《An Empire Divided》27 For the moment
Frey was riding inside the carriage with Siv in front of her. The northern woman had wanted to ride on horse, as part of Frey’s escort, but Frey wished to talk with her, privately.
Frey let out a long sigh, Siv had accepted, after she had insisted on her riding inside, but they had seldom said anything afterwards. Frey was tired, she had barely been able to sleep, until the magic board Aedrik had given her, lit up almost at dawn. He had arrived in tome to help defend Kozâ, he told her a vague description of the events, and said he was unharmed. She knew it was truth because of the ring on her hand, she had never stopped touching it, his heartbeat comforted her.
The defense had been a success few casualties and injured, all things considered. She felt he had hesitated on how he wrote about that… She did not insist on it, she hope she would have a chance to have him tell her about it, next time he saw him. He was going to meet up with the rest of the imperial eastern army in the afternoon. He wanted to keep writing with her, but she told him to have some rest, she could picture him smiling at her words, for the moment that was all she could do for him.
After she had received the message from Aedrik, she had gone to talk with Siv. Siv had taken a room within the estate, the norther woman wanted a space in the barracks but in the end, she agreed with her, and she hoped their relationship would not continue like that. Once Siv had settled in, they said their good nights, and that was it. Frey did not know what else to say to the northern woman at that time.
When Frey had gone to tell Siv the defense of Kozâ had been a success, she found Siv still awake, she had been waiting like her, the northern woman was not nervous, but she looked relieved once Frey told her about how things had gone. Siv told her to have some rest, she reminded Frey she was still supposed to assist the trade negotiations that would resume in a few hours, and hopefully would only take a few more days to complete.
Frey was surprised she had forgotten about the trade negotiations, how curious, she hold the ring on her hand with care, she felt her ring being called as well and smiled. Siv let her know Aedrik hoped Frey would resume the trade negotiations as she had, and do as she considered necessary, she had officially his call as a prince and representative of the Fey Danan delegation. Frey felt weird, whatever she did would be receive with raised eyebrows by Feydans or Loirians, she truly hoped some people would understand and see that she was trying to get the best outcome for both countries… Aedrik understood it, that was enough.
Siv told her, she was expected to assist a previous meeting with lord Finean and the delegation, as they had done before, to revise their agenda, and consider what else they could present on negotiations table. Which led to the current situation, as they were heading to Meury’s castle, and both were silent along the trip.
"I am sorry, lady Frey, there is little counsel I can give you for the trade negotiations" Siv said surprising Frey, for what little she had seen the northern woman was straightforward as Aedrik.
"Call me Frey, I noticed you call Aedrik by his name as well" Siv smiled at Frey’s words.
"I call him by his name, because I was Meister, his teacher, but if you like me to call you by your name, I will do so but only when we are not in public, Frey” Frey liked Siv no nonsense approach “Again, I am sorry, I had the opportunity to assist and take some additional lessons when Aedrik was still in training but I never cared much for trading” the norther woman opened her palms apologizing.
"Wait, you were his meister but you also took lessons with him?" Frey asked curious
"I was told you were already told about, Aedrik and mine encounter with an orc raiding party in the Boreal Glades, yes?” Frey went pale and nodded "Afterwards the Empress sent many tutors and teachers to instruct Aedrik while he recovered. The Empress and Emperor took the opportunity and accelerated his education. Most of them did not stay long though” Siv smiled.
“Was he such a bad student?” Frey wondered
“It was a mix of things, Aedrik is lazy when he does not have an interest in something, still he tried to learn as much as he could but most of them could not stand staying at the Boreal Glades long, you see, after what had happened, Aedrik acted. The North Star march, as us northerners called it, or the Boreal Glades campaign, if you like the imperial name, started once Aedrik had recovered from the orc raid. It marked the change of the north, he changed us” Siv said proudly.
“Word had spread of what had happened, Aedrik worked to repair the village that had been raided and from there, he rallied the north. Many warriors and norkriegers marched north, to meet him. What would the imperial prince do? How would the empire answer? Aedrik began moving along the most remote village and settlements at the Boreal Glades, helping them, creating tides between them, bringing them together, all the while fighting the orcs”
“You are telling me he was taking lessons, while he fought orcs?” Frey could understand why so many teachers and tutors did not last long at the Boreal Glades.
"He did, and as I told you, as he travelled along the Boreal Glades, the best of us came for him, most came to teach him, others, to challenge him. He learned from both, but Aedrik had reached a different level” Siv sighed
“He still trained with me, every day, but there was nothing else I could teach him, I talked with the Empress and told her I believed he could benefit from learning different styles, and she sent everything the Empire had, and even some outside the Empire. Aedrik had become the best of us” Frey could hear how proud Siv was of him “I saw him helping our people, gathering our warriors and norkriegers, defending the border, helping the villages and settlements grow. He was always at the front, orcs started avoiding him, only the bravest or stupidest dare fight against him. He was Nord Stern, our pride and hope, the orcs threw their fangs and claws, he broke them” the norther woman smiled
“Did he attack the orcs?” Frey wondered, there was no question why he was called orcbane, but she was sure he hated the name.
“Many believe he would, some had stayed just for that, even I relished the though of vengeance, he had gathered enough men and women to pursue the orcs, but he never did it. He had stopped the imperial army from marching north because he wanted to avoid bloodshed. He had heard about some orc tribes and villages who had reached agreements and even helped each other from time to time, it took me some time to understand how much he had changed, how incredible he had become, that is why I decided to learn different things, he needed help, even though I had nothing else to teach him as a norkrieger, I would help him, so I asked the Empress to help me train as well”
"What did you wanted to train in?”
"Healing and assassination" Siv answered with a wicked smile on her face, surprising Frey “I am a norkrieger meister Frey, I regard honor as a main virtue but I had witnessed Aedrik grow, I had the privilege of seeing him become the best of us, our North Star, he had made us part of the Empire, and he was needed, I wanted to help him, I shared his perspective and well, I changed as well…”
Frey had always heard and read about how proud the northern men were, even compared to Loire’s Knights, but norkriegers were special cases. There honor came from their direct actions as they served no lord, much more aligned with the idea of chivalry, for many it was the main thing for them. Keeping their honor and upholding it, that Siv had decided to learn how to become an assassin…
"What did Aedrik, said about it?" Siv had forgone her honor as a norkrieger to help Aedrik.
"He never told me anything about it, but my peers were not happy, many started calling me a disgrace, I had been mocked before for deciding to learn Aedrik, but once he had become the best of us, many had come to apologize, but when they heard what I was doing, many confronted me”
“I am Aedrik meister, my actions reflected on him as much as his did on me, they believed I was dishonoring him” Frey was upset, how stubborn and short minded could they be, Siv saw the change on her face and smiled “Since I would not stop, many went to talk with Aedrik, but he just laughed, ‘honor, it’s measured by your actions not by words, or by being a good at fighting, hunting or killing, but by one’s will. Many norkriegers misunderstood honor, thinking honor in itself was important, but that was just stupid. A father or mother protecting their children knew honor, a brother, neighbor or friend helping each other understood honor better, why would it be an insult? Why would he be ashamed? He laughed at the insults, until I did as well” Siv said smiling.
"Would you rather had gone with him?" Frey asked in a low voice, she did not wanted to offend or make Siv worry, like she was.
"No, and yes" Siv laughed and Frey frowned "Of course I would like to fight beside him Frey, I would gladly stop any axe meant for him, and if I am not there, perhaps I would not have the chance" Frey went a bit pale at Siv's words "but for all the things he is, he is a simple man as well Frey, there is nothing more important for him than you, being here is the best I could do for him, of that much I am sure, that is why I wanted to become your keeper" Frey grabbed the ring on her left hand instinctively at Siv’s words "I know what the change in his eyes mean Frey, the Empress told me about them, and I have seen him looking at you, I am doing more for him, by staying by your side" Frey did not how to respond to what Siv had just told her.
"Does he know, the Empress told you?" that was all Frey could say
"No, but he also told me about them” Frey took another look at Siv, she was important to Aedrik, she had not only taught him, but she had also partially raised him.
“I have a message the Empress left, for whomever would be his kismet” Frey eyes went wide open “Would you like to hear it?” their eyes met briefly, Frey nodded.
Siv had a silken dark grey bag of her belt, she took a small engraved wooden box from it, and offered it with the utmost care to Frey “You just have to open it”
Frey looked at the small box, and felt compelled to open it, what message would she have left for her children companion, one who was kismet, Frey was not sure, but there was only one way to find out what the Empress wanted her to hear. She gently opened the small engraved wooden box, as it opened it revealed a magic seal that lit up and a gentle voice came from within.
"To whomever holds the heart of my son, I’ll ask your forgiveness. I have told my son, not to view his condition as a curse but as a blessing, I am confident in that, but the fey have always called being kismet a curse, and it may be. I speak as a mother, and like someone who shared the same circumstance. There is no greatest fear for someone with a kismet than not being able to know if our fated one feels in their heart the same thing we had in ours, I apologize if he ever imposes or questions you about it, he was taught better. I would never ask about to return his affection, but only to be honest with him, that I ask as someone who loves him deeply. If you hear this message, it means I am gone, and lovely lady Siv has reached you, this is I ask of you, regard Siv as my son’s mother as well. She had done nothing a mother would not do for her son and more, she is as his mother as much as I was. May the ancient mother forever keep you safe, and may your smile never fade. I wish nothing but happiness, may we meet in the feywilds”
As the voice from the box vanished, the box withered in Frey's hand, the wood grayed and cracked, turning to dust on her hand. She turned to look at Siv, tears were falling from the norkrieger’s cheeks, still she held herself stoic as they ran down her face. Frey could not imagine how was Siv and the Empress relationship, Frey had no doubt the norther woman cared deeply for Aedrik, but now she had a word for it, she regarded the woman in front of her in a different manner.
"Family is not always something we have a saying into, but for the rare occasion when life gives us a chance, I am honored of you being my keeper, Siv Svenson” Frey told Siv, whose tears had not stopped, but she looked straight at Frey and smiled.
"Aedrik, chose well" Siv bowed, and stayed like that, until her tears had stopped, or so Frey thought. Neither of them said anything else, Frey kept looking outside the window until the castle gates appeared.
The carriage stopped close to the east wing. Siv opened the carriage door and stepped down, carefully looking at their surroundings. Frey never paid much attention to their escorts, but she did with Siv, the northern woman stood next to the carriage, waiting. They were escorted by four men-at-arms from house Lunebleau, two would remain with the carriage, and the other two would accompany them.
She had seldom needed that many guards, but her father and Siv insisted she needed them, she had been wanting to argue but after it was clear there was something going on, she had abandoned the idea. Siv was dressed in attire much like Aedrik’s, her trousers were adjusted to her figure, and her tunic was strapped by her belt letting her figure show, the tunic however was something she had probably bought on the market in Meury, she would blend in perfectly, Siv only carried a very long dagger on her belt, and a bag of holding, which Frey was certain carried a much sinister array of weaponry.
They went directly for the east wing, where the Fey Danan delegation was residing, Frey was supposed to meet lord Finean, as soon as they entered the east wing, two more northern guards joined her escort, Frey sighed. Siv truly walked is she was her companion, but the rest could not help but made her feel anxious.
“Isn’t this a bit too much, Siv?”
“Not really, we are not certain of anything, and I rather be safe than sorry” Frey saw how casual Siv moved, but her eyes moved fast. They were at the heart of the east wing, most of the Fey Danan delegation was here, but still the northern woman was cautious, in the end she just nodded.
They were heading straight for the quarters that had been given to Aedrik, he had instructed Siv, Frey would used them whenever she came to work with the delegation. Their escort stood at attention at the door, the men of house Lunebleau quickly took over the door positions, grinning at Frey ‘Don’t worry my lady, we have this covered’ that was the look one of them gave her, she gave another long sighed, and went in with Siv, who quickly took a chair conveniently placed near the door.
Frey went to sit at the desk, the last time she had visited, there were several of Aedrik’s belongings here and there, he had packed them quickly before he had been ported. She sat to look at the map at the desk and began adjusting the pieces to match what he had told her.
“I am sorry for my delay, lady Frey, we’ve just received news of what had happened in Kozâ” lord Finean said, as he gave Frey a formal bow, it did not go unnoticed he did as well for Siv by the door “Good morning to both of you, my ladies”
"What news did you received from Kozâ?”
"The imperial army has the obligation of doing elaborate report for any martial event, they are very concise and thorough. The report noted a low number of casualties and injured, especially considering the numbers on both sides, and that the defense was done by mostly new recruits. The 14th auxiliary battalion responsible for the defense is going to remain and secure the supply line, for the easter army. The commanding officer, prince Aedrik is expected to link with the army by the afternoon” lord Finean explained.
Frey had heard about the result, but Aedrik had not told her about their numbers, or that the defense force was made up of recruits, from the smile on lord Finean, it was truly a marvelous result.
"Prince Aedrik, does not like losing the lives of soldiers if it could be avoided, I am guessing, there were no survivors from the orc raid?" Siv asked politely.
"I understand the sentiment, but clearly one must be prepared to lose soldiers in any conflict that is just the way things are” lord Finean was surprised by Siv’s comment “but you are right lady Siv, the entire orc raid was annihilated, how did you know?” Frey felt a knot on her stomach.
"Prince Aedrik has a lot of experience in dealing with orcs, knowing the forces at his disposal, and the difference in numbers, the orcs would surely opt for an all-out charge they were probably frenzied, there was little options he had to deter them from attacking, the best course of action was an aggressive defense” lord Finean nodded, Frey turned to Siv who understood her confusion,
"Orc shamans have a way to induce orcs into a frenzy state, that makes them mad with blood lust, they were expecting to sweep over the defenders, in that state orcs charge with no hesitation on a line of spears, it is not something easy to stand against it, and it usually manages to spread fear, breaking the defensive line, and with it any chance of success” Frey felt sick with the description.
"Indeed it is, I have never seen it happening, only the aftermath, it is a nasty thing, all the more praise for the defenders and the Prince, the entire delegation while rejoice by the news, they are being spread about right now” lord Finean interrupted Frey’s menta image “Leaving the report of victory to the side, I was hoping we could review some things before we go to the trade negotiations. The delegation made the most of yesterday and worked around your ideas and Loire’s concerns and I think we had some very decent options to present today, but I would like your opinion, lady Frey” lord Finean was carrying several pieces of parchment on one arm.
Frey felt his request was genuine, she touched her ring and focused as she felt a heartbeat. She nodded and the lord placed everything on the desk. She would do whatever she could to help both nations, she would help Aedrik, and her family, for the moment this is what she could do.
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