《Re: Reader interactive》So what do you wanna be?


"Beep! Hello user number #3164578335: I will be your guide to REINCARNATION, so please choose your race"

Motherfucker that was loud!

I looked around the new void which sorrounded me, arghh, why does it always have to be dark? Oh well... Infront of me there where a huge and bulky human like creature, it was 2 meters 10 centimeters tall with dark grey skin and well chiseled muscles, red/pink eyes and a strong underbite, besides it there where a blue screen which read.

Spiecies Orc Type Unique (blessed by Umbral) Orcs are an agressive species always killing or pillaging, but that does not mean they can't be calm and collected, it just means it takes a little more effort than other races. Unique! Makes bloodlust into bloodfury making strength and pain tolerance go up by 200%

Racial active: Bloodlust. (situational)

Bloodlust increases strength and pain tolerance by 100% while in this state. *cannot snap out of it at will. Raciel passive: Higher limits. makes mucles grow much stronger and denser and faster than humans.

Well that was certainly a leaders choice.

And then as if reading my mind, another figure popped up infront of me, this time it was a humanoid skeleton 1 meter 90 centimeter tall, with white bones and blue flames where its eyes should have been.

Species Skeleton/undead Type Unique (blessed by umbral) Skeletons are dead, but powered by magic, they are somehow kept from falling apart. The rest is up to you to find out. Makes you able to generate an additional 2 mana points per second.

Racial active: Bloody Hells. 10 mana per minute.

Bloody Hells makes you able to absorb blood to make you stronger, faster, better, smarter. Racial active: Bone Fusion. 450 mana per activation. Makes nearby bones fly in your direction to be absorbed into your body making you stonger and tougher. (this is a permanent change)


This seemed like more of a lone warrior's choice, but having no dick was a bit of a down side. You may look at me like a pervert, but hey, it's on the top of a man's list.

Again, another figure popped up infront of me, another humanoid, with dark purple skin, silver hair and red eyes about 1 meter 60 centimeters tall.

Species Drow Type Unique (blessed by Umbral) The Drow are know as quite an "evil" race, they live in darkness and bathe in blood of their victims. While not always true, they are know as deceptive bastards. How do you think you will you fare in their decrepid world? The shadows will try to hide you at all times, no matter where you are. Racial passive: Born in the dark. Aside from having incredible night vision you also have almost silent steps and exellent agilty and dexterity that only increases the more you spend in the dark. Racial passive: Incredible schemer. Your brain makes connections faster, you are great at getting information out of even the most sly speakers. Making plans, schemes and plots is second nature so you.

This seemed like more of a rouges choice, but being almost stapped in the back at all times seemed like a bit of a downside.

The last figure was black and I don't mean as in dark skinned, I mean it was as if the black void aroud me had taken shape and made a statue, it was 1 meter 87 cm as tall as I was before I died.

Species Eldritch Type Unknow (blessed by Umbral) Unkown Unkown Unkown Unkown Unkown Unkown Unkown Unkown

Well that wasnt very informational, information block.

"Let's see, lets see I choose..."

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