

Aviana turned in her seat and lifted her tea cup. “You could say that.”

“Another fight?”

“Always.” Wasn’t a lie. As much as she tried to get along with Xalanath, it wasn’t easy for her to do so ever since some things went down a few decades ago.

Temperance took a sip of her tea. “It’s okay. The two love each other, so they’ll make up.”

Aviana choked on her drink. Erik jumped back and patrons around them gave confused glances. “I what?”

“Love him. He’s your beloved right? I figured it out when you two went to talk while I collected sea shells.” She played with one of the larger ones she picked up.

This was bad. Her sister had a wild imagination and in her seclusion enjoyed playing matchmaker. She didn’t need to know the people. She’d just stare out her window and pair people up.

If Aviana didn’t fix this immediately, it would get worse. She held up her hand. “No, Tempy, that’s not correct. He will never by my beloved. Not even if he ended up being the last person on Aecis.” Trust me, I was made aware of this decades ago it would never be an option.

Temperance’s brow furrowed and her lips pressed into a thin line. “Are you sure? He gives you a funny gaze when you’re not looking. It’s kinda similar to how people get after you flirt with them for a bit.”

Erik snickered and Aviana shot him an ugly look. A lot of people thought she had some secret affair going on with Xalanath. Erik was one of them. But what Temperance said was a bit strange. She must be imagining things. “I wouldn’t touch him even if you paid me. Even if I had a ten foot pole.”

“Are you sure you’d have a pole?” Erik smirked. “It might be shoved up his father’s backside.”

She shouldn’t laugh, but Aviana couldn’t help herself. This confused Temperance. “I don’t get it.”

“Siverath is… special,” Aviana said, struggling to find the right words. “He can be a bit of a stick in the mud sometimes.”

Erik snorted. “A lot of times. I swear that man doesn’t have a fun bone in his body.”

“I need to meet him!” Temperance declared. “That way I can show him.”

“Now I’d pay to see that,” Erik said.

“We’re getting off topic,” Temperance grumbled. “It’s okay to have a beau, Avi.” Her voice lowered to the point it sounded like she was trying to mutter to herself, but Aviana’s good hearing picked it up. “Akorith knows you could use one.”

Erik roared with laughter, having also picked it up. Aviana fixed her sister with a hard stare. “Temperance, there is nothing between us. Now this conversation is over, and you’re not to bring it up again.”

Temperance crossed her arms and let out a “humph.”

Aviana looked to Erik. “I need more tea.”

“Not something strong?”

She shook her head. “You and I both know I can’t hold my liquor.”

Erik chuckled. “Yes, you turn into your sister. Quite the sight.”

“Avi, can I drink?” Temperance asked. “Momma said no, but she’s not here.”

Aviana regarded her sister for a moment. “Erik, get her a cider if you would?”

Erik hesitated. “I’m not sure I’m comfortable with that, Aviana.”

“She’s old enough by human standards.”

“But not by your clan, right?” He pointed to his forehead. “You once told me those gems signified being an adult. She doesn’t have that.”

Aviana nodded. “That’s true, but what we allow prior to full adulthood is different than you may think. Drinking is permitted at sixteen. She’s three years older than that.”

He sighed. “Alright, but I’m not responsible if something happens to her.”

Both ducked when a wooden chair sailed through the air and crashed behind the bar. Krax shouted a threat at someone to settle down or suffer.

“Get something strong for Krax while you’re at it,” Aviana said. “On my tab of course. I think he could use the extra help after today.”

Erik nodded and went about pouring the two drinks. He set Temperance’s glass down in front of her and handed the ale off to Shiah to deliver to Krax. Aviana and Shiah exchanged glances again. Erik growled. “Stop that.”

Aviana let out a dramatic sigh. “It’s not my fault she catches my eye. And it’s not a one-sided catch.”

“I don’t care.” He looked to Temperance. “Now, little lady, you tell me what you think of that cider.”

“I’m not little,” Temperance muttered before lifting the glass to her lips. She took a small sip and then licked her lips and her brow made many motions as she internalized her reaction. She sipped again, and this time she made a pleased sound. “So sweet and tasty!”

Aviana’s eyes widened as her sister then chugged the cider down. Temperance smacked her lips together with an “ahh” and held the glass to Erik. “More please.”

Erik glanced to Aviana who shrugged. Couldn’t hurt. As he poured her sister another glass, Lily returned with food, Ollie helping. When he set down the pie, Aviana motioned for him to come around to her. The young boy ran over. She reached behind his ear and performed a trick, making a gold coin “magically” appear. The big eyes and goofy grin she received in response made it worth it. She handed him the coin and he ran off. “Thanks, auntie Avi.”

Temperance’s nose scrunched. “You’re not his aunt.”

Aviana patted her sister on the head. “It’s just what he calls me.”

“Oh, okay.” She bit into some bacon.

Aviana ate some of her pie before the strumming of a lute approach from behind caught her attention. The music held a similar tone to the one Aviana danced to earlier. A smile slipped up half of Aviana’s face as she turned around to face Damion. “What a lovely tune.”

“I’m so glad you say that, Aviana.” Damion let go of the lute, but it didn’t fall. Instead it floated, no doubt by the use of arcane magic, and continued to play. This proved he was a true bard and not a minstrel posing as one. “I finished your song. Are you ready to be tempted to dance?”

Aviana crossed her legs and leaned against the bar. “Please, tempt me.”

A grin slipped up the side of his face, and his eyes glinted a moment. Damion then spun around to address the tavern. “Good people, if I could have your attention please.”

Not a whole lot of them stopped their activities, but Damion continued to project his voice as if he had the whole house’s attention. “No doubt word has spread to most of you of the events that transpired earlier this afternoon on at the docks. And one particular individual accompanied the tales.”

The tavern quieted as he spoke, all eager to find out what more could be said about the rumors and stories.

“Tonight, that very individual graces us with her presence.” Damion gestured to Aviana. “Aviana has graciously allowed me to immortalize her deeds in a song.” He grinned. “And, if she deems it satisfactory enough, she’d promised a performance of her own.”

This received more clamor than Aviana expected. She didn’t expect her tale to be so popular. And she wasn’t sure how to feel about it. She wasn’t the only one who fought hard today.

Erik leaned in to whisper in her ear. “I know that look, Avi. Don’t worry about the one sided fame. There is always one or two in a battle that is recognized over all who fight just as hard. Your dramatic flair just so happened to catch everyone’s eye.”

“I guess I’ve been hanging around Xalanath too much, then.”

Erik belted out a hearty laugh and went to cleaning some steins.

Damion snapped his fingers and an ethereal bendir appeared behind him. Without anything touching it, a beat pulsed from the instrument, low and strong. The lute continued to strum and a midrange hum came from Damion. The combined sound reverberated through Aviana’s chest, already urging her to move. Oh, he’s good.

I’ll tell you a tale of a dragon queen

A sorceress who rules o’re land and sea

With magic sharp and a scimitar keen

The bewitching, fabled Aviana!

Into fair Windshire in the Fall

Aviana came for men’s spirits to inquire

She found the folk pleasing, merry all

Moreso by the company of Aviana!

Windshire’s cheer was wiped away

As from the fog, a nearby canon shot

And the town was beset by a ship at the quay

Filled with a greedy pirate crew!

Our dragon queen did not hesitate

With scimitar drawn she rushed the beach

She greeted the seadogs with a dance of fate

The graceful, blade dancing Aviana!

Ancient words fell from her lips

And summoned a glorious dragon gold

They built a storm that obscured the ship

Filled the air with wailing sand!

I tell you a tale of a dragon queen

A sorceress who rules o’re land and sea

With magic sharp and a scimitar keen

Our bewitching, fabled Aviana!

When the lightning finally faded

The angry gale and magics ceased

The pirate ship and crew lay decimated

Defeated by the dragon queen, Aviana!

Damion received applause when the vocals ended, all deserved. Aviana struggled to stay in her seat. Such a perfect song, if a bit over the top.

Damion looked her way, his arm stretched out to her, his instruments still playing the beat. He’s confident in his skill. “Well, m’lady?”

Patrons shifted their gaze, eager to either lay eyes on the immortalized ”sorceress” who held lightning captive, or just to find out her reaction to the song.

Her legs uncrossed and Aviana rose to her feet. She floated across the floor in time with the instrumental beat. “I think you need to play that song again, dear Damion.”

Excitement filled the tavern. Damion’s captivating amber eyes pinned to her, a grin hard on his face. “I had so hoped you’d say that, Aviana.”

The song started again, and Aviana let it capture her senses and control her movements. Just as before when she danced, her movements flowed and jerked with the timing of the song. Shiah, making her rounds, fell captive to the song when Aviana decided to pull her in as a temporary dance partner. The young human woman laughed and tried her best to keep up, but eventually bowed out, much to the patrons’ disappointment.

Aviana didn’t let it stop her and she decided to kick it up a notch, dancing her way up on the tables. Using what spell energy she had left after tapping into so much today, she summoned flaming scimitars into her hands. Gasps and other happy and surprised responses rang out in response.

As she stood into a standard blade dancing position, Damion’s song ended. The two exchanged a glance and he jumped into a new song—one just as powerful and upbeat, but more suitable for her dance in her opinion. His skills are impeccable. It was if he’d seen this dance style before.

Aviana’s body flowed to the dance, tempting her to get lost in the music. But she knew better, else she may fall off the tables pulled together by patrons during the first dance.

A flash of colored energy coalesced on her skin. Alarm raced through her, but before she could end her dance to stop whatever was going on, new clothes appeared on her body. Her movements didn’t falter as she did her best to take in the new outfit, something far more suited for dancing as it flowed around her. It still fit the Shikala style… But how?

Her eyes darted to Damion but he looked impressed by the new clothes. As strange as it was for him to know her dance, there was no way he could be so familiar with her people’s style of dress. Then who?

Aviana glanced up to the mezzanine. Xalanath leaned on the rails again, his fingers poised in a concentration hold. He had a light expression, as if the two hadn’t fought an hour ago. What is he playing at?

She couldn’t dwell. Hers and Damion’s audience loved the change so she might as well finish the show.

Damion hopped up on the tables with her, his eyes requesting to join her routine. Luckily for him, this dance very much could be partnered, though intimately. She liked the idea.

Aviana floated the flaming swords out of her hand, spinning them in sync with her dance motions. She took Damion by the hand and the two danced, sometimes apart, sometimes close—real close. Their bodies in rhythm, their breathing in sync—he was quite good at this.

As the song came to an end, Aviana and Damion danced off the table and came to a stop in each other’s arms. Breaths heavy, they soaked in each other’s gazes as patrons cheered and left their tips. Aviana was the first to pull away, her conjured dance clothes and weapons dissipating at the same time. Damion dismissed his instruments, including his real lute. Aviana suspected he sent it to some pocket dimension of sorts. The two of them collected the tips, everything from copper to gold to trinkets. Some drunks even tried to tip with lint.

When everything was collected, Damion came up behind Aviana and wrapped an arm around her waist. He bent close to her ear, keeping his voice low. “I think a discussion in private is in order over how to divvy up this loot. Don’t you?”

A seductive grin spread across Aviana’s lips. “I do believe you’re right.”

Damion’s grip on her tightened and he escorted her to the stairs. Aviana called out to her sister. “Temperance, don’t get into trouble. Damion and I have a few matters to discuss.”

Temperance let out a muffled reply, her mouth full of bacon.

The pair headed up the stairs. Xalanath had already disappeared from the mezzanine, not that Aviana cared. Damion guided her through the upstairs common room and they slipped into a room farther down the hall than her own. The door shut behind them and he haphazardly tossed the bag of collected tips on a table. One item remained in his hand though, she soon found out what.

Damion held a gold necklace with red gems up to her neck from behind her. Aviana guessed them to be garnets. She doubted any of the folks down stairs had the money for rubies. Though, if she had the time to inspect them, she would know for certain. “As much as this would look nice on me, I do believe you would do it more justice.”

Aviana was not going to say no to this prize. She pulled her hair up to give him better access and Damion attached it to her neck.

“Perfect,” he murmured in her ear. “Though, I believe it’d look even more so by itself on you.”

“My opinion would be bias.” Aviana unclipped her collar, her supple breasts spilling from the now loosened attached cloth. “So I’ll let you decide that.”

Damion’s hands found her waist and he pulled her closer, pressing his face into her hair. He hummed after a deep inhale, as if her smell pleased him, and then dipped his head lower, pressing his lips against her neck. Aviana relaxed into him, exposing her neck more. Her lips parted as Damion’s hands roamed her body, the sensation of his firm calloused hands touching her skin simmering desire.

A quick tug to her top over her head, he dropped it on the floor. Damion captured both her breasts in his hands, playing and teasing them. Need built inside Aviana, and a hummed moan escaped her lips. He rolled her sensitive peaks through his fingers, careful of the rings piercing her nipples. Aviana moaned, losing herself in her primal desires. “You really know what a woman wants.”

Damion nipped at her jaw. “I aim to please.”

She turned her head to gaze at him and he captured her lips with his. Aviana sucked in a tight breath and kissed him back. She turned around and pressed her body into him, their tongues wrestling. Damion’s hand threaded through her loose hair, while capturing the other side of her face with a first grip.

Aviana’s fingers fussed with the buttons of his jacket, the garment dropping to the floor once she succeeded and pushed it over his shoulders. His shirt was next, her hands gliding over peak and valley of his hidden muscular form.

The process of removing his shirt broke their fevered kiss, and Aviana took a step back to unclasp the gold fasteners holding her bottom cloth together. It pooled at her angles and she stepped out of it, back toward the bed. Damion’s eyes wandered over her as he removed his belt and boot in a hurry. Aviana beckoned him to follow with a finger, not bothering with her sandals. While the particular starcloth used had a great deal of stretch, their complex lacing in the back made them a pain to deal with in these situations.

Damion’s eyes continued to take her in, a deep grin on his face. “It’s a good thing I’m not a gambling man. I would have lost on just the magnitude of your beauty.”

Aviana’s eyes hooded and a deep seductive smile spread across her lips. She beckoned him again with a finger, still continuing to back away toward the bed. “Why don’t you come closer, and find out just how far this beauty goes?”

He didn’t need to be asked twice. Damion closed the distance in only a few strides, his posture confident and hungry. He wrapped his hand around the back of her neck and pulled her against his hard strong form, claiming her lips. Their hands roamed each other, Aviana getting lost in the sensations of desire.

Her back hit the bed, the sudden motion eliciting an amused giggle from her. Damion towered over her, his eyes raking over every inch of her curvaceous form, his amber eyes glowing with lust. He fussed with the ties on his trousers and slipped them off, his swollen member springing forth, eager and ready. Desire and need pulsed in Aviana’s core. He was just as impressive as she’d hoped.

Damion kneeled over her on the bed and dipped his head to kiss her neck. His lips trailed down to her collarbone over her aching breast. His tongue darted out over her rosy buds. Aviana gasped and then moaned as he captured them with his lips, nipping and sucking. She threaded her fingers into his short dark hair, holding him captive against her.

His hands ran down her sides, over her wide hips, and between her thigh, finding her slick and ready heat. Aviana’s mouth fell open, her eyes hooding, desire burning through her veins. She moaned, rocking her hips with the motions of his fingers, her heart pounding against her chest.

Damion nudged her legs apart with his knee and she didn’t resist. He withdrew his hands from her and placed a firm grip on her hips, hovering over her for a moment before thrusting into her. Aviana’s mouth fell open, a strangled moan escaping as she accepted him. He found rhythm in his thrusts quickly, and Aviana matched them with the rocking of her own hips.

Aviana’s breathing labored, desire building and sizzling all over, until euphoria burst through her. She fisted the blankets and her back arched as an uncontained cry screamed forth. Damion continued his motion, his grip digging into her skin, until he groaned and spent himself inside her.

His thrusting ceased and he pulled away, falling on his back on the bed next to her, their heavy breathing the only thing to be heard in the room. Aviana brushed a damp tress of hair away from her cheek. Damion reached out and wrapped the same lock of hair in his fingers, drawing her gaze. “Good?”

“Hmm,” she responded in a breathy sigh. Been the best she’d had in a while, that was for sure. It was a shame he couldn’t be more permanent. “You don’t act too worried about any consequences of our actions. Most men would have been far more careful at the end.”

“I heard through the grape vine you were an alchemist. With our casual flirting earlier I suspected you’d made special arrangements to not have to worry about anything.”

Aviana chuckled. “Talented and smart.”

The Xenre family had run an elixir shop in Starglade for generations, always having a master alchemist to craft the potions until her mother disappeared. Aviana may not be a master alchemist yet, but she worked hard to keep her family potions alive. Her family happened to be holders of three special kinds of potions. The fabled love elixir, and potions that increased or decreased fertility. Aviana was set for some time when it came to the worries of another smaller her running around.

Damion reached out and threaded his fingers through her hair. “Though, I’ll admit, I wouldn’t be too heartbroken to bind myself to such a magnificent beauty.”

Stinging heat rushed to Aviana’s cheeks, though she tried her hardest to keep it at bay. She couldn’t allow herself to get caught up in his flattery. She knew the boundaries. I need some distance. She couldn’t tempt fate and risk desiring more than she was allowed. I won’t make the same mistake as before.

Forcing a smile Aviana sat up, draping her legs over the bed. “You flatter me.”

Damion took a moment to watch her, and then sat up as well, reaching out to run his fingers through her hair again. “Your hair style, does it carry significance with your clan?”

She looked him. “It’s one of the warrior styles. Why do you ask?”

“I’ve heard of your clan through other bardic songs in my travels. Ancient songs of a secluded clan who worship dragons—or lives alongside them as equals. The stories differ. It’s been a curiosity of mine ever since the first tale.” His amber eyes leveled with her. “So when a rumor claimed the spotting of one such fabled clan member in the sea port town of Windshire, I had to check it out for myself.” He trailed a finger along her jaw. “You were far more than I bargained for.”

Aviana’s interest in this Damion grew. How much did he truly know? And what kind of threat could he pose to her?

Before she could consider diving in more, the door of the room creaked open and the familiar face of Shiah poked in. Shiah glanced at them both, her eyes gleaming. “Sounds fun in here. Room for one more?”

Damion and Aviana glanced at each other, both intrigued by her presence. Aviana leaned back on her hands. “I’m not sure I should answer that. Your father would throw a fit if he found out I didn’t uphold my promise not to corrupt you.”

Shiah snorted and came into the room, closing the door behind her. “Pa don’t know the half of what I’ve done, Avi.” Her lips slipped into a deep grin. “And I’d like to keep it that way for a while longer.”

Aviana’s tongue ran along her bottom lip. She was tempting. “I can’t make that kind of promise if you stay in here.”

Shiah took slow meticulous steps toward them, her hips swaying wide and her boots clicking on the wood floor. Her fingers tugged at the strings of her bodice. “Then just be sure to make it worth being caught over.”

Aviana sat up. If Shiah wanted this, she wasn’t going to stop her. Shiah’s bodice fell to the floor and then she pulled her blouse over her head, her perky breasts springing free. The skirt was next, pooling at the ankles. Shiah stepped out of it, making no attempt to fuss with her boots.

Damion shifted beside Aviana. “Windshire is full of lovely beauties.”

Shiah’s gaze never drifted from Aviana, as if Damion were invisible and mute to her. She slipped onto Aviana’s lap, slipping her arms around Aviana’s neck and dipping her head down. Aviana pulled the young woman closer and tipped her head up, capturing Shiah’s lips with her—soft and warm, just as Aviana had imagined. Shiah responded by pressing herself against Aviana more, a quiet groan coming from her throat.

Without doing much more than kissing and embracing, Aviana could already tell Shiah’s responsiveness was due to experience. Erik really has no idea just what his daughter has been up to.

Shiah pulled away and looked to Damion. His hand touched her shoulder. “I’m afraid I’m going to have to decline, hon. I never acquired the taste for men.”

Aviana wasn’t keen on listening to them figuring this out, so she went back to kissing Shiah, on the collar this time. Shiah responded with a pleased hum and the arching of her back. Aviana trailed her lips lower, nipping Shiah’s skin now and then, receiving satisfied gasps in response. Aviana continued, kissing between her breasts, and then over the side. Shiah arched more and Aviana gladly responded, dragging her tongue over her dark nipples before pulling it into her mouth and sucking.

Shiah moaned, dragging her nails over Aviana’s skin. Her hands traveled down to Aviana’s breasts, where she teased and played in reciprocation. Aviana moaned quietly, not easing up on her own action.

“I take no offence to the rejection,” Damion said. He shifted on the bed again. “But I hope you don’t mind if I watch.”

Aviana released Shiah’s taut peak with a pop, her eyes snapping up to Shiah to see her response. She was not disappointed. Shiah’s dark eyes glowed with lust, darting between the two of them. “That I can agree to.”

Aviana grinned, her hand gliding over Shiah’s back side and between her legs. Shiah gasped, her mouth falling open. “Good. Because I’m not done with him either.”

Shiah’s eyes hooded, a deep grin spreading across her plump lips. “Aviana, you’re such a fiend.”

Aviana chuckled and stroked her. “You’re about to find out just.”

♦ ♦ ♦

Collar secured, Aviana glanced behind her at the bed where Shiah sat, her hair a mess and a content smile on her face. Damion laid longways, his breath heavy and arm draped over his eyes. A please grin spread across Aviana’s lips. “We’ll have to do this again sometime.”

Shiah hummed and Damion chuckled, pointing to her. “I would not say no to you again.”

Satisfied, Aviana left. Exhaustion weighed heavy on her, though she kept it hidden. She’d learned not to show too many signs of weakness if possible. While she was relatively safe here, it wasn’t a coping skill she could turn on and off on a whim.

Aviana sauntered down the stairs into the lower common room and bar. Things had calmed down quite considerably, at least half of the patrons now gone.

Erik looked up at her as he retrieved some mugs from a table. “Aviana, have you seen Shiah?”

She shrugged. “I’ve been preoccupied.”

His lips spread into a thin line and for a moment she thought he may not believe her. “Alright. Wasn’t sure if you might have seen her on your way down. She disappeared upstairs a bit ago saying she was going to clean some rooms.”

He went back to cleaning. Aviana felt bad for avoiding his question when he’d been so good to her over the years, but she promised Shiah. And Aviana didn’t kiss and tell.

“Okay, Temperance, I think it’s time for us to—” Aviana looked around, not seeing her sister anywhere. “Erik, where is Temperance?”

“She’s right—” His words stopped and he looked around. “She was at the bar a moment ago.”

Aviana swiveled around to find Krax. He stood in the back, holding a man in a chokehold. “Krax, did you—”

“She went upstairs shortly after Shiah.” Krax grinned. “Don’t worry. I wouldn’t let anyone run off with her.”

“So she went upstairs alone.”

His face grew serious. “Yes. You explained some of your customs to me. I wouldn’t have let her go anywhere with anyone but you. Not even that pup Xalanath.”

“Thanks.” She ran for the stairs, pausing to look back at Krax. “He’d made a great horizontal dent.”

A wide grin spread across his face and he looked down at his captive, whose eyes went wide. “You heard the lady.”

Aviana raced up the stairs, Krax’s roar and a subsequent crash nearly making her laugh. She needed to focus on finding her sister. Who knew what kind of trouble she’d get herself into while under the influence?

♦ ♦ ♦

Temperance gazed around the corridor she walked, munching on her last piece of bacon. This is yummy. A weird fuzzy fog permeated her head, but she wasn’t too concerned with it. Aviana had explained to her once what alcohol did to a person’s mind, so she suspected that’s what she felt at the moment. Not that she cared. There aren’t any dragons or cute boys down here!

Aviana had run off with the only cute one in the tavern it seemed. Temperance knew her sister wasn’t “talking” with him. She wasn’t stupid. Her sister flirted with people for one reason—a reason her mom didn’t allow her around boys. She didn’t even know what it was like to kiss one! That changes today. If I can find one…

The chaos that was her mind had stilled as she’d drank the tasty cider. Her mind wasn’t going a mile a minute with all kinds of crazy things she wanted to do. She could focus and center herself. She could think in ways she hadn’t before. She… felt more her age.

This also meant Temperance could process a lot of events in her past in ways she had never understood, and spent much of her time sitting at the bar reflecting. That’s how she figured out what Aviana was doing with the bard, and what she was trying to convince from that paladin guy. Temperance didn’t know the full extent of what they were up to, but she got the basic concept. And now she was curious what made her sister do this as often as she did.

Unfortunately, not only did it seem like there weren’t any boys to even talk to, she didn’t exactly know where she was. This place was so much bigger than she thought it’d be.

All the doors she passed were shut, but then she came up to a room and a door slightly ajar. A light from a candle flickered through the gap. Curiosity pulled her closer.

Temperance placed a light hand on the door and pushed it open. Sitting on a bed she found a sandy-haired young human man with an open book. Various symbols and scripted writing was scrawled on the pages.

The young man’s dark eyes peered up at her, going wide. “Um, can I help you?”

Temperance gauged him to maybe be around seventeen. She was hoping for someone older, but he was cute, and the age gap wasn’t too horrible. I guess I can try this with him and see what happens. She’d watched Aviana enough, she could do this… probably.

She reached up and twirled some of her red hair with a finger. “Hi, sorry. I got myself lost going back to my room, and thought this might be it. I didn’t mean to disturb you.”

“No…” His eyes wandered over her. “No, it’s okay. I’m only reading.”

The mention of reading tugged at Temperance. She loved books. She could read all day in the family library. But that’d probably make her look silly in front of him, so she did her best to stay calm. Temperance did however sneak another look at the book, recognizing the symbols this time—Alchemy?

She realized he was still watching her, and she’d done a poor job hiding her interest in the book. Temperance ducked her head, heat rising to her cheeks. “Sorry. I just recognized those symbols. I’ll leave you be.”

She really didn’t know what she was supposed to do. Aviana made this look so much easier.

“No wait,” he called out. She stopped and turned back. “Are you an alchemist?”

She could lie, but then he’d catch her fairly quickly. “No, but my sister is. I’ve seen her use that book before. She even showed me a few things in it.”

The young man smiled and he held up the book. “Then maybe you could help me? I’m new to this, and I’ve been struggling a bit.”

Well, she hadn’t totally screwed this up. Might as well see where this landed her. Temperance smiled and entered the room. “Sure.”

He made room for her on his bed and she sat down. Temperance pointed to a triangle on the page. “Do you know what this means?”

“Of course.” But the reddening of his cheek said otherwise.

Temperance cocked her head to the side, staring up at him with big blue eyes. “It’s okay to not know. I’m not going to judge you. We all have to start somewhere.”

“Y–yeah, you’re right.” He took a moment. “I understand the script, but the use of all these symbols is where I trip up.”

Temperance smiled. “Well, today is your lucky day, because that’s all I know.”

The young man laughed. “I like your enthusiasm. I should take a note from your book.”

She liked this young man. Getting past the awkwardness of their meeting, she could see how easy it was for Aviana to find something about her to connect with someone. She’s so good at understanding people. “Oh! I’m being rude. I never gave you my name. It’s Temperance.”

She’d also introduce Kyanite, who she’d hooked to her hip, but she figured he may think that was childish. A lot of adults did.

“I’m Gerrad. It’s nice to meet you.”

Temperance smiled and went to explaining the different symbols on his pages. He did well keeping up. So well, she wasn’t sure how much he was being truthful about his knowledge level.

“You’re a great teacher, Temperance,” Gerrad said when they came to the end of her ability to explain. “That made so much more sense.”

Heat rushed to her face and her eyes drifted away. “Thank you. I’m not as good as my sister, but at least it helped.”

“Is your sister a master alchemist?”

Temperance had you think about this for a moment. She shook her head. “No, but I think she’s pretty close. She knows how to make so many cool potions.”

A smile appeared on Gerrad’s face. “I hope my master sparks such positivity in me as you do.”

Temperance cocked her head. “Master?”

He nodded. “My father sent me here to study with a man named Terrance. He’s said to be one the best alchemist in the Karma Wilds.” Gerrad frowned, his eyes falling to the book. “But I can’t seem to find him. I’ve asked around, but I keep getting the runaround where he is. I’m not sure if it’s some elaborate joke, or these people do think they know and he just so happens to not be there.”

Temperance’s brow knitted. She’d read so many books, did that name possible appear in one? A light went off in her head. “I know that name! Sir Terrance Akvas, right?”

Gerrad’s eyes glowed. “You know Master Terrance?”

Temperance shook her head. “No, sorry. I’ve never met him. I just know his name from different books. But I could ask my sister when I see her later.”

Gerrad shook his head. “No, that’s okay. I don’t want to inconvenience you.”

Her head leaned to the side and she looked up at him again with large eyes. “It really isn’t any trouble. My sister knows a lot of people. So, consider it… a minor job request.”

“But… I don’t have any way of paying you. I only have enough money for a few more nights in this room.”

Temperance made a minor shrugging motion with her shoulders and let her eyes drift away for a moment. When she looked back at him, she made sure to make eye contact, just as she’d seen Aviana do to some people. “I’m sure we could… come to a special arrangement.”

Pink formed on Gerrad’s cheeks and he swallowed. “O–okay.”

Temperance leaned in a little more, her hand sliding across the pages of the book in his lap. Gerrad swallowed again, his lips parting. The lower one quivered in a way that told Temperance he was trying to speak, but nothing would come out. Then, to her surprise, he blurted out, “I’ve never been this close to such a pretty girl before.”

She stopped and he groaned, looking away. Didn’t take an alchemist to know he didn’t mean to say that out loud. Temperance wasn’t deterred though. She giggled, to make him see nothing bad would come of the confession, and brushed his hand with her fingers. “You think I’m pretty?”

His eyes snapped to hers. “Yeah… I do.”

“Isn’t that nice,” an irritated voice Temperance wished hadn’t spoken.

The two ripped their gazes from each other to find Aviana leaning against the door frame, her arms crossed.

“Oh, hey, Avi.” Temperance tried not to sound awkward.

Aviana motioned for her to stand. “Let’s go, young lady.”

“But, Avi…”

Her sister’s lapis eyes hardened. “Don’t argue with me. You know the rules. You’re not allowed to be here with this young man alone.”

Temperance’s nose scrunched. “Well the rules are stupid.”

“Do you want to leave the clan?”


“Then you follow them. Now let’s go. We have a long day tomorrow and you need to rest.”

With a heavy sigh she stood up. “Sorry, Gerrad.”

“N–no, it’s okay.” He slammed his book shut. “I should sleep too.”

Way to ruin my moment, Avi. She tossed imaginary daggers with her eyes at her sister as she headed for the door. They didn’t faze her in the least.

Before Aviana could get her to leave the room though, she turned back to look at Gerrad. “I’ll uphold my promise. I’ll try to find your master for you.”

He smiled. “Thank you.”

“Good night, young man,” Aviana said before closing the door behind her.

Now no longer under pressure, Temperance’s shoulder slumped and she glowered at her older sister. “Thanks a lot, Avi.”

Aviana shrugged and headed down the hall. “You know the rules, Temperance. You’re not allowed to be alone like that unless you’re chaperoned, and any form of intimate contact is prohibited unless okayed by your parent. Not until you’ve passed your coming of age test at least.”

“I just wanted to know what it was like to kiss a boy. Just once. Is that so hard to ask?”

“Then you should have been quicker.”

This gave Temperance pause. That was not the response she expected from her sister.

“And sober.”

Temperance sighed. “But, Avi, you don’t understand. My mind is so clear now. I can do so much. I feel my age!”

Aviana nodded. “And that’s supposed to be a good thing?”

Temperance didn’t understand. Her sister looked back at her. “It’s not, Temperance. It’s great you feel your age, but you shouldn’t have to rely on a substance like alcohol to feel that way. You need to unlock this ability without it. You need to have true clarity of mind to make such decision so early in your life.”

Temperance crossed her arms and looked away. She hated that her sister made sense. All she wanted was a kiss, and she almost had it!

“Now, what was this promise you made to him?”

Her back straightened. “Oh yeah! I got us a job.”

Her sister laughed. Temperance frowned. “I really did, Avi. I got us a job.”

Aviana stopped walked to face her, arms crossed. “And what job did you get?”

“Do you know a Sir Terrance Akvas?”

Her sister’s brow furrowed. “I know the name, yes.”

“Well, Gerrad is Terrance’s apprentice. But he can’t find him. So he needs help.”

“Oh really? And are you sure Gerrad is an apprentice? If he were, he should know where his master is.”

Temperance crossed her arms. “He’d have no reason to lie about that. That’s silly, Avi.”

Her sister disagreed based on the look she gave. “Right. And what was he going to pay us for this little job.”

Temperance worked her jaw and looked away from her older sister. “Well, I was going to get a kiss out of it. But then you ruined that.”

Aviana shook her head. “You get paid after the job is done, Temperance.”

“And sometimes you get half up front,” Temperance countered. “So maybe I was going to get two kisses.”

Aviana turned away. “That’s not a real job, Temperance. That’s you being desperate. Now let’s get to bed.”

Irritation boiled inside her. How dare she! Temperance pulled Kyanite off her hip and looked at him. “She’s wrong, Kyanite, right?”

The toy stared back at her, and a sensation ran through her, one that told Temperance he agreed with Aviana.

Her nose scrunched. “Traitor.”

Her good mood now spoiled, she tromped after Aviana. I’ll show them. We’ll find this Terrance person, and he’ll be Gerrad’s teacher. And I’ll get my kiss because that’s the only way he can pay, so it works out for us both. Not because I’m desperate.

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