《An Empire Divided》25 Valor
FORWARD, ADVANCE ON ME" master Gunther roar could be heard, among the orcs screams and the drums filling the air. The formation moved forwards, the drums rhythm growing, as the soldiers passed by them. Jaksa nervousness was lost behind each beating of the drums, he held his lance close, at the ready. They moved a few paces behind the prince, he still stood at the front unmoving.
The orcs were filling every space they had left at the central square, they paid little attention to the palisades at the sides, they were focused on the lone figure at the front. Master Gunther was just a step behind the prince, roaring orders adjusting the formation. Jaksa could not take his eyes for the prince.
Jaksa grip on his spear was tight, he wanted to place it properly, but master Gunther command had not come yet, and the orcs were getting closer, their howls louder, but so did the drums, like water dousing fire, they struck on every man, preparing them.
One of the orcs broke in a sprint towards the prince, he was carrying a massive mace, a murderous gaze on his eyes, his fangs exposed as he ran, his eyes set on his prey. The prince in a quick movement, picked the long spear and tossed as if it was a javelin.
The long spear was thrown faster than what Jaksa could thought possible, the orc could not react in time. The spear went through the orc chest and carried on lodging itself on the belly of an orc behind its original target, pinning the second down to the ground. The first orc fell over with is momentum after the spear had passed through him, another orc behind tripped over him.
"RELEASE ARROWS" as master Gunther order roared, a rain of arrows fell on the charging orcs. Many of the orcs charging were felled by the incoming projectiles, the bodies began interrupting the charge, but still the orcs momentum carried on. They first orcs were almost on the line of defense, Jaksa saw the prince unsheathing his massive sword, waiting for the first orcs, Jaksa wanted to see what would happen, but the orcs would soon fall on them as well.
"SPEARS READY" master Gunther voice had every soldier raising their spears to receive the incoming orcs "HOLD YOU GROUND, MEN OF THE EMPIRE".
Jaksa and his cousin were part of the second line, their spears however were already prepared, covering their front companions over their shields. 'Valor, that is all you need to stop a charging orc' that is what master Gunther had told them. 'If you falter, you will die, your companion will die, your families will die, valor, hold your spears with it, and they will not fail you'.
Like a hammer striking an anvil, the orc charge met the spears of the men of the empire. The massive orcs swung their weapons trying broke the spear, some did, but for every spear, there was another behind it, and as the orc’s momentum pushed them forwards, the front line, did not move. The drums rang, the second and third row, pulled and thrusted again. Jaksa, pulled hard as his spear was inside and orc thigh, and pierced him once more with it.
"PUSH THEM BACK, PUSH WITH VALOR" master Gunther voice rang from somewhere, Jaksa did not know where the northern man was, the orcs kept charging the line of shields, but they all did as ordered. The initial charge was over, the orcs were trying as they could to break their line. The man in front of his cousin was hit by mace o his shoulder, it broke his bones and the man fell over to the orcs, his cousin Velin, moved to take over his place, ‘There must never be a hole in the line, fill the spaces men, fill them knowing what it means’.
Jaksa’s cousin Velin pierced the orc on the stomach, still the orc tried to bring it’s mace again, when another spear got him through the shoulder, the man behind his cousin took his place. The man in front of his cousin, was hit by an orc mace on the shoulder, and he fell, but as he did, his cousin Velin, advanced forward to take his place, 'There must be no hole on the line, fill the spaces man, filled them knowing what it means', his cousin pierced the orc on the belly with his spear, but the orc could still move, he was about to bring his mace on Velin, when another spear pierced the orc shoulder, the man behind Velin had taken his place on the second row.
Jaksa thrusted his spear into another orc, it went between his ribs. There was not rest on the front line, the orcs kept coming, but they held and pushed, Jaksa had stepped over a few corpses, the third row was impaling the fallen orcs, they were though, and would not stop until they were done with.
The drums were beating faster, harder, stronger, Jaksa knew he was breathing fast, his hands were numb, but thrusted, pulled and pushed. As the line advanced, he saw glimpses of master Gunther, he moved along the line, roaring orders, and downing orcs, he carried a two-handed axe, he kept moving, finishing orcs, along the front line, he was trying to relief those that were struggling “VALOR, MEN OF THE EMPIRE, PUSH THEM BACK”
Jaksa long spear broke as a massive orc, hit it with his metal shield from the side, but before the orc could push, another spear found its way to the orc’s armpit. ‘Fight together, you are never alone, let them come, a thousand spears await them’, master Gunther words kept coming back, edged on Jaksa’s memory, he tossed what was left of the long spear, and went closer to the man in front and his short spear at the ready.
Some of the men of the empire had fallen, but each of them had taken more than an orc with them. They were somehow making up for the lack of numbers, the drums always urging them forwards. His muscles should have been failing, but his companions needed him, his spear punishing the orcs. To his side, his cousin had only his short spear, his shield had been broken, and the man behind him, had passed him, to cover the line.
The orcs were getting more desperate, they tried to break the shields even though they were pierced by several spears, a nasty pair jumped on them. One had a flail, he was breaking their spears and moved away before they could get him, his companion what not as fast.
The orc with the flail came again, dodging some spears, his full swing broke a couple of shields, but before he could get away, Velin had jumped on him with his short spear, faster than the longer ones. Velin managed to get the orc on the leg, before he could get a way. Another orc tried to crush Velin and help his companion, but someone else broke front the line, got the second orc, Jaksa’s own spear passed through the second orc’s throat.
The orc with the flail, could not swing his flail, to get Velin, they were too close, the orc started hitting Velin with his left hand, but his cousin did not let go of his spear, another punch would probably be enough to end Velin, but before it could hit him, the arm was severed by an axe.
“FLANK THEM, CLOSE THE PALISADES, NOT ONE OF THEM GETS AWAY, RALLY TOWARDS NORD STERN” master Gunther roared as he moved away from the orc he had just cut his arm off, who was now being run through a pair of spears. The front line roared, the drums rhythm increasing pushing them. The orcs had no line, they were spread out, the few who were left. Jaksa and his companions broke the line, moving in groups, he had not noticed they had almost reached the end of the square, he could every orc still left.
The orcs could not overwhelm them, but there was no way back for them. They howled and roared, like wild animals making their last stand, but the men of the empire, took their time, no one went alone, they surrounded them, and placed the pointy end of their spears on their enemies. Jaksa saw a line of corpses and bodies spread around the prince path, he was at the end of the square, he had advanced on the orcs, the soldiers forming behind him, not letting the last orcs surround him.
The prince sword was a massive piece of metal, as it fell it broke through, metal, skin, bones, and blood. Each swing was fueled by strength and fury, it broke to orcs shields and whatever it met. The prince was fast, but he moved in swift careful steps, he would push or toss the orcs, before they could pass his range, and the soldiers near him make short work of them. There were four north man that seemed to be used to it, they were the only ones who could follow the prince rhythm, none of them bothered by the incoming orcs, they were there to finish what the prince left, and to cover his flanks, the rest of the soldier quickly started following suit.
Orcs were stronger than man, they were bigger, more driven, and specially more resilient. Master Gunther had told them, they would stop them, for that, they would move together, unity and unfaltering valor, those were the things they would use, but not the prince. He was an unbridled force, unrelenting, he could not be stopped, he understood know understood the grin master Gunther had, when he had been informed the prince was coming. Orkfend, Nord Stern, a paragon of the empire, one of the four marshals of the empire, the commanding officer of the eastern army, an avatar of retribution. The prince was an avatar of retribution, the orcs were impotent at his might, and the drums. They never stopped, encouraging them.
Dawn had yet to arrive when the battle had ended. Kozâ’s central squared was littered with orc bodies, there had been no prisoners this night. The battle ended when the last orc was impaled by the flanking soldiers from the palisades. There was no ceremonious event, the prince simply lifted his sword were everyone could see him. Cheers, and shouts filled yhe air, the drums still ringing, a small chant of “Nord Stern” was spreading out, but the prince raised his sword once more to ask for silence, and the men of the empire obeyed.
“VALOR” the prince shouted
The men of the empire carried that shout for several minutes “VALOR… VALOR… VALOR”, Jaksa’s throat hurt but he did not care, they had defended Kozâ, they had earned it, they were men of the empire.
As the roars died out, master Gunther and the rest of the officials’ orders were spread out. They would end the suffering of any wounded orc, they had fought to the last of them, there would be no mercy for them, but respect was deserved, a swift end.
The injured were to be moved to a side where a space was being prepared for their wounded to be treated. The battalion quartermaster brought the healing potion supplies and were being used as needed. They were not the highest grade, but were effective, many of the wounded, would live because of them. Jaksa’s cousin Velin was being treated with a potion, he had been impaled by a javelin, a lucky wound, no nerve or bone had been damaged, the potion was more than enough to close the wound, some treatment and he was as good as new.
Jaksa had several bruises, and cuts, but nothing than deserved a potion, after the gravely wounded had been treated, the rest of the potions would be distributed among those that could use one. Jaksa was very surprised to see there were even some men unharmed, they had been placed at the rear, and there were few injured and casualties considering their numbers.
After he had been quickly inspected, he was sent with some men to start collecting weapons and armor, from the bodies. Other were piling the orcs, they would be disposed properly. He saw some of the northern men who had fought besides the prince, looking for something. One of them was missing his hand, his companions were helping him look for it. Jaksa had heard about higher grade potions that could reattach a limb in administered quickly, but he had never seen one. Someone found the hand, and he was taken to the tent were the more severe injured were being treated.
As he kept working, he saw the prince was moving along, he was checking on the wounded, talking with them, and from their faces, he was joking with them. There was a young man who had already been given balaur leaves, his guts missing, a potion would not help. The leaves had eased his screaming, but he was in pain, the prince, talked with him until the young man died, closed his eyes, and continued checking on the rest of the wounded.
It was dawn already when Jaksa and his companions had finished sorting through the battlefield. They had made a pile for weapons, another for armor, and one more for scraps of iron. There was another group of recruits who were sorting the contents on the bags the orcs were carrying. Everyone was tired and the initial adrenaline had left them, when the drums had finally stopped, Jaksa felt as if his body had been silenced, and began shouting at him, everything hurt, but master Gunther orders, did not allowed them to rest yet, there was still work to do, and in a way, that was good, Jaksa could not been able to assimilate what had just happened, had he not been occupied, working.
As soon as his group was done, most of the men, were being asked to regroup and sit near what would be their camp for tonight. Jaksa noticed his cousin, was already, among those resting, he signaled him, and he took a seat to his side.
"How are you holding up?" Jaksa asked his cousin as soon as he sat next to him.
"The potion has cured everything, it still hurts as hell, but I can't complain" Velin said frowning, Jaksa nodded. The healers were still working with the wounded "What do you think is going to happen?" that was the right question. They were soldiers, they had held and defended Kozâ, but this was a small raiding group, a larger group was marching north. Master Gunther told them, the army gathered at Svet Cilar, was to set north this day to meet the orcs.
"I think, we earned some rest, and a hot meal at least" Jaksa told his cousin, and he wished it was true, perhaps they would reinforce the army. The idea had terrified him, last night, it still did, but he knew he could do something about it.
"Do you think, we are going to be send with the army marching from Svet Cilar?" his cousin asked as if he had read his thoughts, but before Jaksa could answer, master Gunther was standing in front of the resting soldiers, and next to him was prince Aedrik.
"14TH AUXILIARY BATTALION OF THE IMPERIAL EASTERN ARMY, ATTENTION” Master Gunther had every soldier resting standing where they were Everyone went quiet with that, Jaksa and Velin had a clear view to the prince.
"I salute you, men of the empire, defenders of Kozâ" the prince voice, was loud enough for everyone to hear it, but he was not shouting. Jaksa saw his cousin and several other men straighten up as the prince spoke "Today, you proved yourselves, men of the Empire. You showed extraordinary courage, against and enemy, which have been harming us for a too long. You stood up, you made a stand, and the enemy broke in your spears” shouts and cheers followed.
"The orcs are moving north; the eastern army will move to meet them. Our scouts are still watching the warring hills, the eyes of the empire are set, we do not expect another attack along the eastern border but still, I have assigned the 14th auxiliary battalion to be in charge of the defense from Kozâ and receive new recruits” Jaksa felt an enormous relief, every men was smiling at the prince words “You will continue training, prepare to provide aid along the border if needed”
“What you did today, will forever be engraved in your hearts. You stood, with blood and sweat, you earned your place among the men of the empire, never forget your companions who made the ultimate sacrifice, you carry their wills. From today on, the 14th auxiliary battalion will be known as Valor Battalion. Let the enemies of the empire know that your weapons are not held by strength alone, but by something stronger, nobler, it is the love your family, friends, countrymen and land that brought you here, and there is a word for it”
Jaksa had felt tired, but he was screaming as hard as he could, his cousin Velin, had forgotten about his injury and was shouting as well
Pan was ridding next to the easter army officials. He had been teleported to Svet Cilar and worked with the command to prepare to depart at dawn break. They had received confirmation of the combat at Kozâ, a few hours ago, Aedrik had been confirmed to arrive before the battle began. They were all waiting for the battle results.
"Message incoming" an older mage near Pan, said, he was in contact with the mage in Kozâ, every one of the officials stopped to hear the report "The 14th Auxiliary Battalion of the eastern army, now designated Valor Battalion, confirms the annihilation of the enemy forces that assaulted Kozâ” Pan let out a long sigh, many of the officials cheered and applauded “Valor Battalion, reports over a hundred casualties, and almost two hundred injured. The marshal and commanding officer, imperial prince Aedrik, ordered Valor Battalion to garrison in Kozâ and standby as a response for the eastern border. The new recruits will move for training with them and they will see that a supply line is guarded as the easter army advances”
Pan saw many of the officials were surprised by the report. The number of orcs were considered over 800, the 14th only had 1,200 soldiers, it was not the recommended number to engage against orcs. Especially considering, the 14th was made mostly of new recruits.
“The prince will wait for the easter army first stop, to teleport and take over command. That is the end of the report” the old mage said, and the officials started moving again,
“Mage commander, ready a teleportation spot as soon as we stop”
“Certainly, General Bretik”
“Notify the rest of the officials, the men could use the good news”
“I will see to it, advisor Pan” the man assigned to him as his aide, went to pass the results of the message to the rest of the officials. By the time they set camp, everyone would have known the result of the defense of Kozâ.
Pan was ridding at the head of the army. The original general of the eastern army had been removed, after their original inspection before heading to Loire with the delegation. The man had neglected the border and focused on taking over the knights who lost their masters or purposes after the empire took over Faerun. Aedrik had stripped him of his rank, and send him home, no more fuss about it.
Aedrik had promoted the commander, in charge of Svet Cilar, to general, Rytas Bretik. He was no knight, but had work its way up, until he became the commander of the border fortress, and for what little Pan had seen, he was capable. Still, since easter army was going to be reorganized, Aedrik had brough the 4th company from the north, to reinforce and train the easter army. In the end, he placed general Svein in charge of the easter army as well as Bretik.
Pan had doubts about it, but they seemed to have worked out how to work together, or at least spread out the work, they consulted with each other, Bretik recognized Svein experience with the boreal orcs, and the later respected the older experience. Pan just hoped that was enough, otherwise, Aedrik would reprimand them, as a commander he suffered no nonsense from any of his officers or troops.
“High advisor Pan, we are preparing our report for the prince, would you care to review it?” General Bretik, came to ask him.
“Certainly, General”
He always felt out of place whenever someone referred to him by his title, his mother and aunt had been skeptical of him having authority, but his uncle had always liked him, he trusted him. When his mother told him we would receive an imperial title, he expected it would be mage related, but the emperor had appointed him High Advisor, he could go everywhere and demand information, his opinion needed to be heard. Pan sighed loudly, he hated how creative his uncle was.
Time to work, Aedrik could be easy going, carefree even, but never on the field. He had a natural talent for war, they both hated it, but he was good at it. He learned fast, and adapted, the boreal orcs had learned to fear him, much to his cousin displeasure. He just hoped the warring hill orcs, learned faster than their northern relatives. The orcs were not an together, and were not organized. Their first encounters would be decisive, if they were smart, they would accept Aedrik’s offer, Pan hoped they would, he truly did.
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