《Super Sock Knitter》Chapter 2: School


Well this is a bit odd. Currently I am going to school again. I could've sworn I graduated, but it seems I have to go again, and in an especially new place. Don't get me wrong, the school is in the exact place I remember its just...different. The original school was bricked and slightly yellowed from age, with sort of an old timey feel as the school could not afford to get new replacements for lockers to even classes, when I arrived it was totally different from my highschool of those memories.

Instead of yellow brick it was a blueish steel building, and I was wowed standing there in shock. the flagpole was in a different place, and the roof was no longer steel beams but instead glass, so everyone could see the sky when they were inside. I sort of walked slowly into the building still quite shocked at the new site. The halls were the same, and the layout was exactly the same, but everything else about the building was different in a construction sense. I guess this new school of mine could afford to get some upgrades haha. Jokes aside there are no lockers here, and I have no idea where my first class is, so with nothing else to lose I ask ARI for my schedule, to my surprise she responds where I need to go in her usual robotic voice.

Your Schedule for Today: Math: 8:30 - 9:00 am Science: 9:15 - 9:45 am Gunner Basics: 10:00 - 10:30 am Lunch: 11:00 - 12:00 pm Sewing Advanced: 12:15 - 12:45 pm PSE: 1:00 - 2:00

I see, well off to class then. I walk the direction from my old memories the math room is, and as luck would have it, the math room is still there. Walking in there are no assigned seats so pretending to be a protagonist from a movie, I take a seat by the window, staring out of it until class ends.

~an hour and a half later~

RING! I walk out of science completely bored and slightly worried. I have no idea where "Gunner basics" is. Science and Math were in the places I had known, sure, but in my other world I didn't have a Gunner class, so I have no idea where I should go. Luckily I get a notification.


Gunner Basics is located in room 204

Thank you ARI, I now begin to run to room 204 as I have about 5 minutes left and room 204 is on the opposite side of the building. Dashing through the door I manage to get there right on the dot, breathing heavily I find a seat, ignoring everyones questioning gaze on why I was even late. a man who I assume to be the teacher walks up to the board and writes his name.

"Hello class I am Mr. Osborne, your Gunner Basics teacher, today we will be going over how to shoot, accurately,"

Everyone groaned except me. It seems that everyone knows how to shoot already and that worries me a little, I only went to shooting ranges a couple of times back in my old world so I hope that isn't the same as here, but I begin to dread a little.

"Now now, I know everyone knows how to shoot already, if you are gunners, or aspiring to be ones, but it is important to focus on accuracy over mass firepower. Whats the use for shooting if you can't hit anything eh?"

I nodded, as that did make a lot of sense but it seemed most of the class just wanted to get on with the lesson.

"Now everyone equip guns of your choice and your beginner armor in case of any mis-shots, and once I say 'begin' you will shoot these targets." he said as he pointed at the air and targets flew out from somewhere but I couldn't see where.

I searched my avatar and found the armor, it was for training and couldn't be used in battle but that was the point for the lesson though so I equiped it. As for the guns I had no Idea how to get one, but ARI told me it was a Soseta power. Tapping on my Beginner Blue Soseta, I watch as they appear on my feet, and a small pistol appears in my hand. The pistol was pretty small and I couldn't think of what model it was, mostly because I wasn't a gun enthusist. Other people had bigger guns, some of which I knew the names of like AK47's and the like, and I'm pretty sure I saw one girl holding an Uzi.


"The targets will fly around and whoever hits at least 30 will get an A, 20 for a B, 10 for a C, and anything lower will be a D alright?" said Mr. Osborne

Everyone said yes and the targets began to fly around.


Suddenly the sounds of shooting erupted from the class, as the targets would dash around only occationally staying still, I was holding my arm straight and shooting slowly, having to reload after a couple of shots. Once I figured I got a bit over 10 I began to look around the class a bit more. it seemed that some people weren't listening to the teacher at all as they were just shooting a spray at the targets only hitting a few if they were lucky. I did see though, one other girl who was shooting calmly and after following her shots I saw she hit every single one she shot at, and I was amazed with her accuracy.

Soon the sound of gunfire stopped and Mr. Osborne told us our scores.

"So it seemed that 4 of you got A's, 20 of you got B's, 26 of you got C's, and only a handful of you got less then D's."

"Let's give it up to Angela who got 57 correct shots!"

Everyone started to clap for the blond girl who got 57, she was the one I was looking at earlier...Angela huh. After that Mr. Osborne lechured us on why accuracy was better then quantity of bullets for the remainder of class, I stared out the window barely paying attention. the bell ringed and it was time to go to my next class as I started walking according to ARI's instructions I watch as Angela walked past me, going for the restroom, I didn't follow her, as I made my way to my sewing class.

I walked into the sewing class and took a seat near the door. An older woman walked in and shouted

"Welcome you lot! Today we are going to be working on fixing broken melee soseta's! So all of you grab some thread and get ready to grab one!"

She handed out a pair of soseta's to each person and i recived a pair with a tear through them, right along an edge with a sword design on it. ARI called this one Short Sword, and to repare it I needed grey thread and an advanced soseta needle. Getting both of tnose I notice the Needle has a bunch of circuits imbeded down the needle. Getting baqck to my work space, I begin to sew it back up. When I am nearly done I stop for a minute and, grab some gold thread and make a litthle swirl at the tip of the sword before I finish the sew. Once the needle leaves the Soseta I watch as the description changes.

Short Sword:

A basic blade that enables user to use 2nd level Piercing Stab attack.

Before It was the 1st level Quick Stab, but after I added the spiral it turned into 2nd level Piercing Stab. Thinking It was a unintentional upgrade I turn it in to the right bucket and move on to PSE class.


Jack was getting his soseta back from the school's practice sewing club. It had been damaged after a battle and he couldn't afford to get it fixed by a professional Craftsman so he instead decided to turn it into the school. He was so nervous that it wouldn't be fixed as the class only had to bring back successfully fixed soseta's. There was a chance that his was not fixed properly and would be refurbished to yarn, but that was the price to pay as he couldn't afford to get it professionally done.

"Jack Elwin!" Someone shouted, and Jack's heart skipped a beat. It was fixed, that was the only explaination for his name being called up. He walked up and recived his soseta. To his amazement it was a bit different, there was a bit of red thread making a little spiral at the tip of his soseta, when he checked the system he was shocked, someone had changed his first level soseta to a second level one! who was that spectacular in the sewing class? He had to find out.

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